A/N This is probably full of errors but it is 2.30am and I am just happy to have written a new chapter.

I know nothing about piercing all I did was google some picture, so I apologise for any misakes.

The next few years passed in a haze of inventing and continual abuse at his Alpha's hands.

He knew that both his parents had been killed in a car crash on a lonely road returning from a gala late one night, his father crashing the car in to a tree highly inebriated. Jarvis had died a few months later from a heart attack. Obi had not let him attend the funerals or the reading of their Wills.

Obadiah had informed him after the events letting him know that the Company now belonged to him as long as he was Tony's Alpha and his personal fortune could only be accessed with his Alpha's approval which he would never give. Jarvis had also bequeathed him the small house that he had bought after he retired and a small trust fund.

The sly old man had ensured that Obadiah could not touch the property or the money finding a long forgotten obscure loop hole in the law allowing an Omega to own a property under a certain value and small amount of money. Obadiah did not challenge this as his lawyers pointed out this would open the door for Omega Rights Activists. He told Tony that everything belonged to him and that he had sold off the house and cashed in the trust fund.

Tony wept more for Jarvis than his parents, although he had not seen the old man for years he knew that Jarvis had cared for and loved him like a son. This was the reason he had named his AI JARVIS it was a last link to the only good thing in his life.

A red light flashed on the computer screen giving him warning that his Alpha was approaching the work shop. Quickly stripping out of his jeans and t-shirt he knelt but the glass doors to await his Alpha's arrival.

Obadiah strode into the work shop barely acknowledging the kneeling omega, his eyes firmly fixed on the proto type gun resting on a nearby work bench, running his hands over the casing he looked over the schematics that lay beside it a grin spreading over his face this would be another money maker for Sark Industries. Moving on he saw the computer diagrams for the missile he had ordered Tony to build it would be the jewel in the crown the most deadly weapon in SI catalogue, a money maker to sell to the highest bidders not that his omega would know as far as Tony was aware he was designing and making weapons for the American Military like a true patriot.

Motioning Tony to rise and follow him he left the work shop and walked back into the main part of the house stopping and entering a room that he knew his omega hated. Tony followed his heart rate starting to rise, nothing good ever came of going into this room. The examination chair loomed in the centre of the room the metal stirrups gleaming. Tony's steps faltered as he saw who was standing next to the chair a smirk on his face as he watched Tony's face pale when he saw the piercing gun and needles on the metal tray.

Crewe motioned the omega forward and once within in arms reach lifted him as though he weighed nothing and secured him to the examination chair with leather straps, pressing the controls on the side of the chair his raised it and lowered the back. Grabbing hold of Tony's legs he placed them in the stirrups securing them firmly, once again the controls allowed for the stirrups to move to each side spreading the omega's legs obscenely wide exposing his caged cock and plugged hole.

Scooting a stool between the stretched legs of the omega Crewe sat down, glancing over at Obadiah who was sitting close by he asked what it was that Obadiah wanted done today.

"Remove the cage and increase the size of ring on the prince albert, then I want a further two guiche piercings with segment rings and you might as well see if you can get at least two or more frenum piercings on that tiny useless cock then I want you to run a chain from the prince albert to the last guiche to keep his cock from rising, don't care if it's painful just make sure he can't get it up."

Crewe crowed with delight at the thought of inflicting so many piercings on the Stark Omega without any numbing agents or pain relief. He knew that Stane would inject his omega will a fast acting healing agent once he had finished so that he could use him straight away, no waiting weeks for healing for that rich bastard.

Obadiah passed him the key to the cock cage and sat back to watch the show. Crewe was a brute of a man but good at his job he decided that he would reward him if he made Tony scream at least twice, his omega's threshold for pain was high so Crewe would have to work for it.

Crewe unlocked the cock cage and place it on the metal tray, holding the small flaccid cock he swabbed it with alcohol to clean and disinfect it, even having seen it before he could not get over how small it was laying in the palm of his huge hand. Rubbing it with his thumb he watched it start to swell sensitive to any touch after being trapped in its cage for so long. Bending down he licked at the small shaft then engulfed the shaft and balls completely sucking and swirling his tongue around both, the omega moaned at the sudden onslaught of arousal and a few sucks later Crew felt the smack cock stiffen and shoot its meagre load into his mouth.

Sitting back he grinned at the panting omega and reached for his tools, the removal of the PA and the insertion of a larger gauge ring had the omega squirming in the chair trying to pull away but did not cause much pain. Next he decided to do the guiche piercings that area more sensitive to pain especially with his omega breeding hole. Picking up a thick needle he made sure to show the omega what was about to enter his sensitive flesh. Rubbing his fingers along the sensitive flesh he made sure to brush over the breeding hole stimulating the nerves the friction causing the skin to heat up, catching and tugging on the guiche ring already in place he pulled it down sharply causing Tony to yelp in pain. Quickly he pinched the flesh and pushed the needle through but took his time following with the ring clicking it closed he then tugged on it adding a small weight then letting it drop free of his hand Tony cried out as the ring and weight pulled down swinging and pulling on the inflamed skin. The second piercing followed the same pattern.

Crewe kept up with the brutal rate of piercing giving no time for the omega to recover and prepare for the next one. One the third frenum piercing Tony scream in agony as the needle was dragged slowly through the soft pinched skin on the underside of his cock. The weight of the combined rings pulled at the small cock gravity making it hang between the wide spread thighs. The small balls behind had risen up as though trying to hide and protect themselves.

Obadiah rose from his seat to step closer to inspect the work Crewe had done he like the look of all the gleaming metal rings, running his hand over the swollen skin he noted that his omega's breeding hole was swollen and puffy he pushed in with his finger only manging to get up to the first knuckle the tightness and heat aroused him and angered him at the same time. Bitterness at not being able to breed his omega consumed him it would have been better if it was closed completely so did not tempt him to try and penetrate it all the time.

"What can you do with this useless hole? I wish you could cut it out and close it up but it is against the law and an Omega Inspector would have the right to remove him if it is mutilated permanently in any way."

At this Tony cried out begging his Alpha not to do anything the thought of never being able to have children or mating with his true Alpha scared him so much he was willing to do anything to stop it.

"Well I have something that might work it's a small cap usually used on clits to stop bitches from stimulating themselves. I can adapt it to fit his hole. It will make it harder for him to get aroused and will make orgasming very difficult if impossible and his heats if he has any will have him screaming for release to no avail, it is a drastic measure and if left in to long could fuse with the skin."

"Do it! Then chain the bitch I want him ready for when General Ross arrives in two days. He likes to fuck boys but does not want to see their junk prefers to imagine it's a sweet young girl he is fucking.!"

Crewe revealed in the scream of agony let loose by Tony as he screwed the cap into place after pushing the thick bar through his cunt hole, once screwed down the cap fused with the balls on the ends of the bar making it impossible to remove without surgical intervention.

Obadiah smiled with satisfaction taking great pleasure in watching his omega scream and beg for Crewe to stop all the while tears stream down his face. He supposed Crewe had earned his reward as he had succeeding in making Tony scream twice.

"You may have Tony for the next 30 minutes you can do anything but fuck him or break any bones. I will be back with the healing serum. I will transfer your fee to your account once you have finished with him. I also expect not to see his ridiculous little cock hanging down make sure he is locked up tight."

Crewe grinned down sadistically at the shaking omega it was time to have some fun.