Robin and Shanzira: C support.



I fucking hate this piece of shit. Rip rip rip, toss. Gods, I haven't drawn anything so crappy since I was twelve. It's like I completely forgot what the guy looked like, and then decided to top it off by drawing left-handedly. As Inigo Montoya said, "I am not left-handed!"

I rest an arm on the table and sit my head atop it. Yes, I know this is bad for my circulation, but I don't like lying my head on the table without a pillow. Seriously, it hurts my neck. I'm getting tired... At least my collarbone isn't troubling me much.

Footsteps. I look up. I see Robin, messing around with her silvery-blonde hair. I allow myself a smirk for a bit until she tries to pull her hands away and finds they're stuck in her own hair.

What, does she have a bird's nest hidden in there? "Oh, Robin. Looks like you've gotten yourself into quite a tangle." It's like she doesn't even know how to handle her own hair.

She freezes up and looks at me, then gives a nod, as slight as her impromptu harness allows her. "Yes... I hate to impose, but could you–?"

I know what she's asking, so I go ahead and interrupt. "No prob! I can handle hair like I handle a pen! Where's your comb?" She tilts her head towards her pocket; I reach in and grasp it. "Ah, here it is. Just a second..." With a few deft movements, her fingers are freed, and her hair de-clumped. I stand back, proud.

She lifts a mirror from her pocket and regards her reflection with awe. "Wow. You de-tangled it almost instantly." I watch as Robin tilts the mirror around to get a better view of all the tangle-spots.

I nod proudly. Thank you, love. "When you have hair as unruly as mine, you learn how to handle it." I twirl a lock of my bangs around my finger, then I tilt my head sideways in thought. "It's gotten much better over the past decade, though. But you," I point my hair-twirling finger at Robin, "it's like you never learned how to do anything other than tie it."

Her next face is one of distress and embarrassment. "Er, well, yes, I can't say I remember doing anything else with it..."

HEADDESK. "Oh, right, amnesiac. Sorry about that." I'm an idiot. Uhm, try suggestions, maybe teach her how to style it? Let's start simple. "Well, while I'm at it, you want me to do anything special with your hair? Tie it in a bun, leave it plain, braid it?"

She shakes her head in decline, still obvious nervous about it. "I'd prefer my usual style, thank you. Those styles seem to be begging for a mess..."

Ungh. I see her point. Well, I might as well do as she asked. "Only if you're bad at this. No problem, I can do this. Here you go!" How does this work again? Oh, that's how. Okay! Double buns. Damn, her hair's longer than I thought. I finish and hold up her mirror so she can examine my handiwork.

A please smile stretches across her face. "Thank you, Shanzira." She lowers the mirror. "I'd never have guessed you were so skilled at hairstyling." Is she asking for tips? Eh? I LOVE TEACHING!

Delighted, I smile as I continue conversing. "It requires a little bit of artistic sense to pick out a good style, and that is something I have plenty of. But," here I frown a little in though, "I swear a ponytail would suit you better. Would certainly be easier to draw..." Oh, gods, it would be. Having a hairstyle like that, I know how to draw one.

She pauses and glances at me warily. "You draw me?"

Mm-hmm. "I draw all of the Shepherds. You guys are fun to doodle, and all the guys are eye candy." Oh, gods, that makes me think of Gaius. His theme song is Candyman by Christina Aguilera, end of story. Even better for the suggestive theme. I should try dating him.

"Eye candy?" Robin's confused tone brings me back out of la-la land.

I raise up my index fingers to punctuate this. "They. Look. Sexy. I admit, looks aren't the way to my heart, but having hot guys around is never bad." Gaius, Frederick, Stahl, who else...?

One eyebrow raised in serious concern, the amnesiac asks, "may I ask how much time you spend thinking about men?"

... "... I have no clue. A lot? I'm lonely." Couldn't be more honest there. I just... Hng. Hnnnnnnngggggg. Gaiusssssssss.

"Well," she begins gingerly, "perhaps you wouldn't be if you bothered to comb your hair into a nicer style?"

She really just said that? Robin, rude?

I hold my words for a moment to give her a good perspective on how appalling that was. "That was low, Robin. Any guy worth his salt knows that looks aren't everything." Besides, it would be a pain in the ass to comb my hair like that. I mean, I've done it a few times for special occasions– senior prom, for example, I looked like a goddamn princess– but everyday? No. Not on your life, unless I was in a really good mood or I had a crush on someone.

Robin gingerly pats my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Shanzira. I didn't mean to put it so rudely." Siggghhhhh.

Better reassure her. "Apology accepted. If you'd really offended me," I add with a nasty grin, "you'd know."

She shudders. "Do I want to know?"

I pick up my parchments, a horrible idea popping into my head for revenge. "No, you don't." I exit the pantry, swiping some bread while I'm at it. Oh, this is going to be good. I go to my room, hastily sketch a rather... incriminating sketch of Robin and Chrom, then exit. That was once my OTP. I mean, I still ship it– which is amazing, I'm not much for shipping– but better and more lovable pairings have appeared in my life. For anyone who played the Tellius series, Geoffrey and Elincia are the cutest. Don't ask about Ike, he's not shippable at all. Yawn!

Author's notes: Apparently FFN has no respect for scriptwriters. It's hard to write without adding description, do they know that? Sigh. Now I have to add prose to all those scripts... Crap. Also, sorry that this one is directly ripped from the fic; I'll work on changing that. I'll try to add one support per day, since I already have the scripts for several of them typed out. Shio hasn't gotten any supports yet, since she was recruited like LAST CHAPTER. To make this seem like more than a rip of the fic, I'll add another support to give this some semblance of importance.
Note: These are supports which COULD happen, not supports which HAVE happened. You guys– the readers– can vote on which supports you want to appear in the fic! Or you could just not have them entirely appear, with only oblique references as to when they happen.
Edit: A reviewer asked that the supports which happen in the main fic be denoted, so I'm doing so here. This support happens in Chapter Six: Effing Miracles.