A Beginning For The End

Waking up to the blare of my alarm clock, slapping it off and reaching across the bed. Without even realizing this had become routine. I would seek out his waist and pull him against me, burying my face into the crook of his neck wanting to sleep some more. But then he would start chuckling and playfully complaining that my morning stubble tickled, and sleep would no longer be possible with the sweet sound of his voice in my ears.

I was never one who saw himself settling down with one person. Sure I had long term relationships but those lasted no longer than a couple of months before I became uncomfortable and moved on to someone new. If I could go back to our first meeting and stop it from happening, I probably would .Not because I wasn't happy, because I was. Happier than I have ever been. And not because he was unsatisfied, because he wasn't. He always told me how happy and loved he felt, and I loved him. I love him.

I would stop our meeting because it would have been better id we had never fallen in love. His family would be happier, he would have a normal life, and I would have continued living like I had planned, but it was too late.

It was just another night at my favorite club, Pandemonium. The music was blasting and I was grinding with a golden tanned beach-god that had one drink too many and was ready for anything I was about to suggest, but something caught my eye. It was by the bar, or should i say he was. He looked so out of place with his over-sized sweater and jeans. He was so plain and ordinary looking from a distance that I had to know why he was here, at a club all alone.

I pushed away from beach-boy and made my way towards the bar. As I got closer I realized he was tall, not nearly as tall as me, but I definitely wouldn't be leaning down to talk to him. His hair was jet black and his pale skin turned colors under the flashing neon lights. I couldn't see his face under the shadows his hair cased across it. He was staring down at the drink he was holding, it looked like a sunset.

I neared, about to speak, but just then he raised his head and looked right at me. I was struck silent by the sharp and beautiful blue eyes that stared at me. As I was lost in his gaze I vaguely heard my inner voice say, "Black hair and blue eyes, your favorite combination." It was right. he was my ideal type, but I tried to stay away from them as their looks made it harder to breakup with them later on. I should have done that, turned around and forgot about him, but he was just too cute. Pale, young face, big blue eyes, and parted lips that looked soft and inviting.

"Sorry, are you looking for someone?" He suddenly asked breaking the trance. His voice was deep and sweet.

I ran a hand through my hair as I regained my sense. I chuckled as i stepped closer to him. "You looked lost. I came to help you." I said with a tilt of my head. Both guys ad girls loved it when I gave them this look. They crumbled helplessly to me. I loved it.

His face flushed as he looked back down at his drink flustered. It was so cute. "I'm not lost. I'm just not use to these places." He replied running his pointer finger around the rim of his glass. His fingers were long and slim and delicate looking like the rest of him.

"Then what brings you here?" I asked placing my hands on my leather pant clad hips.

"Well," He paused and I caught his blue eyes peeking up at me. I smirked at him and even his ears turned red this time. "I was trying to find a date." His voice was quiet, I had to struggle to her it over the blasting music and cries of the clubbers.

I stepped closer placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinched startled and I laughed. "I'm open for a date." I said lowering my mouth to his ear. When I pulled away his face had lit up like fireworks on the forth of July. I bit my lip trying not to laugh at just how cute he was, and he was at least twenty-one.

"Then how about Friday?" He offered using one of his hands to reach into his jeans' pockets. "We can decide on a place to eat. What's your number?"

I played along and gave him my number, and he gave me his.

"What's your name?" He asked typing away. "I'm Alec."

I leaned over him using one hand to tilt his head up, and I kissed him. He gasped a little and it made me chuckle. As I pulled away I replied, "Magnus Bane."

He was speechless after that. With a quick peck on his cheek I bid him a farewell as I left Pandemonium for another club. The sweet tang of his drink and lips dances across my mouth, and I should have taken it as a warning, but it was too delicious. I needed more of Alec.

Rolling over in bed after shutting the alarm off I looked for Alec to hold against me, but the blankets next to me were cool and unused. My brain took a moment before it realized he wasn't there. My hand clenched the empty sheets with a numbing force until I released a bone shaking sign. Turning my face into my pillow I tried to control myself, but the thought still came. Painful and unwanted as it bounced around inside my head.

That's right. He left.

There's the beginning. Yeah short, but they'll get longer. You guys asked for more Malec so here it is. Don't hate me by the end, okay?

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