"Oh, my God. AMY!"

"What is it, Kate?"

"It's Slappy!"

"What?" I ask sharply. I look into the window where my little sister is pointing, and sure enough, a ventriloquist's dummy with red hair, blue eyes and a malicious smirk sits on display, staring ahead at the ocean.

I read 'Night Of The Living Dummy' to my seven-year-old sister Kate, A.K.A Katherine a week again. "Amy?" She had said, coming up to me in her purple nightgown and slippers.

"Yeah, Kate?"

"Can you read to me?"

"Sure," I had said, smiling. I love reading. I'm even working on writing a Hunger Games story, which is going fairly well.

Katherine ended up picking out said story, I read it to her, she loved it, then for the next week she would not go to sleep until she had cried her heart out and it was one o'clock in the morning.

"Think mama and daddy'll let us get him?" I smirk. Kate looks at me in horror.

"Don't you dare!"

I actually have my own money, and my parents pretty much let me buy what I want. I don't buy many things, usually only nail polish, or some prank supplies from the dollar store, so I have a lot of cash saved up.

I go inside the store, 'Magic & Mooseheads'. "Weird name," I mutter.

My eyes examine the dummy. I frown. He's kind of creepy... but he is only five dollars, which is really cheap, and it would be cool to be a ventriloquist. What if he's the real Slappy? I wonder. I shake my head. Now I'm being silly. I push a strand of fuschia streaked black hair behind my ears. I'm thirteen years old, and I'm really scared of a dummy?

I bring him up to the counter. "This is it," I tell the cashier.

"Five dollars." He grunts. When I hand him my readied money, he shoves the dummy back at me. The dummy hits my chest and, with Slappy being being wooden, that hurts a lot.

"Ow!" I cry. The cashier doesn't even look up. "Hey, buddy!" He glares at me. I return the look and walk out. Looking down at my purchases, I widen my eyes. The concept of an evil living doll is scary. I read a fanfiction story once called 'Slave To Passion', and I'll just say that it scares the h*** out of me to be looking at the same doll as the one that I pictured to be in the story.

I inhale sharply. Oh, god. What have I done?

Hey hey hey!

Sooooooo... This story is kinda sorta based off of me with a whole bunch of stuff changed. However much I hate short chapters, these chapters won't be very long.

'Slave to Passion' is a real story, written by SideShowJazz1. It's a really good story. You should go read that, then read 'Being The Slave', by the same author.

Expect weekly updates...yada, yada, yada...

So enjoy, read and review!