Movication Night

A/N: This is written as a digital diary for Jesse about his movication attempts with Beca. It's mostly from Jesse's POV. Some chapters will be quite short, others will be longer. Hope you enjoy! This will be multi-chapter.

So it's safe to say that my first attempt at movication night failed miserably.

I was so confident going in. I'd asked her about her favourite topic (her music) and even got to hear some of it (and it was awesome), and thought it was a good way to start movication.

I decided to start it light, by only asking her to watch the ending of a film, the greatest of films (my favourite), The Breakfast Club. Admittedly, you don't really get the full effect of the movie by the ending alone, but it's a start. And more importantly she agreed to it. And then I go and ruin everything by making a move on her. Stupid ass decision.

Thank god Kimmy-Jin came in and broke up an already tense moment and gave me the excuse I needed to get out of there, before the pain of rejection was too much to bare. But I bounce back, I ways do!

So clearly I needed another method of initiating movication. Something that avoiding sitting together on a bed in the dark. So I had brilliant idea number 2 – the Station. So the following week I brought my laptop and Jaws along to the Station for our shift together.

When I started to set up the laptop, Beca was curious what I was planning, so I explained that I was going to continue with her movication (which was rewarded with a characteristic roll of the eyes). But instead of sitting down to watch the movie, I was going to let her listen to it as she worked. This seemed to go down well with a comment of, "well that will be so much easier to ignore. But I hear one movie factoid and I'm throwing the laptop out the window." Pleased with myself, I put the film in and set the laptop up on the desk, while we worked around it.

As expected she tried to ignore the film, deliberately turning away from the screen. But Jesse watched her as his favourite moment in the film comes up: the first time you see Jaws. It was a perfect cinema moment, something that everyone remembers. And considering that the whole film had been leading up to this moment, it was something that makes an impact on all who watch it. Glancing to where she was standing, I thought she wasn't watching until she jumped when Jaws appeared out of the water.

I've got her!

I knew she couldn't resist the beautiful score of John Williams. No-one can. I did my best to hide the smile creeping across my lips, but clearly not well enough, as she punched me in the arm. "Doesn't mean I was watching it."

It totally does!

The moment I knew I really had her, was when she stopped to watch the final scene. To actually watch it. This time I say nothing: she doesn't pull her punches and my arm couldn't take another hit! I decide to leave her to it and retreat to the relative safety of upstairs. From this vantage point I got to witness her reaction to the scene unfolding in front of her.

I loved watching her reaction to the death of Jaws. A truly iconic film moment and Beca seemed completely engrossed in the scene. When it had finished, she glanced round the room, looking for me, so I quickly ducked back, pretending that I wasn't watching her. I heard her footsteps on the stairs and the quickened pace as she spots me.

I tried to look like I haven't noticed her or care that I can hear the end credits rolling, but the smile on my face gave me away, so I settled for, "So?".

She stopped in front of me, with a confused look on her face. "Aren't there like a few more of these films?"

"Yeah, three more." Ok, not the conversation I was expecting. But she always likes to surprise me, including her knowledge that there is a sequel to Jaws. Maybe there is hope after all...

"How can there be when they killed the shark? Which by the way was totally predictable and gross." She genuinely confused. "Don't tell me it comes back to life?"

"Well they're different sharks. The first one they called Bruce after Spielbergs lawyer and it was..." I started to explain but she cut me off.

"Whatever. And nerd, I can guess what happens in the other ones so don't even think about showing me those next time."

Did she just say, "Next time?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "It's the first time since I met you that you've been quiet, so yeah, I suppose I'll watch something else with you. But nothing mushy, understand?"

"I am a god." It's official.

"Nerd," and she walked back down stairs to finish her shift.

Movication Night 2: a success.

Movication Night 3 is on!