Chapter 10: Thunder and Lighting
It was a sleeveless pink and white ball gown dress that poofed out at the hip line, that was tied and fitted by a yellow goldish lace going up the back, slightly revealing the skin there. In all honesty it was a beautiful dress, but Ritsuka still couldn't believe he was wearing it as Soubi walked him out along the streets to wherever he was taking him.
"Soubi, I don't feel comfortable in this." Ritsuka mumbled as he adjusted his white eye mask.
"You probably didn't tie it right." Soubi stated as he retied the gypsy's eye mask.
"That not what I meant." Ritsuka shook his head from Soubi's aid. "I mean this dress! Why do I have to wear this thing? Where are you taking me that I have to wear a dress like this?"
Soubi tried to hide his smile as he looked at the flustered gypsy. Though it was night out, the torch light illuminated the boy's face enough that Soubi could make out a dark rouge color on the boy's cheeks.
"Do you really not like it?"
"It's embarrassing, and abit uncomfortable." He stated tugging at the yellow back laces.
"Youji probably tied it too tight." Soubi stated as he turned the boy around.
Ritsuka ears flatted to his head as he briefly felt Soubi's fingers on the spine of his back. This was exactly why he had Youji tie it in the first place, he didn't want Soubi to touch him, not like this any way, and yet here he was in the middle of the street with the blonde's hands on his back as he readjusted the dress for him.
"I don't even look like a girl." Ritsuka lied, he knew a couple of people that had mention it before how he had a soft face like a girl's. "My hair isn't even long enough for a girl." He was pouting now.
"Not every girl has long hair." Soubi stated as he remembered the chairwoman's assistants, Kouya and Yamato. "Besides." He finished tying his dress. "I have long hair, longer than yours at least. It doesn't mean anything."
Ritsuka looked at him still pouting.
"Is that better?" Soubi smiled, referring to his adjusted dress.
Ritsuka remained pouting as he nodded his head.
'What a surprisingly stubborn child.'
"Then let's go." Soubi stated holding out his hand for the boy.
Ritsuka took his hand and began walking along side him. At least his dress was easier to breathe in now.
Mimuro looked around the sun was starting to set but there was still plenty of light out. It was a shame he wanted to stay and talk to the gypsy boy named Nisei, but sadly he had plans that he could not cancel.
"Well I guess it's time to start setting up." Mimuro looked over his shoulder as he stood. "We should probably get going Mei."
Poor jealous little Mei hopped up before her friend could even finish his sentence. She just wanted to hurry up and get away from the Beloved gypsy, or rather she wanted her friend to hurry up and get away from the boy. She was tired at seeing how mesmerized he was by the gypsy boy and she could tell too that Seimei didn't like it either. The way his tail would flicker and his ears would flatten every time the two would got too close or when they'd start talking as if everyone else wasn't there. She hated it, he hated it, and Mikado just seemed to be analyzing the gypsy too a scary extent.
"Where are you two going?" Nisei looked up at his new acquaintance. He didn't feel comfortable calling him a friend, having never had none, aside from Chouma, but she was more of a sister.
"We've arranged a small ball to help cheer up the towns people." Mei cut in, knowing that if she didn't Mimuro would have probably invited Beloved to join them.
"If you want you can help too?"
Mei almost banged her head on the wall.
"I would but I don't think it be good if anyone saw me." He shrugged for an apology.
Truth was people had already seen him earlier in the church, he just didn't want to help. Why should he? After all none of the towns people ever helped him. Sure they adored his dancing and chanted his name a few times, but as soon as he was off that stage he was just another, thieving, dirty, bum of a gypsy to them. People are so fickle.
"I guess you're right." Mimuro's ears fell just the tiniest bit. "Let's go Mei."
Nisei waved to the both of them as they disappeared into the church.
"Why are you being so friendly?"
Nisei turned to Seimei.
"From what you told me you hate most people." Seimei reminded him in case he forgot.
"Most." Nisei repeated. "Besides they're your friends, don't you want me to be nice to them?"
"Seimei-san isn't nice to them half the time." Mikado uncrossed her legs, standing as she brushed off dust she got from sitting on the church's battlement.
"Where are you going now?"
"Unlike you Sei-san I actually am attending this small ball."
"You're going to go help?"
That didn't sound like her. She, though not as much as him, liked having things done for her. Like a little princess.
"No, but I do need to go and change. You are meant to wear a dress to a ball, not this." She made a small gesture towards her clothes.
"Whatever." Was Seimei's way as a goodbye.
Mikado simple nodded before she too left the same way as Mimuro and Mei had.
"She doesn't like me does she?" Nisei asked after she left without saying goodbye.
Seimei briefly thought back to when her parents were murdered by a gypsy, before that she was actually very kind towards them.
"It's not personal." Seimei looked the gypsy in the eye. "I didn't think you were so sensitive."
"I'm not!" Nisei huffed. "I'm just annoyed."
It was a ball! A masquerade ball! Ritsuka looked around everyone was dressed in a similar way to how he and Soubi were. There was music, not the same kind that he usually danced to, but it lifted his spirits either way. Everything looked so beautiful and the moonlight coming in from the skylight just made it more so. Ritsuka smiled, a small smile, mostly for himself. This was nice and oh so very kind of his blonde friend to do. Sure he didn't organize this, Ritsuka knew it was some guy by the name Mimuro? And some other girl? But the point was that thee blond didn't have to bring him here. Ritsuka didn't even know this was happening. Wait! Did Soubi bring him here so that he could dance!? With him!?
"I think you're the most beautiful girl here." Soubi whispered in his ear, snapping him out of his thoughts.
Ritsuka turned around and glared, ears flat with annoyance. "I'm not a girl." He growled.
"You are for the night." He said in a some what apologetic tone before taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor.
"Soubi wait." Ritsuka stopped. "I can't dance." He mumbled as if a shamed by that fact.
"I've seen you dance all the time."
"That's different." Ritsuka looked at everyone else dancing in the center of the room. They danced slowly and elegantly, with much grace. He danced with spirit and fire, in a way that could have been questioned for a boy his age.
Soubi looked at the way he young boy looking at everyone else. "Just follow my lead." He rubbed small circles on the boy's hand with his thumb.
With a swallow he nodded, letting Soubi lead him towards the dancing area. Finale after they got to the spot were Soubi wanted them to be at, they stopped.
"..." He thought he was.
Soubi tilted his head to look at Ritsuka when he did not respond. The poor boy's head was down staring at his own feet. Soubi frowned, he didn't understand how someone who's whole life depended on dancing was scared to dance. Was he scared to dance with someone? Was this Soubi's fault?
"Ritsuka I'm going to start." He warned before moving his feet.
Soubi wanted this, he wanted to dance with the Loveless gypsy. The gypsy who seemed to be so kind and nice to everyone he met, but who also had a bit of a spunky side. The gypsy who was a beautiful dancer and was modest about it. But mostly he was curious to see Loveless dance as a person, not an entertainer. He wanted to see Ritsuka smile and dance.
Ritsuka head was still down as he tried to follow Soubi's lead and not step on his feet. Yet he still managed to do that somehow. And when he did he froze, tensing.
"Ritsuka" Soubi leaned down to his ear. "It's okay." He tried to gently reassure him.
No. No it wasn't okay. It was embarrassing and he hated it. Here he was Loveless, the second best dancing gypsy in the kingdom and he was stepping on his partners toes! What was he to do!?
"Just let go Loveless."
Nisei's words from before the Festival echoed in his head.
"Let go of your inhibitions and just be free."
Ritsuka took a deep breath, he can do that. He can do that for Soubi. He wanted to do that for Soubi.
Finally Ritsuka lifted his head to look at him in the eyes. "Ready?" He smiled.
"Ready." Soubi smiled back.
They started once again this time moving the same way everyone else was, looking into each others eyes. Did he step on Soubi's toes again? Yes, just once more. And he laughed little to himself about it as his ears flatted against his head, embarrassed by his mistake, but Soubi simply smiled at him and held him tighter.
This was fun. For the both of them.
"How come you don't want to join this party? Seems like fun." Nisei turned his head towards Seimei, away from the skylight he was peaking through.
"I don't like to dance." The idea of actually holding someone so close to him like that, was very unappealing to the cat eared man.
"Don't like to? Or can't?" Nisei teased shaking his shoulders.
"Don't" He was stern.
"But you like to watch?" Nisei questioned, remembering what that Mei girl had said about Seimei watch him dance.
"Not your dancing. That does nothing for me."
Nisei seemed to pout a little.
"Your disappearing acts. They bother me."
"Cause you don't believe in magic?"
"No. I don't" The very thought was ridiculous.
"Well if you don't believe then I can't help you."
Seimei glared. A very cold, bone chilling glare.
"Okay, okay, fine." Nisei pulled out a small blue marble looking thing. "This is step one."
Nisei began explain his disappearing acts one at a time, not all of them, he'd like to keep some of his secrets to himself. But he did explain to Seimei that it was mostly just about getting people to focus on where he needed them to, so that he may make his exit where they were not looking.
"See. It's quite easy." He placed the blue marble in Seimei's hand after his lessons.
Seimei looked at the marble moving it around between his fingers, making it disappear and reappear from sight. Simple slight of hand, but Nisei still smiled as he watched it go from one spot on Seimei's hand to another. He sure did catch on fast.
Nisei blinked his eyes as a sparkle got caught in them, he turned back to the party. It was just some woman's overly jeweled out mask, he was about to turn back towards Seimei when something else caught his eye. Or rather someone.
"Oh wow." Nisei watched as a short ravenette girl with ears danced with her tall blonde partner around the ball room. "She's good."
Seimei ears flatted annoyed.
Nisei caught this in the corner of his eye too. "I'm sorry do you have a problem?"
"Excuse me?"
"You! You acted this way earlier too when I was talking with Mimuro."
Seimei looked away as if he was trying to remember, even though it had happened less than a few hours ago.
"Do you really get that jealous?"
Seimei ears flatted as he continued to think about it. "Honestly, yes." He finally stated.
"Why?" He most definitely had no reason to be jealous. Nisei looked him over, at least not one that he could see.
"I was an only child." He started, but Nisei cut him off.
"And your parent spoiled you with affection, attention, and gifts. Always giving you what you wanted, when you wanted it, huh?"
"Yes." Seimei nodded, seemingly finding nothing wrong with.
Nisei rolled his eyes, that explained alot. He went back to watching the couple dance. He watched as her pink and white dress floated across the floor, as if on air. He watched her blonde partner spin her in a circle and how she would move her legs with each spin. It was impressive to see a commoner dance like that.
"Have you seen that girl before?"
Seimei looked through the skylight. "Which one?"
"That one." He pointed as if Seimei would be able to tell which one. "The one with the short black hair and ears. She has a pink and white dress!" He started tapping on the glass trying to get Seimei to notice.
"Calm down!" He snapped at the over excited gypsy. "No, I haven't seen her before." Seimei looked closer. "But she does seem familiar?"
Nisei nodded. "She seems to be an amazing dancer."
"How can you tell when he's leading?"
"She's not stepping on his feet, she's keeping up, she's gliding across the floor and the way she kicks her leg out when she spins. Very talented" Nisei nodded once again.
Seimei sat back, already bored with spying on the couple.
"Are you having fun?" Soubi asked as Ritsuka came back from a spin and landed in his arms. By the smile on his face he already knew the answer.
"I am!" His tailed wiggled with excitement.
It was nice to finally see the boy smile again, to smile like this! It seemed to be infectious too as Soubi himself couldn't stop from smiling either.
"Are you having fun?" Ritsuka asked ears perked to hear his answer.
"I am." Soubi nodded as he brushed away stray bangs the young once face.
He looked at him. He looked at this perfectly sweet, cute individual in front of him and he couldn't believe he was actually holding onto someone so, perfect.
"Soubi?" Ritsuka asked confused as to why Soubi kept looking at him.
Then he flushed red as he felt the back of Soubi's hand graze his cheek, all while he looked at his lips. He knew exactly why Soubi was looking at him! He knew exactly what Soubi was going to do! But then that would he his first...
Ritsuka flushed darker, jerking his head away from the blonde, once again looking down at the grown. This time for a totally different reason. He couldn't kiss Soubi... Could he?
He peeked his head up. Soubi gave him a small smile, which said that he was happy, but his eyes were saying he was hurt. They looked at Ritsuka almost pleading for something.
He couldn't kiss Soubi. Then again it wouldn't be so bad, right? To kiss this man who had taken care of him the past week. Who was risking his safety be doing so! The only person to treat him not as a gypsy or a stranger, but as a person. His own mother didn't even do that. It wouldn't be so bad, right?
He wrapped his arms around the blondes neck, standing on his toes. "Soubi." He whispered, still very flushed.
Soubi leaned down wrapping his arms around Ritsuka's mid section.
"Oh look at that! They're kissing!" Nisei chirped.
"Stop watching them, hentai!" Seimei smacked the gypsy's arm and pulled him away from the his spying.
Ritsuka moaned as they pulled away, causing Soubi to smile at him. Ritsuka gave his own small smile as he laid his head on the blonde's chest, and just like that they continued to dance till the night.
Youji was at home, alone, waiting for his red haired friend to get back from a late night shop. There was no food in the house. Or rather there was no food either of them wanted to eat or make. So he just laid there on the floor with his feet against the wall, tossing a small ball up into the and catching it when it came down, just waiting for his friend.
He seen something through the window, a torch light moving, along with the sound of somewhat rushed hoof steps. The only time he heard hoof step was when it came to guards on their horses. Sure it could have been a commoner, since some of them did own horses, but his gut was telling him it was the former. His gut was telling him something was wrong.
He quickly stood up.
'Oh no where's Natsuo!?'
Just as soon as that thought entered his mind his friend walked through the door, hands empty of food and a strange look on his face. Youji immediately relaxed upon seeing his friend, but there was still that feeling.
"Where are the guards going?" He asked.
"Apparently someone seen Beloved in the church earlier today."
"Wait the same church Loveless and Soubi went too!?" His stomach became tighter.
"We only have one church!" Natsuo reminded him.
"Come on we need to warn them!"
Youji grabbed his friend before he could even retie his cloak, in result, it fell off as they both ran out the door to the church. They had to beat the guards there!
Mikado looked around from her seat, she was dressed like a little princess ready to take the crown and become queen.
"Why come if you're not even going to dance?"
She looked away from the crowd to Mei.
"You're not dancing."
Mei's ears flatted as she looked away. "I don't wanna."
It was a lie. She actually very much wanted to dance and she had been offered to a few times, but she didn't want to dance with any of the guys who asked her. Her eyes glanced over to Mimuro, who was currently talking to one of the band members.
"It doesn't really matter." Mei sat down across from Mikado. "The ball's over soon anyway."
"Hmmm, what's going on?" Nisei watched as he seen a group of people, from the ball, exiting the church.
"The moon's almost at it's peak." Seimei stated looking up. "The ball's over."
"That's no fun. Party's are supposed to go all night, no?"
"This isn't a party. It's a ball."
"I don't see a difference." Nisei muttered before leaning over the church's battlement to watch more people leave.
It wasn't fair. They got to go and leave with out the fear of being caught, when most of them probably committed more 'crimes' then he did. Okay well yes, he did commit a few crimes, mostly theft involving money or food, but hey, he had to eat and live! What do they expect? And as for magic, magic wasn't even the sorcery everyone thought it was, he'd just proven that to Seimei. So technically he didn't do nothing wrong?
"What the hell is that?" Nisei questioned as he stopped his peeping and looked up towards the noise of what sounded like rushing horses.
Sure enough they were horses. Horses and guards! Guards on horses! Heading straight for the church!
"Seimei!?" Nisei turned towards the man, scared.
Soubi and Ritsuka walked out of the church hand in hand. Not talking, but enjoying one another's company.
"Hmm?" Ritsuka's cat ears flickered as they picked up a sound, one that his normal ears could not.
"Is that Youji?" He looked up to his blonde friend.
"Sure is." Soubi stated as he got closer and closer. He couldn't help, but sound a little annoyed.
"Why is he running?"
Before Soubi could open his mouth, Youji was up against Ritsuka.
"No Loveless you have to get back in there!" Youji hushly yelled as he started to push Ritsuka back towards the church.
His and Soubi's hand were practically pulled apart, which suddenly filled his heart with fear and anxiety.
"Ritsuka!?" Soubi yelled freezing still, he felt almost lost with out Ritsuka by his side.
"Wait what about Soubi!?"
"No time!" Youji was using all his strength to both run and push Ritsuka closer towards the church.
"What are two doing!?" Soubi yelled at Natsuo who ran past him.
"Behind you!" Was all he shouted as he too began pushing Ritsuka into the church.
Soubi turned around as he heard the sound of guards coming from around a building, along with their shadows on the walls. He felt fear strike his heart as he turned his head back towards the church, luckily all three boys and most importantly Ritsuka, were behind the now shut doors.
"What going on!?" Ritsuka asked his friends as they pushed him into a confessional slamming the door shut. "You two are starting to scare me, whats going on!?"
"The guards." Youji panted, with his hands on his knees.
"They're on their way." Natsuo added panting as he leaned against the shut door.
The two gypsys nodded in unison.
"They seen Beloved." Natsuo answered getting his breathing somewhat under control.
'Nisei? He's supposed to be in the gypsy capital?' "Where?"
It didn't make sense. Nisei should have taken off to the gypsy capital, unless he found some place safer? But it couldn't have been in the church. He hated them too much to be in one.
"I don't know. I didn't see him. You okay?" Natsuo rubbed his friend's back, he had never seen him run that fast in his life.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Youji stood tall causing his friend's hand to fall away.
"We have sneak out of here." Natsuo stated after he was sure his friend was okay.
"Kinda hard to do that with cinderella over here." Youji nodded his head at Ritsuka.
"I'm sure we can find something you can change into." Natuso said, as he peaked through the door to make sure there was no guards in the church.
"We're gonna steal clothes from a church?"
"Not steal, trade. Your clothes are staying here."
"Besides do you we have a choice?" Youji added.
"There." Seimei stated as he placed a long wooden plank from the church's roof top to an adjacent roof top.
Nisei looked at the 'bridge' and the drop down if he were to fall.
"Yeah... Seimei I don't know if you forgot, but I'm a dancer. Not a tightrope walker!"
"Move it." He pushed him.
Hesitantly Nisei stepped onto the board and started to make small steps across. It wasn't that he was afraid of heights, he was afraid of falling.
Finally after making it across he turned back to look at Seimei, who was already half way across, walking like it was no big deal.
"You're pathetic you know." Seimei said as his greeting as he made it across.
A plain black robe was the only thing they could find for Ritsuka to wear instead of his dress. It was long on him, of course, but it had to do.
"You're not allowed in here! This is sacred ground!"
They heard a woman of the church yell, but it wasn't at them. There must have been a guard inside.
"This way." Natsuo pulled Youji along with him, who in turn pulled Ritsuka.
Like a train they made there exit through the church's back door.
"Halt Loveless!" A guard yelled upon recognizing him, and just when they thought they were in the clear.
"Run!" Yelled Natsuo as they all took off.
Sadly a guard on a horse was alot faster then three gypsy's on their feet. Just as he was about to grab Youji, Natsuo pushed him out of the way getting caught instead. Just as he had done days before.
"Natsuo!" Ritsuka stopped running.
"Come on Loveless we have to go before another guard comes!" Youji started to tug on his arm. "He'll be fine! Come on!"
This wasn't fair, Natsuo was going to get in trouble because of him. He was going to be hurt because of him. The king's order and the chairwoman's words echoed in hi head.
"If you don't and are discovered to have aid the gypsys, you will be served the same sentence. Death."
He couldn't do that to Natsuo.
"Wait! If you take me instead, will you let him go?"
"Loveless don't!" Natsuo yelled trying to twist out of the guard's hold.
"Okay." Ritsuka's head drooped as he walked over. Yes he was saving his friend, but he was also resigning himself to death.
Youji tried to pulling him away, to stop him! But past a certain point he had to let go, not wanting to get too close to the guard.
The guard released Natsuo just as Ritsuka came to a stop in front of him, but just as Natsuo was about to run towards Youji the guard grabbed him once again, along with Loveless.
"What!? But you said-!"
"He's still an escaped prisoner too."
"Bastard!" Natsuo screamed as he tried to hit the guard, but the way he was being held only let him hit his arm, just barely.
"Over here!" The guard yelled for another guard.
"Run!" Natsuo yelled over to Youji.
Just like that, before the other guard could arrive, Youji took off. Maybe if he got back to Soubi he could help!
Nisei and Seimei watched Ritsuka, along with another gypsy, be taken away, after having watched that whole sence unfold.