This is an idea I've had for a while. Tell me what you think PLEASE! :D

Just spotted this- 'Valdus' is a boys' name apparently and it means 'powerful'. Does anyone else see how close that is to 'Valdez'?

I do not own Percy Jackson and co but Louisa is my OC. Uh… they're roughly eighteen in this, maybe seventeen (and because I'm so nice, Percabeth aren't in Tartarus :) )

"I'm bored."

"Again?" Percy looked up at his sister and was momentarily surprised when he saw that she was lying on her back on her bunk with her head a few inches above the floor. "Yeah, I can tell."

There was a knock at the door. Louisa rolled onto her front as Percy got up and answered it.

"Oh, hey Dad."

"Hello, Percy. Hello Louisa."

"Sup." Louisa said, raising a hand in greeting. Poseidon gave a small smile. "Whoa, who's the midget in ya arms?"

"Don't call him that, Lou!" Percy half-scolded, half-laughed.

"Yes… I was wondering if you could look after him for a short while?"

"How long is a short while?" Percy asked.

"How much are we gettin' paid?" Louisa asked at the same time. They both gave her the look, but there was a glimmer of amusement in their eyes. "Sorry for havin' ma priorities straight…"

Percy looked at the tot in his father's arms. He had the same raven hair as Percy and Louisa and was studying Percy with sea green eyes.

"What's his name?"

"Um… Zachary."

"Did you forget his name, Dad?" Percy teased. Poseidon didn't reply, handing Zachary over to Percy. "Hey, you." Percy pulled a face at his new little brother.

"How old is it?"

"He's not an 'it'." Percy said shortly, not looking round.

"Ugh, whatever. How old is whatshisname?" Poseidon pursed his lips. "Dad…" Louisa warned, smirking.

"About six, seven or eight months old."

"Do you even know when he was born?"

"His mother died. I've just got him from an orphanage."

"Oh, OK."

"This ain't gonna cause a World War Three or anythin', is it?" Poseidon sighed.

"No, you two do that on your own."

"Damn right." The twins said proudly, grinning. Poseidon shook his head, smiling. He handed over a baby bag. Louisa took it and nearly dropped it at the unexpected weight of it.

"Bloody hell, how long is it stayin' for?"

"Until I found him a decent family to grow up in." Poseidon replied carefully. He started to glow. "Behave." He told them. They nodded and averted their gaze as he zapped away.

"So, new squirt. Gimme."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna drown him."

"Oh, he's so cute." Percy cleared his throat pointedly. "Shut you face, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said in a merry voice with what appeared to be a genuine smile on her face, but it obviously meant trouble for her boyfriend.

Zachary was sat on Annabeth's bunk, playing with a toy dog the twins had found in the bag Poseidon had given them. It was called 'Doggy' (such an imaginative child).

"Percy didn't let me drown him." Louisa huffed. Annabeth stood up straight and gave her the Look. "Wut? It ain't that bad. He could be like us."

"And if he isn't?" Louisa shrugged.


"You're so heartless." They turned round and saw Leo standing in the doorway. "Found your blueprints." Leo told Annabeth. "Made a few changes."

"You haven't written 'Leo Valdez, your new master' on it, have you?"


"No, you've written 'Leo Valdez is one with the ladies'."

"No, you said it wrong." Leo ran a hand through his hair, smiling. "Leo Valdez is one with da ladies…"

"Oh gods, you have issues."

"Out!" Louisa shooed him out.

"Definitely one with the ladies." Percy smiled. Leo was dancing around Louisa, purposefully annoying her. He spotted Zachary and changed direction.

"Hi!" He beamed, dropping to his knees in front of the tot. "I'm Leo."

"Eh." Zachary said, holding his toy up.

"Oh, wow. He's so cute." Leo carefully took the dog toy from Zachary and made it dance around the infant as well as making the dog 'talk' in a growly, yet friendly and amusing voice. "You're a lovely owner. Let me give you a nice. Big. Hug." The dog toy gently collided with Zachary and jumped about, making the tot laugh happily. "Can I keep him?"

"No!" Percy laughed.

"Aw, what? Why?"

"He's our brother."

"No way."

"You didn't see the similarities?" Annabeth felt Leo's forehead. "Mmm…" Leo decided to play along.

"How bad is it?"


"Oh gods, I'm contagious." He jumped up and ran out.

"Stop him!" Annabeth ordered quickly. Louisa ran after Leo before he could start shouting out at the top of his lungs that he was 'contagious'.

"I- ow!" Louisa tackled him and they both went sprawling. Leo tried to scramble up, but she was quicker, tackling him again and sitting on him, Leo lying on his front on the grass. "Well, at least the weather's nice."

"I can change that."

"Please don't. The sun gives me super powers."

"Ya ain't Superman."

"How'd you know?"

"Ya too scrawny."

"Oh, supportive friend of the year much."

Zachary- now Zach- slept like the dead, which the twins approved of. They had been bickering over who was going to do the night shift during dinner. At least that was one problem resolved.

It turned out Zach was very advanced. The twins woke up to loud crashing and realised Zach had somehow climbed out of the cot that Poseidon had sent and was now running around the cabin, knocking things over and generally making more mess than Percy and Louisa in seconds than they did in a day.

That was something they didn't approve of.

It took ten minutes to catch their brother and another fifteen to get him to sleep. By then, the sun was rising.

Louisa collapsed on her bed and didn't move.


"Ugh…" She groaned in reply.

"Ditto." Percy said, lying down and attempting to go back to sleep.

They would clean up later. At some point. Later. Much later…

If only they knew how much trouble Zach was going to cause…

OK, kind of drabbley, but it's all I've got at the moment. Hopefully I can update again soon! PLEASE REVIEW AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!