A/N: When I first started writing fanfiction, I fell in love with Harry and Hermione. They were my otp for a long time and I wrote a few fics about them. One of them was called Hermione's Baby. Now that I've moved from het to femslash, I no longer write about that pairing, but I kept my stories over at Portkey.

The other day I got to thinking that I could re-write one of them and make it a Quinntana story and try my hand at something I hadn't before, but was curious about. G!P is not something I thought I'd ever write about, but I've spend the last few days changing the story and to me, it seems to work. I'm not done with it yet, but I'm just about there.

So here's the first chapter of it and if you're all interested in reading the rest, I can continue posting the chapters every few days. I know G!P is not something everyone is interested in reading, and that's okay, too. I just want to broaden my horizons, if you will. If it's not something you like, then this story is definitely not for you. You've been kindly warned!

As always, this will be a mix of romance, fluff, angst, friendship and sexy times. Let me know if you want to read more!



"Are you sure this is what you really want?" Rachel asked her dear friend, concern coloring her words.

Rachel was frowning while looking through the many pamphlets and papers scattered all over Santana's desk. They had been discussing the issue at hand for well over an hour after they had concluded their business and she still had trouble digesting the news.

"Yes, it is. I've thought long and hard about it and those are my two choices."

"You're only twenty-eight, San. There's still plenty of time."

Santana shook her head sadly.

"No one can guarantee that and you know it."

"Why is there an urgency to do this right now? You have a successful career, great friends, a lot going for you. I just don't understand."

A lot of the members of their original Glee club had come to the Big Apple to try their luck and they had done better than many had anticipated.

Their little band of misfits had made it big in New York and their story was well known by now. A group of teenagers that didn't fit well in high school but had taken one of the most important cities in the world by storm were bound to attract attention, especially when a few of them were public figures. Once a few of the better reporters had put two and two together and realized they all came from the same high school in Lima, Ohio, they had followed them around like they were part of a reality show.

Quinn was a famous non-fiction and fiction writer. Santana was one of the most feared female attorneys in the city. Rachel had succeeded in Broadway and was well on her way to getting her EGOT. Puck had a pretty popular band. Brittany and Mike had one of the most successful dance schools in the city and still appeared in many music videos as well as choreographed entire concerts for well-known artists. Kurt was one of the top designers for Vogue. And the most surprising was Blaine, who had turned his back on the music world and decided to go to medical school instead. Then there were Mercedes making it big in music in California and Tina taking the Chicago theater circuit by storm. Only a few had remained in Lima or done something that didn't call much attention to themselves.

It was safe to say that Mr. Shuester felt like a proud papa, even when the group knew he had used them a lot to live his own dreams through them. Finn had stayed behind with him and divided his time between coaching the high school's football team and helping the Glee club. Not that they had done much in the following years, but they still tried.

Santana broke their pensive silence and rubbed tiredly at the back of her neck.

"This will take time. It might not go right the first time. And in between procedures I would have to wait a while. Rachel, you're mostly known as a Broadway diva but I know how smart you are. I know you understand what I've explained."

"What about doing it the old-fashioned way, huh? Has that not even occurred to you, Santana?"

"Be serious, Rachel. Who am I going to ask for help with something as important and complicated as this?"

"We have plenty of friends. One of them would be willing, I'm sure," the brunette insisted.

"You are married to Puck, so he doesn't count. Blaine is finally engaged to Kurt and they should be married by year's end. Mike and Brittany are married as well. There is no one else."

"Yes, there is," Rachel maintained stubbornly.

"Don't you even think about it," Santana warned, pointing a finger at her. "It would be completely unfair to her."

"Why? She's your best friend. She loves you and she would do anything to make you happy. Besides, she's single and has been for quite a while," Rachel reminded her gently.

"Absolutely not!"

"It would be ideal and she's the best candidate. Stop being so stubborn, Santana," Rachel begged.

"No way in hell will I ask Quinn to help me with this. She's had enough complications in her life already. She's finally able to relax and live normally without the fear of some asshole trying to out her condition every five minutes."

"You're right about that, but that is over now. Once she decided to be brave and not hide that part of herself anymore and things settled down, she's been able to lead a happier life. However, what is it that Quinn wants most in life?" She didn't wait for Santana to answer and just plowed on ahead. "You know better than most what her dream is. In letting her help, you would be granting her wish as well!"

"No, I wouldn't, Rachel. That's why I want to do it one of the other two ways. I don't want a commitment and if she was to be involved, there would have to be one."

"I'm sorry, Santana, but that's a lie. I know you. We have been very good friends for years now and I know how much you want to have someone to call your own. If you want to be in denial, go right ahead. But don't think for a second that you can fool me!"

"I don't even know why I told you about all of this in the first place. It was obviously a mistake," Santana muttered as she started gathering all of the papers.

Rachel didn't bother getting offended by Santana's words. "You told me because, other than Quinn, I'm the only other person on this Earth that has the courage to stand up to you and tell you what's up," Rachel told her, smiling serenely. The years had thought her not to lose her cool when it came to her stubborn friends.

"Must be because you both have a death wish," Santana shot back.

Rachel had the nerve to laugh and Santana glared at her.

"Not at all. We know you and more importantly, we love you. We're not afraid of that fiery temper of yours because we know deep down you're a softy. You don't let others see your weaknesses and your needs as a woman. You're a shark in the courtroom and feared by most criminals in this town. The few that have made the mistake of not fearing you had to learn the hard way."

"You exaggerate," Santana said, waving her hand in a dismissive motion.

"No, I don't. Your co-workers are in awe of you. Your friends love and admire you. Your parents couldn't be more proud. Look around you if you don't believe me," Rachel ordered as she pointed at the walls.

The walls of Santana's office were covered in plaques, commendations, certificates and letters from grateful clients. In her short career, Santana had managed to do what most people couldn't accomplish by the time they retired. Rumor was that she would be made partner in the next couple of years at what was considered to be one of the best law firms in the city. Rachel didn't doubt that it would happen for a second.

"The only reason those are all up is because the president of the firm wants it that way. Now that I've grown and matured I hate being in the spotlight and you know it."

"Another reason you and Quinn get along so well. You have so much in common it's amazing to me that you haven't gotten together yet."

"I love Quinn with all of my heart, but she is like a sister to me."

"Yes, so you both say. I still think its crazy," Rachel said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Why? Just because all of you paired off together doesn't mean we have to because we are the only two remaining singles in the group!"

"It is not because of that and you know it. You are as perfect for her as she is for you. You're just too blind or stubborn to notice it. Or maybe you're both in denial."

"I refuse to continue this conversation!" Santana hissed hotly as she slammed both hands on the desk and glared at Rachel some more. She was so glad that all of their offices were soundproof. Being the legal representative to one of the loudest divas around had come with their share of loud arguments.

Rachel didn't even flinch. "Fine! Be stubborn all you want. But she would be happy to do it. She'd do anything for you."

"Rachel, as much as I love her and she loves me, I would never ask Quinn to do this for me. I just can't," she said, her tone softer this time.

"What is it you can't ask me to do, San?"

Santana gasped as her eyes flew to the opened door of her office. Standing there with a confused look on her face was Quinn. She had opened the door in the middle of their argument and neither had noticed. Santana glared at Rachel, who just smiled and shrugged innocently. Quinn stepped into the room and closed the door.

Santana had completely forgotten that Quinn was going to be stopping by to drop off some new contracts she wanted her to go over before signing anything for her publishing house. While Santana had mostly dealt with criminal law, she had made an exception and represented all of her friends and protected all of their careers. It was usual for everyone in the office to see them coming in and out of her office at any given week. Her boss loved the fact that she attracted such famous clients, which in turn looked good for the firm. Especially when their clientele grew because of it.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Santana said, waving her hand dismissively while trying to hide the pamphlets from her view.

"What are all these?" Quinn asked as she picked one up and eyed it curiously.

"Santana has a bit of a problem and we were trying to find some answers for it," Rachel told her while ignoring Santana's death glare.

Quinn was immediately concerned.

"What's the matter, San? Are you sick?"

"No, Quinn, it's nothing like that," she was quick to reassure her.

Quinn finally focused on the paper in her hand and her eyes widened. She took some more after tugging them free of Santana's tight grip and scanned those as well.

"Are you pregnant?" she asked, her usual eyebrow going up in utter surprise. She was quick to ignore the pang of disappointment she felt at the news that some lucky bastard would be able to share this with Santana.

"Of course not!"

"But she wants to be and that is the problem," Rachel told her serenely as if she wasn't dropping a bomb with her words. "Santana wishes to have a child of her own."

"What?" Quinn asked incredulously.

"Rachel!" Santana cried out at the same time.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" she exclaimed in an unusual burst of anger. "Santana, either you tell her or I will."

"Don't you dare. I already told you I don't want her involved."

"And I told you she would be the perfect candidate."

Quinn cleared her throat loudly, trying to hide the hurt she was feeling at finding out Santana didn't want her involved in such a big decision in her life. "I'm still here, in case you two forgot."

"Quinn is your best-friend. Tell her or I will," Rachel threatened softly once again, ignoring Quinn's words.

Santana leaned back against her leather chair and closed her eyes. "I can't."

"So be it, then," Rachel said as she turned to face Quinn. "Quinn, as I told you, Santana wants a child to call her own. The two choices she has considered so far are adoption or doing artificial insemination. Do you know what that would be like?"

"Not really, no," she said while stealing looks at Santana, who was starting to blush.

"It would be horrible, that's what! She would go to a doctor, who would impregnate her with some stranger's sperm in a sterilized environment devoid of love. I, for one, think it's preposterous that someone like Santana would have to go to such extremes when there is another, more natural, method."

"I see," she said as Santana groaned at Rachel's exaggerated explanation.

"Honestly, Rachel, you make it sound so clinical. It isn't that bad."

"It's worse! A baby needs to be created with love whenever possible, as it is in your case. When Puck and I found out that I was pregnant with Matthew we were ecstatic. That child is the light of my eyes and Puck's heart and soul. I want the same for you, San. Why can't you see that?" Rachel asked in a voice filled with emotion.

"I don't have the same choice as you. I don't have anyone that is totally devoted to me like Puck is to you. I don't know if I will ever fall in love again and I don't want to keep waiting to find out," Santana answered in a broken voice.

She still refused to open her eyes.

Quinn watched her best friend and her heart ached for her. It was true; after her breakup with Brittany she had never fallen in love again. Since she had graduated at the top of her law school class she hadn't been in a serious relationship because work consumed most of her life. After her internship she had been offered a job with one of the top firms in Manhattan and she had dedicated herself to her work. She had also risen through the ranks faster than anyone before her because of that dedication.

In doing so, in devoting her life to defending innocent people that were being framed by power hungry individuals or being wrongly accused of a crime, she had forgotten about herself. While their other friends had learned to balance their jobs and their personal lives, Santana had dedicated herself to rid the city of the white collar scum. Now, at age twenty-eight, she found herself entering a lonely apartment where the only things that kept her from going insane were her piano and her guitar.

Quinn watched as Santana struggled to keep her composure and her heart melted at the sight.

"What is it I can do for you, San? You know I would do it just to make you happy. Please tell me how I can help you," she pleaded in a soft voice.

Santana shook her head. "There's nothing for you to do, Quinn. But I appreciate the offer more than you know."

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Santana!" Rachel cried out exasperated.

"Drop it, hobbit," Santana warned in a low and dangerous voice.

Others would have shivered at her tone, but it was Rachel, so she readily ignored it.

"No! Even if you get mad at me or stop talking to me, I'm going to tell her what I think the third solution could be."

Santana finally opened her eyes and Quinn saw the tears that were threatening to spill over.

"It's not right to ask her for such a sacrifice. She's been through enough on her own already. Asking for this would be too much."

Quinn leaned over the desk and covered Santana's hand with hers.

"I'd do anything for you, Santana; you should know that by now. Please tell me how I can help you," she pleaded once again. "You've never left my side, even when things got really ugly there for a while and now it's my turn to repay some of your kindness."

Santana could see how much she cared for her in her beautiful hazel eyes. Quinn was truly concerned about her dilemma. She exchanged a look with Rachel and her eyes were pleading with her as well. Santana took a deep breath. Rachel nodded at her in encouragement.

"Quinn, Rachel thinks the other solution is to ask you to help me get pregnant," Santana whispered and leaned back once again, closing her eyes to block out the look of shock that would surely cover Quinn face.

Two tears slid out of the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks.

"You want me to be the one to help you have a baby?" she asked in a cracked voice.

"I told Rachel it was a bad idea," she answered.

"That's not what I asked you."

Santana opened her eyes once again and their gazes locked. Dark chocolate brown and brilliant hazel fighting for dominance, both full of questions, hopes, uncertainty, wishes and dreams. She finally faltered under Quinn's more potent gaze.

"I would never ask you to sacrifice yourself like that for me, Quinn."

"Again, evading the question. You've gotten too good at that. I want an honest answer, Santana. Do you, or do you not, want me to help you get pregnant? Simple yes or no question," she explained, a bit irritated with her evasiveness.

Santana looked at her for several seconds, her brain rapidly calculating the pros and cons of her answer. Finally, she knew in her heart what the right answer was, but try as she might, she couldn't tell Quinn that.

"I can't do this right now," she whispered and before either of her friends could react, she stood up and left the office.

Quinn stared at the closed door in despair for a moment before she turned to Rachel. "Did I push too much?"

"No, Quinn. Santana is just scared. We've been going over this for a while. She was ready to snap and when you cornered her, she did."

"I feel like such an idiot," she admitted as she sat down.

"Don't. She'll come around eventually and I'm positive her answer is going to be yes. We just need to give her time to process it all."

"I was serious, Rachel. I would make her dream of being a mother a reality."

"You don't have to tell me, Quinn. I know how you feel about her."

She swallowed with difficulty. "You do?"

Rachel simply nodded. "It was only a matter of time before you two ended up together. It's practically written in the stars." She patted her hand affectionately. "Give her a few days to cool off and then talk to her again. She'll come around."

Quinn smiled. "Thanks, Rach."

"No problem, Quinn. Let's go have lunch and give Miss Lopez some space."