So this is it.

I hope you enjoyed.

Reviews, please?



"You and your brother are really close right?" Yes, that woman was bed news.

-author's pov-

"Yes." Katniss answered politely.

"Are you really ready to become a nun, cause I don't see you dressing like one anymore." Sister Lauren said and Katniss decided she didn't want to deal with her shit anymore.

"You all will have a big surprise when I come back, that's all I'm gonna say Sister Lauren. Now if you excuse us." Katniss said and walked away with Peeta.

-back home-

"Wow! My babe put that nosy nun in her place." Peeta said and hugged Katniss around the waist.

"I feel confident around you." Katniss said and Peeta kissed her lips lightly. "Just two weeks till I have to explain myself to the Head Nun Sister Compassion." Peeta nodded and smirked.

"At least she has an understanding name." Katniss glared at him and slapped his arm.

"Shut it. I'm being serious!" she pouted and Peeta sat on the couch putting her on his lap.

"I know. Big Peeta wants some fun, what now?" he smirked at her and she blushed deeply. "Let's go to our room?" he did a puppy dog face and she couldn't help but nod. "Yay!" he picked her up bridal style and took her to their room.

Peeta put her in bed and got on top of her.

"I love you Katniss Everdeen."

"And I love you so much Peeta Mellark." Peeta started to kiss her neck and ran his hands all over her body. Katniss felt he already have a hard dick and unbuttoned his pants. Peeta smirked.

"My naughty girl... I like it!" he took off her dress and kissed her shoulder, then her chest, till he got to her nipples and sucked on one of them softly. Katniss couldn't stop moaning.

"Y-y-yeah Peeta." he sucked on the other nipple and rubbed her under her panties.

"Do you like that baby?"

"Oh yeah..." Katniss was moaning like crazy. Peeta took off her panties.

"Are you sure you want this honey?" he asked to be sure she really wanted to carry on. She nodded.

"I want you Peeta!" she took off his shirt and pants.

"I love you so much beautiful girl." Peeta took off his own boxers and put himself a condom. "Ready?" Katniss nodded and felt when Peeta entered her slowly, he stopped when he noticed she was in pain.

"Do want me to stop?" he asked scared he hurt her. She shook her head.

"It hurts like hell but keep going, why are you so big?" she asked laughing but at the same time trying to stay still so it wouldn't hurt. Peeta chuckled and went in slowly until he was all inside her.

"Feeling better?" he asked running his fingers on her cheek.

"A little." Peeta caressed her thighs trying to relax her.

"I love you... you're so beautiful."

"I love you too." Peeta felt Katniss relaxed a bit and he started to move in and out of her slowly.

...after a while...

Peeta was wasted holding Katniss on his chest.

"Babe tell me if God wasn't the one that created what we just did?" Katniss nodded.

"Making love is beautiful babe, I don't know why people think of this as a BIG sin."

"Neither do I." Peeta said and Katniss yawned, he smiled kissing her nose.

"No time for nap babe, we gotta shower cause dinner must be ready anytime."


-at a party with Peeta's friends-

"So, I see you guys aren't just step siblings anymore." Nick said as soon as she saw Peeta and Katniss kiss.

"She's my beautiful girlfriend now." Peeta said bringing Katniss even closer to him.

...after a while…

Peeta was completely drunk and he lost Katniss somewhere in the party, he was looking for her.

"Hey beautiful!" he hugged a girl thinking it's Katniss.

"Hey hottie!" Peeta kissed her and pulled away.

"Wait you're not my Katniss!" Peeta said and he heard real Katniss looking at him, before he could say anything she ran away crying.

-back at home-

Peeta was knocking on their room's door desperately.

"Katniss open up! I'm sorry!" she opened up holding her bag.

"I'm going back to the monastery. Y-y-you were a mistake Peeta. I can't believe I trusted you." Peeta started crying by then.

"Don't go Katniss. I thought she was you!" he tried to explain but she didn't want to hear him.

"I don't wanna listen to you anymore."

after a whlile…

"WHAT? You're going away?" Mary asked Katniss.

"Peeta cheated on me mom! I can't stay here, bye!" she said crying and walked away.

-few hours later on the monastery-

"Katniss, you're early. Is something going on?" Head Sister Compassion asked her worried.

"I made a huge mistake sister. I need to ask for forgiveness." Katniss said with teary eyes.

"What happened my child?" the Sister asked and Katniss looked down, she was so ashamed.

"I fell in love." The Sister smiled.

"So you don't wanna be a nun anymore?" Katniss shook her head.

"I do sister, I need to." Katniss pleaded.

"Are you still pure?" Just by Katniss face the Sister had her answer.

"I've sinned too much. I need to pray."

"Do you still love the boy?" Katniss started crying just by the mention of Peeta, she loved him so much still.

"He cheated on me." the Sister held her hand and made her look into her eyes.

"You need to calm down first, if you really regret falling in love with him we will forgive you and you can become a nun, but if you still love him, try to make things right with him. Maybe he's worth it." Katniss was about to say something when they heard screams coming from outside.

"KATNISS! I'M SORRY! PLEASE? COME BACK TO ME! I LOVE YOU!" it was Peeta. Head Sister Compassion went to the door and opened up for him.

"Stop screaming boy. I assume you're Katniss' ex boyfriend, am I correct?" Peeta just nodded.

"I made a huge mistake, but I can't let her become a nun Sister." he had tears in his eyes.

"Just calm down, you need to respect her wish young man." Peeta shook his head.

"But she doesn't want that! She thinks I cheated on her, but I thought it was her, that's why I kissed that girl. I would never cheat on Katniss, she's my little girl. I need her sister." that said he broke down crying.

"I'm gonna talk to her, to see if she wants to talk to you." the Sister said and went away.

-katniss' room-

"Your boy's here." Sister said and Katniss shook her head.

"I hate him, I don't wanna see him." the Sister sat beside her.

"Can I tell you a story?" Katniss just nodded.

"Once there was a girl that was completely in love with a guy that used to be her best friend, but she didn't wake up to this until she became a nun, then she realized he loved her back but it was too late and he never had the guts to come here screaming how much he loved her." the Sister looked down.

"Was it you?" Katniss asked and she nodded.

"Talk to him Katniss, try to listen to him."

"You wanted to talk to me?" Katniss asked coldly as soon as she saw Peeta.

"Yes. I'm so sorry kat, I was totally drunk, I shouldn't have drink that much, but I promise I t-t-thought it was you." he was crying he couldn't hide it.

"It hurt so much. I gave everything away for you and you did that to me?" Katniss asked hurt.

"I swear it wasn't my intention! Please forgive me?" Peeta got on his knees asking for forgiveness.

"Stand up Peeta." he was crying hard by now.

"Please Katniss?" he begged.

Katniss looked down.

"Just one more chance. You can't screw up this time or you'll never see me again." she said and he stared at her not believing what he was hearing. He finally snapped out of the initial shock and held her tight.

"Will you marry me?"

"I'd love to." Peeta kissed her passionately.

"Let's go home?"

The Head Sister was watching them with teary eyes.

"Congratulations Katniss, you won't marry God but you'll marry the man you love. Just don't let God get out of your heart okay?"

"He never will, thanks Sister."

-5 years later-

"Mom! Where's dad?" Katniss smiled at her 4 year old daughter.

"He's working dear, he'll be home soon." Primrose smiled and showed her a magazine.

"I think this is cool!" Katniss saw it was a nun's picture her daughter was showing her.

"Oh kid, it's not cool. Believe mom!" Right at that moment Peeta walked home.

"Hello family!" Prim jumped on him.

"Hey dad!" he picked her up.

"Hey, how are you princess?"


"Great. Hi Kat!" Katniss smiled at him and Prim showed her magazine to Peeta as well.

"Mom said it's not cool to wear this!" Peeta could only laugh.


"Can you imagine if Prim said she would like to be a nun? What would you do?" Katniss asked Peeta giggling.

"It would be funny, but I'd let her go. But, like your mom, I would be praying for her to find a man she loves and treats her right. I want grandchildren." Peeta said and Katniss laughed.

"Now you sound like my mom! And I have news for you, if Prim becomes a nun someday we'd still have a chance to be grandparents." Peeta smirked at his wife.

"Are you trying to tell me you're pregnant again?" Katniss nodded and Peeta hugged her tight.

"Thank you Katniss Mellark for being the best thing that ever happened in my life." she laughed at him.

"Thank you!"

The end.