WARNING: This story contains matures scene of a sexual nature and incest. If these things bother you, please leave now.

AN: First of all, thanks and acknowledgement goes out to undergroundirector. This was requested by them, and they also gave the title and the basis for the plot. Secondly, as mentioned in the warning and the summary, this story contains incest. If this bothers you, whether you find it creepy or morally loathsome, then please leave. I don't want to get reviews saying a variation of 'ew incest'. If you have some other kind of criticism that isn't about how there actually is incest in the story then feel free to share it. Thirdly, an extra warning that this story is quite angsty, at least for me, so bear that in mind. Fourthly, is will be a 3 part series not a one shot. And finally, I hope you enjoy the story and please, remember to leave a review.

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck

As far as Chuck Bartowski was concerned, it was like Stanford all over again. No actually that wasn't right; saying this was like Stanford was like saying Hiroshima was the same as a petrol station being robbed. That is to say, nothing like it at all. Stanford like being hit by a tricycle and this was like being run over by a tank. It was a day of Eleanor Bartowski's wedding to Devon Woodcomb, a day that should be full of happiness and joy and here he was, the best man at his sister's wedding and an absolute wreck. After all it was it was a little hard to be cheerful when your life had gone through so many changes in such a short amount of time.

The first major change was of the good sort, in the way that Chuck was moving on with his life, away from the Buy More and the underachieving attitude he had perpetuated over the last seven years. After spending two years moaning about getting rid of the Intersect, Chuck consented to Beckman's request to upload the newer version, the Intersect 2.0, into his head. Complete with government intelligence and a wide range of skill sets, including but not limited to various martial arts disciplines and languages, Chuck Bartowski went from nerd to super spy with the press of a button. The tiny general said that he would need some training, to be able to use it effectively, but she estimated that in approximately six months, he would complete the training and become a Lieutenant of the NSA.

He had spent some time thinking about it, after all he wasn't just going to jump in. He isolated himself from Sarah and Casey and everyone else as he thought about it, feeling that if he came to them for advice they would just try to dissuade him. While Chuck didn't particularly care for some aspects of the spy life, namely the daily threats of bodily harm, he had to admit that he had enjoyed some parts of his espionage career thus far. The challenges from the real world puzzles, the joy he got from knowing that he helped make the world a better place, spending time with Sarah and her telling him he could do anything…

That was the change that had shattered Chuck's world. After the Intersect 2.0 was uploaded, Beckman had said that his training would start in weeks' time, and he had until then to say his goodbyes and settle his affairs in Burbank. The first place he went was Sarah's hotel to tell her the news. He knew that she wasn't going to be thrilled with him, but he figured that when he explained she would forgive him and they could finally be together. However when he arrived he had found her room completely vacant, as if she had never been there. Confused, he rang he phone, only to get an automated voice telling him that the number he was calling didn't exist.

It was when he rang Casey's number that he heart was broken into a million pieces. The recently promoted colonel told him that Sarah had gone, her flight ironically leaving the airport at the same minute that he was uploading the Intersect. Chuck went completely numb when he heard the news. Sarah, his Sarah, the woman who had always told him he could do anything, the woman who was so amazing that it was impossible not to fall in love with her had left, left without any kind of goodbye whatsoever.

It was there that his thoughts turned dark. Why did she leave without saying goodbye? Was she ordered to leave with no further contact with civilians, unwilling to put whatever feelings she may have had for Chuck above her duty to her country? Or was the truth simply that he had only seen what she wanted him to see, that she was playing with him from the start, in order to ensure that the human Intersect played to the governments tune and that he simply wasn't good enough for her. He wasn't sure which scenario was better. And it's not like he was the only one she ran out on, as Ellie was left with the task of having to find a replacement bridesmaid last minute.

So there he was. At his sister's wedding with a head full of secrets and without his girlfriend, the woman he loved more than anything. Honestly, he found himself wishing to go back to his pre-Intersect life, because Jill and Bryce's betrayal hadn't hurt anywhere near like this was. And while Sarah hadn't been the whole reason he uploaded the Intersect, she had been a significant one, and without her, the whole idea now seemed stupid, the other reasons seeming pointless. He wasn't really looking forward to telling Beckman that he wanted the thing out of his head again, but he was looking forward to a life without Sarah even less.

Before he could stink further into his depression, one of Ellie's bridesmaids wanted to see him. With little desire to face his older sister, yet presented with little choice in the matter, he got up from his seat and walked with the weight of the world of his shoulders, ignoring all the joy around him.

Eleanor Faye Bartowski stood in her bridal suite in the church in nervous anticipation. It wasn't the fact that she was getting married to the love of her life. No, marrying Devon was easiest decision she ever made. She had no reason to be nervous in that regard. No what was making her nervous had to do with her beloved little brother, who was suffering in silence so not to detract from her day.

Ellie had always known that her brother was a special person, right from the day her mother brought him home from the hospital. And as he grew older, he had demonstrated this special quality time and time again, helping people with their troubles without any thought of reward, trying to make things right when he made mistakes, or took apart someone's hair dryer, or his determination to always stick up for his friends, regardless of what trouble it caused him. Despite Ellie's low opinion of Morgan Grimes, she always admired how Chuck always stood by his friend, without fail or hesitation. And it was because of that loyalty, that Morgan returned it in kind, and would never abandon his best friend. Chuck even managed to find their estranged father so he could walk her aisle, further proof of how dedicated her brother was to looking out for his loved ones.

What the older Bartowski sibling wanted though, was for other people to see what she saw when they looked at him. People in general definitely, but in particular women, not just for Chuck's sake, but for theirs as well. After all, given the chance, Chuck would treat any lucky girlfriend like they were the only women in the universe. But apparently, every other woman simply couldn't see what she saw. The other doctors and nurses she invited on his birthdays and other gatherings couldn't even be bothered to see past the emotional baggage he carried.

And as for his ex-girlfriends, well as far as Ellie was concerned, they were dead, both in the sense that as far as she was concerned, they no longer existed and that the next time she saw them, she was going to kill them. Jill had always been pleasant enough on her visits to Burbank, or Ellie's visits to Stanford, and it had been clear from how she interacted with Chuck that she loved him. And Sarah, she was perfect. Stunningly beautiful, quite intelligent and totally in love with Chuck, Ellie thought that her brother had found his perfect match. And then those skanks ripped out his heart, stepped on it and then left him for dead with a gaping hole in his chest. Ellie wasn't even angry about losing a bridesmaid, her fury over the treatment of her brother taking precedence.

There were two things that made Sarah's betrayal worse, or perhaps just more confusing, than Jill's. The first was that Chuck's feelings for Sarah were far more intense than anything he felt for Jill, and Ellie could see by how the blonde would stare longingly at her brother when she thought no one was looking that she returned his feelings. So why did she leave so abruptly? The other thing that confused the older Bartowski was why did Sarah leave without saying goodbye of any kind. No phone call or text, not even a letter on the pillow. It was like Sarah wanted to cut every tie she had to Burbank, to pretend that she had never been there.

The brunette bride couldn't be too critical of how the women ditched her brother. After all, Ellie herself had done some pretty crappy things to her ex-boyfriends. Once, she had broken up with one guy by having a threesome with his best friend and his sister and making sure he caught them. The difference was that the guy had been a total jerk who cheated on her, as had all the other guys she had dumped horribly. If she had been dating a guy as amazing as her brother, then she would have never even considered leaving him.

She couldn't help but chuckle at a time when her brother's attentions had been directed towards her. Upon hitting puberty and discovering girls like the rest of his cohorts, it became apparent to Ellie that Chuck was very awkward around girls around his own age, save for one; her. She remembered when she had been sixteen and her brother thirteen, that she had spotted him spying on her in the shower. Rather than becoming outraged as any other sister would have, she decided to let it go, hoping that his ogling of his naked sister may help in getting used to girls in general. Of course as Chuck became more adept with computer and electronics, it wasn't long before Ellie noticed a small camera in the bathroom, around the time Chuck was fourteen. Again, rather than start planning numerous and creative ways to kill her younger sibling, she simply allowed it, thinking that if it helped Chuck, then it might not be so bad.

Even though she didn't want her brother to develop voyeuristic tendencies, on occasion she would give him a show, sometimes groping her breasts or touching her pussy in ways she had seen in some of her dad's magazines. Several times she had even fingered herself to a climax in the shower, knowing full well that Chuck was bearing witness to her actions, and admittedly, was further aroused by that knowledge. She figured that it was simply a phase that he was going through, the departure of their parents forcing her to take on the role of mother as well as sister causing to the research things about raising a teenaged boy, and that he wasn't going to become some kind of sexual deviant. And sure enough, her faith in her brother was justified, as on the day he got his first girlfriend, when he was sixteen, the camera in the bathroom disappeared, as if it had never been there. Chuck was simply not that kind of guy to perv on other women while dating someone.

Ellie just found impossible to believe that not one but two women could hurt her wonderful brother. He was just so open and kind and loyal, what woman could possibly reject someone like that. He even went and found their father, someone she didn't really want to be found, and yet, somehow Chuck knew how much she really wanted him there. And if something happened today that would cause her to cancel the wedding, like Chuck's idiot friends setting off the fire alarms with their stupid antics, she knew, without a doubt, that he would find some way to make it better, probably by giving her an even better wedding. It was because of how amazing and caring he was, and because of how much he must be hurting after this latest betrayal, that on this day, the day she became Eleanor Faye Woodcomb, that she was going to give her little brother a blow job.

She realised that what she planned to do was technically incest, and that there were legal and moral complications involved, but Ellie found that she didn't really care, not when faced with a brother plagued by misery. For her, it would be morally wrong to let Chuck suffer like he was, not when she could do something to make him feel better, even if it was just sucking him off.

Her musings were interrupted by the door of her room opening, as the object of her thoughts entered the room, his usual carefree grin replaced with one of absolute sadness. It made her heart break and at the same time strengthened her resolve towards her plan. "One of your bridesmaids said you wanted to see me?" he said, his voice also reflecting his emotions.

Ellie nodded. "Yes I just wanted to see how you were," she told him, moving to where he stood to embrace him. "I'm so sorry about Sarah, Chuck. That bitch doesn't deserve you."

She felt him tense in her arms at the mention of the blonde's name. 'Ok, don't ever mention that bitches name again' she thought to herself. Truthfully, she wanted to asked a million questions about what happen, but she knew that Chuck was just as in the dark as she was. "It's ok," he murmured, although his face and voice didn't match his words.

"No it's not Chuck," she said gently. "But forget about her, alright. I've got an idea, one that I hope will make you feel better."

Whatever Chuck thought she was going to do, he was unprepared for when she lowered herself onto her knees and placed her hand on his crotch, rubbing his member through his pants. "Ellie," Chuck nearly shouted. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like," she purred from belt level, stroking his crotch and feeling him hardening. "I'm going to suck my little brother's cock and make him forget all about that blonde slut."

His first response was to naturally defend Sarah, but then his face went blank as the rest of her words penetrated his mind and he attempted to process what was happening. Finally gathering his wits he managed to utter the only appropriate response he could muster. "Errr… What?"

Ellie giggled at her befuddled brother. "Come on Chuck," she encouraged seductively. "Didn't you ever fantasise about me doing this for you all those times you were watching me in the shower? After all it's not like you were subtle about it, especially the 'hidden' camera."

That comment snapped Chuck out of his shock. "You knew about that," he exclaimed, and when she nodded remembered some of his favourite adolescent memories. "Hang on a second, those times you masturbated in the shower… you knew I was watching?"

The brunette bride nodded. "Yep," Ellie confirmed with a sexy smirk. "I take it by how your cock twitched that you enjoyed those little shows I put on for you?"

He nodded numbly, words failing him. Pleased with the effect she was having on her brother, Ellie decided it was time to get to work. Undoing his belt and fly, she allowed his pants to drop unceremoniously to the floor as the pooled around his ankles, leaving him in his pale blue cotton boxers with a rather impressive bulge. However, it wasn't until Ellie lowered his boxers to join his pants on the floor that she realised just how impressive her 'little' brother actually was. "Oh my god," she exclaimed at the sight of Chuck's hard member, before grinning at him. "Guess this makes you my 'big' brother now, huh?"

Chuck flushed at her praise as he felt Ellie's soft hand moving along the length of his cock, stroking it gently and, to the bride's widening eyes, getting even larger. She couldn't help but compare him to others she had seen, and only her future husband came close to her brother's size, although Devon was perhaps an inch short and not as girthy. Ellie was actually surprised at how turned on she was with her younger sibling's throbbing member in her hand. Deciding not to waste any more time, she attached her mouth to the penis in front of her and quickly took it down her throat, eliciting a moan from the man attached to it.

Up until now Chuck had thought that Ellie was just screwing with him, seeing as how lately the universe seemed to have it in for him. But then her mouth latched onto his shaft and he lost the ability to think rationally, or think at all really, unable to concentrate on anyway other than how good his prick felt as Ellie sucked it like a lollypop. And then when she took it all in without gagging the slightest, his pubic hair tickling her nose, it took every bit of mental power he had left not to blow his load down her throat.

Ellie mentally smiled to herself as her felt her brother tense up in an effort to withhold his orgasm. She pulled her head back so that only his tip remained in her mouth and used her dainty hands to stroke the exposed portion of his manhood, before deep throating him again. She repeated this sequence until she felt Chuck's hands thread themselves into her hair. "Fuck, Ellie," he cried as he came, forcing his cock down her throat and firing his load. "Fuck I'm cumming!"

The brunette bride, who according to many boyfriends, had a god given talent for sucking dick, yet even with that gift of fellatio, she was unprepared for the torrent of cum that erupted from his member. She initially gagged from the onslaught, but was able to recover enough to take Chuck's release with little difficulty. Pushing against his hand, she pulled her head back a bit so her mouth could receive some cum, desperate to actually taste her little brother, but also taking care to catch everything and not ruin her make up any more than it had been.

As Chuck finished in her mouth, he relaxed his hand in her hair, allowing Ellie to clean him. Giving her fleshy lollypop one last lick, she then looked up at her brother. "A little warning would have been nice Chuck," she admonished playfully as she savoured his flavour on her tongue.

Her brother simply flushed with embarrassment. "Right, sorry Ellie," he apologised as his sister kept stroking his saliva covered cock.

"It's ok," she replied honestly, mentally jumping for joy at fact that he was still hard.

"Still, Ellie… thanks for this. It's helped with Sa… with everything," he said in gratitude and avoiding the reason for his depression.

"You're welcome, but Chuck, we're not done yet."

Chuck blinked in confusion. Ellie couldn't possibly mean what he thought she meant could she? "Um… what… but I thought you said…" he stuttered before she cut him off.

"I know what I said," Ellie interrupted her brother, knowing how he could ramble for ages if she didn't stop him. "I just changed my mind."

With that said, she released the penis in her hand and stood up, walking the few steps from where she had blown him to the bed in the room. Laying on the edge of the bed, the soon-to-be Mrs Awesome pulled up the skirt of her wedding dress to reveal. Chuck couldn't help but stare at his sister's gorgeous legs clad in white stockings that were fasten to a matching garter belt, spread wide for his viewing pleasure. Her French cut white lacy panties were also very sexy and held his eye for more than a moment, especially the large wet spot that had developed at the crotch.

Ellie giggled to herself as her brother ogled what was hidden by her skirt. "Come here Chuck," she huskily said to him across the room. "Come here and take off my wet panties and then shove your cock into my soon-to- be married pussy and fuck. Me. Hard."

Originally, she had only intended on giving Chuck a blowjob, but after having his hard cock in her hand and mouth, and tasting his cum, Ellie was wet with desire, and was desperate to have her brother's cock fill her to the brim. Besides, it would work even better towards her goal of making Chuck feel better.

Never one to disobey a direct order from his sister, the younger Bartowski stepped out of his fallen pants and quickly joined his sister at the bed. Tentatively removing the white panties and sliding it along her legs, he was taken in by the sight of the bride's shaved and dripping pussy. He reached out to cup her womanhood and slip a finger inside her quivering lips, only to have her object. "There's no time for that Chuck," she reprimanded. "I'm expected to walk down the aisle soon, so this needs to be quick. We can do foreplay another time."

Nodding at her words, and supressing any questions about her implications, Chuck positioned himself between Ellie's legs and placed the head of his prick inside her pussy, before slowly pushing himself inside her. Or at least that had been his plan before his sister's legs wrapped themselves tightly around his waist and pulled him forward, his shaft sliding quickly inside her, causing both siblings to moan loudly. "Oh god," Ellie moaned. "You're filling me up so well, big brother."

Chuck simply flushed at his new nickname as he tried not to come again too quickly, something which was quite difficult considering how warm and tight Ellie was. He tried to give her a moment to adjust to his size, but given the way she began moving her hips along his member, she apparently didn't need it. So abandoning any sense of being gentle, Chuck began thrusting into his sister with long powerful movements, eager to please her and bring her to a climax before his own. "Fuck Ellie, you're pussy is so tight," he moaned, picking up speed.

Ellie began moaning with greater frequency and volume, the feeling of Chuck stretching her walls being incomparable to any other man she'd been with before. If she had known being screwed by her younger brother felt this good, then he would have had one hell of an eighteenth birthday present. So taken was she by the pleasure provided by the nerd's manhood that she almost missed Chuck hand's locating themselves on her breasts, kneading them through the material of her wedding dress. Ellie had never been more grateful for her brother's obsession with computer games as his nimble hands skilfully teased and toyed with her breasts added to the ecstasy she was experiencing. "Mmm, yes big brother," she moaned as he squeezed her breasts. "Play with my titties… oh yeah that feels so good."

As Chuck continued ploughing his sister, he couldn't resist grabbing the top of the bodice of her dress and pulling it down gently so not to damage it, released her breasts from the confines of her dress and causing the first pair of naked tits he ever saw to bounce erotically before his eyes. Maintaining his rhythm, he leaned over to take one of her pink erect nipples into his mouth, sucking on it and lightly pinching it with his teeth, while his hand administered a similar treatment to the other one. Using his remaining hand, he slipped it between their bodies to where they were joined and played with her clitoris, the gentle rubbing vastly different from hard pounding the rest of her pussy was receiving.

Ellie could not contain her scream as she came, her brother's hands and cock easily bringing her to an orgasm. Her entire body tightened around him, her legs holding him tightly as if to get as much of his manhood in her as possible. Try as he might, Chuck couldn't contain his own peak, his sister's juices making it easier to slide in and out of her warmth, which was gripping him for all he was worth. "Sarah," he cried as he came inside his sister before collapsing on top of her.

Even though the brunette bride enjoyed the feeling of her brother's seed flowing into her, her attention was taken with exactly whose name Chuck had called out. "Chuck," she whispered softly into his ear.

"Ellie," was his weary reply before eyes widened in realisation at what he had said. "Oh crap, Ellie I'm sorry about that, I don't know…"

"It's ok Chuck," she said, truly understanding of why he called out her name. "Just for future reference, calling out another woman's name in bed, or even mentioning someone else's name, is something you should never do. Now get off me you big lug, I need to fix myself up."

Chuck nodded at his sister's advice as he removed himself from her depths. As they separated and began cleaning themselves up, the younger Bartowski couldn't help but think about Ellie, and how she had always been there for him. Even now, on the day of her wedding to the most awesome man he knew, she was here, taking care of him in a way that he never would have expected. He almost slapped himself upon a realisation. He had gotten so hung up over the betrayals and abandonments of those who had left him; his parents, Bryce, Jill, Sarah, that he in turn betrayed Ellie, and all the sacrifices she had made in order to help him, this only being the latest. Although, given how vocal she was, it probably wasn't really a sacrifice for her. Still it had been Ellie who looked after him when their parents left, had worked two jobs to support both of them while putting herself through med school and him through high school. And it was Ellie who supported and encouraged him, the entire way through.

Chuck wanted to slap himself again. He was presented with an incredible opportunity to serve his country, help people and actually do something with his life, and he was contemplating giving it all up because he couldn't have Sarah in it. It was then and there he made his final decision on becoming a spy. "Ellie, I actually have some good news," he told her as he fastened his belt.

"Hmm," she hummed as she fixed her make up in the mirror.

"I'm quitting the Buy More," he proclaimed as she stopped what she was doing to look at him in surprise. "I got a job offer which I'm going to take."

"Oh Chuck, that's wonderful," Ellie cried joyously, rushing to embrace her brother again. "What's the job?"

"I can't say," he said to her; remember Beckman's warning of secrecy. At her confused look he elaborated what he could. "It's a government job that doesn't permit me to share much with my family. Also…" he paused, unsure how she would take the next part. "I need a couple of months training first, and the job will mostly be overseas or on the east coast. I don't know how often I'll be back home."

Ellie surprised him when her smile didn't leave her face. "It's ok Chuck," she told him, happy for her brother. "I'll miss you, especially this new aspect of our relationship, but I'm just so happy you're moving on with your life."

"Thanks El."

"Why didn't you say something sooner," she asked, turning a bit more serious as she released him from her arms. His silence confirmed her suspicions. "You weren't going to take the job were you? Because of… her?"

Chuck nodded ashamedly. "Yeah."

"What changed your mind?"

"This did," he stated simply, referring to their recent sexual encounter. At her confused frowned, he continued. "You've always been there for me Ellie. After mom and dad, Stanford and now this, you've always been there and I've been too selfish to see it. I've always been too focused on what I didn't have that I never appreciated what I did have. I'm sorry I've been such a jerk."

Ellie felt tears spring up in her eyes at her brother's heartfelt words. That combined with her new knowledge of Chuck's sexual prowess, she once again wondered what the hell Jill and Sarah were thinking when they left him. "I've never thought you were a jerk Chuck," she told him, hugging him once again. "I'm just glad you're not letting it consume your life."

It was then that one of Ellie's bridesmaids knocked on the door, telling them that the wedding march was about to start, and that Chuck needed to head the alter where Devon and his groomsmen were. Giving his sister one last kiss on the cheek, he wished her good luck and made his way to the door. Before he exited the room, Ellie grabbed his attention for one last comment. "Even with your new job Chuck, you're welcome to come home whenever you want," she said to him, her brilliant smile containing a hint of the secret they shared.

Chuck returned the smile, perhaps the first true smile of the day and he left the room where he found the strength to carry on.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and remember to review.