Part 2 of 2

He walked through the crowded streets of Damascus. Local guards were positioned at every turn. They kept a close eye on him. "Fell into the lake?" sneered one of them, but he was ignored.

The man in white was on his way to the bureau, hoping that they would have another set of clothes for him. The fabric of his clothes stuck uncomfortable to his skin. He shivered at the cold of the wetness.

Eyes of passengers were focused on him, curious about his business. Why was he soaked? Why was his face hidden? He was used to the stares.

With his agility he easily climbed to the roof of the bureau. He strode inside with an air of confidence.

The Rafiq looked up from his work and smiled. How genuine that smile was, the other did not know. He didn't care either.

"Altaïr, my friend!" he was greeted.

"Peace be with you, Rafiq."

"Where have you been to present yourself like this?"

Altaïr walked up to the resting area. "Just a dive in the lake."

"Clothed?" The Rafiq laughed a loud laugh. "How much I envy you as a person, Altaïr, but diving clothed and armored is not a wise idea!" He studied the other in amusement. "However, since it's you, there must have been a good reason for you incredulous behavior."

The other's need to have a conversation struck Altaïr as a waste of time. Therefore he decided to ignore his words. "Do you have another set of clothes for me?" he inquired to get to the point quickly.

"Unfortunately I do not. Truly sorry about that." The Rafiq's facial expression showed anything but sorry. A slow grin formed on his face. He could not repress his pleasure.

Slight annoyance overcame the other man, but he shed the feeling quickly. He seated himself on the floor and watched the sky through the open roof. The sun was already setting. He untied his belt, loosened the clips on his gauntlets and pulled the drenched robe over his head. The hidden blade hit the floor with a sharp sound.

"What do you think you're doing?" The Rafiq leaned on his elbow and watched the other with a raised eyebrow.

"Is it not obvious?" Altaïr replied harshly. He twisted his clothes till no more droplets would come out of the fabric.

"No need to raise voices," the Rafiq immediately replied.

His mission was already done. He had no more reason to be in Damascus; tomorrow he would travel back to Masyaf.

A/N: This was so short, because I didn't know what more to write, lol. Nevertheless, hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. For more AC fic(let)s check out my account.