One month later

Annie sat on her folding chair, watching Jeff as he paced back and forth on all fours. It was the fifth night of the full moon cycle. She had hoped since Jeff had turned during the last night last month it might have end after the fourth night. But it seemed Abed was right, and a werewolf couldn't kill for a full complete cycle for the curse to be broken.

Luckily, they had had plenty of time to take all necessary precautions this time around, unlike when Annie had turned. They built a jail cell in Pierce's basement, with four inch reinforced steel bars and five industrial locks. The cell was outfitted enough so Jeff would be comfortable during his stay, with a cot and rations and even an outhouse. They even set up a video monitor so he could be watched from upstairs without people actually being in the room with him. For Jeff's part he took off work that week and locked himself up the morning of the first night, ordering everyone that no matter what he was to remain caged until the curse broke.

The first day wasn't bad, with Jeff being more or less Jeff. People stayed with him during the day, acting as normally as they could with one of their friends in a jail cell who would turn into a werewolf at night. He was even a good sport when Abed and Troy talked him and Britta into playing charades. But by the second morning the wolf started taking over, and he wanted to get out. He'd yell to be let out, and that he'd lock himself up once it was sunset. Then when that didn't work he acted intentionally cruel to everyone, and tried all sort of tricks to get himself out of his cell, like pretending he was dying so the group would unlock the door and come to him.

Luckily no one fell for any of his ploys. No matter what happened everyone had a strict rule not to come within an arm's length of the cage. And if they did have to go in the cage, they knocked him out with a tranquillizer dart before approaching. Through Annie they knew how manipulative a person under the werewolf curse could be, and they took no chances whatsoever.

Annie sighed as she watched Jeff in his cage, literally counting down the time on her phone as she waited for morning. They all wanted the sun to rise so it would all be over. She had been apprehensive all month before this full moon cycle arrived. And now after five days and four nights, she had only a few hours to wait until the curse broke and this entire ordeal could be put behind them.

It hadn't been easy for Annie, dealing with everything that had happened to her. Before she could deal with herself she had to make amends and earn forgiveness for her actions. After being forgiven by Shirley and Abed, and her breakdown with Jeff in Abed's father's store basement, she went to the hospital to see Britta, Troy and Pierce.

Surprisingly, of the three of them Britta most easily forgave her. Like Shirley, she believed Annie wasn't herself during that time, no matter how much Annie tried not to escape blame for her actions. Britta was much angrier at Rich for stabbing her, and felt no remorse when they learned that he had killed himself following a car accident.

While Troy more or less had the same thought pattern as everyone else of blaming the wolf, he wasn't able to immediately forgive her. He wanted to, but found it hard given how much she had manipulated him to try and escape, and made him wonder if deep down she truly resented him for how he used to treat her and how he lived his life. The two of them ended up having a long talk with each other. In the end he was able to forgive her, and the two of them were even closer than before this terrible ordeal began.

Naturally Pierce was the hardest to deal with following everything. He was extremely resentful for how she had treated him during that time, stating, "I would have expected that from one of the others, but not my favorite." But while he didn't actually say he forgave her, he did pay for her dental implant (the tooth Rich ripped out never grew back and she had to have a fake one put in). He even paid extra to make sure it seamlessly matched her other teeth, saying, "You have a 100 watt smile, and it shouldn't be ruined by having you look like a hillbilly or a Persian." So while he never vocally said he forgave her, she took his actions as his way of forgiving her.

After Annie was forgiven by the group, she had to then come to terms with everything that had happened to her. The sad truth was that she had been violated. First by the initial wolf attack that turned her, and then by the curse that poisoned her into a vile hatful person. The very thought of it made her feel disgusted and ashamed.

It took her a while to work through it all. She started off by talking it over with Britta, figuring her therapy training might be of help. And while Britta did sometimes put a unique interpretative spin on things, she did help her with figuring out how to deal with it. Annie also went to some meetings for people who had been attacked and violated (though she altered her story so she didn't reveal what actually happened). And hearing others talk about how they moved on with their lives after being violated helped Annie to know it was possible to heal.

And through it all was Jeff, who became her rock in it all. They talked a lot about how she was feeling, and that no matter what, she was a fighter who was capable of surviving this and coming out of it stronger than she was before it happened. It helped her immensely to have someone believe in her so strongly.

As time went on she began to feel she was ready to act on the growing feelings they had for one another. But unfortunately, just as she felt she was ready, Jeff ended up backing off. At first she angrily thought he was just being denying his feelings like he always did. But he assured her that wasn't the case. Instead he said he was afraid of getting close to her while the werewolf was inside of him, and wanted to wait until the curse was broken. After hearing that she agreed it was for the best. She had already waited this long; a little while more wouldn't make too much of a difference.

In the weeks leading up to the change, Jeff grew more and more nervous at what would happen to him when the full moon cycle arrived. Not just the physical aspect of turning into a monstrous wolf, but what it would do to his mind and psyche during the daytime. He'd seen how it had affected Annie, and he was scared of losing himself. Knowing how he had been there for her, Annie promised Jeff that she would be with him through it all.

So once it began, she spent every day in that basement with Jeff. While the others chose to watch Jeff from the upstairs monitor, she actually stayed with him in the room. It was far from easy. First she had to endure seeing him painfully turn into a wolf and then throw himself at the bars in an attempt to escape. And then she had to put up with all the insults and verbal attacks he threw at her when he was human. He told her she was just being naïve in helping him and in the end he would happily hurt her. That in the end her ambition would leave her friendless and alone. She had to remind herself it was the wolf talking and the real Jeff was still in there. She even got glimpses of him from time to time, both in human and wolf form. It was those glimpses that helped her see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"It's almost time Jeff," she told him as he watched her through the cage. She inched her chair as close to the cell as she could allow herself to go. While she was looking at a wolf, the eyes in its face were still Jeff's. They stared back at her, showing the depth of his feelings for her even within the form of a beast. She smiled as she yawned and felt her eyes close.

Annie jerked her head up as she heard a ringing in her pocket. She pulled her phone out, seeing that the alarm was going off. She gasped as she realized that it was sunrise. That is was now finally ending.

She watched as the wolf let out a terrified howl on anguish before dropping to its stomach. Its brown fur became grey and listless as it's body seemed to dry out. Though Jeff had told her what to expect, she still wasn't prepared when the skin broke apart and fell off in pieces. She pressed her face against the bars as she saw the real Jeff lying in the decaying shell of the now dead wolf.

"Jeff!" She unlocked the cage as quickly as she could before rushing inside and kneeling beside Jeff. "Jeff," she repeated more softly she stroked his hair.

He sired as his eyes opened and he looked up at her. "Annie."

"I'm here Jeff." She pulled apart the rest of the dried carcass before pulling Jeff into her arms. She held him tightly as she felt his body shake against hers. "It's okay, I'm right here."

"I…I don't know how you did this," he said shakily.

"I had a lot of help," she simply responded.

"Annie, I know we talked about this already beforehand, but I'm so sorry for everything I said to you-"

"Jeff, I know." She pulled back slightly so she was properly facing him. "I know you're sorry, and that you weren't you when you said those things. Yes, it was terrible to hear, but I can't hold you at fault for what you were made to say and do. You forgave me when I was a monster, so it wouldn't be fair if I held what you did during your time as that thing against you."

"I still feel bad."

"I know. And I'll be here for you. Whatever you need." She patted his shoulder as she started to get up. "I should make sure the others know you're alright."

"No, wait," he said as he pulled her back down. "Can you just stay here for a little while longer?"

"Sure," she said as she got comfortable next to him.

He started putting an arm around her when he suddenly realized he wasn't wearing anything. "I should get dressed."

"You don't necessity have to," she said slyly.

"Pervert," he said with a laugh. He pulled her into him as he leaned down and kissed her temple. She leaned upward and kissed his jawline. They moved closer to each other with their kissed until their lips connected, both feeling a fire that had been kept in check for far too long.


Britta yawned as she sat up on the couch and stretched. "I really hate that couch…" she trailed off as she looked out the window and saw that it was morning. "It's morning! Guys, its morning! Wake up!"

"I'm awake, I'm awake," Troy sleepily said as he and Abed came out of the kitchen. "It's not like we fell asleep while playing coffee can counter hokey last night."

"Guys, it's morning. That means the curse is broken. Jeff's alright!"

"I'll check the video screen," Abed said. He went over to the video monitor when he paused to look at it, seeing Annie straddling a naked Jeff while frantically unbuttoning her blouse. He watched for a moment, surprised not so much that this was happening but that it was happening now, before shutting off the video monitor. "Let's just give him a few minutes. Maybe twenty to be safe."

"Why?" Britta asked. "Why did you turn off the monitor? Wait, where's Annie?" Her eyes widened as she figured out what was going on. "Oh, you've got to be…he's back to being himself for a minute and they're already…" She chuckled as she shook her head. "I say give them at least a half an hour."

"Wait, what's…" Troy's jaw dropped as he finally got what was going on. "Okay, now my brain is permanently wrinkled."