Adventure Time: The Many Faces Of Tier Fifteen

Chapter Five

The Morning After

To All my followers and fans of my story I apologize for the long period I have been gone I've had some Family business to take care of that took far longer than I originally anticipated but I am back now to finish my story so please sit back relax and enjoy

The morning sun began its rise over the mountains of Ooo, casting its light all across the land to the many kingdoms that branched across it. Finn inside of Marceline's house was one of the few in the land untouched by this light. The inside of Marceline's cave was as dark and damp as it was the night before, cold and slick but the inside of the house was warm, not warm from any source of heat that you could see but warm from the shared body heat by the lovers still covered by the blankets of the bed they shared.

Finn who was usually up at this time began to stir, his natural need for adventure and excitement gradually pulling him from slumber, but as he opened his eyes he was met with something that should have made him happy but instead filled him with regret. What he seen was in itself beautiful, Marceline's head rested on his shoulder as she slept, shallow almost none existent breaths emerging from her soft lips. As he gazed at her he began to notice that neither of them were clothed, his face began to feel hot as he was slowly gripped with embarrassment.

With all the skill he gathered from adventuring he began to stealthily shuffle his way out of the bed, sitting up on the edge he pulled a little tab of blanket to cover his lower half as he scanned the room for his clothes. His eyes came to rest upon a pair of underwear that sat alone in the middle of the room but before he could even think of grabbing them he felt a pair of arms snake around his shoulders down to his chest. "Finn" whispered Marceline in a still sleep filled voice "where are you going, come back to bed" she asked resting her head between his shoulder blades. Finn's head hung in both embarrassment of being caught and shame at trying to leave before she had woken up, "Jake's probably wandering where I am about now Marcy" Finn said quickly thinking of a lie. "You know him, he'll start freaking out when he find's out I'm not there when he gets up", Marceline let out a groan behind him "Well can we at least meet up later today Finn?" Marceline asked. Finn turned to her, looking into her vampiric eyes, "Of course Marcy" Finn replied.

With that Finn gave her a small kiss bringing a small tinge of red to her pale skin, Marceline let out a small chuckle before laying back down "Alright well you better try and get some rest tonight babe, you'll need your strength" she said with a wink. Finn let out his own chuckle as he turned away from her to hide the blush that began to creep upon his face, Finn pushed himself off the bed and wandered over to the first garment of his clothing that he had seen. As he knelt down and retrieved the small cloth he heard a whistle come from behind him, standing straight right away he used the undergarment to cover himself as he twisted back to look at his lover. "Poo" Marceline laughed to herself, "I was enjoying that view" she said barely holding in laughter as Finn began to dress himself accordingly.

"Marcy, come on it's not that funny" Finn exclaimed, his face bright red as he pulled his hat over his head, opening his eyes he found Marceline floating towards him to pull him into a deep passionate kiss before replying "You shouldn't be so shy my little hero, especially after last night" Finn's mind still inside the moment of the kiss stuttered what both could only assume to be him agreeing. Marceline let go of him with a small hint of hesitation before grabbing herself a shirt and a new pair of personal item's, Finn being both a gentleman and whose mind had just been fried with such a unexpected kiss turned around to give her privacy. "ok Marcy, I'm gonna head out i'll meet you at the top of my tree house around nine alright?" he both explained and asked, the reply he got was something he was and wasn't expecting as he felt her lips form a trial down the base of his neck.

"Ok, I'm already missing you my love" she exclaimed letting him go to float back to her bed, Finn began to walk to the door before he stopped and turned to her, "Marcy, I'm missing you to" he replied before leaving form the room and out the door. Marceline laid in bed staring up at the ceiling thinking to herself, "The room still smelled of him" she thought "it finally happened, Finn was hers" she began to chuckle. It was funny when she first told him she only liked him as a friend to both convince him and herself that it couldn't work, he didn't even hesitate to agree and it was comforting to know that she could always have him as a friend. Yet it hurt as well, to imagine them never becoming anything more than that, but it had become more he was hers and she was his. As she drank that realization in the felt happy as she brought the blanket they had been sharing closer to her face to inhale more of his scent, letting out a sigh she began to hum a beat to a new song that she could make for him, lulling herself to sleep.

Not far away outside the cave Finn had begun his ascent up the cliff wall, realizing that he really didn't have anything to be embarrassed about. He gave his first time to a girl that not only cared for him but even went as far to say that she loved him. That alone made his heart swell and made everything seem a little brighter, as he reached the top of the cliff he looked around the dark forest he had used to get to this destination seemed much happier and more full of life as he took everything around him in. The walk out of the forest took a lot less time than it seemed going in weird how it always seemed like that. It wasn't long till he found the road leading back to his tree house, along the road he could see many carts and other modes of transportation heading towards the candy kingdom.

A lot of passengers seemed to be candy people from all the reaches of the kingdom as well as other creatures that Finn both did and didn't recognize. "Finn" called a very feminine voice from one of the carts, suddenly a very fruity ragged looking cart pulled to the side, stopping when Finn was lined up with one of the passengers window's, Finn stepped towards the cart to get a better look inside "Hello?" Finn asked. The shadowy figure from inside the cart flopped into the window frame wearing a blush across her face, "Hi Finn" Raggedy Princess said smiling as best as her cloth body would allow. Finn smiled as soon as he saw who it was, "Hey princess, what's all the hubbub about?" he asked, the princess gave her head a little shake to snap herself out of the apparent daze she was in looking at Finn. "Oh, I thought you were going to the party along with everyone else Finn, Princess Bubble-gum invited all the Princesses I thought she invited you as well" she replied looking at him questionably.

Finn gasped, he had completely forgotten about PB's party. "Shmow Zow, I forgot I better go get ready" he shouted before he dashed off, only turning around quickly to shout again "Thanks Raggedy Princess, I'll see you at the party ok?". After that Finn ran off leaving Raggedy staring off at him the blush still evident on her face, "Oh my gosh, Finn want's to see me again at the party" she said to herself as the cart began to move again heading towards the kingdom.

Running back it took a lot less time for Finn to reach the familiar looking tree house, and even from the distance he was at now he could hear the frantic yelling of his older brother, Jake calling for him. "Crap" Finn thought to himself, "Here we go" as he got closer to the house, he spotted Jake at the top of the house, using his binoculars to scan the landscape in search of his little brother. "Jake, down here dude" shouted Finn, Jake looked down at his little bro, "FINN, I was so worried" Jake yelled stretching himself down to meet him. "Where were you bro, I searched everywhere for you?" Jake asked franticly, Finn hesitated should he tell Jake everything?, should he tell Jake about Marceline?. "Well Jake, I.." Finn began only to be cut off by Jake, "Oh yea, Finn I forgot Princess PB was here to make sure that you were coming to her party?". Finn looked relieved "Oh yea, I'm just going to meet Marcy here at nine first before I head there", as Finn walked past him Jake began to sniff the air, "Hey Finn umm, do you smell something like, you know umm, you know what forget it we will talk later"