Disclaimer: I own nothing yada yada yada. Cept Cat. cuz she's badass!
AN: welcome to the sequel! keep the reviews coming so I keep writing. Here's a little teaser to tie you over ;) let me know what you think. I'm sure I used to write a bunch of other stuff up here too but meh!
... ... ...
When Cat arrived back in town after her summer traveling North America, she never expected to be in a car accident and knocked out.
It had been a great summer, she got to travel and she found family she didn't even know existed until a few months ago. Sure, things had been a little bumpy but she at least got to learn more about herself and her ancestors just like her mother had urged her to. The best part of it all was she had Isaac with her and the two were close. In fact, it had been on a beach in Florida at sunset when he had pulled her into his arms and told her he loved her. Cat actually cried and pretty much jumped him right then and there, glad they had found a secluded beach. And wasn't beach sex something she wanted to try again, despite it being a little sandy.
So the two had hit up the US, following some leads Peter had given them before heading North to Canada where her mom had told her to go to find her grandmother. She couldn't remember having a better time and had never felt so free either. She had felt like a real teenager for once, a normal one really, and could honestly admit it had been the best summer of her life.
Then they had arrived back in town. She couldn't even say what happened really. She and Isaac had been laughing, when he stopped and yelled at her to look out. She glanced up, her eyes widening in horror as something jumped in front of her car. She saw red eyes and a flash of teeth before slamming on her brakes and turning the wheel, sending the car into a tail spin. She knew she was screaming and Isaac had grabbed the wheel to help her, all the while yelling instructions at her. They spun for what seemed like hours, though she knew everything only lasted seconds. The car hit something and Cat began another scream as the car flipped over once, twice, she quickly lost count as her and Isaac were thrown around, so much so that the seat belt was useless and when Cat finally stopped rolling, she vaguely noticed she wasn't even in the car anymore, having been thrown right out of it.
"I- Isaac." She slurred, opening her eyes as her head lolled around.
The car was a wreck, a complete write off and in the back of her head, she mourned that cute little car that had been a gift from Derek and Peter before their road trip. It was nothing more than a piece of scrap metal now.
"Cat." She heard someone yelling for her and with great effort, she turned her head to the side to see Isaac crawling towards her, using only his elbows. "I can't feel my legs." He told her. "It'll heal soon though. Are you okay? Can you hear me?"
"Isaac." She slurred again, her eyes rolling back.
"Cat. Don't give up on me. Cat." Isaac yelled at her.
"Hello, Isaac." Another voice called.
"Who are you?" Isaac hissed.
"Just someone wanting to talk."
Cat's eyes opened to slits and she looked at the shadowy figure talking to Isaac, trying to figure out if she knew him.
"Did you- did you cause our accident? Look, she's just a human, you need to get her help, this could kill her."
Cat knew it wouldn't, she had accelerated healing now that she was connected to the pack but it was something that they, for obvious reasons, kept quiet.
"The human is no concern of ours. You on the other hand…."
She watched as a hand reached out and grabbed Isaac's arm as he began to drag him away.
"Cat." Isaac screamed. "Cat, hold on."
She wanted desperately to go help him, to even yell that she would be alright but even now, the effort was too much and it took all her energy to even turn her head to the side to see Isaac being dragged away. She silently begged for her healing to be just a little bit faster this time but she knew it would be no use, even now she could feel the internal bleeding as well as the multiple cuts and bruises, her now blonde hair was fanned out around her and stained red with blood.
Hold on. She silently told Isaac. Hold on. I will save you.
Then everything went black.
… … …
Cat's eyes fluttered open to see Melissa McCall standing above her, looking worried. "Oh Cat, honey, you're awake, thank god."
"Wh-what?" She tried to speak but it felt like there was cotton in her mouth.
"You were in an accident."
"Isaac." She whispered.
Melissa's face grew puzzled. "I haven't seen him all summer, I can try Derek and see if he can get a hold of him."
"No, car- water."
"Oh, of course."
Melissa helped her sit up before helping her take a drink of water. When she was done, Cat sat back against the bed, trying to remember what happened. She remembered Isaac yelling for her to look out then they were flying through the air.
"Where's Isaac?" She asked again. "He was- he was in the car."
Melissa frowned. "They only found you."
Cat closed her eyes with a sigh as the rest of it began to come back to her. Someone had taken Isaac.
"I-I need to find him." She muttered, as she began pulling out all the wires and the IV attached to her.
"No, you need to rest, you were horribly injured, your car was totaled. You were in a serious accident Cat."
She glared at the older woman, struggling against her. "I'll be healed in no time, I need to find him."
"Cat, you need to go for surgery soon." Melissa told her, fighting against the girl to keep her down.
"No." Cat yelled. "I need to find him. He was taken, someone took him and I need to find him."
"I need some help in here." Melissa yelled out.
"No. Melissa, you have to let me go. Please Isaac is out there, they could be killing him, please. Isaac." She screamed his name as more nurses appeared in her room, one of them with a shot they injected in to her and Cat's struggling slowed down as the drugs began to take affect as the tears began to pour down her face.
"Isaac." She whispered, rolling her eyes to look at Melissa. "Scott, Derek, tell them. Please."
"I will." Melissa assured her even as the teen's eye closed.
"Please." Cat mumbled before going slack.
… … …
Jumper cables, a car battery, held against skin, revives someone….
The face comes into view.
His body battered and beaten, claw marks on his neck, slash marks across his torso.
Memories. They needed memories, she whispers.
A motorcycle.
Hold on.
Isaac whispers a name.
There was no cat there, she says.
Hold on.
Behind them, something dark and sinister.
It closes in on them.
Faster, he begs.
She tries.
Two of them.
Remember what I said before?
Hold on.
Glass breaks.
Isaac. Stay with me. Isaac.
He's slipping… slipping.
They go flying.
Wolfing out.
They become one.
He stares in horror.
In the hospital, Cat begins to scream.
… … …