Chapter 1

Sakura stood at the doorway, her emerald eyes flickering with worry. She gulped down her fear as her eyes wandered down to study the invitation her clammy hands were latched onto. This was the chance of a lifetime, something that she could not bear to lose. With a final gulp of her throat, she barged into the school. She marched through, skilled with the tour she had been given earlier. She gnawed on her bottom lip as she reached her destination, the auditorium. She entered, the realization that she was beyond late sinking into her once more.

"Ah, Miss Haruno, it seems that time matters not to you," Sakura blushed as the woman perched on the stage glowered down at her, her eyes resembling an oak in both color and firmness. Headmistress Tsunade was a strict, but reasonable, woman. She led this academy with an iron grip, her brown eyes constantly watching for trouble. Lady Tsunade flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she turned, pulling out a box. "It matters not, we must begin either way. Take a seat, and the second naming can start." Sakura raced to her seat, her eyes never leaving the stage. This was a moment she had been waiting for her whole life. The second naming, the time when their destinies were given to them. Each girl would be called to the stage, and their identities would be supplied to them. In other words, they would be classified. Sakura already knew that every woman in the room around her was good, a princess of sorts. If they weren't, they would be at Witch's Academy. But no, they all were gathered here at Princess Academy. And they would learn their names. A mixture of nervousness and excitement built up in Sakura's stomach and she leaned forwards in her seat. A quiet passed over the room as Tsunade pulled a card from the box, a smile drifting on her face as she matched a name to it.

"Hyuuga Hinata, please come up," Prying eyes turned onto the shy, beautiful Hyuuga heiress. The girl's face turned a sunset-red as she stood up, slowly making her way to the stage. Sakura had just met the girl and could already tell that she was beyond shy. The way she seemed to fold in on herself as she tiptoed towards the stage was symbolic enough of her nervousness. As she climbed onto the stage Tsunade began to talk.

"Miss Hyuuga, good morning," Tsunade patted the girls back, swooping her to the center of the stage. She waved the card temptingly at the young woman before she folded it open. The older woman skimmed over it, a small smile stretching across her lips. "Hinata Hyuuga, welcome to Princess Academy. It seems as though you have appeared to be Snow White." A blush fumed onto Hinata's face. Sakura's mouth flopped open along with the other girl's at the prestige of Hinata's identity. Snow White? That was unheard of!

"S-Snow White?" Hinata whispered, her violet eyes widening. Tsunade beamed at her as she placed the card in her hands. As Tsunade talked Hinata's eyes ran curiously over the inside of the card.

"The card's reasoning is as follows; you have skin as pale as snow, hair as dark as night, and lips as red as blood," Hinata blushed at Tsunade's words, a small tremble passing through her. She knew as well as anyone else that jealousy would closely follow such an honor-filled position. "Also," Tsunade's index finger pointed up in the air, causing Hinata to jump. "You have a kind spirit, a peaceful nature. Animals are drawn to you due to your nature. Not only that, but a handsome, brave, and sometimes misunderstood Prince Charming is awaiting you at the men's academy." Tsunade winked at Hinata before dismissing her from the stage. Hinata clutched the card to her heart as she stumbled back to her seat, all the eyes in the room closely following her. Said eyes quickly flitted back to the stage when Lady Tsunade cleared her throat.

"And next we have..." She paused as her eyes fluttered over the card in her hand. A tight smile was drawn over her face. "Miss Yamanaka Ino." I turned, my eyes wide as I saw the curvy blonde stand up. Her posture was near perfect, and the self-confidence she radiated seemed the opposite of the timid girl who had came before her. She walked up to the stage, the clink of her heels rhythmically pounding the floor was nearly muscial, and a half smile was evident on her face.

"Good morning, Lady Tsunade," Her voice was like the sound of bells, soothing and energetic at the same time.

"Good morning, Miss Ino," Tsunade unfurled the card, a tight smile on her face. "Welcome to this lovely institution, your identity is quite the...burden." Ino's eyes widened, fear crossing her face. The way Tsunade spoke suggested a curse of some sorts, and a curse was enough to make any girl squirm.

"Burden?" She whimpered, her voice somehow musical despite the worry etched into it.

"Indeed, it seems your status is a dangerous one - Sleeping Beauty. Also known as Aurora." A collective gasp rose across the crowd. Another prestigious identity? And right after Snow White? "My dear, you were blessed as an infant. It seems you were gifted with beauty," That much was clear with Ino's luscious light blonde hair. It shimmered like the sun and ran down her back like silk. And then there were her cerulean eyes, sparkling with emotion and displaying what the girl felt. "A perfect voice," Once more the gift was quite obvious. "And overflowing confidence," Could they get any more blunt? "But those gifts came with a curse. That curse was that on your next birthday, your 17th year, you will be pricked and fall into a deep, unbreakable sleep. You will only be awakened by your true love's kiss," Ino's eyes reflected fear as she gaped at the older woman. Tsunade took the young woman's hand and pressed the card into it. "It will be okay, dear." And with that Ino stumbled off the stage, worry ever-present on her expressive face. The crowd watched her, waiting to see how she would react. Once more, the attention was only pulled back to the stage when Lady Tsunade cleared her throat. She pulled a card out of the box, turning towards the expectant audience to announce the recipient.

"Miss matsuri, please come to the stage," There was the loud sound of a chair being pushed back as a tan girl walked noisily towards the stage. Although she displayed a confident appearance worry hid behind her dark chocolate eyes. She ran up the stage, her eyes boring into the taller woman.

"Miss Matsuri," Lady Tsunade smiled gently at her. "Why must you dress like such a tomboy?" Matsuri pouted at her, and it became evident that a lecture was on its way. Tsunade reached towards the ponytail sitting atop Matsuri's hair and pulled out the hairband, releasing light brown silk to tumble around her face. Matsuri sighed, not wanting to fight with the principal in front of so many people. Instead, she listened intently as Tsunade's eyes focused back on the card. "Welcome to your new school, Belle," A few gasps were heard as Matsuri winced. Everyone knew the story of Beauty and the Beast, and if Matsuri was Belle, another prestigious role, by the way, that meant she would be cursed to love a Beast. "You, as the card reads, were chosen as Belle for your obvious beauty," Matsuri's tan cheeks turned a few shades darker, and she allowed her face to be covered by her brown bob. "Your keen intellect and thirst for knowledge," Matsuri slumped over even more, hiding her face deeper into her hair. "And your open, accepting nature," Tsunade handed the card to Matsuri, who took it shakily. The older woman leaned in and whispered something in Matsuri's ear as she handed her the card. Matsuri then sprinted down the steps, rushing into her seat. Tsunade sighed at her lack of manners, turning back to call another name.

"Miss Uzumaki Karin, please come up," Tsunade watched carefully as an eye-catching girl stood. Her crimson eyes flickered beneath her glasses, and everything about her angled, narrow face suggester maturity. The red hair was stunning against her smooth, pale skin and wild, brightly-colored ringlets drifted all the way down to her butt. Her hips were surprisingly big for her slim physique, and they shimmied back and forth as she walked. This girl clearly had sass. In great supplies. As she walked toward the stage a few girls wrinkled their noses, disapproving of the spunk the girl clearly displayed. Tsunade raised an eyebrow at the Uzumaki before unwrapping her card. "Well, Miss Karin, it seems as though we have another unique one on our hands," Sakura squirmed impatiently as Tsunade rubbed her temple. Why were there so many important figures in her class? Would she be one of them? "Miss Uzumaki, I proudly inform you that you are Ariel," Karin scrunched up her face.

"A prissy little mermaid? Do I look like I belong at sea?" Tsunade sighed at the girl's tone, shaking her head. The girls shook their head at the fact that another important identity had surfaced, and for this attitude-filled girl no less.

"The card's reasoning is your rebellious attitude, your gorgeous red hair, and your maturity. Also, you have a strong life force, strong enough to be both mermaid and human. Similar to Ariel. Not to mention that, beneath your coarse exterior, you are a sweet girl," Karin scoffed, a hand going to her hip. Tsunade ignored her, pressing on with what was scrawled across the card. "Don't forget that a dark-haired prince charming is destined to come along your way. He'll save you when you lose your lovely voice," Although Karin's voice wasn't as beautiful and musical as Ino's, it still had a husky, seductive nature to it. Similar to a siren, Sakura thought numbly as Karin smiled softly.

"Great, at least I get a hottie to make up for this," With that, Karin ripped the card from Tsunade's hand, turning to sashay off the stage. Tsunade shook her head as the spunky girl left, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Miss Temari, come on up," Tsunade turned back to watch along with the rest of the crowd as a girl stood up. She blew a bubble and smirked after it popped. She turned towards the stage, rolling her exotic green eyes. They were a jungle-like color, and seemed to reflect the color of a plant's leaves. Her sandy hair bounced from the four pigtails it was held in, and it stuck out in awkward directions. She either lacked the time or energy to brush it, because it was as matted as it was thick. Her mouth twisted into another smirk as she stood in front of Tsunade, an uncaring look passing her face. Sakrua was quick to decide that she was not fond of this girl. Sakura watched impatiently as Tsunade unfolded Temari's card. She sighed at the results.

"Miss Temari, it seems you are cursed," Temari's smirk faltered, but was quick to return to her face. "Your parents owe a frightening debt, it appears. And that debt will be collected through you. On your next birthday, your 18th, you will be taken far away. It seems, inevitably, that we have another peculiar person, Miss Rapunzel," Temari's eyes widened, and her face lost its smirk. The scowl that replaced it was far less endearing.

"I have short hair, though!" Temari demanded, her eyes wide.

"It seems it will grow on your birthday, if it does it means your curse is happening. Hair growth on you is the sign of a powerful curse coming in effect. Anyways, you can only be saved by true love, and your prince has to fight the one who was collecting your debt and climb the tower using your hair," Temari winced at that, a hand running up to one of her pigtails. Tsunade's face twisted into a worried expression.

"But I am not like Rapunzel...Do I look dainty or sweet?" Tsunade stared at her, shaking her head.

"So many powerful princess and terrible curses..." Tsunade's murmured reply did not satisfy Temari, who's reaction was ripping the paper from Tsunade's hand and storming to her seat. Tsunade shook her head, turning back to her jar and pulling out another sheet of paper.

"Miss Tenten, please come up here," All eyes turned to a girl who shot out of her seat, her eyes scouring the room. She had a cold, calculating look and her skin was an earthy brown. She wore pants and a work-out shirt, and her hair was tied into two dark buns. If she hadn't been so beautiful she could've passed for a boy. Something gave Sakura the feeling that that was what she was aiming for. She marched up the stage, her delicate features forming a smile. Her chocolate eyes sparkled as she smiled at Tsunade.

"And I called Matsuri a tomboy," Tsunade laughed as Tenten's smile disappeared. The girl shifted her weight, traces of a scowl appearing as Tsunade cleared her throat.

"Miss Tenten, it seems as though you carry an impressive status as well. In fact, you are are first warrior. It isn't a surprise given your tomboyish tendencies and your affection for weapons, Mulan," The crowd gave a small gasp at that. Mulan? There hadn't been a Mulan since...Well, since the original. And now this wide-eyed, beautiful young tomboy was carrying the title of a warrior. She was the only one that wouldn't use magic when she defended herself. And that was very, very peculiar. Almost as peculiar as the amount of outstanding statuses. Sakura watched, nervously, as Tenten was handed her card. She gnawed her lip as other names were called, none of them as high-status as those first girls. Was she going to measure up? After a girl called Moegi was called and pronounced as Wendy, Sakura's name echoed from Tsunade's lips. Sakura's head shot up, and worry ran through her. She got up shakily, chomping down on her bottom lip all the while. She walked slowly towards the stage, a tremor of worry coursing through her. She peered up at the destined stage before slumping over, feeling as shy as the first girl as she scurried up the stage. Unfortunately for her dignity, she tripped on the way up. She winced at the fact that she was the only girl to have tripped up the stairs, and the echoing giggles only made the embarrassment worse. She fast-walked the rest of the way, watching with nervous emerald eyes as Tsunade pulled her card out all too slowly. She watched as Tsunade opened it, a frown drifting onto her face. Worry filled her stomach as Tsunade looked up slowly, the frown evident on her lips.

"Miss Haruno, you have an interesting card," Sakura gulped at the worry hidden in the depths of Tsunade's eyes. "Your family was..." Tsunade bit her lip, her eyes flickering. "We will discuss details later, my dear, but all you need to know is that you are a mix. Both Cinderella and...another," Sakura stared with wide eyes as murmurs ran through the audience behind her. A mix? That was unheard of!

"Miss Tsunade, please tell me now. The truth will be kinder than rumors," Sakura's eyes trailed to where a group of girl were whispering. Everyone knowing the truth was better than everyone spreading vicious rumors. Tsunade sighed loudly, her eyes' worry changing to pity.

"Alright, Miss Haruno, if that's what you want," Tsunade unwrapped the card, her eyes skirting over it before she talked. "Your family was poor. In order to get a better life for you, they made a deal. This deal was for your...unborn child," Sakura's eyes widened, worry coursing through her. Her unborn child? "You are to give your first child to the debt collector...The only way to save yourself from the debt collector is to receive your first kiss before midnight on your 18th birthday. If not, you will return to poverty and have to give up your child," Sakura gaped as the news sunk in. What the heck? What was happening to her...She took the card shakily before staggering back to her seat. She peeled it open to read what Tsunade had said. Tears bubbled up into her emerald eyes, and she didn't pay attention as the next name was called. In fact, she simply sat there, reading and rereading her card. Of all the sucky luck...


Ugh! This chapter is so long -_- Anyways, this story is a bit confusing right now, and any questions irrelevant to the plot can be asked! Yeah guys, I know, I should not be writing another dtory...I can't help myself T-at The ideas keep appearing, and with my newfound obsession with Once Upon A Time this fanfic was inevitable...So yeah, thanks for reading and sorry for making another story! :)