The Sight

Chapter 1

Hey everyone! Yes, I'm starting something ELSE. This is getting ridiculous... Moving on. I do NOT own Dragos or Dracul, they are the property of LordOfTheBooks, and are in no way mine. I wish I had thought up such awesome characters, but... nope. I do have permission to use them though, which is the next best thing to owning them so that's fine. Bold italics are Romani, italics are thoughts.


A Discovery

"Friend Robin has been talking to himself recently, yes?"

"I honestly wouldn't know, Starfire."

"But it is a bad thing, isn't it?"

"Actually, I'm pretty sure a lot of heroes talk to themselves. All part of the fun."

"Would you please go check on him?"

"...Fine. If it'll make you happy."

...And make you shut up...

Raven walked down the hall to Robin's room, and was about to knock when she heard his voice inside. He wasn't speaking English, or any language she recognised, but if she used her bond with him...

"...Not crazy, Dragos!"

"Yes you are!"

Who was that? It was a boy, but not Robin, Cyborg, or Beast Boy...

"I bet Dracul would agree with me. Want to find out?"

"Dick, if you summon him here, so help me, I'll-"

"Do what? I'm the only one here who can even see you!"

"...That was mean."


This kid knows Robin's secret identity, and can only be seen by Robin, and... since when can Robin summon anything? Alright, I've got to find out what's going on.

Raven turned into a black, shadowy bird and slid into the room. Robin was sitting cross-legged on the bed, chatting quite happily with a boy beside him.

How did Robin get someone in without the rest of us noticing? I mean, sure he hacked the Tower's systems last April, but one of us would have noticed, even without the systems.

She slid carefully along the wall until she could see the boy's face. He had dark hair and hazel green eyes, and looked about sixteen years old. That was nothing special in particular, and she glanced at his clothes. Simple but nice enough... then she noticed something. On his shirt, right over his heart, was a huge bloodstain. No one could lose that much blood and live...

Is he... dead?

She couldn't stop the small gasp that escaped her, and Robin's head whipped around to stare directly at her.


The empath stepped out of the shadows to speak to him.

"Who's he?"

The bird sighed.

"He's my cousin. Dragos, this is Raven, Raven, Dragos."

"Is he..."

"Dead? ...Yes. He is."

"Then... how is he..."

Robin looked awkward, and... scared?

Why would he be scared?

The boy –Dragos- sighed, and said something in another language. Robin nodded, and turned back to Raven.

"That's my power. I... can communicate with the dead."

Raven nodded, absorbing the information. That explained it... he hadn't been talking to himself, he was talking to Dragos! Which meant...

"No one else can see them?"


"Do the others know?'

Now Robin looked slightly panicked.

"No. Don't tell them. They can't ever find out!"

"Why not?"

Robin sighed again.

"The sight is a gift... but also a curse. Dragos and I learned that the hard way."

"Is that how..."

Dragos smirked sadly.

"Yeah, that's how I died."

"You speak English?"

"Yes, Romani's just less complicated."

Robin smirked, before facing Raven again.

"You won't tell anyone, right?"

"Your secret is safe with me."

So, what'd you think? I hope I got Dragos right... I did my best. This chapter was a lot of talking, hopefully there'll be more things happening in the next one. Hey, maybe Dracul, who was mentioned earlier, will show up! Also, this story sort of ties in with A Titans April Fools, so if you want to learn exactly what they did, read it. If you want to learn more about Dragos, and Robin seeing the dead, read A Literal Blast From The Past by LordOfTheBooks. Until next time, and

