Kuroko Tetsuya

Gender: M

Age: 16

Student No. 092811

-Recommended for entry into the institute by parents

-Incomprehensible behavior

-Unsettling entries and ideas were discovered in his journal

-Committed attempted murder on a classmate that was allegedly bullying him (It must be noted that the student almost succeeded, for the victim was heavily injured, and was sent to the hospital)

-Suspected to be suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder

January 16, 20XX (Tuesday)

Seirin Correctional Institute for Juvenile Delinquents

Guidance Room

Recording started at 10:35:09 AM

Transcript No. 345908

"Okay; state your name, please."

"My name is Kuroko Tetsuya."

"Nice to meet you, Kuroko-kun. I'm Dr. Takemoto, your counselor."

"Yes, it is a pleasure." Like I didn't know that, fucking dumbass.

"Good weather we have today, don't we?"

"I agree." It would be better if I could see your blood splatter these white walls.

"You are aware that this session is being recorded?"


"So, Kuroko-kun, tell me about yourself. Start with your hobbies, then go on to your likes and dislikes."

"My hobbies include reading, playing with my dog," In fact, we'd love to play catch with your dismembered body parts-"-and playing basketball."

"What kind of books do you mostly read?"

"Mysteries and historical novels."

"What position do you play in basketball?"

"...I'm not really sure, but I think I play small forward."

"Now that we have that cleared, what are the things you like?"

"...Could you please be more specific?" How will I know how to reply to your stupid questions; you prick.

"Anything that you like. Be it a thing, an animal, a person, a trait... Anything at all."

"I have a friend in here. His name's Kagami. I like him."

"Were you particularly close?"

Are you trying to imply something; you sick fuck. "I guess so. He was my partner in basketball, and he was kind of my best friend."

"Anything else that you take a liking to?"

"Books. My dog. Basketball. Vanilla shakes. My grandmother."

"I heard she died earlier last year. I offer my condolences, of course."

"I appreciate it." You fucking son of a bitch; YOU'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE MONTH EVEN ENDS.



"...You have nothing more to add?"

"I believe I have no more."

"...Your parents. Don't you like them?"

"...I think it's a given that every child should like and love their parents."

"If you'll pardon my frankness, you aren't mad that they sent you here?"

"This is what they think is right for me, so I have to follow them." Not like I have a fucking choice.

"So, you're saying you like your parents?"

"Yes. I believe so."

"That's rare. I know a lot of students in this institute that dream of murdering their parents in cold blood."

"Oh? That is unfortunate." Not that I blame them.

"You're really firm in your belief that you love your parents, Kuroko-kun?"




"Kuroko- "

"Didn't I fucking say it already; you motherfucking shrink."



"Why don't we... take a small break?"

Recording is cut off at 10:47:10 AM

Recording resumed at 11:15:18 AM

"Are you alright now, Kuroko-kun?"

"Yes, I am. I apologize for my outburst."

"Nah, it's okay. Don't take it to heart. I get that a lot from you annoying little shits."




"...Counselor humor."


"Ahem, anyway, where were we? Oh yes; your dislikes. Now, tell me what you hate."

"I hate a lot of things."

"Tell me the major ones, then."

"Chocolate shakes. People who give up easily. Cheaters. Predictable 'mystery' novels. Emotional people, except Kagami-kun."

"That's an interesting list you have there. This Kagami-san seems really special. Could you tell me a bit about your friendship with him?"

"I met him in the first year of middle school, when we were both applying for the Basketball Club. We were pretty compatible on court, and we just got along."

"Hmm... It says here that, in the middle of his third year in junior high, he was sent to this institute for committing arson and multiple cases of battery. Is that true?"

"I do not know."



"Well, let's move on then! What do you honestly want to do right now, Kuroko-kun?"

Honestly, I want to smash that paperweight through your thick, fragile skull. "I want to see Kagami-kun."

"That's nice, but you can't."

YOU GODDAMNED BITCH."Oh, is that so?"

"Yes. What I want you to do is to write something, anything, on this piece of paper. Can you do that?"

"Yes." Don't treat me like a baby bitch; you dick.

"I'll come back 20 minutes later."


Recording is cut off at 11:25:35 AM

The stenographer observes Student No. 092811 writing leisurely on the paper.

Student No. 092811 takes out the ink tube of a red-inked pen. He is trying to make the ink come out.

A few minutes pass. Student No. 092811 abruptly flips the desk, and scatters things about in the room. Student No. 092811 walks out of room with indifference.

The counselor comes back into the room in visible bewilderment.

Recording resumed at 11:40:09 AM

"God... What is wrong with these kids?"

Recording ended at 11:41:10 AM

-End of Transcript No. 345908-


-Kuroko Tetsuya is a very troubled young man.

-He seems to have formed a kinship with one Kagami Taiga.

-He tends to be very violent.

Supporting Evidence to the Conclusion:

- A piece of paper written on by Kuroko Tetsuya (To be described in the next few bullets)

-The student splattered red ink on the s

urface in an attempt to imitate blood

-The words were written in a scrawling, almost nonchalant manner


Journal Entry 01

My name is Kuroko Tetsuya. My parents are scared that I might kill them, so they sent me here.

That's the only reason I can think of, really.

Well, fine; I did try to burn my classmate in the small storage room behind the gym, but I honestly believe that he deserves it. I regret nothing.

-End of Entry-

Author's Note: This is just a little one shot that I thought of, but if some of you want to request a character; feel free to do so and I'll try my best to write something. :)