AN: I guess I should have explained before I start, that this is my first
time writing a fic based off a game, as most of the time I write about
movies (usually animated, go figure). I was fortunate enough to get a hold
of a PS2 and Jak and Daxter with my friend as I was at her place a few
weeks ago while we had a public holiday here in NZ. I instantly fell in
love with the game and its characters, but unfortunately, we never got
around to finishing the game while we had the console. ( So take into mind
that everything I know about the characters (I.e., Daxter still being an
ottsel) is basically from information I've gathered off the Internet. But
hopefully I won't go too far off track. Please inform me if you feel I've
made a mistake somewhere, as it's always best to know. I should also point
out that I usually add my own characters to my fanfic stories, so be
prepared for some strange scenes at first. Anyway, enough with the boring
note at the beginning. I hope this story suffices as good enough for the
Jak and Daxter fans out there. I usually put art from my fanfics on my art
gallery (under my user info) so check it out if you have time. Anyway,
I'll shut my mouth here and let you start reading.
~ Keysha
Jak and Daxter: The Legend of the Lost White City
Chapter One: The Escape
The small orange ottsel stretched out as he and his best friend sprawled on the sandy beach. The sun was gently warming his fur and as strange as this fairly new feeling was too him, it was pure bliss. Aside the sand getting into his fur, now THAT was annoying. Daxter had not ALWAYS been an ottsel. He had, at one time, belonged to the same species of elvish-like people like his friend Jak. However, due to certain acts of disobedience (Of course, originally Jak's idea) he was now an Ottsel. A cross between an otter and a weasel, and had it not been for his aviation goggles and gloves, you would have never been able to tell of his former appearance. That and the fact that he never stopped talking. Daxter never missed the chance to throw a wise crack or two at his friends. It seemed perfect that he was Jak's friend. Considering Jak barley ever uttered a word.
Daxter yawned and turned onto his stomach so that he could sun his back. Beside him, he could hear Jak snoring away. If the guy didn't roll over soon, he would get sun burnt by the bright midday sun. Daxter just stretched out. Let Jak get sun burnt. HE was a bright shade of orange twenty four - seven! Daxter sighed and began daydreaming about what it was like being his old self. Sometimes he felt like he'd give ANYTHING to be his old self again. Being 'cute and furry' wasn't all it was cut out to be. True, the girls found it adorable, but that was about it. What was it Keira said to him? That she didn't date animals? That was the fact of the matter. She didn't date animals. NOBODY dated animals. Samos was always treating him like dirt and calling him fur ball, and pretty much everyone else just treated him as something worthless with the exception of Jak. Not that he was treated much better when he was in his normal half-elf state, but still, sometimes it just really got to him! Then again, there WERE benefits to having a fur coat. For one, thing, it was extra protection against sunburn. Daxter smiled as he noticed Jak's skin begin to redden. "Barbeque anyone?" Daxter said to thin air, grinning from ear to ear.
Xema ran for all she was worth. Behind her, she could hear the hurried trampling of a thousand feet as guards from her city began to look for her. "She couldn't have gone far!" She heard one cry. "Yeah, the only way she could hide from us in this area is if she was five times her normal size!" Another one cried with an annoyed voice. "The Master will not like it if she gets away again!" Another voice snapped. "So stop TALKING and start SEARCHING!"
Xema ducked out of sight beneath a rough patch of jungle foliage. She held her breath as a huge foot stomped beside her. It was a species very similar to Jak and his friends, Elf-like with large bright eyes. However these Elf creatures had large sets of feathered wings growing just below their shoulder blades, as well as small clusters of feathers on their ankles. They were a strange evolution. Perhaps caused by the white light that glowed endlessly around their City. Xema was one of these creatures too. This was one of Xema's several attempts to escape the city in which she lived. Feeling that it was more of a prison than a home.
"Nothing around here!" The guard above her bellowed. Boy he was loud! Xema covered her ears in an attempt to block out the guards overpowering voice. When she finally removed her hands, she could hear the guards stomping about in another direction. Xema crawled out of her hiding place, thankful to have not been caught.
Xema couldn't believe it. She had FINALLY done it! After several years of trying to get away from her nagging father, bossy sister and that incredibly dull city, she had finally made a full escape.
She dusted herself off and glanced around her. There was absolutely NO civilization for miles around, although VERY far south, she could detect the faint smell of salty sea air. Maybe that was where she should go. After all, she could go ANYWHERE she wanted to now. She smiled to herself. For the first time in her life, she would be able to gaze at the ocean.
Jak had spent a pretty restless day chasing Daxter around the village in a fit of rage. Not only had the little rat left him in the sun to burn, but also after that, he even had the nerve to tease him about his burnt complexion. However, as fast as Jak ran, he just couldn't keep up with Daxter. True, Daxter had always been faster than him, but he also used to be a real klutz, tripping up on almost every stone in his path. Jak used to have no trouble catching his friend, but now that he was an ottsel, things had changed, and Daxter no longer had such a clumsy nature.
Or perhaps he had better balance running about on all fours.
In any case, it didn't take long for the two to start talking to each other again (at least, DAXTER did the talking, Jak just listened). But that was the great thing about their friendship. They were so completely different from one another, that it actually brought them closer.
It was early evening when Jak became restless, and decided to go on another one of his little explorations. Ever since their disastrous experience on Misty Island, Daxter had never again been fond of taking off to some unexplored territory. But no matter what the case, he always ended up being dragged along (That and the fact that he HATED being left behind).
As the sky began to dim, and the shadows started to melt away into the darkness, Daxter became more and more worried as they headed off into the forbidden Jungle. WHY Jak enjoyed going there he would NEVER know. Feeling a chill run down his spine, Daxter shivered uncontrollably, and clung hold of a large tuff of Jak's thick, blond hair. Holding on for dear life. The boy just sighed. Daxter was never the same any more. He used to ENJOY exploring places like this, but NOW he didn't want to go anywhere except the safety of his basket in the corner unless there was an utter need of urgency. But then again, Daxter did enjoy going to Keira's place. Jak rolled his eyes at the thought. OF COURSE Daxter enjoyed going to see HER. His younger friend was still an adolescent. Still charged with hormones and loaded with every cheesy pickup line in the book. One day he would grow out of it. Then again, maybe he wouldn't.
"Okay, so just tell me one thing. WHERE exactly ARE we?" Daxter practically yelled into Jak's ear. The blonde boy cringed at the sound of the Ottsel's voice ringing through his ears. After several attempts to unblock them, he just shrugged his shoulders. Daxter's jaw dropped down beyond all belief. "You mean to tell me that you have NO idea where we are! We're lost in a jungle full of poisonous snakes, twisting vines and rabid things that I just DON'T even want to MENTION!" The little Ottsel was going berserk now, pounding at the metal shield on Jak's shoulder with his paw until Jak finally had to stop him in case he hurt himself (which he usually did). After a lot of silent persuasion from Jak, and a lot of deep, heavy breathing from Daxter, the orange ottsel finally managed to calm himself down. It was decided between the two that it was too dark to venture further into the jungle (Daxter pointed this out VERY clearly) and too risky to head back due to limited light. Neither of them wanted to come face to face with a python in the dark jungle. So it decided upon staying in the spot they were and waiting until morning before heading back.
"This is ANOTHER fine mess you've gotten us into!" Daxter mumbled, as Jak lay down on the Dewy grass to sleep. However, the little ottsel stayed very close to his friend, and curled up into a tight ball. Jak had to smile. Daxter wasn't happy with him, but he sure did appreciate his company.
As the two slept, a small shadow loomed in the jungle beside them, silently watching as too not wake the sleeping figures. Xema crept a little closer out of the bushes and studied the two curiously. One of them was a boy, much like her people. But WHERE were his wings? Perhaps he had hidden them from sight, but HOW had he managed to do THAT! As she crept up closer to examine the area around the boy's shoulder blades, she failed to notice the other figure stirring. "HEY!" Daxter cried, frightening the life out of the shadowy figure beside Jak. Both Daxter and Xema yelped in surprise, and tried to escape, but Xema tripped over Daxter's skinny little body and went crashing to the ground. Jak awoke with a start and caught the odd sight of his friend sprawled across the ground and a young girl with what appeared to be something growing out of her back. The strange girl looked up at him in shock, and quickly jumped over the squirming Daxter before leaping away into the trees.
Jak scratched his head in confusion, while Daxter shook so hard it looked like a volcano was erupting around him. "WHAT was THAT?" He gasped. Jak had no idea. It had defiantly looked like a girl, but she appeared to have WINGS! That couldn't be right. People didn't grow wings. Jak's little friend stood up shakily and started to brush himself off. "Well, WHATEVER it was, it didn't seem friendly. I don't know about YOU, but I don't think I WANT to stay and see if it comes back. Besides, look!" Daxter pointed above the trees, to where a thin ray of sun was just peeking up to greet them. "Our navigation has arrived. Let's get moving!"
Xema watched the two figures disappear towards the greatly increasing salty-air smell. 'They must be heading towards the ocean' she thought. Despite the dangerously close encounter she had just experienced with the wing-less boy and the ottsel, she decided to follow them. After all, they WERE heading towards the sea. Maybe they could lead her there.
An unimpressed Keira was awaiting the boy's arrival back at the village.
"WHERE have you BEEN?" She cried when she first caught sight of the two sleepy figures enter the village. "I've been up ALL night I was so worried about you!"
"Hey! No need to worry about me! I can take care of myself!" Daxter cried, grinning and pulling one of his ever-stupid poses. But Keira walked past him, not even realizing he was there. Instead, her attention was on Jak, who was looking very sheepish and sorry for himself. Daxter made a rude noise and shook his head. "It was all Jak's fault anyway! It was HIS idea to go wandering about like that!" Daxter tried to turn all the blame on his friend, but once Jak had shot the ottsel a look of poison, he became relatively silent, which as we all know, is a REAL challenge for Daxter. He left the two romancing people, grumbling to himself about how no one who didn't care about HIM wasn't worth his time.
Xema hid high up in the thick canopy of trees on the edge of the village. It was a quaint little place. Absolutely NOTHING like the huge, glistering towers of where she came from. But she liked it. After seeing nothing but towering buildings all her life, this place seemed much more relaxed and, well, cute. As Xema bluntly put it.
A small rustle in the grass below her caught Xema's attention. A small, orange creature was stomping away from the village, muttering to itself. Xema crept weightlessly across the branch she was supported on like a cat would, fascinated by the little creature. She had no idea how it could talk, but it sure didn't sound happy. As she crept along the branch, her foot slipped slightly, causing a branch just below it to snap rather loudly. She cringed. Moss on the branch had caused her foot to give way, and the small creature had obviously not missed the rather suspicious cracking above his head. He spun around and looked up into the trees, a look of surprise and fear across his furry little face. "Who's there?" He squeaked. Xema hid back in the shadows, still not wanting to be seen. But the little creature was becoming insistent now, slowly regaining his nerves. He crept towards the trees.
"Jak! If that's you, I'm gonna sock it to you right in your mouth!" Daxter clenched his furry little paws into tight fists, but he still shook. What if it wasn't Jak, and was something dangerous. Like a Lurker Dog?
"Daxter? WHAT are you doing?" Keira asked. The ottsel spun around, only to find both Keira and Jak looking at him with rather confused expressions. NOW Daxter was worried. If Jak was THERE and it wasn't HIM that was sneaking up on him, then WHAT was it? He pointed up to the trees. "There's something UP there!" He insisted. Keira sighed, and Jak just rolled his eyes.
"We KNOW Daxter, they're called leaves!" Keira teased, and Jak sniggered. But Daxter was just becoming annoyed now, and turning a bright shade of red which, lucky for him, wasn't very noticeable under his orange fur. "I'm being serious!" He growled, just as another snap and rustling of leaves endured above their heads, followed by a gasp. This time, they all heard it, and they all tilted their heads back to get a better glance.
"Hey! Who ever that is up there, come down!" Keira insisted. There was another quick rustle, but nothing appeared. "Stop fooling around alright! We KNOW you're up there!" She tired again.
"GREAT! You've found her!" A deep voice bellowed behind the trio. The three of them turned around to be greeted by a rather odd sight. There was a group of at least half a dozen men behind them, and as quickly as they had appeared, at least two dozen more appeared at their sides. They were all wearing heavily detailed, white clothing. All matching, as if it were their uniform. But what was most bizarre was the feathered wings that sprouted out of their backs.
"You've found her!" A smaller man spoke up again, repeating the words of the first guard to speak. "Found WHO?" Daxter asked. Just then, one of the guards kicked off from the ground, and before their very eyes flapped up into the trees.
"Our princess." Another guard explained. "This is the eighth time she's tried too escape, and she almost would have gotten away had you wing-less children not found her." Daxter glanced up at the rather hefty guard before him. "I don't blame her!" The ottsel teased, but backed down when he received a look of pure venom from the guard.
Above them in the trees, there was a lot of objection coming from the guard and a very agitated female. The leaves rustled, and the guard emerged, towing a struggling female form clutched in his iron grip.
The group gasped as the two landed in front of them. Jak instantly recognized the girl as the shadowy winged figure that had awoken both him and Daxter in the deep jungle. She was about his and Keira's age, maybe a year younger, with dusty ginger hair that hung about her waist, although several portions of it were in small braids. Her clothing was a mixture of vibrant pinks, purples and greens in a very regal style. She also wore a pair of un-even brown gloves on each hand, and a pair of purple goggles on her head, supported with a thin strap of brown leather (AN: If you're having trouble picturing this, imagine Taichi's goggles *The boy from Digimon*). Like all of the men, she too had long, white-feathered wings. The sight of her was quite stunning, and he felt wrong just staring upon a royal figure in his state.
Daxter too, had been shocked by the girl's arrival, but his reaction was far different from Jak's. Sensing his younger friend's hormonal imbalance going off peak again, Jak slapped a hand over the Ottsel's mouth before it could belt out another one of his cheesy pick-up lines. Daxter glared at his friend, and tried to pull away his hand, but failed to succeed.
"We must thank you." One of the guards stepped forward. "We wouldn't have been able to capture her if it had not been for you kids and your pet." By now Daxter was kicking up a fit, as he was NOT anyone's pet. He began thrashing around madly at Jak's strong hand still enabling his speech. He was not the only one objecting to the guard's comment. The girl too was now making a scene.
"CAUGHT ME!" Xema cried. "You pathetic excuse for a guard! You had no right to even COME AFTER ME!" And with that, she spat and him, hitting him on the cheek. Both Jak and Keira gasped, wondering how such a brute man would react to her insult. Even Daxter had stopped thrashing around like he was on steroids, and watched the scene.
The guard simply smiled, and wiped at his cheek. "Your highness is TOO kind." He smiled, and she growled, knowing that she had not upset him in the least. The guard turned to the trio behind him.
"Come wing-less ones!" He insisted. You must meet our master. He will be most pleased to see his daughter back. He will be wishing to thank you for helping in her return home."
The three looked at each other, wondering if they should consider this potion. But before they could answer, the guards were already taking to the sky and flying away, dragging the objecting girl along with them. One of them gently picked up Keira and took to the sky, and before Jak could object, one guard had also lifted him up to. Daxter had quickly sprung onto his friend's shoulder, and held on for dear life as they began to creep up into the clouds.
"Where are we GOING?" Keira insisted. "To our city." The guard carrying her explained. "It's far to the North, to far for you wing-less creatures to venture."
Jak and Daxter didn't know whether to be excited or afraid. Far north? Just HOW far north they had no idea. Daxter felt his stomach lunge, and he guessed it must have been the excitement. Then again, it could have been that bone marrow jelly he had eaten earlier. Daxter clutched his stomach as they sailed through the clouds towards some distant, unknown land.
Jak and Daxter: The Legend of the Lost White City
Chapter One: The Escape
The small orange ottsel stretched out as he and his best friend sprawled on the sandy beach. The sun was gently warming his fur and as strange as this fairly new feeling was too him, it was pure bliss. Aside the sand getting into his fur, now THAT was annoying. Daxter had not ALWAYS been an ottsel. He had, at one time, belonged to the same species of elvish-like people like his friend Jak. However, due to certain acts of disobedience (Of course, originally Jak's idea) he was now an Ottsel. A cross between an otter and a weasel, and had it not been for his aviation goggles and gloves, you would have never been able to tell of his former appearance. That and the fact that he never stopped talking. Daxter never missed the chance to throw a wise crack or two at his friends. It seemed perfect that he was Jak's friend. Considering Jak barley ever uttered a word.
Daxter yawned and turned onto his stomach so that he could sun his back. Beside him, he could hear Jak snoring away. If the guy didn't roll over soon, he would get sun burnt by the bright midday sun. Daxter just stretched out. Let Jak get sun burnt. HE was a bright shade of orange twenty four - seven! Daxter sighed and began daydreaming about what it was like being his old self. Sometimes he felt like he'd give ANYTHING to be his old self again. Being 'cute and furry' wasn't all it was cut out to be. True, the girls found it adorable, but that was about it. What was it Keira said to him? That she didn't date animals? That was the fact of the matter. She didn't date animals. NOBODY dated animals. Samos was always treating him like dirt and calling him fur ball, and pretty much everyone else just treated him as something worthless with the exception of Jak. Not that he was treated much better when he was in his normal half-elf state, but still, sometimes it just really got to him! Then again, there WERE benefits to having a fur coat. For one, thing, it was extra protection against sunburn. Daxter smiled as he noticed Jak's skin begin to redden. "Barbeque anyone?" Daxter said to thin air, grinning from ear to ear.
Xema ran for all she was worth. Behind her, she could hear the hurried trampling of a thousand feet as guards from her city began to look for her. "She couldn't have gone far!" She heard one cry. "Yeah, the only way she could hide from us in this area is if she was five times her normal size!" Another one cried with an annoyed voice. "The Master will not like it if she gets away again!" Another voice snapped. "So stop TALKING and start SEARCHING!"
Xema ducked out of sight beneath a rough patch of jungle foliage. She held her breath as a huge foot stomped beside her. It was a species very similar to Jak and his friends, Elf-like with large bright eyes. However these Elf creatures had large sets of feathered wings growing just below their shoulder blades, as well as small clusters of feathers on their ankles. They were a strange evolution. Perhaps caused by the white light that glowed endlessly around their City. Xema was one of these creatures too. This was one of Xema's several attempts to escape the city in which she lived. Feeling that it was more of a prison than a home.
"Nothing around here!" The guard above her bellowed. Boy he was loud! Xema covered her ears in an attempt to block out the guards overpowering voice. When she finally removed her hands, she could hear the guards stomping about in another direction. Xema crawled out of her hiding place, thankful to have not been caught.
Xema couldn't believe it. She had FINALLY done it! After several years of trying to get away from her nagging father, bossy sister and that incredibly dull city, she had finally made a full escape.
She dusted herself off and glanced around her. There was absolutely NO civilization for miles around, although VERY far south, she could detect the faint smell of salty sea air. Maybe that was where she should go. After all, she could go ANYWHERE she wanted to now. She smiled to herself. For the first time in her life, she would be able to gaze at the ocean.
Jak had spent a pretty restless day chasing Daxter around the village in a fit of rage. Not only had the little rat left him in the sun to burn, but also after that, he even had the nerve to tease him about his burnt complexion. However, as fast as Jak ran, he just couldn't keep up with Daxter. True, Daxter had always been faster than him, but he also used to be a real klutz, tripping up on almost every stone in his path. Jak used to have no trouble catching his friend, but now that he was an ottsel, things had changed, and Daxter no longer had such a clumsy nature.
Or perhaps he had better balance running about on all fours.
In any case, it didn't take long for the two to start talking to each other again (at least, DAXTER did the talking, Jak just listened). But that was the great thing about their friendship. They were so completely different from one another, that it actually brought them closer.
It was early evening when Jak became restless, and decided to go on another one of his little explorations. Ever since their disastrous experience on Misty Island, Daxter had never again been fond of taking off to some unexplored territory. But no matter what the case, he always ended up being dragged along (That and the fact that he HATED being left behind).
As the sky began to dim, and the shadows started to melt away into the darkness, Daxter became more and more worried as they headed off into the forbidden Jungle. WHY Jak enjoyed going there he would NEVER know. Feeling a chill run down his spine, Daxter shivered uncontrollably, and clung hold of a large tuff of Jak's thick, blond hair. Holding on for dear life. The boy just sighed. Daxter was never the same any more. He used to ENJOY exploring places like this, but NOW he didn't want to go anywhere except the safety of his basket in the corner unless there was an utter need of urgency. But then again, Daxter did enjoy going to Keira's place. Jak rolled his eyes at the thought. OF COURSE Daxter enjoyed going to see HER. His younger friend was still an adolescent. Still charged with hormones and loaded with every cheesy pickup line in the book. One day he would grow out of it. Then again, maybe he wouldn't.
"Okay, so just tell me one thing. WHERE exactly ARE we?" Daxter practically yelled into Jak's ear. The blonde boy cringed at the sound of the Ottsel's voice ringing through his ears. After several attempts to unblock them, he just shrugged his shoulders. Daxter's jaw dropped down beyond all belief. "You mean to tell me that you have NO idea where we are! We're lost in a jungle full of poisonous snakes, twisting vines and rabid things that I just DON'T even want to MENTION!" The little Ottsel was going berserk now, pounding at the metal shield on Jak's shoulder with his paw until Jak finally had to stop him in case he hurt himself (which he usually did). After a lot of silent persuasion from Jak, and a lot of deep, heavy breathing from Daxter, the orange ottsel finally managed to calm himself down. It was decided between the two that it was too dark to venture further into the jungle (Daxter pointed this out VERY clearly) and too risky to head back due to limited light. Neither of them wanted to come face to face with a python in the dark jungle. So it decided upon staying in the spot they were and waiting until morning before heading back.
"This is ANOTHER fine mess you've gotten us into!" Daxter mumbled, as Jak lay down on the Dewy grass to sleep. However, the little ottsel stayed very close to his friend, and curled up into a tight ball. Jak had to smile. Daxter wasn't happy with him, but he sure did appreciate his company.
As the two slept, a small shadow loomed in the jungle beside them, silently watching as too not wake the sleeping figures. Xema crept a little closer out of the bushes and studied the two curiously. One of them was a boy, much like her people. But WHERE were his wings? Perhaps he had hidden them from sight, but HOW had he managed to do THAT! As she crept up closer to examine the area around the boy's shoulder blades, she failed to notice the other figure stirring. "HEY!" Daxter cried, frightening the life out of the shadowy figure beside Jak. Both Daxter and Xema yelped in surprise, and tried to escape, but Xema tripped over Daxter's skinny little body and went crashing to the ground. Jak awoke with a start and caught the odd sight of his friend sprawled across the ground and a young girl with what appeared to be something growing out of her back. The strange girl looked up at him in shock, and quickly jumped over the squirming Daxter before leaping away into the trees.
Jak scratched his head in confusion, while Daxter shook so hard it looked like a volcano was erupting around him. "WHAT was THAT?" He gasped. Jak had no idea. It had defiantly looked like a girl, but she appeared to have WINGS! That couldn't be right. People didn't grow wings. Jak's little friend stood up shakily and started to brush himself off. "Well, WHATEVER it was, it didn't seem friendly. I don't know about YOU, but I don't think I WANT to stay and see if it comes back. Besides, look!" Daxter pointed above the trees, to where a thin ray of sun was just peeking up to greet them. "Our navigation has arrived. Let's get moving!"
Xema watched the two figures disappear towards the greatly increasing salty-air smell. 'They must be heading towards the ocean' she thought. Despite the dangerously close encounter she had just experienced with the wing-less boy and the ottsel, she decided to follow them. After all, they WERE heading towards the sea. Maybe they could lead her there.
An unimpressed Keira was awaiting the boy's arrival back at the village.
"WHERE have you BEEN?" She cried when she first caught sight of the two sleepy figures enter the village. "I've been up ALL night I was so worried about you!"
"Hey! No need to worry about me! I can take care of myself!" Daxter cried, grinning and pulling one of his ever-stupid poses. But Keira walked past him, not even realizing he was there. Instead, her attention was on Jak, who was looking very sheepish and sorry for himself. Daxter made a rude noise and shook his head. "It was all Jak's fault anyway! It was HIS idea to go wandering about like that!" Daxter tried to turn all the blame on his friend, but once Jak had shot the ottsel a look of poison, he became relatively silent, which as we all know, is a REAL challenge for Daxter. He left the two romancing people, grumbling to himself about how no one who didn't care about HIM wasn't worth his time.
Xema hid high up in the thick canopy of trees on the edge of the village. It was a quaint little place. Absolutely NOTHING like the huge, glistering towers of where she came from. But she liked it. After seeing nothing but towering buildings all her life, this place seemed much more relaxed and, well, cute. As Xema bluntly put it.
A small rustle in the grass below her caught Xema's attention. A small, orange creature was stomping away from the village, muttering to itself. Xema crept weightlessly across the branch she was supported on like a cat would, fascinated by the little creature. She had no idea how it could talk, but it sure didn't sound happy. As she crept along the branch, her foot slipped slightly, causing a branch just below it to snap rather loudly. She cringed. Moss on the branch had caused her foot to give way, and the small creature had obviously not missed the rather suspicious cracking above his head. He spun around and looked up into the trees, a look of surprise and fear across his furry little face. "Who's there?" He squeaked. Xema hid back in the shadows, still not wanting to be seen. But the little creature was becoming insistent now, slowly regaining his nerves. He crept towards the trees.
"Jak! If that's you, I'm gonna sock it to you right in your mouth!" Daxter clenched his furry little paws into tight fists, but he still shook. What if it wasn't Jak, and was something dangerous. Like a Lurker Dog?
"Daxter? WHAT are you doing?" Keira asked. The ottsel spun around, only to find both Keira and Jak looking at him with rather confused expressions. NOW Daxter was worried. If Jak was THERE and it wasn't HIM that was sneaking up on him, then WHAT was it? He pointed up to the trees. "There's something UP there!" He insisted. Keira sighed, and Jak just rolled his eyes.
"We KNOW Daxter, they're called leaves!" Keira teased, and Jak sniggered. But Daxter was just becoming annoyed now, and turning a bright shade of red which, lucky for him, wasn't very noticeable under his orange fur. "I'm being serious!" He growled, just as another snap and rustling of leaves endured above their heads, followed by a gasp. This time, they all heard it, and they all tilted their heads back to get a better glance.
"Hey! Who ever that is up there, come down!" Keira insisted. There was another quick rustle, but nothing appeared. "Stop fooling around alright! We KNOW you're up there!" She tired again.
"GREAT! You've found her!" A deep voice bellowed behind the trio. The three of them turned around to be greeted by a rather odd sight. There was a group of at least half a dozen men behind them, and as quickly as they had appeared, at least two dozen more appeared at their sides. They were all wearing heavily detailed, white clothing. All matching, as if it were their uniform. But what was most bizarre was the feathered wings that sprouted out of their backs.
"You've found her!" A smaller man spoke up again, repeating the words of the first guard to speak. "Found WHO?" Daxter asked. Just then, one of the guards kicked off from the ground, and before their very eyes flapped up into the trees.
"Our princess." Another guard explained. "This is the eighth time she's tried too escape, and she almost would have gotten away had you wing-less children not found her." Daxter glanced up at the rather hefty guard before him. "I don't blame her!" The ottsel teased, but backed down when he received a look of pure venom from the guard.
Above them in the trees, there was a lot of objection coming from the guard and a very agitated female. The leaves rustled, and the guard emerged, towing a struggling female form clutched in his iron grip.
The group gasped as the two landed in front of them. Jak instantly recognized the girl as the shadowy winged figure that had awoken both him and Daxter in the deep jungle. She was about his and Keira's age, maybe a year younger, with dusty ginger hair that hung about her waist, although several portions of it were in small braids. Her clothing was a mixture of vibrant pinks, purples and greens in a very regal style. She also wore a pair of un-even brown gloves on each hand, and a pair of purple goggles on her head, supported with a thin strap of brown leather (AN: If you're having trouble picturing this, imagine Taichi's goggles *The boy from Digimon*). Like all of the men, she too had long, white-feathered wings. The sight of her was quite stunning, and he felt wrong just staring upon a royal figure in his state.
Daxter too, had been shocked by the girl's arrival, but his reaction was far different from Jak's. Sensing his younger friend's hormonal imbalance going off peak again, Jak slapped a hand over the Ottsel's mouth before it could belt out another one of his cheesy pick-up lines. Daxter glared at his friend, and tried to pull away his hand, but failed to succeed.
"We must thank you." One of the guards stepped forward. "We wouldn't have been able to capture her if it had not been for you kids and your pet." By now Daxter was kicking up a fit, as he was NOT anyone's pet. He began thrashing around madly at Jak's strong hand still enabling his speech. He was not the only one objecting to the guard's comment. The girl too was now making a scene.
"CAUGHT ME!" Xema cried. "You pathetic excuse for a guard! You had no right to even COME AFTER ME!" And with that, she spat and him, hitting him on the cheek. Both Jak and Keira gasped, wondering how such a brute man would react to her insult. Even Daxter had stopped thrashing around like he was on steroids, and watched the scene.
The guard simply smiled, and wiped at his cheek. "Your highness is TOO kind." He smiled, and she growled, knowing that she had not upset him in the least. The guard turned to the trio behind him.
"Come wing-less ones!" He insisted. You must meet our master. He will be most pleased to see his daughter back. He will be wishing to thank you for helping in her return home."
The three looked at each other, wondering if they should consider this potion. But before they could answer, the guards were already taking to the sky and flying away, dragging the objecting girl along with them. One of them gently picked up Keira and took to the sky, and before Jak could object, one guard had also lifted him up to. Daxter had quickly sprung onto his friend's shoulder, and held on for dear life as they began to creep up into the clouds.
"Where are we GOING?" Keira insisted. "To our city." The guard carrying her explained. "It's far to the North, to far for you wing-less creatures to venture."
Jak and Daxter didn't know whether to be excited or afraid. Far north? Just HOW far north they had no idea. Daxter felt his stomach lunge, and he guessed it must have been the excitement. Then again, it could have been that bone marrow jelly he had eaten earlier. Daxter clutched his stomach as they sailed through the clouds towards some distant, unknown land.