Kirk's POV

"Captain on za Breedge!" Chekov announced, and I smirked at hearing his accent. Spock looked up immediately, making my heart drum quietly.

It'd been about a month since I'd been admitted into the hospital. Spock had informed me about his break up with Uhura, and Scotty later told me that she was taking it pretty hard. He also said that nobody on the ship knew a thing about our secret relationship, except for him and Bones, which I was okay with. They were our best friends after all.

I was completely better, with no side effects. Spock had insisted that the Enterprise not leave the station until I returned, and he stayed with me in the hospital too. I had gotten better quickly, but they'd never done the Transfer before on anyone, and so I had to be kept under strict observation by Bones. I guess they figured that if they let me go, that wouldn't happen. Which is probably true.

"Welcome back aboard, Captain." Spock addressed me formally, his expressionless Vulcan face sharp at every angle.

Spock and I had also discussed what it would mean to have a relationship. We agreed not to show affection on the ship, at least, not in front of the crew, which wasn't very hard for Spock. He explained to me that even though he knew how to feel, the Vulcan barriers inside of him still exsisted, which I respected. How could I ask him to change a part of himself?

I also liked that he saved his human emotions for me. It looked so good on him, and I'm glad that I was the only one who got to see it. Girls and boys would drooling all over him if he showed it all the time.

"Captain, you may return to your quarters. Scotty has informed me that the ship will not be ready to leave until tomorrow morning." Sulu reported, and I nodded, relaxing. I walked past Spock. I brushed my fingers over his subtly for a quick Vulcan kiss, which was now our signal we used to meet each other privately. "I think I'll go too." Spock sighed, and we both shuffled out.

The elevator doors closed behind us, and I slammed my hand onto the STOP button. The elevator snapped to a stop, and I shoved Spock up against the wall, pinning him and latching my lips onto his neck. He gasped in unexpected pleasure and arched his back into me.

"I've missed you, Jim." He moaned, his hands slipping up to my shoulders to draw me closer to him. I ran my fingers up and down his body, humming against his skin. "Someone might see us." He warned, and I drew my lips away, bringing myself up to face him.

"I think that makes it more exciting, don't you?" I whispered, letting my hand fall on his inner thigh. He kissed me passionately and that same jolt struck my heart at the feeling of his lips on mine.

I'm a guy that feels too much. He's a guy that doesn't feel at all. We're perfect for each other.