For as long as I can remember, I've lived in a house surrounded by corn fields They go on and on until the horizon disappears in every direction. One road connects us to the outside world- the world beyond the farm. But I have never gone there. I am not allowed to. Mama says that in the outside world, people will try to hurt me because I can do things without touching them. I can hurt people that hurt me.

Mama says that it's not my fault. She says I just need to learn to control it more. But sometimes I'm not sure. She doesn't know, but I remember that she's not my real mom.

When I was little, and couldn't control it as good as I can now, I got mad. I got scared. A bookcase had fallen on me. Next thing I know, through all the screams and tears that were my own, the bookcase was gone- thrown as splinters around the room- and so was my mom.

Nattily doesn't know I remember killing my real mom on accident. But now that I have more control, more power, I swear I'll protect her.

I gaze over the corn field, promising that I'll be stronger. Always stronger.