"Stop fidgeting!" Manny hissed at Emma.

Emma groaned and Liberty asked, "Shouldn't you be the worried one, Manuela?"

"Why?" Manny asked, shrugging and checking herself once more in the mirror before fixing her hair.

"You have a boyfriend.."

They were behind Degrassi's gym stage; there was a huge audience out there behind the curtain. Degrassi was doing an auction charity event before the summer and the cheerleaders were putting themselves up for that auction, to help a certain someone for a week, preferably old people but since Heather Sinclaire went up, boys have been howling like crazy and the gym was getting more crowded.

I guess you saw the part I said cheerleaders, yup, Manny had forced Emma into the cheer squad. It was only for this event of course and their last competition. Since there was only one more month of school… whatever, Emma didn't mind she did like to dance and this was helping charity, that's why she agreed.

"Emma!" Manny shrieked, pointing madly at Liberty

Emma took a deep breath, "To catch you up on old news." she told Liberty, rolling her eyes to Manny, "Manny and Jay are in yet again in another fight."

"We are broken up this time!" Manny correction.

"Why so?" Liberty asked with a smirk to Emma.

Emma swore Manny and Jay Hogart fought even more than he and her ever did and they were famous for bickering, yet... Manny and Jay's kind of fighting didn't look as fun as the way Emma and Jay bugged another.

"He's the same ol' Hogart everyone warned me he was." Manny snapped, mostly to herself.

From behind them and holding a chart, Jay's other ex Alex came on over to them and nodded at Emma, "Nature freak, you're up soon."

Emma rolled her eyes and Manny also ignored her completely and went on, "I swear it's her he's not over or something." she insisted, nodding where Alex left.

"I'm sure that girl is pretty easy to get over compared to you, Manny." Liberty assured.

Emma nodded in agreement. Manny shook her head, "Nope, he even said it, he said he was sorry but there was someone he couldn't get off his mind the whole time we were dating!"

Emma eyed Manny wierdly, and shared a look with Manny. Who could Jay possibly be referring to?

"Whatever, he's been M.I.A since the break up." Manny explained, shrugging and not caring, "I'm over him."

"Don't you care that he's missing?" Emma had to ask. It wasn't usual for Jay Hogart to not be around. But come to think of it, even she hadn't seen him in a week or two. That was strange. "Maybe you should call him."

Emma thought maybe Jay was taking Sean's leave hard. Emma on the other hand was use to it. Since Sean went into the army, she too had to get over him. She couldn't keep getting into a relationship with a guy who kept leaving. It was so unhealthy. Too bad it took her years to finally give up but finally she had moved on. .

Emma wore a tight brown strapless dress with her long blonde hair slightly curled. Her curves showed off and her tan glowed. She looked like a bombshell.

Emma took a deep breath and said, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Well, Damien's out there ready to bet on you." Liberty said with half a smile.

"He is?" Emma asked. She couldn't help but frown though, stuck with Damien for a week? He was honestly just a rebound. She was kind of into being single right now.

"Yeah!" Liberty said smiling until noticing Emma, well, not smiling. She asked, "That's what you want right? That or… Peter Stone." She shrugged.

"Peter's here?" Emma whined. She did NOT want him winning her for the week.

"Emma, Toby's here. Peter is least of your worries." Manny joked and they all giggled. True.

"Your right, oh god…why am I doing this?" Emma went to turn before the announcer on stage called her name, "I got to go!"

"Emma Nelson!" the announcer on stage called.

Manny yelped and pulled Emma back and onto the stage. Emma cursed under her breath as a light shined down on her and she glared at Liberty and Manny who just smiled and put their thumbs up.

The announcer pointed at her and said to the crowd, "Here is our next helper for the auction, Miss Emma Nelson. We can start at $20? Going once, going twice…"

Some stranger lifted his arm.

"I got one in the back for 50. Any more takers?" more hands raised.


"100." someone said, stepping forward. Emma gave a weak smile when she saw it was Damien. Her smile faded as she rolled her eyes at herself. What had she gotten herself into? Manny NEVER had good ideas. This was NOT a good idea.

"105!." Toby called out.

Emma flushed. Of course. Toby.

"120!" Peter Stone sat front row and smirked with a devilish look in his eye as he caught Emma's eye. Emma nearly shivered.

"Give me 20 bucks." Toby told Ashley, grabbing her purse since she sat beside him.

"TOBY!" she exclaimed.

"140!" Toby said rising the money he got, well, stole from Ashley. Damien glared over at Toby and scoffed. Guess he was out.

The speaker on stage chuckled, "Wow, this girl has a bidding war." everyone looked between the boys. "Anyone bidding 150?150? . .going once..twice.."

"Emma almost groaned to the thought of being stuck with TOby for a week. That was until another familiar voice spoke up, "$160."

Emma tried to eye the figure walking up to the stage as some people gasped or clapped for the highest bid tonight. The light in front of the stage was too bright until the figure finally stepped out of it and right infront of her below the stage she stood on. Emma's mouth hung a bit, glancing from him to the speaker.

"And the highest bid goes to.." the speaker waited for the bidder to speak his name.

Emma's eyes still locked on his and he just smirked right at her before nodding at the speaker, "Jay Hogart."

"Taken! By the man in the front!" and the was that, the speaker banged his little hammer on his small desk.

More people clapped and in shock, or confusion, Emma slowly turned to walk right back off the stage. "Em, you have to meet him back outfront." Liberty whispered when she came back to them. Manny was also standing there a little confused but then scoffed and fixed her hair when she heard her name being called.

"I better get someone hot."

"It's a charity case! Not a blind date." Liberty called after Manny but the brunette strutted out onto the stage and boys started to whistle.

Liberty turned back to Emma who still looked very much confused. "He bid on me. Why did he bid on me?"

"Maybe he wants to kill you."

Emma gave a short laugh too but her nerves were sending out some wierd vibes. Ever since Jay began dating Manny after Sean left, him and Emma had actually been, I don't know? Emma wanted to say 'friends'. As friendly as they could be for being anothers worst enemy and for having a past like..erm- theirs.


"Just running the battery, Greenpeace. Pollution free." Jay teased Emma when she came to stop at his car. He was waiting for Sean just in the school parking lot.

Emma stopped on the other side of his car, leaning forward on it and taunted, "It's noise pollution."

Jay snickered and raised an eyebrow, looking over his shoulder at her. He had to laugh and did so as she giggled a bit.


"Fuck Greenpeace, don't stop." Jay groaned, his fingers carressing her hair until pulling it into a ponytail and watching her go down on him with her sweet pink tight lips. She moaned against his hardness and he nearly exploded right there clenching his eyes shut. Nobody knew but them what they did in this van.

Another Flashback:

"She damn near begged me." Jay taunted Sean. Hey. It might of been true, or a lie, but the jealousy in Sean's eyes stirred happiness in Jay at that time when Sean found out about his and Emma's little rendezvous.

Last Flashback:

"Hey there Polka Dot." Jay greeted Emma, carrying his beer case behind Alex at Emma's house party. Emma stood beside Sean who snickered at Jay's joke but Emma just rolled her eyes at him and Jay just smirked right back at her before chuckling and walking off.


As if on cue, the one and only came walking on over. "Lets go Greenpeace."

Emma stopped breathing for a moment as she turned her head from Liberty to look at Jay. He stood there with an unreadable look but his icy blue eyes gazing right through her. He had his arms crossed and his black sleeve shirt was rolled up to his elbows, showing off his lean arms. He was wearing his famous old hat again too, his hair peeking out of it . And that new short boxed beard he had now, really suited him.

Emma snapped out of it and turned to Liberty, "I don't have to do it, do I?"

Liberty winced, "Emma it's for charity! You had the highest bid tonight. Not even Sinclaire got that much."

Emma groaned. She turned to Jay and then basically stormed up to him, "What are you trying to pull?"

He snickered at her entertainingly, "I finally do something 'nice' and you think I'm trying to what? Pull off some big evil plan?" he rolled his eyes.

Emma eyed him up and down. "I never know with you. If this is some trick to get me to help you win back Manny or something, it won't work."

"I don't want Manny." his voice was stern.

Emma paused and eyed him. He didn't even move a muscle. "Fine." she muttered.

Just then, Manny came back from on the stage with her nose sticking up in the air as she stopped by Jay. "Aubrey Jenkins just won me for $100 . I hope you know you better pay the difference between me and Emma if we get back together."

Liberty and Emma turned, hearing the scene and Emma sighed, she hoped they didn't get back together. This moody Manny wasn't a pretty sight. Didn't she just say she was over Jay? Emma swore she was, but Manny wouldn't turn down any guys attention for a second. Especailly Jay's. Jay had this charm girls couldn't ignore or resist. Believe her. She couldn't even once upon a time..

Jay looked off as he sighed before lowering his head close to Manny, "I told you. We aren't getting back together."

Even Emma blinked, ouch! Manny's mouth even hung in shock. Jay walked back to Emma and gently took hold of her arm, leading her out the doors.

"You know." Emma insisted to Jay, walking with him, "If you think you made a mistake now, there's Damien over there, he'd gladly switch you." Emma faked an excited gasp, "And he won Amy Frisks. Don't you like her?"

"I never liked her." he said,, giving Emma a wierd look.

Emma scowled, oh right, that was Sean. She sighed though, guess Jay atleast wouldn't be boring!

"And it wasn't a mistake, you're mine… for a week." He taunted, opening the door, signalling for her to go out.

Emma eyed him suspiciously, since when did he hold doors for girls? What. Was. He . Up . To?!


"What happened to your car?" Emma stared at his orange civic as they made it to his car.

"Just a broken headlight." shrugged Jay, opening the passanger door.

"Why won't you fix it?"

"Well princess, not a lot of us can afford things like that."

"You just gave away almost 200 bucks for nothing!" she got in the car.

"Not for nothing." Jay saidseriously and Emma slowly looked up at him. That was kind of sweet.. until he added, "It's Helping charity." He smirked.

That STUPID smirk, she sometimes just wanted to smack it off!

"Fine." Emma said slamming the car door madly. He chuckled and went around, getting in himself. Emma snapped at him again, "It starts tonight though. Day 1."

"Your place or mine?" Jay asked playfully, starting the car and flinching when she hit his arm.

"This will be interesting." Liberty said, watching Emma and Jay leaving the school parking lot.

"So…. He really won her?" Toby asked again, standing with her.

"7 years Toby." Liberty said in annoyance and walked around him, "It's not happening."

Toby got pissed off, but then nodded simply, it was true. He ran up to go catch up with her.


Emma and Jay parked somewhere and Emma looked around, "Where ARE we?" she asked.

He got out and nodded to the obvious bar that was right infront of them, lit up brightly since it was night time. Emma walked up to him and he said loud and clear, "Bar." he said like she was stupid and raised an eyebrow, hoping she understood.

Emma sighed, following Jay into a bar, "I'm not even 19 yet!"


The two sat inside a booth, Jay was smirking at her as she just continued glaring as a waiter came by.

"Few beers please." Jay said, though kept his eyes on Emma.

When the beers were set on the table, she finally spoke, "So explain.."

"What would you like me to explain?" Jay asked her, "The three little pigs? Well you see, there's this wolf, and he wants in-"

"Buying me." Emma confirmed, and glanced at the beer bottle he didn't take. What the hell! She grabbed it and started drinking.

Jay just looked at her, that blank look on his face. Emma would KILL to get the chance to read what was on his mind for one day.

"You can't be bought Greenpeace." he said seriously and grinned a bit, sipping his beer, "But you do come with a price."

Emma gulped hard and looked around, awkwardly feeling her skin get hot… why did he know exactly what to say to girls to make them feel good? or was she that easy? She tried to ignore it and they drank some more.

"If this is some 'thing' you're doing for Sean to keep other guys from buying me-"

"I haven't talked to Sean since he left."

Emma looked stunned. She had no idea. Weren't they like..best friends? "How come?"

"We just haven't, Gp. And I don't want to get into it? Alright?"

Emma was still confused but nodded.

"You know." Jay leaned back on his side of the booth, on his 3rd beer now, "I don't think I've seen you smile in a while. What happened to the old cheery Greenpeace?"

"She died." Emma lamely said and huffed, "I don't know! I..smile.. sometimes." she glared at him and he just grinned, proving his point when she glared.

She tried to bare a smile and scoffed when he laughed at her for her sad attempt. She threw her bottles cap at him. "There isn't much to smile about nowadays." she confirmed. Woah. Maybe that came out too pathetic?

But he looked at her, almost pity like. Great. He felt sorry for her..

"Cause of Sean gone?" he asked, eyes drifting off her.

"No." Emma said and he looked a bit taken back by her answer, "I gave Sean his last chance. He screwed it up like always. It's done."

"Sure it is." taunted Jay but eyed her.

"Are you and Manny done?" she taunted back.

He nodded, "Yeah." he confirmed "It was there, then it just.. wasn't. I think we were both just trying hard for something good."

"Exactly." Emma somewhat whispered but looked away when he raised an eyebrow at her. She didn't want to talk about Sean anymore though, she really had moved on. And just as Jay said, her and Sean also tried too hard to get something back that was already gone.

"Another round?" Jay asked her, changing the subject. She was a little relieved.

"No more." Emma pouted to Jay after one more beer. Her eyes felt heavy and he chuckled.

"yeah, think I drank you into the ground." he teased, going over to her side and helping her up with his hand in hers.

They didn't notice neither let go and walked back to his car hand in hand after he laid some money down for the waiter.

"Will you get me Mcdonalds?" Emma childishly begged as he opened the passenger door for her.

He grinned shaking his head, "Whatever you want, babe."

They ended up with a bunch of fries, a large one and Emma happily held onto them as Jay snuck a fry here and there.

Emma gasped and hit his hand away from her fries as he drove, "You're driving drunk!" she exclaimed.

"I'm fine, I can drink up to 6 beers and be fine." he gave her a playful look, "Unlike you GP."

"Pull over!" Emma slapped his shoulder twice and he tried to take cover, swurving a bit.

"You slapping me won't help!" he yelled back at her and she stopped but kept yelling to pull over.

His car finally met a shriek, "Fine! We're here anyways." he taunted.

Emma looked confused, looking around, but this wasn't her street. She wished! They were parked infront of a huge mansion! It was beautiful.

"Come on." he sighed, knowing she was gawking.

"Did we die on the way here?" Emma joked but was kinda serious, why were they going in here?

"I live here dummy." he taunted, bringing up his car keys and looking for his house key before slipping it into the door and opening it for her.

My god! It was even bigger on the inside.

"You have an elevator in your house?" Emma taunted, pointing at it as she pulled off her shoes.

"I also have a kitchen, and a dog." Jay taunted back, leading her to his kitchen.

Emma was in awe. There was hundreads of stairs! She assumed Jay's parents were up there. Most of the lights were off, so she tried to be quiet.

"You better drive me home tonight." she warned, and gasped looking at the clock in his kitchen, "It's 1am!?"

"Look at you you party animal, up til 1am." he smirked, making fun of her and opening his fridge.

He got one more beer for himself and her and led her down some stairs until she grabbed his arm and he looked down at her hand until at her, "What?" he softly asks.

She giggled a bit, "I really want to try the elevator." she confirmed and he shared a smile with her rolling his eyes and led her back to it.

When the elevator opened to the basement, Emma gawked when the lights automatically went on and a dog sat on Jay' bed. A rott wieler. "Does he bite?" Emma asked.

"If I ask him to." smirked Jay and she rolled her eyes but smiled.

There was a huge Tv on the wall, and pool table by the corner with a couch. A mini bar by his bed..

"What don't you have?" Emma asked him, she couldn't stop being so shocked, "I thought you.." she drifted off, not wanting to sound rude.

"What? Was born on the other side of the tracks? poor or something?" taunted Jay, "I Am. My parents are the rich ones." he landed on his bed with a sigh then cracked open his beer can.

Emma hesitated...

"You want to play pool?" Jay asked Emma, sitting back up and sipping his beer to then eye her. She seemed to be eying him back but then snapped out of it.

"ok." Emma grabbed a pool stick and pet the dog on her way over to the pool table.

Jay's dog panted happily watching Emma and Jay smirked, passing and petting him too, eyes on Emma though. Emma leaned forward, focusing on the white ball and shot it. She got two solid balls in.

Jay's mouth fell, "Are you actually good at this?" he asked in shock.

She smirked and shrugged, leaning on the table to turn to him, "Maybe." she took another shot but cursed when she missed.

"How? you're a girl." he taunted, grabbing the stick from her and switched her for his beer. He eyed her up and down sneakily, noticing that dress hugging her curves so nicely.

Emma sipped it and rolled her eyes, "Blame boys night when I got stuck with Snake and Craig's dad when my mom went out."

Jay shot the ball and got one in himself, he smirked at her proudly and she just picked her at her nails as if bored. He chuckled and hit another one in.

"Why do you let people think you're.." Emma looked for a word as she bent down and pet Jay's rotti.

"Not rich? Not a snob?"

"You are a bit of a snob." teased Emma and he gave her a warnful glare. Then again, Emma was always the only girl to never be scared to tell him what she thought.

He loved it about her.

Jay coughed awkwardly and missed the next shot. Gee wonder why. He felt a bit nervous and passed her the stick. Emma leaned it on the table though and went and sat on his bed.

Jay swallowed and rubbed his forehead, "You wana ride home now?"

Emma laid on his bed instead though, it was sooo comfy. Maybe she did have too many beers. "Sleep." she said, "Just a lil nap." Manny would kill her if she found them in a bed...even if it was innocent. This was innocent right?

"why I do believe you are downright drunk, Miss Nelson." Jay joked, walking over.

Emma laughed as she pushed her black high heels off and got comfy as she could with wearing a dress. He chuckled, grabbing an extra blanket and putting it ontop of her.

"I'll stay on my side." he promised, going to the other side. Emma curled into the covers and watched him crawl in.

"Does Manny know you're rich?"

Jay groaned, "You're not going to let this go." he turned his head to look at her and smirked, "No." he admitted, "She's never been over."

Emma was a bit taken back. Never? They were together for like 5 months though.

Emma decided not to talk about Manny, and as she looked for something else to talk about as she looked at Jay, she sorta got lost in him.

He was such a good looking guy, a goregous babe if you will, she couldn't lie..she had a thing with him before too remember? She wasn't stupid and she could see it. And if he just showed this side to other girls he could probably manage a real girl friend if he cared to.

His eyes were closed but he muttered, "I can feel you watching me." he opened his eyes

Emma smiled guilty, and hugged one of his pillows.

"What?" he taunted, knowing something was up.

She shrugged innocently and felt herself blush. She then stopped and blinked. What is she doing? She turned her back to him and tried to close her eyes and sleep.

Emma opened her eyes again, "Don't you have to shut off the lights?"


"I don't have to."

More silence.

"Don't tell me." Emma said, and Jay could practically hear her grinning, "It's a clap on, clap off." she turned back to him, finidng him grinning too.

"Maybe." he joked and she giggled madly.

"Can I do it?" she eagerly asked.

He laughed, a slight embaressed look in his eye but nodded and entertainingly watched her clap. The lights went off.

"Night Greenpeace."

"Night Richie Rich." Emma yelped and laughed when he tickled her side and then they got comfy, "Just a little nap, then drive me home." she said with a yawn.

That didn't happen.

They were both exhausted having drank too much and been up so late. Emma was so exhausted that the dream she had she couldn't tell if it was really a dream or not. She was cuddled next to Jay, just like this, and he was whispering in her ear as he cuddled her closer. She moaned his name and he kissed the back of her neck softly.

Then..it went black.