By the end of May the 'Grant High Gambles' were old news. All the students who were first time offenders had been busy during their suspensions working on their community service; those students who were second time offenders had been ordered to pay additional restitution equal to the amount of money they would've won from the pools. When the suspendees returned to school they all minded their own business and kept their noses in their studies, doing everything in their power to make sure they made up their missed assignments and tests so they wouldn't be held back, and because of this the atmosphere at Grant High was slightly more relaxed than it had been since the school year began. One surprising twist was that some of these students were enjoying their chosen community service activity so much that they told their parents they wanted to continue to do it even after their required hours had been served.

By this time Amy and Ricky had been spending so much time together that they had managed to become genuine friends. Ricky stuck to his word and stopped sleeping around. In fact, he hadn't had sex with anyone since he'd made the vow not to and he felt good about it. Amy had adjusted to life as a teen mom and, since John was sleeping for longer stretches of time at night, she was getting more sleep and it was doing wonders for her mood.

Ben was still adjusting to life without Amy. He had come to the realization that even though he still cared about Amy, and might for the rest of his life, he wasn't in love with her and it was time to move forward and find someone else. His adjustment was made a little easier as he was now seeing a girl named Melody. They had been partnered up for a lab assignment shortly after the initial mass suspensions and they had hit it off. Remembering his relationship with Amy, Ben decided to take things slow and at the moment he and Melody were in a pretty good place in their budding relationship and he was happy. Alice and Henry noticed Ben's happier attitude and, after spending some time hanging out with him and Melody so they could all get to know each other better, Alice gave Melody a stamp of approval, as did Henry.

Madison and Lauren noticed Ricky's change in behavior and attitude towards Amy shortly after John was born and they had been monitoring it discreetly while at school and then talked to Amy about her relationship with him when they hung out. They could tell Ricky had sincerely turned over a new leaf and was being a good dad to John so they quit giving him such a hard time. They might never fully forgive him for hurting their best friend, but if he kept it up, there was a slim chance of it happening in the future.

Grace's life didn't change all that much due to John's arrival or the whole gambling debacle. She had a desire to help out some fellow students who were in trouble and did so, end of story. However, Grace's friendship with Adrian grew a little stronger after Adrian found out Grace was one of the 'petitioners.' Adrian was shocked to discover that Grace's big heart wasn't just an act. She was truly grateful that her poor decision to bet on the boys had only cost her parents money and didn't land her in juvie and, with a friend as kind hearted as Grace, Adrian hoped that by spending more time hanging out with and talking to Grace maybe some of Grace's personality would rub off on her. She also noticed Ricky's change in behavior and attitude, towards all girls and not just Amy, and secretly it inspired her. If someone like Ricky, with his past and personality, could turn over a new leaf then so could she.

The Grant High community had learned a lesson from the whole fiasco as well. Quite a few parents realized their kids needed more parental supervision and stepped up to the plate. These parents gave their kids earlier curfews; started checking their cellphone and laptops once a week, on a random day each week; and restricted their other privileges until they earned back their parents' trust and respect. The principal resolved to make sure students weren't provided with spaces within the school to conduct any other illegal sorts of activities and organized a sweep of the school's storage, activity, and auxiliary rooms that was conducted during spring break back in April. The principal also had all locks and electronic entrance codes changed so students couldn't sneak in late at night and, so far, there had been no reports or whispers of any illegal or questionable activities since then. All in all the community and its teenaged population learned lessons from the whole experience but it was perhaps Ricky Underwood who received the most enlightening and unnerving lessons, as the birth of his son taught him just how insufficient high school Sex Ed really is.