A/N Thank you all for being amazing and sticking with me. I hope you al enjoy this and accept it as a peace offering for my lack of posting. I am still alive and still love you all. Thanks for being amazing. I hope you enjoy this full-of-feels-story.

What have we become?

It's June 10th

Four days since the revolution.

Four days since the rise.

Three days since Gavroche died.

Two days since the fall.

One day since death.

Death for so many, so many of his friends.

"Mister… Grandar? grandeer?"

Grantaire sighed, and shoved himself up off of the seat where he sat and glanced numbly at the nurse who stood in the doorway. "It's Grantaire." He corrected, rolling his eyes and waving his hand to signal for her to move forward. "I believe you're here to tell me how you couldn't save my last friends. Just like you couldn't save Bahorel. Or Feuilly. Or bossuet. Or Joly. You couldn't save any of them. Is this even a hospital? Do you even have doctors?"

Grantaire stopped ranting when the nurse raised her hand to silence him, annoyance in her eyes. "Your friends are alive. they are in rooms 7, 3, and 9. You need to be careful when you visit them. there are somethings you should—"

Grantaire didn't wait for her to finish talking, he took off running down the hallway. Room three was the closest that the nurse had listed.

Without hesitation, Grantaire bust the door open, a grin spreading across his face when he saw Courfeyrac. "COURFEYRAC!" His usual cynical tone no where near present.

Courfeyrac's head shot straight up and he glanced in Grantaire's direction. In a split second, every vision of Courfeyrac Grantaire had ever seen was shattered when he saw the pain in his friends eyes.

"Gra-antaire?" Courfeyrac stuttered out, almost looking unbelieving.

Grantaire nodded, and walked to the edge of Courfeyrac's bed. "Well you look a lot better than I thought you would! Come here you lazy bum! And Give me a hug!"

Courfeyrac shoved his arms against the mattress and attempted to get closer to Grantaire, stopping when he realized he couldn't quite lift himself.

"Courf, you have legs for a reason. Use them." Grantaire laughed, but the laugh soon faded when he saw the look upon his young friend's face.

"I—I can't… Grantaire. they don't work anymore. I can't move them."

Grantaire's eyes suddenly stung with tears. "Not ever?"

Courfeyrac swallowed and glanced down. "Have you seen the others? I haven't been allowed to see them yet."

Grantaire shook his head, still in disbelief. "No.. Um, you're the first…."

Courfeyrac swallowed and bobbed his head. "Lets go see them then. Will you take me with you?"

Grantaire shrugged, "Yeah of course." He waited for a moment for Courfeyrac to join him next to the door, only to realize his friend couldn't anymore. Nor would he ever. "OH! Sorry. Sorry." Grantaire repeated, as he grabbed the wheelchair from the corner of the room and helped Courfeyrac into it.

Grantaire pushed him down the hall and to room number 7, Since it was the next closest.

"Hey ferre bear!" Courfeyrac called out as he entered the room.

Combeferre, though looking as though he was already awake when they walked into the room, jumped back in surprise when he heard Courfeyrac's voice. "Courfeyrac! Is that you?" He called, staring at the door with his eyes wide.

"Uh… Uh, yeah. ferre we're over here." Courfeyrac waved his hand in the air. "Do you need your glasses? Did you loose them?"

"No. They took them." Combeferre whispered, his voice sounding smaller than ever.

"Who took them?!" Grantaire demanded, "Do I need to talk with someone? Or crack a bottle over someone's head."

"No. Grantaire." Combeferre muttered, "they took them from me because I don't need them anymore. I can't see… Anything."

Grantaire hung his head and muttered a string of cuss words, which caused Courfeyrac to swat at Grantaire's mouth. "Hush! He can hear you!"

Combeferre chuckled lightly, and held out his right hand for one of his friends.

"I'm Coming Ferre!" Courfeyrac squeaked, and attempted to wheel himself towards the oldest of the three. Which ended up in him bumping into the end of the hospital bed.

Grantaire took a deep breath and pushed Courfeyrac up to the front of Combeferre's bed.

Though he had to strain slightly to reach, Courfeyrac reached Combeferre's hand and held it as Grantaire pushed him out into the hallway.

the three of them traveled far slower to room 9 this time. Partially because Combeferre didn't want to do anything other than shuffle his feet to walk, for fear of bumping into something. And partially because Grantaire couldn't bear the thought of what might be waiting beyond the last door.

When they finally reached room number nine, Courfeyrac reached up from his chair and opened the door.

And with quite a bit of difficulty, the three made it into the hospital room.

"Enjolras?!" Combeferre cried out into the nearly spotless room.

On the bed, legs crossed and hands over his ears, their golden haired leader sat with his head down and tear tracks all down his cheeks.

He didn't move a muscle when Combeferre shouted out to him.

"Well Apollo, I have to say I was expecting something far worse! This is.. This is better than what our friends here have to deal with. So why don't you look up here and say hey to them. They're worried about you."

No response.

Combeferre started stumbling forward, arms stretched out in front of himself, panic in his unseeing eyes. "Enjolras?! It's okay if you're upset! Or if you're scared. I'm here now. I—I can't see you though. but I'm coming. And I'll sit with you and we can talk about plans for a new revolution okay?"


Courfeyrac pushed himself away from Grantaire and attempted to move closer to Enjolras. "Enjolras?"

Combeferre finally reached where his young friend sat on the hospital bed, and with a grin spreading across his face, he embraced him in a hug as soon as he could.

Suddenly, Enjolras' hands flew from his ears, and his eyes flashed open. He began to scream, but stopped when he saw Combeferre hugging him tightly. "coferrrre?" Enjolras tried to speak his friends name, succeeding at about the level a toddler would when learning to speak.

It was strange, and like nothing Grantaire had ever heard before. It sounded confused, and tone deaf.


Grantaire put his head in his hands and leaned his back against the wall.

"YES! Enjolras it's me!" Combeferre said, staring blankly at the wall in front of him, but still hugging Enjolras.

"I ca-cat. haaree" Enjolras managed, and that was it.

Grantaire was with three of his four remaining alive friends. And they were paralyzed, blind, and deaf.

It took every ounce of strength Grantaire had to not break down then and there.

They should have died, he thought. 'They should have died and then they would not have to endure this.'

When Grantaire opened his eyes he saw the three of them in the most awkward hug that probably ever occurred in the history of mankind.

Courfeyrac's arms were wrapped around Combeferre's waist, and he held Enjolras' left hand in his right.

Combeferre was holding onto Enjolras as though the world was trying to pry him away, and Enjolras was attempting to hug them both, while trying to read the other's lips.

"A guide with no eyesight, a Centre without balance, a Chief without a voice, and a drunkard in charge of watching after them…. What have we become?"

It was a month later, and things had picked up a bit. The four had gotten to see Marius nearly a week after they had gotten to see each other. He was in good health, and brought Ice cream for the group. Grantaire had groaned and thrown Enjolras' tub of Ice cream at Marius when he had failed to get the right kind. to which Marius had responded with saying, and signing that he was so sorry. "Oh! My friends! My friends forgive me! I was in such a rush!"

Enjolras had laughed for the first time since the accident when he saw Combeferre laughing. He signed that they should expect nothing less of a bonapartist.

It was a sunny day, Courfeyrac and Combeferre were already at the park that they were all going to have a picnic at.

Grantaire showed up to Enjolras' room and Walked in, surprised to find Enjolras wrapped in the red blanket Combeferre had gifted him with when he was only a child.

"You okay?" Grantaire signed with his hands, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"It's sunny." Enjolras signed back.

"Yes." Grantaire made a fist with his hands and moved it up and down with his wrist as a sign.

"Can we open a window?" Enjolras signed, a slight amount of excitement in his eyes.

"We have to leave to have the picnic" Grantaire signed back.

Enjolras signed "please" Back quickly, and Grantaire sighed and obeyed. Walking to the window and forcing it open and then signing "Happy?" With a tad more force.

Enjolras nodded his head, a smile appearing on his face as he walked towards the window and took a deep breath when the fresh air blew in.

Grantaire allowed himself to smile slightly, as he watched Enjolras enjoying the air blowing into the musty room.

There was a harsh knock on the door, "Enjolras, leader of the rebels failed revolution, and traitor of France, we are here to execute the punishment you have agreed to in our deal."

"I can't believe you!" Grantaire yelled, turning to Enjolras, who looked confused, and signed 'what did you say?"

Grantaire groaned and signed along as he spoke, "You knew they were coming, didn't you?! What'd they say, the others could live if you did this?"

Enjolras swallowed and nodded his head, then after a moments pause signed, "I don't want to die."

"You won't." Grantaire signed back. Then stepped towards the door, "I'm sorry. Monsieur Enjolras is not here at this time."

"Then who's there?" The guard yelled back.

Enjolras looked at Grantaire and watched as he signed what the guard had asked.

" 'ench 'ulooshun!" Enjolras yelled as loud as he could, then grinned, tightening his red blanket around himself.

The door was kicked in, in a split second.

Enjolras looked towards the guards who had their guns pointed straight at him, and raised his chin.

Grantaire took a step towards Enjolras and took a deep breath, then signed, "Do you permit it?"

Enjolras smiled slightly, and held his hand out towards Grantaire.

The order sounded, and they were both pierced with bullets.

Grantaire fell to the floor, where Enjolras' feet had been planted on the ground not a moment ago.

And Enjolras, still wrapped in his red blanket was hanging half way out, upside down of the window which Grantaire had just opened.

A/N I'm sorry for all the feels, this sort of just came to me, and I had to. I also would like to apologize again for how long this has taken to get posted. I still take requests, and am working on the one which was requested by the anon.

I love you all and hope you enjoyed this! Please follow, favorite, and review!

God Bless!