Uzu Empire

Chapter one; A New Storm Approaches; Enter the Uzu Empire

Yes I know another new story when I just started a new one. Like the last one this is an idea my partner made and I like the idea. There won't be any new one until I finish more of the ones I already have. This is a crossover that is more in the Naruto world with avatar elements as well as other elements into it.

As you may or may not know I have been working together with wolfprackersson09 with several stories we have been working on together, such as this one. If you are interested then check them out, they are on his profile. Also a shout out to any reader who are artist as well. My partner and I are looking for out DevianART for our stories, both the ones we do ourselves and together. Anyone who wants to please let us know. One may even have their art be use as our cover for our stories.

If there are any spelling or grammar errors and if there are please tell me so I can fix them later. Thank you too all those who reviewed, hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer; Lets get this over with. I do not own anything Naruto or Avatar or anything else mixed into this. My partner, wolfprackersson09, says he does not own them either and unless I find anything to prove other wise I believe him.

(Story start)

Three shinobi were traveling at speeds to return to their village. All three were chunin, and the group itself wasn't slouches at all. It was unusual as two of the shinobi in the group were kunoichi. The leader was a girl about fifteen or sixteen with brown hair, in a low, and eyes. She kept her jacket zipped up, so not to expose her breasts in her mesh shirt. They stopped for a moment, and she took a deep sigh.

"Shika, It's been three years. I know you're upset, but we have to accept what's happened." The other girl said, her platinum blonde hair was tied in a higher ponytail with a part of her hair covering a side of her face. The side that could be seen revealed a beauty's face, and a single opal blue eye.

"Ino, it was my first mission as chunin, and I blew it. We failed and..."

"You don't have to finish. I feel bad too. Naruto's the best friend we ever had." The only guy of the group said, but they didn't have long to think about some things.

"What's that? You think some merchants are settling down for the night, or could it be a bandit camp?" Ino Yamanaka asked as she pointed attention to some smoke that was nearby. It wasn't unusual for bandits to stalk the roads or merchants sleeping in such a camp, but it was too soon to tell.

"We should check it out. It's near the Great Naruto Bridge, and it's still some days from Konoha."

"We don't know what we're dealing with Choji." Shika Nara said, but it was a little too late as the heavyset chunin started towards the camp itself.

Shika, Ino and Choji landed silently in the trees over looking the large camp. The group was larger then they first thought. Many different soldiers that were differently not simple bandits. Shika saw that there were too organize, to discipline to be bandits. Several were around camp fires talking and eating. Some were off to the sides practicing what looked like Taijutsu to Shika and some spars with bo-staffs.

One other thing that got her attention was the armor. Everyone had armor on them. Some were different in style but all around they had the same theme. Most of the armor was smooth metal covering the chest and front and stops at the hips. The bottom part was split so metal went down the outer thigh and the crouch. It open for movement of the legs and had separate armor for the shins and legs. The arms had armor guard as well and two piece of armor went over the shoulder separate from the main armor. Most wore helmets with tassels on the top. Shika figure the armor was for different kind of soldiers or ranks and most were a deep red while a few had different shade or different color tassels.

One man exit a large tent and Shika could tell this was the leader. He was around their age maybe a year older. He walked with confidence and power that the other seemed to respect. His short hair was kept in a small top knot. Ino winced, "That had to hurt," she whispered.

Shika had to agree as on the left side of his face had at least a second degree burn coving it. It mostly was covering his left eye and part of his cheek and went all the past his ear. Shika place a finger to her lips to single her teammates and listen,

"Everything going well," the leader asked on officer.

The office stood and bowed. "Yes sir commander. Everything is ready for tomorrow and the operation to commence."

The commander nodded. "Good, we leave at dawn tomorrow. We will meet the rest of the pantaloons in the land of waves. The emperor wants this to start off smoothly."

Shika looked at her teammates, this was not what they except. Then spotted something in the corner of her eyes. She went wide eyes as several arrows came flying right at them. They barely had time to jump out of the trees before the arrows hit them. The bad news they were forced into the camp.

The soldiers acted at once and drew their weapons. Shika glanced around and saw strange sword with two blades sides, some with curves and looked like hooks and different kind of spears. The commander gazed at them, "Well it seems we have some spies sneaking up on us. Capture them, I want them alive."

The men charged. Shika got her hand into a hand sign and her shadow shot out and several charging soldiers froze in mid step. They were shocked and confused. She was forced to jump back and release her hold to avoid several more arrows, some knives that did not look like kunai and a bladed ring that hit the spot she was at a second ago.

Choji knocked several soldiers away and was now wrestling with a large muscular soldier after Choji knocked his large stone hammer away. Ino moved and dodge around the soldiers getting hits in and blocking weapons with her kunai. Shika followed another arrow that Ino dodge and found that the archer, and she was sure there was more then one, was hiding in the trees for cover and firing down on her team. Shika could not send a shadow up there as she was force to dodge from a swing of two of those hook sword a soldier had.

Commander Zuko glance from one ninja to another as the fight went on. He was told of the girl that stretched her shadow and made his soldiers freeze. 'Well it seems we found her faster then I thought we would.'

"Get the chi sealing restraints. I want them captured! I'll handle the shadow sorceress myself." Zuko said as he approached Shika with a confident step.

'Chi? Who are these men and what are they doing here?' Shika thought as she saw the commander step forward.

"I've heard of you shadow sorceress, but I am not as easily caught as my men." Zuko said as he took a stance, not even bothering to unsheathe his weapon. The statement itself sent alarms in Shika's mind, and she prepared for whatever the outcome.

"So, I've got a bit of fame." Shika prepared to try and catch her opponent, but she needed time and space.

Her eyes widened as he punched, revealing a fireball from the fist. She managed to dodge the first strike, but her teammates weren't so lucky, as men managed to surround Ino, grabbed her, and restrained her with a pair of cuffs, making sure she couldn't use her jutsu. Shika tried to gather her thoughts, but was constantly put on edge by the flames.

"Choji, report to Konoha and tell Lady Hokage about this!" She said, keeping up with her opponent

"But Shika," Choji cried before he enlarged his fist and swiped a whole group of soldiers.

Shika threw several shuriken at Zuko who blocked them with a large fire wall. "No time; Ino is captured, we are out numbered and we have no idea what their skills are so go report to the Hokage now!"

Choji gave one last look at his teammates before he ran off. Several soldiers went after him but he was already tree hopping and getting out of sight.

Zuko sent another fire ball at Shika, "Brave of you to hold us back to give your comrade time to send word. But it won't matter."

He sent two more fire balls before he went low and did a leg swipe sending a wave of fire low to the ground. Shika avoid the first two and jumped over the wave. But this was what Zuko wanted as a soldier threw a metal net into the air and Shika got caught in it. She fell and tried to get herself untangled but she was jumped by more soldiers and the same cuffs were on her. She felt her connect to her charka weaken and she could not even get it to rise up.

Zuko walked over to them as Shika was placed on her knees next to Ino. "Well one mission completed before our invasion even got started."

Ino went wide eyed while Shika narrowed her eyes. "Who are you allied too? You are not shinobi and that was not jutsu back there. You are all in a different style of weapons and armor so who are you?"

Zuko gaze down at them, considering how much to say, seeing as Shika was trying to get information, "We are of the Uzu Empire and you, Shika Nara, are an important target to the emperor himself. I will be delivering you and your teammate to him personally. Tie them up and keep them guard. Do not listen to anything they say, shinobi are known for their tricks."

One of the soldiers had a lecherous look in his eye, and Zuko caught this.

"These prisoners are also to be treated with a degree of respect, and if there is so much as a single hair out of place, then I will find out who it is and they will wish for death." The soldiers were confused a bit, and the one that Zuko had caught then spoke up.

"What makes these barbarian women so important that you would deny us the right of the spoils of war?" It was a flash of movement, and the man was quickly restrained and his face was in the dirt.

"I'm bringing these women to our emperor, the glorious Su Sano, and I want them to be unspoiled and unharmed. These ninja are skilled in the arts of sorcery, and should you fight another you would be the first to die." The man got the message as Zuko released him. He then turned back to the men, "And make sure that they are fed. I won't have them malnourished before presenting them." Zuko walked to his tent, as the man had muttered something negative and that he was a grubby promotion grabber.

A half an hour later Ino and Shika were sitting next to a group of soldiers playing a gambling game. Shika and Ino had the cuff still on and their hand in front so they could feed themselves when given some food. Shika eyed the game, seeing this as a chance to get some information. "So what game is this?" she asked.

One soldier looked up at her for a minute before he said, "It is called Mon-Ji-Zen. To play three coins are spun in a bowel, and the one who guesses the number of coins that end heads up successfully gets the money of the others. The house wins if all coins wind up tails."

Shika watched as three other soldiers gathered around the bowl, one said, "Mon," as he place his bet down, another said "Ji," with his bet and the last one said, "Zen" and placed his money down. The solider that explained the game to her spun the three coins by hand and they land in the bowel. They spun around and everyone watched. Ino found the cooper coins strange before they fell and stopped with all three coins on tails. The soldier spinning the coins grinned, "And that boys, is Ren. House wins."

The solider cursed and grumbled as the house collected the money. Ino looked at the three different kind of coins of copper, silver and gold. Shika thought of something, "Mind if I join in?"

They looked at her, "With what money? You don't even have a single copper Yuan on you."

"Then put it on the commander's tab, seeing as he will be responsible for us." Shika added.

The soldiers looked from one to another before they grinned, "Works for me, I won't be the one to tell him," the first soldier said, "The names Jet." He pointed to one of the other ones, "We call him Longshot, never got his real name being a mute, and this is Thao and Li." He smiled at her, "So I say you can start off with five copper yuan and if you win some you get some. One hundred copper yuan can equal to a single silver Yuan, and fifty silver yuan equals to a single gold yuan. Ready to play?"

Shika nodded, and Jet said, "You say Mon for one coin lands on heads, Ji is two and Zen is all three coins lands on heads and you get double your bet. Ren is all tails and the house, me, gets everything."

"Sounds simple. I bet five copper on Zen."

Jet laughed, "Go big or go home huh, well it's not my money."

The game started and as it turns out Shika own the first game. She had the money gather before her and the game went on. Ino then said hoping to help her teammate, "So who are the Uzu Empire? I never heard of them."

One soldier watching snorted, "Of course you haven't. We are from across the seas beyond your nations."

Jet added, "The Empire if made of several other nations all united by our emperor."

Shika caught something in the tone as Jet said this, "You have great respect for him,"

Jet nodded as did other soldiers, "He is a great man that united our war torn people."

Thao, a heavy-set man that was the shortest of the group, took a spit and started off. "Of course I'd respect him, before he came along it was either join the military or steal for a living. I saw him once, and he looked right at me briefly. It was a moment so intense, that I Thao, the bandit that was called king of the rock, couldn't help but bow in shame."

"Yeah, I was with him at the recruiting station. It's a well-known fact that he charged at the head of his army, but no one knows where he comes from. Only rumors, and the only one that probably knows them all is our buddy Chen-po, but he's stationed with another group." This got the two of them curious, as Jet started another game of Mon-Ji-Zen.

"What kind of rumors?" Shika asked as she decided to play it safe and bet on Mon this time.

"I heard that he's a dragon that turned into human to stop our suffering." Li suggested, but Jet laughed at that. "That's way too farfetched for anyone, but you're a good jokester. He's probably from ancient royalty and decided to end the war, probably grew up an orphan."

"Yeah right, you'd have to blinder then a badger-mole and slower then a three-toed slug-sloth to think that. Here's the real truth. A vixen caught a storm-gods eye, and the said storm god impregnated the vixen, which then gave birth to our glorious emperor, Su-Sano, and when he grew up, he saved our lands." Thao said, but even Longshot didn't seem to buy it. The stories were just so random

Shika and Ino shared a glance; they were not sure what made this emperor seem so powerful to get these kinds of rumors. "Is he that powerful?"

The other nodded, "I seen him once in battle and no one could touch." Li started. "It was the battle of the Twin Valley. He leaded the charge onto the fort and knocked the front line of our enemy right off their rhinos. He moved so fast and swift as he kept knocking out soldiers one after another. Then the fort fried the catapults to rain flaming rocks on us. But Su Sano simply jumped high into the air like he was flying and destroys the rock before they even got close. When we broke their line and made it to the gate he blasted it open with one blow."

"I never seen it but Chen-po seen him command dragons. The enemy leader had this huge monster thing like nothing we have seen before. But Su Sano came riding in on a large dragon and they battled together and defeated it. I know that the emperor has several other one to help in battle and help protect his men when needed."

Ino and Shika were shocked, real dragons? Shika was not sure if that was real or not but she knew that this Su-Sano was not to be underestimated. If she had to guess he had to be at least Kage level. "Wonders what he wants with me? Hell I am not even sure how he even knows me."

Jet shrugged as he collected his money as he won the round. "No idea, but our emperor is not one to waste resources or skill so there is something he wants from you."

Shika closed her eyes thinking, 'Could it be my shadow jutsu? But I am not the only one that can use them and my clan is famous for having them. But it still does not explain why he would want me. I am an excellent strategist but how would he even know me? I am not a famous kunoichi nor well know. There is more to this then meets the eye.'

"What are you doing!?" Zuko came with some food for the girls, some of the higher quality stuff then the simple rice meals they had.

"Playing Mon-Ji-Zen, what's it to ya?" Jet said smoothly enough, but that wasn't what Zuko wanted. "I can see that, but why are you talking with them? Any small amount of information in the hands of a shinobi can spell doom." The others just shrugged a bit, but they understood it was their fault. "She was just getting to know our culture. She won a few yuan too."

"Alright, but if she starts asking more serious questions, then stay quiet. I was instructed to be cautious of the shadow sorceress, she's a master strategist. Any information may be used against us." Zuko reminded them, and the sun was starting to set. "Jet, since you thought it was fine to let her gamble, and possibly with my money, then you and your buddies get first watch tonight." moans were heard as Zuko left for his personal tent, but he turned around once more, "And make sure that the kunoichi are comfortable and secure. One loose cuff or a kunai and they'll take off."

As the sun set and several soldiers turned in for the night Shika and Ino was taken to a holding area. The soldier took their commanders word to heart and made sure they were secure and no room to move. With the cuffs around their wrist they also had their arms tied around their chest as well as their ankles and legs tied together. Shika also notice that they were also tired apart from each other. They were check fro hidden weapon, Ino shouting at one soldier that got a feel of her ass.

Then they were left alone, but Shika was sure they were still being watched from the archers in the trees. Shika did not know what to do. Her charka was out of reach and she had no tools or picks to break free. She felt useless much like her first mission she led. Her thoughts went back to Naruto. 'Naruto, if anyone could get out of this mess it would be you.'

"So what's the plan Shika?" Ino whispered.

"So far? We go along with them and get more information on this empire. We are going to be taken to the emperor himself so we will find out for ourselves. Until then we should just lay low and not cause trouble before we can act. Let get some sleep for now, I think we should not have to worry about any men trying to take advantage of us thanks to that commander."

Ino shoulder slumped as she hoped her teammate had a way out of this. But she sighed and tried to get somewhat comfortable to rest.

(scene change)

The next morning true to Zuko's words they left at dawn. Shika and Ino were now tied back to back and sitting on top of a rhino as Zuko called them. Zuko was on his own as he rode next to the girls to keep an eye on them. Shika was impressed on how fast the men got everything ready and move out. They were traveling at a decent speed while not rushing or tree hopping like shinobi would do.

Shika notice that they were heading towards the land of waves. 'Could that be their first target for their invasion they talked about? We'll find out.'

As they got in sight of the wave Ino went wide eyed at the massive ships she say. They were larger then any ship she seen before and seem to be made entirely of metal. It had no sails but large stacks with smoke coming out of them.

Shika looked around the country as they neared the bridge. The land of waves did not seem like they were attack, no fire or damages let along like a fight broke out. She wondered why if this was an invasion. She then heard Zuko talking to one of the soldiers, "Send word to the others. I am bringing important targets for the emperor himself. I want an air ship ready for launch after the meeting with the land's leader."

Shika watched the man run already on a different smaller lizard like animal.

"Well, well, if it isn't Commander Zuko. My troops are ready to attack at the emperor's command." Ino and Shika noticed a new man in similar dress. He had large side burns on the side of his face and a topknot as well.

"Commander Zhao. I didn't think you would be coming here. You were on patrol near the Land of Water and the Hidden Mist Village."

The man shrugged a bit, but kept his supposed smile. "I finished up quickly and decided it would be more prudent to reinforce the main navy. So, when do we attack?"

"There is no attack Zhao. I'm simply here to deliver a message and negotiate with the Daimyo. When my business here is concluded, I'm returning to the capital." Zuko said, and confused Zhao, "I simply thought that we would take the barbaric lands. It would be a simple matter with m-"

"I'll say it again Zhao, there is no plan to attack the Land of Wave. I will warn you now that Su Sano made it perfectly clear that no one in the Land of Wave is to be harmed. Return to your patrols of the land of Water and the village hidden in the mist, and this indiscretion of orders is going to be in a report." Zuko finished, and made sure that the message was clear

The two ninja watched as the man scowled at that. Zhao walked away with his troops behind him towards one of the ships. Zuko sighed, "Hopefully he will not cause trouble later." he muttered aloud.

Shika glanced at him, "Trouble in the ranks?"

Zuko eyed her, "Zhao is the same rank as me but is not one for control. Su Sano lets him have his rank so that we may keep an eye on him. He is a strong fighter but I do not trust him."

They traveled across town towards the Daimyo's mansion. Shika notice that many people were watching the army move through the streets. Some nervous while some of the little kids looked excited at the men in armor. Shika and Ino were kept outside with Jet and his group while Zuko went in alone.

Jet cracked his neck and turned to the girls. "Well hopefully this will not take long then we will be on our way back to the capital."

"Yes then the empire's conquest shall truly begin," Zhao said as he walked into view.

Jet narrowed his eyes. "Commander, I thought you were going back on your ship for your patrol."

"Well I figured that I would be needed to help make sure that we have our base." He then notice the two kunoichi on the rhino. "Well that have we here? Zuko finding some prisoners? Well I am willing to…take them off his hands. My men would enjoy them."

Jet got between them. "Sir these two are to be brought to the emperor himself. His orders sir."

Zhao glanced at the two for a few seconds. "Perhaps I should take them to him."

"Sir you are already on thin ice for abandoning you patrol route you do not want anything added to it."

Zhao scowled darkly at Jet, "Are you threatening me soldier?"

"No he isn't. I am," Zuko said as he exits the mansion. "Good news for the empire. The land of waves as agreed to be used for our new base for our conquest." He turned to another soldier, "Tell the men to start working on the fort. We need to get everything ready." He turned to Zhao, "I believe you were leaving to be heading back to your route."

Zhao glare at Zuko before he turned back around and headed off. Zuko turned to one of his men, "If he does not leave before this evening then send a message at once. We can not have Zhao jumping the gun because he is wishes for glory."

Zuko then got back onto his rhino and the group started off, "Have the airship ready. The emperor is waiting for us."

Zuko and the two kunoichi had waited for a another thirty minutes, but it was a wait that awed the two girls in the end. "What is this thing?"

"This is the airship. We'll be traveling the skies from here until the capital, and you won't be able to escape easily from here." Zuko lead the girls up on the loading platform.

"Commander Zuko." One of the men regarded as he stepped on board. Shika took in every bit of the path itself and where they went.

'There are so many pipes, but what are they all for?' She thought, trying to come up with a strategy that would work, but for some reason she couldn't think of one. They were eventually led to a room, it was a fairly nice room and they had some decent beds. "I wouldn't recommend trying to escape." Zuko said to the girls before looking towards the guard that was stationed, "These girls should be treated well, but make sure your cautious. The chi restraints don't come off unless I say so. If they request something, inform me first, but don't let them trick you into anything."

(scene change)

Ino was bored. For days they have been flying on this air ship. They were giving food and their room has a bathroom for them but for most of the time they were stuck in this room. There were not permitted to leave or explore the ship for Zuko did not want them to anywhere where they could sabotage or try and change the course. They were given a few books but Shika found that they had little information. Shika thought that Zuko made sure that was so they had nothing to gain from them.

Ino found that Zuko was very cautions of them and while she thought that he might be being over parodied. They were flying over sea for days and even if they were able to figure out how to control the ship they would have no idea which way to get back home. She growled out as she banged her head lightly on the window. "When are we going to actually get there. We have been flying for days."

"Soon," Zuko said as he entered the room. Ino turned from the window and Shika sat up from her place on the bed and open her eyes. "We will be seeing the palace within the hour. You will then be prepared to greet the emperor and the empress."

Shika raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean prepared?"

"You will see soon enough." Zuko said. "You will be taken to the bridge with them for your first look into your new home."

Ino was confused by that while Shika looked bored. They followed Zuko to the bridge and they stood next to him looking out of the large window in front. Ino glanced around as at the many men moving around doing their duty. Soon land came into view. From their view there was not much detail of the land below. Then a large structure came into view.

Ino and Shika were in awe of the palace, as it could not be anything but. It was large with three main buildings. Two off to the sides of the center and large and block like. The center was very large with several stories and floors to it. The roof to each floor had spike like corners that curved upward as the roof of each one got smaller and smaller. The place and garden had several statues of dragons, toads, and foxes. Zuko had a smirk on his face at their reaction. "Welcome to the palace of the Uzu Empire. Welcome to Takamagahara."

Hope you all enjoy this. If you like this story, then check out some of my other ones. Make sure you check out the one me and my partner worked on, they are on his profile. Please review