By: sereneskydragonslayer
Summary: After failing a mission that almost killed team natsu, Lucy is not only kicked out of team natsu but fairy tail as well. Heartbroken and weak, Lucy joins the organization Priceless where everything comes with a price. "You broke me fairy tail, and now you have to pay the price."
Chapter 1
"Lucy my child. Do you know what exactly you have just done?" questioned Master Makarov looking at Lucy disappointed. It was a rainy day and the entire guild was gathered here, around Lucy. The entire guild, all looked away, from Lucy. All except for Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy and Wendy.
Lucy flinched and looked away. "It wasn't my-"
"Do you know what you had done?" said Master, louder than before, his voice raising. Lucy clenched her fists and bit her lip.
"I'm very sorry Master, I-"
"YOUR DESICIONS ALMOST KILLED TEAM NATSU!" yelled Master, the entire guild ducking their heads. Lucy held her breath so her tears wouldn't spill out. Master said more quietly, "You initiated a plan that you thought would rescue Natsu, who was captured. The dark guild wouldn't let him go so easily so what did you do? You offered Lisanna instead."
"You don't get it Master, I didn't offer Lisanna, she offered herself!" exclaimed Lucy pointing to Lisanna. "Come on Erza, Gray, tell him that I didn't offer her." Gray and Erza both looked away in guilt. Erza stepped forward.
"Gray and I were not at the scene of the bargain. We were too busy defeating the dark guild members. I'm sorry Lucy, I cannot help you with this one. You are on your own." Gray nodded.
Lucy dropped to her knees, her eyes widening as tears finally flowed down her cheeks. A dull headache attacked her brain and her nerves tingled with pain. And her heart, it hurt so much. It was as if someone had stretched it out, pulled it, cut it, and stuck it back in her. So this is rejection huh? thought Lucy. Well, I'll be damned if I die because of this...
The Master continued. "Lisanna protested but you shoved her forward. This was when Gray and Erza arrived. They found Natsu free and Lisanna in their hands. You kept on saying that natsu was going to be safe without even caring about Lisanna. They didn't keep their bargain. They captured natsu, gray, AND Erza this time. You managed to get them out but the mission failed. If you didn't offer Lisanna, Natsu could have gotten out either way. This could of all be avoided. This is YOUR fault Lucy."
"Master, why don't you believe my story?" Master ignored her.
"Wendy came and healed them, saving their lives. You should be thankful for Wendy Lucy, if it weren't for her, I might as well just order death on you but since I'm feeling nice, we'll just drive you out instead."
"Why don't you listen to me!" shrieked Lucy getting up and grabbing a knife. "WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME?"
"Because have changed. You are no longer the Lu-chan that I used to know," said Levy passively in a cold tone. Gajeel stepped beside her and so did Jet and Droy.
"I'm with Levy." Jet and Droy nodded. Slowly, the other members of fairy tail began to walk away ignoring Lucy. It was as it she wasn't there. Mira came up to her. Her eyes were not their usual warm color but were dull blue.
"Bye Lucy," was all she said before she removed Lucy's fairy tail mark. Wendy gripped the table and walked away. Happy and Carla looked away too and flew to another place. Erza and Gray, they...looked uneasily at each other but soon...they too joined the crowd. The crowd of ignorance. Natsu looked down on her with disdain.
"I won't be missing you, Lucy."
That was the final blow. Not hearing Natsu call her Luce was the end for her. Screw this life. SCREW THIS! THIS WORLD IS JUST AN INTORSION WORLD! A FAKE WORLD! If this world is fake...then I will recreate it...
Lucy walked out of the guild, fairy tail and never looked back. She stopped at her apartment. With a flick of her hands. Spirits appeared and destroyed all her things except for some clothing and basic things. Lucy sent them back and grabbed a bag with all her things. She walked out of the town Magnolia and came into a forest.
Yes, she knew what she would do. I will make God pay for changing my beloved friends into monsters. This was not fairy tail's fault. This is god's! I will do this!
"Oh, but you forgot something veeeerry i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t" giggled a voice from up the trees. The voice was so..gothic. Lucy's voice twisted in annoyance.
"What." The voice giggled again.
"You forgot to pay the price..." Lucy shrieked as a doll dropped from the tree and landed in front of her. It cackled evilly and danced the death reaper's dance. It was truly horrifying. It was already scary enough but Lucy wasn't that much comforted when the doll broke into shards, it's guts spilling out. When the hell did dolls have guts?
"Sorry Lucy-san. My doll went out of control again. But the doll is right you know, you still haven't paid your price if you're that intent on making kami-sama pay. I can make you very strong, but then you would have to pay me something too. Oh, and the rest of fairy tail needs to pay too. I'm technically paying off some of my debt right now Lucy-san, by coming to you. You should be happy."
Lucy gasped. Standing in front of her was the sweet smiling girl, Wendy Marvell. "You- What are you doing here?"
"My, my, that's so mean Lucy-san. Especially since I can help you with your wish. Ne Lucy, you wouldn't mind if I helped you destroy kami-sama right? After all, kami-sama has too much power and shinigami-sama has been locked up for a while...We need to bala-balance this world out!" smiled Wendy innocently.
"How do I do that?" questioned Lucy looking cautious. Wendy dropped her fox smile facade and went back to her usual smile.
"Lucy-san, what you are about to hear is top secret! As you cannot see, I'm actually a member of the organization called 'Price', The Place where wishes come true! Of course with a price sadly...Do you want to join?"
"Wha-wait. What exactly does this organization do?"
"You see, all the members of this organization are broken people, just like you! They are also vengeful people like you! Someone in their life hurt them so now, they are hunting for that person, so they can pay the price for making them hurt! Since you blame it on Kami-sama, you need to get kami-sama to pay the price. Of course that won't be easy but...maybe you can do it?"
"So. To summarize things. I join this organization. I get my revenge which is basically 'getting someone to pay the price'. And then what?"
"Lucy-san," sighed Wendy, "The cycle will never end. What you do also comes with a Price so you need to pay that too. So, you spend of the rest of your life paying debts. I know it sounds horrible but I've been a member since I joined cait shelter and I'm still happy right? It's really not that bad! The people there are really nice!"
"I..." Lucy hesitated. Was it really a good idea to join this organization. "Will this organization betray me?" Wendy shook her head.
"Of course not! If they did, they would apologize on their knees! They understand you Lucy-san...They understand me too." Lucy thought for a bit and nodded.
"Doesn't sound bad. I'll join." Wendy beamed.
"Yay! Now I have a new friend!" Lucy smiled weakly.
Is this really the right choice?"
Diary excerpt: Kurela basement. 12:47pm. X?
Did I ever do anything wrong? This tight love. Love is mysterious right? It makes you happy yet sad at the same time. What did I ever do wrong to get love. I am perfect. No love can take me down is what I thought. How wrong I was. My wheels of fate are turning. I don't think that I can live in this world anymore. Erotomania.
Do I have that? It's a love sick disease. Heh, why do I even care about this anymore. Everyone should die, everyone. Right Lucy? Wendy? That's what you said right?
I still remember that day Lucy...when you joined us. I was so happy. Little did I know. That you were better off in your own happy life. Tick tock.
Time is running out.
So...this is price. Is it dark? It's dark right? The dairy will serve as your mystery. Have fun figuring out who nessa is. Don't worry, you should already know her though she's not properly introduced. please no bad comments. Writing advice is helpful but we hate people who flame. Now here are two notices: