A/N: Um…okay this is my first attempt at fanfiction so please be nice

Warnings: Slash Draco/Harry, Harry/OC, mention of homophobia and some violence in the next chapters. May turn M rated.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. All of them belong to Queen Rowling

Epilogue compliant? No EWE, also Sirius, Remus and Fred are still alive.

Harry Potter was not having a good day. Of course being covered in dragon snot was not an ideal way to start the day. Charlie Weasley took one long look at him before erupting in laughter.

"It's not funny Weasley," scowled Harry.

"Oh, but it is Potter," said Charlie.

"Remind me again why I have to take care of all the sick ones?"

"Well because you're the Boy-who-Lived! We're hoping some of your luck rubs off on them," laughed Charlie. Harry growled and stared at Charlie menacingly. Charlie continued to laugh, ruffled Harry's hair and walked off.

Harry sighed. He supposed all apprentices had to go through cleaning duties and menial labor. Being the 'Boy-who-Lived' is not going to save him from being sneezed on. It was a rather unconventional choice for a career. The wizard world was shocked to say the least when he announced that he'd rather clean dragon dung than be an auror. They got over it fairly quick but then he just had to go stir things up by also announcing he was gay. After the announcement he was flooded with declarations of love, gifts, chocolate, flowers and a fair few howlers. After one particularly nasty howler about how he had defeated the Dark Lord by "flagrantly displaying his unnaturalness" and that the Dark Lord died simply from shock because "the most powerful wizard in the world after Dumbledore was a ponce." Harry decided that it was time to move on. He called his closest friends and announced that he was moving to Romania to work under Charlie. Ron and Hermione were sad to see him go but they understood. Luna just smiled and told him to go find his future. After a few final goodbyes he left London and only returned for holidays.

That was two years ago. Now at 20, he was slowly learning the ropes of being an actual dragon keeper. Charlie always said that with dragons, you learn something new every day and Harry was enjoying every minute of it, except when it was his turn to clean the dragon enclosures. The training reservation was located in a magically secluded part of Fagaras Mountains in Romania. The reservation itself was built around Capra Lake situated within the mountains. Although not many muggles came to see the lake, the reservation still had magical protection. Harry loved the location, the view from the mountains was breathtaking and the lake itself was absolutely beautiful. It was peaceful, unlike the hustle of city life. Here Harry could dance around wearing a pink tutu and nobody would write an article about his secret "fetishes". Harry smiled at the view, but then groaned when he remembered his work for the day.

Today, Harry was taking care of a beautiful Romanian Longhorn named Esmeralda. A very appropriate although obvious name for the green dragon. Harry wasn't sure how dragons got the cold, but he wasn't very happy with the fact that they did. At first her sneezes were violent, covering everyone in 10 meter radius with green flame and dragon snot. The in-house healer, Anya gave her a potion which stopped the fire but not the sneezes. She explained that the cold had to run its course and would subside eventually. Harry sighed and gently patted Esmeralda on her snout. It was going to be a long weekend.