Hi everyone, this is Kazeshinimeyo here, nice to meet you all. I recently adopted my two cousin's fanfictions after their deaths a few years back. I will be editing those and posting them later. The chapters that are already in existence are entirely their creations, I do not own them. However the preceding chapters are mine.

This is not the case for this fanfiction in seeing that it is purely mine. If there are any grammatical errors, please notify me, I will see to it immediately that it is corrected for all those Grammar Nazis out there.

This story will have the pairing of the most requested pairing. I will try to do my best with any European language for the language of any requested story of any rating.

Summary of this story: This takes place after chapter 540. Ichigo is given his real Zanpactou after finding out that the entity we knew to be (Tensa) Zangetsu, was in fact Juha Bach from 1,000 years past. He leaves the Soul Palace without seeing the Soul King, left without telling the rest of his friends where he was going… But what's this? He begins to see visions of memories he was never supposed to remember… Are they really his? Did they belong to the hollow that Tousen named "Shiro"? Are they the memories of another Quincy? Of one that has not yet passed? Or is it something much darker? Are these some sort of Premonitions or are they Memories? He must decide soon, to know which path to follow he must ask. But ask whom? Who is it that he can trust when all he knew to be true was nothing but lies?

Pairings: (Undecided, but you can give me some inspiration as to which of the following pairings shall be in this story. Multiple pairings are possible as memories resurface and premonitions arise.)

Ichigo x Rukia (memory as well as saying "Good Bye")

Ichigo x Orihime (memory and saying "Good Bye" right before the confusion part)

Ichigo x Riruka (premonition/memory)

Ichigo x Uryu (memory)

Ichigo x Uryu (during confusion)

Ryuuken x Ichigo (extremely bad creepy memory that I may just include for plot)

Isshin x Masaki (will or will not be included no exceptions. I decide where it goes.)

Ryuuken x Masaki (just little hints)

Juha Bach x Masaki (memories through the Hollow named "Shiro")

Juha Bach x Ichigo (confusion, memories, premonitions)

Juha Bach x Ichigo x Haschwald (premonition)

Ichigo (from memory) x Grimmjow

Ichigo (from memory) x Ulquiorra

Aizen x Ichigo (memory, premonition, confusion)



Mysterious POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. Again… This might as well be the five hundredth night if this occurrence hadn't happened just seven months ago… That hollow… That hollow.

Just seven months ago I had met him along with a Shinigami I protected. He… He bit me… In my shoulder… I'm glad that he did or else I wouldn't have been able to defeat him. After that the wound would always hurt whenever I summoned my bow. Ryuu-chan said that it was my Reiatsu flowing through my veins, that it is my very blood, the blood that I received from my Father… He said that as a Quincy, a pure blood, that I should never contaminate my blood with that of another's, if I ever did I would be impure and then would be taken by our King, my Father… How can he believe such trivial nonsense? It's just a Legend that one would tell their children to prevent the children from using their powers without plans and calculations… if they were ever to be caught that is the fate that would be fall them. I think it's funny though… as the Legend goes: "There once was a sealed king, whom had lost his mind and power long ago from a great battle with a devil from the other world… The seal would be broken and the king would regain his heart after 900 years. 90 years after, his intellect would return. And 9 years afterwards, his power would return. To regain his powers, the king would have to steal the powers of impure Quincy". Or at least that's how I think it goes… I think that there is also another part to the legend which says that fallen pure bloods would never die and would wait in torment until the next Ausscheren*. German isn't my best language, like it is for Ryuu-chan, so I have no idea what it means…

Anyways, I've collapsed 13 times since then… but not as often as I did right after the incident when Shiba-san** saved my soul… But that's not the only thing that's changed. I've been noticing that someone has been following me and the more they follow me, the less likely I am to collapse. Even if I collapse… the same shadow lurks over me every time I wake up, yet disappears when I manage to figure out what happened to me.

Oh! I'm also going to go to University soon! Ryuu-chan says that I should go to Karakura University… Just so he can keep an eye on me. He's soooooo over protective! I can handle myself! After all, I saved a taichou of the Gontei 13, a Shinigami! I saved one of the strongest Shinigami! Ryuu-chan said I shouldn't have done that and doesn't say much more than that even if I were to ask him more about it. No matter- I'm done brushing my teeth and taking a shower now… I should go say 'hi' to Oba-sama*** or else she's going to be worried… I've already collapsed in the shower four times already… three times Ryuu-chan was just standing there doing nothing besides staring at my- aw now I'm blushing… Oba-sama just scolds me every time, without scolding her perverted son. I mean I'm NAKED! Hello?! NAKED! Oh well… Ah I hate these large marble stairs… when I have my own house there is no way, NO WAY, I'm ever going have marble stairs. My feet were sooo warm, now they're practically frozen. I should have brought my shoes with me-. A dark purple-blue light overtakes the sunlight that radiates from the windows. The large wooden French-style shutters slam against the windows, without a sound. The candles on the piano in the music room go out. Huh? What's this? What's going on? Did the air become thicker? No… It's drier yet heavier. My Hands, they're sweating… My head is pounding… Oh no! I'm going to faint. The-

Mmmm. My head… it hurts… Hmm? I'm warm… It's so warm… and it smells like cinnamon. So comforting…

"Masaki… My darling, wake up" A rich voice radiated towards her ears. Hmm?

"Wh-Who's there?" I open my eyes to find a strange, yet comforting, bearded man sitting above me. "Who… are you?" I ask him. I'm laying… in his lap… he's cradling me in his arms. I should be creeped out, but his eyes… they're so comforting, I've never seen such warm, loving eyes. The Mann**** smiled down at the girl laying in his lap, wrapped in his long black cloak. Masaki reached up and brushed the stray locks of long black hair that peaked out behind the hood the man was wearing, back into the hood and behind the man's ear. "It's you. You actually stayed this time…" I whispered. He smiled at me as my fingertips traced his left cheek bone, down his cheek and grazed the edge of his well-managed beard. "It's rough yet smooth, funny."

"Of course, why wouldn't I, my child?" The Mann grinned faintly at her. "If you understood that what is happening to you is- well destined to be- the best for the Quincy race." The Mann brushed Masaki's bangs behind her ear before resting his thumb on her nose and pressing slightly.

Why am I not afraid of him? He's a stranger… and the only lesson I took from my dead-beat parents was never talk to strangers… I mean how cliché is that?! Masaki, Masaki, Masaki… DON'T GET OFF TASK! "What do you mean 'Better for the Quincy race' ?" Masaki puffed out her cheeks, curled her lips and scrunching her eyebrows, mocking his accent and tone with lisp. The Mann chuckled, amused by her humor even in an unfamiliar situation. Her courage was astounding. How could she remain so calm? He knew he picked right when he set the plan into motion. It was all coming together perfectly.

"Masaki, my sweet child, you will not affect it directly, but your future-self will… It doesn't necessarily mean you… But your little pieces and shards will… You will have to sacrifice yourself… For the good of your Volk, your family and all that is good. The world is cloaked in darkness and shrouded in evil. You must make the decision, the decision that will restore peace and justice to the world. Are you willing to take that responsibility? Will you save your people and our world?" The Mann shifted Masaki higher into his lap. Her head rested on his shoulder and his arms curled around her waist to pull her closer to him. "I've been watching you, my darling child, Masaki. Should you choose to accept it, I will personally ensure that your future and shards of will, will forever be protected."

He says that he has been watching me… I should run, this Mann is a creep I should run… he is not a normal man nor is he like any of the other men I have ever met… Not even the purity-obsessed Ryuu-chan was this creepy… Strange. Even now this Mann doesn't freak me out, nor does he strike me as being peculiar or weird. He's… alluring. I feel drawn to- No. I should answer him. Now. "Yes, I will. I accept. Of course, for my people, anything for my people." She replied quickly without needing much effort directed towards thinking about what that actually meant for her. The grip around her tightened and she began to lose her train of thought.

"Excellent. Splendid, my child… Soon your own body will begin to reject itself and your blood with try to eradicate the impurities from your soul… only then will I come for you again… All in good time… In four years you will bear the key to our victory over evil." A dark glint in the Mann's dark blue eyes***** appeared and his face drew closer to her face as her back was turned so she faced now faced him. Masaki's vision was fading as a soft, cold chuckle filled the dark, now cold, grand foyer. ******

Ichigo POV

"NOOOOOOOO!" I woke with a start, screaming at the top of my lungs. 'What the FUCK was that?! I-I don't know what that was… I…' Looking down, I take in a sharp breath. 'Well… Fuck… Why did that happen? I better go wash up in the hot springs… or the hell blood pond or whatever he called it…' Wincing, I stumbled up, blood from my fresh wounds dripped to the rock beneath my feet. 'What happened in that dream to my mother…. Happened to me in reality. What are these things…? These dreams… Why are they testing my sanity, my mind, my strength? Did those things really happen to her? That bastard, Juha Bach… He's been doing everything… He's been behind everything from the very beginning and now there are more and more people dying because I can't seem to be able to save them.' Removing my waraji then my tabi. I uncharacteristically aligned them into a square, bordering them with my hakama-himo. Folding my hakama as best as I could with knowing minimal folding etiquette… 'Pfft. If Ishida saw me right now he would kill me, shoot arrows through my head, screaming about how I'm improper I am. I haven't folded a hakama since I was still at my doujou, I tried to prove myself worthy by folding my teacher's hakama… I ended up ruining it… There was just so many straps… Speaking of straps… Tensa Zangetsu's new Bankai Shihakushou appearance has quite a lot of straps… How am I supposed to fold this? If the Old Man could see how much I'm failing, he'd be sure to scold me for calling him "Old Man" considering that I'm in Bankai form. He'd be too young for me to call him that anyway. There done.' I set the folded hakama inside the square made of waraji, tabi and hakama-himo. I removed my kosode and folded it, placing it on top of my hakama. Wearing nothing but my shitagi, I slipped into the Blood Pond Hell. 'I remembered that he said not to stay too long in the White Bone Hell or else we'd have burns and other scars if we didn't enter without protection… yet… I could withstand the pond without any marks, burns or scars. I wonder why that is.' I laid back and slid underneath the water's surface.

I dozed off and found myself coughing up large quantities of clear hot spring…. Reiatsu filled…. Whatever that stuff is. 'My lungs and throat burn. Maybe it's just my skin that can't be burned by this stuff. I slip out of the pond when it finally hits me… Zangetsu was never real. Zangetsu was just a remnant of that bastard Juha Bach… an enigma on my soul. He… used me for his experiments… his research… his… oh shit I'm going to-' I run behind the springs and fall to my hands and knees as the contents of my stomach empty themselves onto the stone beneath my hands and knees. Black. It was nothing but inky black viscous liquid. I staggered to my feet and wiped the corners of my mouth and chin with my hand. Panting and breathing hard I stumbled my way over to my folded clothes. My shaking hands grab my Shihakushou… 'It burns. I must untie them immediately… what's on here? Poison? Why does it burn? My chest hurts, it aches it feels like I'm being sliced in half while pierced and hammered repeatedly into a hard surface. I must drop them! My skin burns it aches, smoldering heat coursing through my veins! My head. My throat. My eyes. My mouth. My arms. My hands. My stomach… My heart. My heart. My heart!' I fall to the ground screaming loudly, clutching my chest, curled into a fetal position.

Third POV

"My, my. What an annoying baby you are." Kirinji Tenjirou sighed as he led the two Kuchiki to where the teen lay, collapsed and shaking. The teen stared wide eyed at the trio who entered. His screaming was silenced for a brief moment, he blinked at them, eyes not recognizing the three. He tried to crawl away from them before Kirinji stepped on his back, halting his attempt to flee. He yelped and clawed at the ground. "Would you quit your bitching, I ain't gunna hurt you too much. That is if you don't quit your damn screaming!" A vein popped out on his forehead. Chuckling darkly, he popped his fingers menacingly. Ichigo twisted his head back before a window shattering shriek ripped itself from his throat.

"LEAVE ME GET OFF OF ME! HELP ME SOMEONE HELP ME!" Ichigo screamed repeatedly.

"What the fuck?!" Kirinji staggered off and back a few paces before staring at the crazed teen.

"IT BURNS IT BURNS!" Ichigo went back to clutching at his chest, clawing at the skin like something was buried beneath the skin.

"Kirinji! Kuchiki! Get away from him now!" Nimaiya yelled as he ran to the group carrying a bag with what appeared to be a sword handle sticking out the top of the bag. Renji trailed behind as he returned his repaired Zanpactou to its scabbard.

"Why should i?!" Kirinji yelled back at the God of the Sword. "He's freaking out! Plus he won't shut the fuck up and it's bothering the rest of us!" Kirinji plugged his ears with his pinkies embellishing the description of all the commotion.

"That's exactly my point. What I told him earlier about his soul and his Zanpactou is finally setting in. At what a time too, right when I finished crafting his Zanpactou too. His soul separation from his old power base must be excruciating as well as the awakening of his real Zanpactou." Nimaiya said as he untied his hair. "His soul must be going with a rejection period. Get me his human body now, Mera!" he pointed at the bodyguard. "Sato! Make some clothes!"

Sato made a face at him that said: "Do you know how many teeth that would require?" Nimaiya seemed to know what Sato was thinking and waved her off. She shrugged and pulled her bandages down as she ripped several teeth from her top and bottom rows. The teeth immediately grew back after she made some white clothing with long, thin black stripes running in angular patterns down the arms chest and back. When she was finished with her creation she wrestled Ichigo down to the ground before pulling the clothes over his head and up his legs over his waist. Ichigo seemed to calm slightly as his head lolled to the side and his eyes began to slide close, little bit by bit, he slowly calmed down.

"What's going on with him?!" Rukia exclaimed as she tried to sit next to the struggling Ichigo. She reached out for an out stretched arm before it was swatted away by Nimaiya.

"Don't be foolish. If he can't even hold a Shihakusho then you shouldn't touch him. I know what's going on with him… If Mera would hurry her ass up!" Nimaiya growled out as he placed the bag that was slung over his shoulder down on the ground.

"Ouetsu… I can't find Kurosaki's body… I went back to where I put it and there is nothing but…. Well you should know by now what's going on." Mera replied as she clenched her fists. The scene plagued her mind as she stalked off, wiping her eyes and nose as she trotted off, back to her little palace within the realm of the Spirit King.

"Shit… Ichi-chan" Nimaiya crouched down to where Ichigo was still being restricted by Sato, who was straddling his waist. The clothes that he wore shrunk to his skin, becoming skin tight. So tight that they became like a second skin before changing to the opposite color and absorbing into his skin. Nimaiya pulled the bag into his lap before retrieving two swords. One black, the other white. They both had holes running down the lengths of the blades and thin five pointed stars in the holes of the black blade. Neither blade had hilts nor grips other than tightly wrapped strings around the supposed hilt of the two blades. The two were connected by a spirit chain that was black before blending to both red and blue on either side. Nimaiya grouped the two together and made Ichigo grip the blades and pressed his closed hand to his chest. Ichigo's breathing heaved as he continued to gasp for air. "I had a feeling that something like this would happen, so I reconstructed Tensa Zangetsu for you as well as your other Zanpactou… Remember, your blade is only as strong as your devotion towards your own soul. After all they are you." Nimaiya said as he nodded towards the slightly calmed Ichigo. Nodding again he clenched his fist before punching Ichigo square in the face.

Knocking him out. Leaving Ichigo to return to his dream-like memories.

Alright everyone... I'm somewhat rusty at writing but i know i'll get better with more updates!

remember to write a comment about which comments! if i don't get any i will do them all!

*strangely enough this means "to swing out" like veer or something.

**I'm not sure how Misaki would address Isshin so I just did the most common addressing form for the Japanese... yup nailed it. (i'm so sorry i'm just really tired)

***is the formal way to say aunt in japanese

**** Mann is written like this intentionally because it's german xD

*****I don't actually know what color his eyes are so i just guessed/estimated.

****** This scene contains mature themes and will be in the next chapter... view discretion is advised. nah i'm just playing. BUT THIS IS YOUR WARNING if it is NOT your cup of tea, then skip the scene please.