Authors Note:
Hey guys! This is my first fan fiction so please forgive any weird parts in this story. Positive feedback and constructive criticism are appreciated. I feel I was a bit...ambitious on this first chapter. Most updates will most likely not be this long but thank-you for those that read this chapter. Anyways please review and happy reading!
Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Five weeks. 'Its already been five long weeks since we stopped Alucard and defeated Fairytail once and for all.' Tsukune thought absentmindedly to himself walking aimlessly around Youkai Academys' campus. Since then Tsukune and his friends had returned to their highschool and things had eventually quieted down and fallen back into a normal routine. Well, as normal as things could be considered the circumstances.
Mokas outer personality and seal was completely destroyed beyond repair and devastated everyone; especially Moka and Tsukune. The headmaster made a new seal for Inner Moka that repressed her Youkai energy and she could remove it on her own, but the outer personality was gone for good. Kurumu, Mizore, Yukari, and Ruby tried to be strong for Inner Moka and Tsukunes sake, but in the end everyone just needed time alone for themselves to grieve. Tsukune was heartbroken; the first and only girl he had fallen in love with was gone for good. That thought still nagged painfully at the back of his mind. He blamed himself for not being strong enough to save her when he and the others had put so much on the line.
Facing Inner Moka had been something he didnt want to consider at this point. He saw her in class, in the halls, and while they were with their friends at lunch but both of them had been too deep in thought sorting out their own minds to share their thoughts with eachother. He knew he needed to eventually talk to her and soon, but for now he was content just to spend some alone time with himself to grieve.
'I'm so sorry Moka-chan...' Tsukune thought, still walking, and ran a hand through his messy dark brown hair in frustration thinking of the beautiful green eyed vampire that slipped away. "TSUKUNE!" a female voice screamed. Tsukune immediately spun around to see a student he had never met before running towards him in what looked like absolute terror. "Uh...can I help you?" Tsukune asked confused about the obviously petrified girl. "M-Moka-san is training too close to the school, her youkai energy is so's scaring other students on the campus. C-can you please tell her to stop?" The girl asked. Tsukune mentally smiled at Inner Mokas intense trainning regimen. "Sure, no problem." Tsukune said kindly. The girl bowed gratefully to her upperclassman, told him where Moka was, and left going the opposite direction in a hurry.
Side sweep, punch, kick. Not quick enough. Again. Side sweep, punch, kick. Not quick enough. Focus. Again. Side sweep, punch, ki-. Sensing another Youkai in her presence Moka turned around more quickly than humanly possible. Only to come face to face with the last person she was expecting to see and one of the first on her mind. "Tsukune." Moka said with only a hint of emotion in her voice. Five weeks ago Moka briefly talked to Tsukune alone and thanked him for saving her on their way back to Youkai academy but it was other wise a very solemn, quiet, trip for the group. She nearly got Tsukune killed, again, Omote was gone forever, she lost her sister Kaluha, and put her other friends in severe danger. Again. It was alot to take in, and the best way to sort out everything was through isolation and hard training. "Moka-san..." Tsukune started off before looking deep into her ruby eyes. There was just so much underneath the surface when it came to Inner Moka. Unlike Outer Moka, who wore her heart on her sleeve, Inner Moka was like a complex puzzle and never opened up much to Tsukune until just recently, but had been avoiding speaking to him after they had returned to school.
"Tsukune?...Well? What is it?" Moka said snapping Tsukune out of his thoughts. "Ah...Oh! You're scarring the other students, you're to close to the school to be training." Tsukune said with a small grin. Moka rolled her eyes at that thought and sighed before nodding at Tsukune and walking in the direction of her dorm. "W-wait! Moka-san!" Moka turned to look back at Tsukune. "Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go get some icecream someplace and talk a bit?".
"So what is it you wanted to talk about Tsukune?" Moka asked after a couple minutes while eating her sundae. "Well...I just haven't really gotten the chance to talk to you since..." Tsukune paused and sighed. "Moka I really want to talk to you about everything thats just happened recently." Moka frowned at this. 'Talking things out' still wasn't one of her strengths by far. But Tsukune was starring at her intensely waiting for her to reply. "What do you want me to say Tsukune? I'm glad we defeated Fairytail and stopped the human world from being destroyed and that we're both alive right now. But Omote is gone, Kaluha is dead, and I almost lost y-" Moka paused at this and looked away, suddenly becoming very interested in her sundae again. "But...I'm still here. I've said this before but even though I miss Outer Moka a lot Moka is Moka and you are both equally important to me. I feel like I'm slowly losing you too Moka-san and I can't take it. Why have you been avoiding me Moka?" Tsukune replied upset. Inner Moka looked up and starred at Tsukune for what seemed like an eternity obviously at loss for words. "Tsukune..." Inner Moka bit the inside of her lip knowing how much her next words were going to hurt her best friend. "Do you care about me?" Tsukune looked shocked. "Of course Moka! I would do anything for you!" Moka slowly nodded knowing he meant it. "Then I need to tell you...tomorrow I'm going back to my fathers castle and finishing my highschool curriculum there. Homeschooled."
"...What?" Tsukune all but whispered. Moka looked at him with sad eyes "I-" Moka began. "Why?" Tsukune asked. "Why would he make you come back home!" "Tsukune-" "He has no right to do that! He can't just-" "TSUKUNE!" Moka yelled. "I asked him if I could finish highschool at home!" Tsukune blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. Four times. "Why?!" He said confused. Moka felt completely trapped. 'I shouldn't have told him. One more day and I wouldn't have had to.' She thought bitterly to herself but decided he deserved an honest answer. "Because I'm tired of almost getting you and everyone else killed by risking your lives for me. I won't loose you to. I should leave. This is it, goodbye Tsukune. Thank you...for everything." By now they had been talking well over an hour and the last traces of the sun were setting below the horizon. Moka stood up, her hair falling over her face making her expression impossible to read, and started walking away; leaving a dumbstruck Tsukune in her wake. 'No' Tsukune thought, 'after all this I'm not, I can't, lose you over something like this.' Using speed even Mokas' oldest sister Akuha would be impressed by Tsukune ran towards Moka, spun her around, and did the one thing he never thought possible. He kissed the vampire.