Chapter 1

Kirk's POV

How do you love someone who can't feel at all? I don't know how I manage to bear it; especially when that person only feels for someone else. Spock and Uhura seem happy together, even though Spock never even attempts to show feelings for her. At least he gives me that courtesy. Spock doesn't know though. He's very smart, but not when it comes to human emotions. I know that he has no idea just how deeply I've fallen for him, but I wonder if anyone on the ship can tell.

This is the story of the man who learned to feel.

"Where's Spock?" I snapped as soon as Bones and I were beamed into the ship. "Still in the volcano, sir." Scotty reported reluctantly, and my heart froze. I dashed past everyone quickly and raced to the Bridge. "Can we beam Spock up?" I cry as soon as I enter, breathing wildly. Chekov shook his head solemnly. "Is there anything that we can do?" I begged, and I could feel my voice about to crack. "If we get direct contact, like perhaps going over the volcano, but I can't promise that the ship will keep that altitude." Checkov informed me, and I sighed. "Also, there's a substantial amount of heat radiating from the top. The Enterprise is strong, but she's capable of burning away." Scotty added. I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at Uhura.

"He's back online, sir." She reported diligently.

"Spock!" I shouted. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Sir, I've heard your entire conversation. Do not attempt to beam me up, for this is not the prime directive of the Enterprise ship." He said calmly.

"Spock, I will not leave you down there! I can't let you die!" I snapped. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." He reminded me, and I lost it. "SPOCK!" I yelled, and the whole Bridge got quiet. "We are talking about your life. I'm not going to let you die."

"Captain, while I appreciate it, I strongly advise you not to break this rule. I am not as important as Star Fleet." He told me, and in such a calm manner. Hearing him say that made my heart break. If only he knew how much he meant to me. He wouldn't say things like that, he wouldn't think that he was worthless! I would risk the entire Enterprise ship just so that I could keep him safe.

Scotty walked up to me. "Captain? I know how you feel about him, but-" He looked at me and couldn't say anything else. Did I really look that desperate? Oh, I'd forgotten that I told Scotty about my secret.

"Spock-" I tried, but I was too worked up to say anything else. "Bones, if I were there, and he were here, what would he do?" I whispered. "He'd let you die." Bones answered honestly, glancing at me. My heart sunk. I knew it was true, but I felt like that somewhere, deep in his heart, I was important to Spock too. Even if he wasn't supposed to feel anything. I don't think that he would let me die, but I know for a fact that I couldn't let him.

"Sulu. Take us to the volcano." I said, and Scotty's mouth fell open. "With all sure respect, Captain-" He protested, putting his hand over Sulu's controls. "With all due respect to you, Scotty, I believe I gave Sulu an order." I snapped, and Scotty rolled his eyes, releasing his hand from the controls.

When Spock arrived onto the ship, I raced into the beaming room to make sure he was okay. "Spock!" I cried joyfully. "Are you okay?" I gasped, scanning his body. He just looked at me with a confused glance. "You ignored the prime directive." He announced in shock as Bones rolled his eyes. "Kirk, he's fine."

"What was I supposed to do, Spock? Let you die?" I was taken back. He could have just said thank you. I was pretty sure that I just saved his life. Spock just took of his gear, keeping his eyes locked on me in confusion. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room, angry. How could Spock think that I would just let him die?

I stormed into the elevator, stabbing the button angrily. Spock ran after me and squeezed in with me, hitting the stop button. "What do you want, Spock?" I sighed, turning to him. "I'm just dumbfounded. How could you risk the Enterprise like that, just to save me?" He asked, intense brown eyes glaring into my blue ones. If only he knew how much his eyes made me melt on the inside. They were so captivating.

"Spock, I'm a human. We care about some people, and I care about you. You know that, right?" I asked, and he shrugged. "You care about everyone on the ship." Spock pointed out. Frustration built up inside of me. How the fuck did Uhura stand him? "Just answer me this; would you have gone back for me?" I tried, turning and gazing into his eyes. He looked back, opening his mouth, hesitant. "You are my captain, therefore it would at least be slightly logical to go after-" "No, Spock!" I snapped, and he stopped talking. "Would you go back for me? Jim Kirk. Not Captain." I said again, and he didn't say a word. He began to say something, and couldn't. "The logical thing would be to leave you, Captain." He explained slowly, and I rolled my eyes, hitting the button for the Bridge. The elevator jerked and started up. "Logic isn't always right, Spock." I said, and then walked onto the Bridge, leaving a very confused Vulcan behind me.