A/N: I will say this now; I have no excuse for abandoning this story. I don't really know what happened; I just couldn't find the willpower to write this. So, a massive thank you to everyone who has stuck to this story, I genuinely don't deserve this many followers. I am now back with it and I am continuing with this fanfic. Anyway, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter 7

Harry was the first to speak up. "I think that, since Voldy-"

"If you really insist on giving me a nickname, then can you please pick a different one?"

"Alright, since He-whose-name-must-be-hyphenated has only just arrived, we should leave them for now."

Voldemort sighed. "I would prefer Voldy to that."

Dumbledore spoke up "Now that everything is settled, shall we continue with the story." He went forwards and pressed play.

(Harry is strumming a guitar. Harry, Hermione and Neville on stage. Neville on opposite side to Harry and Hermione.)

HERMIONE: Harry, don't you think you should be trying to figure out what the first task is. I mean, you could actually die if you're not ready.

"Why is she always right?" Ron asked.

"Because," Harry replied, "She is all knowing"

HARRY: What? Come on. I mean, can't you just do it for me? Can't you just prepare all my stuff for me, what are you doing right now?

HERMIONE: I'm writing your potions essay.

Snape looked over at Harry disdainfully.

"I do hope that Miss Granger is not writing your potions essay because if she is, 200 points may mysteriously disappear from Gryffindor when we get back."

Harry looked down. "I wish she did it for me." He muttered, until a pillow was thrown his way. 'Where do all of these pillows keep coming from?' he thought to himself.

"Honestly Harry, if I do all of your homework, how will you ever learn? We have our OWL's this year and I can't take the test for you!"

HARRY: Oh well, do that first 'cause that's due in tomorrow, so


HARRY: But after that, after that can you prepare for the first task for me, please? Thank you, you are the best. You got it, thanks Hermione. (Ginny enters)

HARRY: Hey Ginny, come here, I wanna show you something, come her. (Ginny walks over)

GINNY: Hey, Harry Potter

Ginny simply facepalmed. 'Why am I being such and idiot around him? I mean, I know I like him and he doesn't like me back, but I'm not that obvious, am I?'

HARRY: Listen I wanna play this song I'm working on. I met this girl that I really, really like and I wanna let her know that she's really special. So, I just wanna know what you think. Just for the purposes of now 'cause I'm still working on the lyrics I'm gonna put your name where her name should be, but I don't think it's really gonna work out. Because, well, let me just give it a shot, okay. (Sings while strumming guitar)

Ginny can't help but blush slightly at this.

You're tall and fun and pretty, you're really really skinny, Ginny. I'm the Mickey to your Minnie, you're the Tigger to my Winnie, Ginny. I wanna take you to the city, gonna take you out to dinny, Ginny. You're cuter than a guinea pig, wanna take you up to Winnipeg that's in Canada! Ginny Ginny Gin- (talking) you know what, this doesn't work with your name at all. I don't know, how does it make you feel emotionally?

GINNY: wow, wowee! Harry Potter!

Lord Voldemort decided at this moment that he had not interjected his opinion enough about this yet.

"You can always rely on the blood traitor to act all silly over one song." Of course, you can imagine his surprise when five cushions flew in his direction. He looked around to see Dumbledore, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny fiercely glaring at him. Snape was staring at him, trying to tell him to shut up and Draco was looking anywhere but at him.

Dumbledore began talking again, but there was a cold edge to his voice and his usual eye-twinkle was gone. "Voldy, may I remind you that words like that are banned in this room."

"No, you may not. Besides, Draco agrees with me, don't you?"

Draco looked up, startled, "What! Oh, um, no, I mean, um, yes, um, I mean yes, I agree with you." He then looked down again.

Dumbledore smiled gently, seeing the boy's uneasiness. 'I think that watching this is having a good effect on him. Maybe there is hope for him yet.'

HARRY: Don't you think it could, I don't know, make a girl fall in love with me?

GINNY: I think it already has.

Ginny's blush darkened a slight bit more. Harry noticed. 'She can't like me, can she? No! of course not! How could someone as perfect as Ginny like someone like me?'

HARRY: Awesome, 'cause it's for Cho Chang!

Ginny looked down bitterly. 'Of course it is.'

GINNY: Oh yeah. She's beautiful.

HARRY: What are you, nuts? Beautiful, more like supermegafoxyawesomehot!

At this, Ron promptly fell off his seat, laughing. "I – can't – believe you – said that!" he managed to get out between gasps of laughter.

The rest of the group decided to just leave him there and continue with the play.

She's the best girl I've ever met. She's far more attractive, far more appealing, far more interesting than any girl that I know, in my immediate group of friends. Far more better and awesome. (strums guitar. Ron enters)

RON: What's up Neville? (hits him)


RON: Move, move, move, move, move, move, move, awesome. (Hermione is pushed off the bench) Hey, Harry, what's up? So I was just offstage hanging out with Hagrid, and I was, ah, I saw some delivery wizards bringing giant cages into the dungeons. I don't know what that's for.

HERMIONE: Giant cages! I bet whatever's in those cages has something to do with the first task! Harry we have to find out what it is.

"And once again, she is right."

"Of course she's right, Harry. She is omniscient."

Hermione's cheeks reddened at the unintentional compliment.

HARRY: Hey, hey guys, chill. I'm busy. (Starts playing guitar)

HERMIONE: Harry Potter… (takes guitar)

RON: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

GINNY: no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!

"NO Hermione! You are not to take the guitar of awesomeness! It is sacred!" Ron yelled out, throwing a barrage of cushions at Hermione. This went on for a full minute until Harry decided that he needed to intervene.

"Ron, listen to me. Firstly, this is a play, Hermione has not stolen anything. Secondly, there is no guitar of awesomeness. I don't even play guitar!"

"NOOOOOO!" Ron then proceeded to sink to the ground and curl up in a ball.

After about a minute of no one moving, Ginny stated, "Guys, I think you've broken him."

HERMIONE: Guys, now listen, this could be a matter of life and death.

RON: Well it doesn't matter because it's after-hours, okay, and we can't leave Gryffindor House and we'll probably get in trouble if we do and even if we do, Shlongbottom over there will probably tell on us.

HERMIONE: Neville won't tell

NEVILLE: Oh yes I certainly will.

RON: What are we going to do?

"Simple, we get Hermione to put another full body bind on him."

"Harry, you know I never wanted to do that."

Snape intervened. "Is there something that I don't know about here?"

Harry and Hermione quickly replied with a simple 'no.' Meanwhile, Voldy was laughing.

"You mean the mudblood had the guts to actually jinx someone?"

Everyone else stood up, cushions poised, when a not floated down to the floor.


I must remind you that you are here only to be mocked and ridiculed. If you continue using such language, I will be forced to gag you.

A mega fan.

Hermione: Its simple guys, the cloak.

RON: Of course. (They all stand up)


GINNY: Wait, what cloak?

"Yes," Draco said "What cloak?"

"I have absolutely no idea." Harry was in no hurry to tell Draco about his precious invisibility cloak.

RON: Shut up! (claps above her head)

(Neville leaves)

HARRY: (while retrieving the cloak) You see, during my first year at Hogwarts I got a present left to me – Oh, bye Neville – by my dad during my first year at Hogwarts and it was left to me by my dad. The dad that's dead. My father's dead. I have a dead father.

Harry looked down. "There really is no need to rub it in."

And now we solve mysteries and stuff with my handy, dandy invisibility cloak! (pulls out glittery red cloak from trunk)

GINNY: Oh! Wowy, Harry Potter! Haha! A real invisibility cloak! Oo! Oo! Oo! Oo! Do you know what I would do if I had a real invisibility colak?

HARRY: I'd kick wiener dogs.


RON: And I would pretend to be a ghost and scare people.

"Ron, that's just mean."

"I wouldn't do that in real life, Ginny."

HERMIONE: I'd use it to avoid ever having to face my reflection in the mirror.

"That's just depressing."

GINNY: Well, actually, I was going to use it to fake my own death and watch people cry at the funeral!

"And you said that mine was mean."

HARRY: Well, anyways, let's get out of here.

(Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny start to leave. Ron turns around to stop Ginny. Hermione watches them.)

RON: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you think you're going?

GINNY: Um, with you guys?

RON: No way. No kid sisters allowed, okay? (he claps her in the face)

"I do hope that you wouldn't actually exclude your sister, Mister Weasley."

Besides, there's only enough room under this cloak for two people, so… (Hermione look crestfallen) C'mon, Hermione, c'mon. (Hermione passes Harry's guitar to Ginny and leaves with Harry and Ron.)

GINNY: The way his hair falls in his eyes
Makes me wonder if he'll
Ever see through my disguise,
And I'm under his spell.
Everything is falling,
And I don't know where to land
Everyone knows who he is,
But they don't know who I am

(Starts dancing with guitar)
Harry, Harry
Why can't you see,
What you're doing to me?

I've seen you conquer certain death,
And even when you're just standing there,
You take away my breath and maybe,
Someday you'll hear my song and
Understand that all along,
There's something more
That I'm trying to say
When I say

Harry, Harry
Why can't you see,
What you're doing to me?
What you're doing to me?

Throughout the whole song Harry and Ginny had been growing an even darker shade of red and pointedly ignoring each other. They both liked each other, but they were both too scared to say anything. Dumbledore loaded the next clip to try and avoid the tension in the room.

A/N: What did you think? I would love to hear your opinions. Do you want Harry and Ginny to get together? Do you want Draco to stand up to Voldemort and become friends with everyone? Review and let me know! I promise that the next chapter will be up very soon!