I decide to try and save Katy at night so that my mom won't know that I have left. I leave at my house at 8:30 and start running to McFist industries. I go behind the building and find the tunnel that Katy had taken me through when she and Howard came for me. I pull my sword out ready for a fight from anything that moved or made a sound. I move slowly and cautiously through the tunnel and into the basement. I peek my head out of a corner scanning the area. It smelled like wet dog and rotted cheese. Shnasty! I tried to look for the cage that Katy was in but it was like it was hidden from sight. I slowly walk forward to this one cage that caught my eye. I look inside it but there was nothing there. I scratch the back of my head.

"I knew you'd come eventually Randy." I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around pointing toward where the voice had come from. It was Dylan. "I just thought you'd come sooner. You know, considering you're the ninja."

"Where is she?" I ask angrily.

"She's right behind you in that there cage." He points to the cage behind me and I turn around. She was there. But just a second ago she wasn't. She was unconscious and had a blanket over her. She didn't look like she was hurt or in any pain but she was having a bad dream as I spoke.

"What do you want Dylan?" I keep my sword pointing at his way as he began to walk around me.

"What do we all want Randy? Riches. Fame. Glory. Power. But I don't want any of those things. No, I want the one thing that is giving you the ability to do all those kicks and flips you do."

"Not following."

"Don't play stupid with me Randy. You know what I want. I want the mask." He grins. I dart my eyes at him. "Let's make a deal shall we? If you give me the mask, I'll let her go. What do yea say, we got a deal?" He pulls a hand out toward me. I look at his had then back at him.

I shake my head, "No. No deal. I'm not giving you the mask. I know what you would do if I did give it to you. I'm going to just take Katy and walk out of here Dylan." I start backing up toward the cage Katy was in. Dylan starts to run towards me. "No! You're not going anywhere!"

I jump in the air and ninja kick Dylan. "I told you Dylan. I'm just walking out of here. Oh and also, I already called the police and I gave them a tip on you, Marcus and Brittany. Bye. Ninja slice!" I slice open the cage and grab Katy. I smoke bomb out of there and watch from a tall building as the police put Dylan, Marcus, and Brittany in the squad car.

I hear Katy start to wake up so I jump from building to building until I finally get to Katy's house. I see her bedroom window open. I swoop in there as quietly as possible and place Katy in her bed. I start to hear Katy's father walk up the steps and Katy begins waking up. Time to go. I jump out the window and head back to my house.

I get to my room and look at the clock, "6:30. You've got to be kidding me. Ugh." I fall onto my couch and just fall asleep there. I'm too tired to climb up my ladder and into my bed. The only thing I want to do is sleep.

I don't get much sleep though. I wake up at 8:30 so I only got two hours of sleep. I go downstairs and into the kitchen where my mom made eggs and bacon for breakfast. Mmm. Smells like the opposite of shnasty; it smells divine. "Good morning Randy; sleep well?" I sit down at the table and start to stuff my face with eggs and bacon.

"Yeah I guess. This is real good mom what's the occasion?" She places a glass of orange juice beside my plate.

"Well, I was watching the news this morning and apparently the ninja found Katy and saved her. He also got the three teenagers who were part of the kidnapping. Isn't that great!" I choke on my food and take a quick gulp of orange juice to settle the food down my throat.

"Yeah that's great. Do they know if she's okay though; like is she hurt or anything?"

My mom puts a finger on her chin, "I don't think so. They said that her father found her in her bed at 6:15 this morning. I guess the ninja dropped her off at her house instead of letting the police take care of her." She shrugs and goes to get a cup of coffee from the counter.

I start to feel kind of guilty about just taking Katy on my own. Maybe I should have just left her there after I called the police. I guess my emotions for her got the best of me. I take the last sip of my orange juice. "Thanks for breakfast mom. I want to know if I can go over to Howard's. Can I?"

She rolls her eyes, "Oh okay fine. Just be careful walking there. I don't want the ninja to end up having to rescue you next."

"Oh trust me mom, you won't have to worry about that happening. Bye mom, love yea." I hug her goodbye and head out the door. I start to call Howard to ask him if I can come over to play some Grave Punchers. "Hey bro, you think I can come over for some Grave Punching?"

"I don't know let me ask. Hey dad, can Randy come over to play some video games!?" He couldn't of had just gotten up from where ever he was to ask? "Yeah, you can come over. See you in a bit."

"Later." I hang up on him. Suddenly my phone starts to ring again. BTW my ringtone is me and Howard's first song in our band 30 Seconds to Math. "Hello?"

"Randy, it's Katy; do you think you can come over to my house later on today?"

"Uh, sure. What time?"

"Anytime before 5:00."

"Okay. I'll see you later on then. Bye." Before I hang up she says one more thing.

"Oh and bring Howard. Bye." She hangs up. What the juice was that all about? Guess I'll find out later today.

As always Howard and I are neck and neck at beating each other's high score in Grave Puncher. "Oh you are so going down Howard! I've got you right where I want you."

"Yeah right Cunningham, you say that every time you think you're about to beat me. But then I always BLAMO! Beat you! HA!"

I slouch. Howard was right; maybe I should stop saying that every time I think I'm about to beat him. "Aw man. No fair you cheated. How do you beat me every time we play?"

"Hey don't be such a sore loser Cunningham. I just got game and you don't."

"Yeah whatever man. Hey what time is it?" Howard looks over at his clock by the window.

"Three o'clock, why?"

"Katy wants us to meet her at her house before five."


I shrug, "Beats me. Guess we'll have to wait and see in an hour."

"Ugh, do we have to go in an hour? I thought we could play some more Grave Punchers." I give Howard a glare.

"Howard, it might be important. She's our friend, we have to be there when she needs us."

He points to himself, "No, she's my friend." He then points to me. "She's your girlfriend." He grins.

"You know what I mean. Lets play one more round and then we'll head down to Katy's."

"Fine." We go back to playing Grave Punchers for another hour or so until it's time for us to meet up with Katy.

When we get to Katy's house, there are boxes on her front lawn and a moving truck in her drive way. At first I wasn't sure if it was Katy's house or not. Then I see her walk outside of the house and start walking toward Howard and I. She gives both Howard and me a hug. "Thank you guys so much for coming. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"Um Katy, what's all this about? It looks like you're moving." She looks at the ground with a small frown on her face. "So you're moving to a new house in Norrisville?"

She shakes her head, "No Randy, I'm moving away." Howard and I both look at each other with shock in our faces. "After what happened to me yesterday, my dad doesn't want us living in a town that he calls 'Dangerville'. He want's me to start a new life in a new school. I told him that I don't need a new life, that I have everything I need right here. But of course, he ignores what I say and destroys my life."

I put a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure he just wants what's best for you." This is what the Nomicon was telling me about. In order to save someone I love, I need to let them go. If Katy stays in Norrisville, she'll just become more of a target for McFist. As much as it hurts me to do this, I need to let Katy go. "It's best for you to move. You've already been through so much, you don't deserve anymore hurt and pain." Her eyes meet mine and she smiles at me.

She looks at Howard and me. "Thank you guys. For everything. For being the most awesome friends a girl could ever have." She hugs us again. Howard actually wrapped his arms around her this time. He was going to miss her. No matter how much he would say that he wouldn't.

"Um Katy, I know that you're moving and all but do you think I can have what's left to eat in your house?" Howard points to Katy's house.

She giggles, "Sure Howard. Help yourself."

"Shweet thanks Katy!" Howard runs into Katy's house in search of food. I roll my eyes as he enters the house. Howard left Katy and me alone on purpose. He knew that we needed to be alone together one last time. For one last goodbye.

We didn't know what to say to each other. But it was almost five o'clock so I should hurry up. I put both my hands on her shoulders and run them all the way down to her hands. I feel something metal on her right wrist. I look down at it and see that it is a bracelet. Not just any bracelet though, it was the bracelet I had given Katy when I asked her to go to the spring dance with me. "You kept the bracelet?" She looks down at her wrist and smiles.

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I? I mean, you gave it to me; it was the one thing that kept me strong when you weren't with me. Like when I have to go home after leaving your house, I miss you already. Then I remember the bracelet you gave me, and I feel like you're right there next to me." Her eyes shimmer in the light. I savoir every last second I have with her since it is my last.

"Well you have something to keep you strong while you're gone. But what about me?" She giggles.

She grabs my hand, "Over here." She guides me over to a box labeled 'Katy's Best Memories'. I look inside to see family photos and children crafts. She starts looking through the box until she pulls out a picture frame with a picture in it and hands it to me. It was a picture of me, Katy, and Howard laughing together. "Hold on, that's not all. Do you remember that time we had a fight and we made up and I fell asleep in your arms?" She asks continuing to rummage through the box.

"When the Sorcerer took over?"


"Yeah I remember that."

She pulls out a light green blanket and holds it out to me. "It's the blanket you and I slept in together that night. I kept it for safe keeping because you comforted me when I was so frustrated that night. I realized that you were the right person for me that night Randy." She smiles at me handing me the blanket.

"Katy, I don't know what to say. Thank you." I hug her for the longest time. We lift our heads up to face each other's eyes. We slowly come closer and closer to our lips until they finally meet. That one last kiss goodbye. "I love you Kaitlin Breakwood."

Her eyes were tearing up; but they weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of joy. "I love you too Randy Cunningham…" She leans into my ear and whispers, "Ninth grade ninja." She starts to walk away to the moving truck with a satisfying smile on her face. Howard comes out just in time for one last goodbye.

"Hey good luck in your new life Katy. I wish you the best."

She giggles, "Thanks Howard." As I start putting the stuff Katy had given me, she starts to get into the moving truck. No more boxes were left on the lawn. Nothing. The truck starts back out from the driveway. Katy looks at Howard and I and waves us one last goodbye before the truck started leaving Norrisville. "I'll never forget you guys. Bye!" The truck starts driving away.

"Hey, you going to be okay bro?"

I take a deep breathe, "Yeah, I'll be fine." I look at Howard, "Come on, let's go play some Grave Punchers."

The End

I hope you guys liked this story. I worked really hard on it. I actually was starting to cry when I got to the part of Katy saying goodbye to Randy. Please tell me what you guys thought of my story. I really want to hear your thoughts. I'm not sure what I should do now though. Got any ideas?