All in all, I'd say everything worked out perfectly in the end. I got my Merlin back. What else matters? But really, I was happy, Merlin was happy, and Alex, Morgana, and Gwaine were all happy once we'd told them. Alex was especially thrilled to hear Merlin's side to everything Camelot, and found my ignorance of Merlin's magic back then hilarious. We all got through high school, then college, then separated into the world. Alex quit teaching to write a book on Camelot, Morgana decided to travel the world, and Gwaine became a model.
As for Merlin and myself? We moved back to England, sure that if the world ever needed us, it would need us there. We got a cute house, jobs (just to keep us busy, we didn't need the money), and a dog, Honey.
We're planning a spring wedding.
A/N: And that's that. Thanks again to all who've read/favorited/followed/reviewed this! It's meant the world to me!