Hey guys! This is the second arc of the story and I think you all will be surprised. Oh and by the way, don't forget to vote on the poll.

I thank all of you who favourite and follow my story but nothing makes me happier than knowing what you think of my work. If you have enough time, review please. If some of you have questions feel free to PM me, I'd be more than happy to answer them. You can ask your question via PM too, I promise I'll answer them. I don't want anyone to have questions about this story because this arc and the next one will be confusing.

Anyways, enough with my ramblings, I'll shut up and let you read the chapter. Read and enjoy!

"Mama! MAMA! Where are you going!" a loud voice screamed as the said woman in white slowly disappeared, leaving only dust behind. A small hand tried to touch her but it was too late, for she completely disappeared before the hand could reach her.

"No Mama. Not you too…" the voice said, sobbing. Another voice, this time belonging to a male, spoke.

"Don't cry. Please just don't cry. We should use the chance she gave us, so we do not have the right to cry." Although the person was saying these, his very own voice was trembling.

The scene was illuminated when the clouds covering the moon dissolved and the moonlight lit the face of a young girl with pink hair and crimson eyes bending down over a pile of pure white dust while crying and a blond young man with sky blue eyes and golden hair, who had one of his hands on her shoulder, while the other was clenched tightly in an attempt to hold his tears back. They looked very identical despite their different features and both looked around 15 or 16 at most.

"Alexis lets go. If we stay here any longer, even mother's talismans might not work. This dimension is being played with so all we have to do is play the game and win. If the ones in the past can play this well, we too can join. As the prince and princess, we must be strong and not disgrace our father and mother."

The pink haired girl, who was apparently called Alexis, stood up, both hands clenched in a fist. She was still crying but somehow, she looked almost angry.

"Easy for you to say. You're the perfect prince who resembles mother and has control over father's powers. It is easy for you to be strong since you have power…" the girl said, lifting her hand and showing the boy the blood red ruby ring she wore.

"This is made of mother's precious blood isn't it? If only she didn't give this to me than she could have made it and you also would be safe. I was the cause of all this. If only I hadn't made that mistake and listened to you five years ago… Do you understand what I have lost? Do you understand that nothing can fill the emptiness?"

The boy had listened to the girl patiently without moving a muscle or changing expression. He hadn't said a single thing in defense. Until the girl finished that last sentence, he didn't even have the intention to argue. Until that sentence was voiced. He showed the girl his own ring, the exact replica of hers, and lost all manners while speaking.

"Quit being a spoiled brat and take responsibility for your actions! What I'm doing is not forgetting about mother or father; it is paying them back for all they did for us! If you understand what that ring means then come back to your senses and fight to prove you deserve it!" the boy shouted, all the while shaking the girl violently. The girl looked somehow shocked and confused as she didn't know another time the boy acted this fiercely.

Suddenly the boy, who was probably 8 or 9 inches taller than the girl, wrapped his arms around her tightly and buried his face in her cascading pink hair. Ah, how he loved that smell…

"I know that I can never fill the blankness of mother and father in your heart but at least let me ease your pain. Use me as a staircase and climb to take our future back. I don't care. I don't care as long as you keep me by your side. I don't care as long as you don't cry."

The boy released the girl and held her hand tightly.

"Lets go and take our future back." He said, while smiling a warm smile. The girl soon responded with a determined smile and a quick nod raising her hand that had the ring. The boy did the very same thing after a moment and listened to the girl call out to the deities, waiting for his turn.

"I call the inner deities as the heiress of Serenity who was the victor! Lead me through gate of time and let me correct my mistakes!"

As soon as the girl finished she shot the boy an impatient look, urging him to finish as soon as possible and make it brief.

"I call the outer deities as the heir of Serenity who was the victor! Lead me through the gate of time and let me correct my mistakes!"

With a bright flash of light, the two figures disappeared. As soon as they did, the ground started to crumble and violent winds blew, inviting destructive waves. The world was already coming to an end.


Mamoru watched Usagi kiss another man and couldn't hold his tears in any longer. He knew that he had hurt her but seeing this was simply too much. He thought about Chibiusa. Now she would never be born.

Suddenly a bright light flashed near where the crystal was and revealed the figures of two teens. One of them was very familiar. In fact it was the only thing Mamoru could find a comfort in. it was Chibiusa's face. The face resembling Usagi and the product of their love… did this mean that they still had a future?

As soon as the light disappeared and the two were receiving glances from the girls and Mamoru, the boy did the most unthinkable thing. He drew his silver sword, which was hung down from his waist, and pointed it towards Mamoru and the girls. He kept his position before saying,

"You… you traitors!" Mamoru was shocked. He did admit that the boy looked an awful lot like Usagi but he didn't think they had a second child. On top of it all he was pointing a sword at them, which meant that he wasn't at all friendly. But then why was he with Chibiusa?

"Who are you?" he finally managed to ask, earning a smirk from the boy.

"Lucien Edward, Prince of Earth, son of Queen Serenity and King Endymion, twin brother of Alexis SL Serenity the Small Lady."

The five were dumbstruck for a second. Usagi and Mamoru had two children and they were still alive. Unfortunately, learning this was having its affects on the poor inners.

"Enough Edward. Put the sword down. They don't have powers anyways." Chibiusa said, making the five shoot her glances.

"Okay, give me a second. Why are we traitors?" Minako asked in her carefree attitude. After all, Chibiusa was Mamoru's child wasn't she?

"Because you disappeared and because you did, mother-" Edward was interrupted in the middle of his high volume speech.

"Don't tell them yet. We should first explain why things turned out this way." Chibiusa said and cleared her throat, marking the beginning of a very long talk.

"Five years ago when I came back to the past, I changed the flow of time. Although Edward stayed behind at the 30th century to make sure nothing happened, the change is happening now. Normally if I never came here, father would wake up from his coma and awaken mother, causing in the victory of Crystal Tokyo but I came here to seek help, changing the way things should have progressed in. In the future, father disappeared all of a sudden, so did all of you, and since you weren't there Mamoru, Edward and I were supposed to disappear but mother gave us her own life through these rings. Since queen Serenity is no longer keeping things together, Earth has come to an end. We are the only survivors. This is because of my mistake and Mamoru's foolish desire to win Usagi. In truth, even if you did not participate in this war, Usagi was supposed to forgive you all three years later and things would be the same. But nooooo Mr. Chiba had to be an egoist."

After giving most of the explanation Chibiusa asked,

"Any questions?"

Mamoru and the girls were completely speechless. Chibiusa had matured so much and right now she was taking charge instead of panicking and acting like a small child. Wasn't she just like her mother, always being pretty and cheerful but still a perfect leader?

"What happened to the outers? Couldn't they keep the world in one piece until you came back? Also Setsuna could very well help you change the flow of time and make it proper again…" Rei asked, suspicion evident in her voice.

This time Edward had to answer the question, seeing that Chibiusa was biting her lower lip and sticking her nails in her arms.

"They disappeared long before you did. We have an explanation as to why you would disappear in the future: you are imprisoned here and this place is out of the jurisdiction of Pluto, the god controlling time and space, therefore its as if your existence was completely erased. As to why the outers disappeared…the only explanation could be that…that they died and their sailor crystals were taken."

The inners gasped in horror. If they didn't have their sailor crystals, they couldn't reincarnate… what could be the cause of losing something as important as that? The last time they had, it was the battle with Chaos…

"And why did they lose them?" Makoto inquired, expecting details.

"We don't know. They must have died before our time period and since the future was changed, we don't have a single idea. It might even be before we were born." Chibiusa answered, this time seemingly better since Edward's hand was on her shoulder, acting as support.

"How are you still alive now that Mamoru is gone? I mean the queen gave you her own life but how? Also now that Pluto is gone, you shouldn't be able to travel in time. How did you manage to come here?" Ami asked the wisest question, just as expected.

"These rings we wear are actually two halves of the silver crystal. Mother broke her own sailor crystal in order to strengthen our bind to life. Normally, each soul who has the powers of a sailor has one crystal, which keeps them alive. We have one and a half now, which means that our grip is stronger than yours. Mother put her own blood in these crystals, which means we can, as direct descendants of her, call the gods for help and they will listen, because she is the winner of the sailor wars. We called the deities and requested for a portal to the past. Now we are right here, speaking to you." Edward answered. Chibiusa was silently crying so it was the wisest choice to make the explanation of this unpleasant subject rather short.

"Okay you owe us a good explanation on this. Why don't we know Edward? Oh and why is she Alexis SL Serenity and not Usagi SL Serenity? If my memory is not deceiving me, she was named after Usagi five years ago."

Edward answered instead of his sister again, eager to end the unpleasant subjects.

"Five years ago, although I warned her, Alexis went to the future and it was inevitable that something would change in our time. In order to detect it, I stayed at the future but nothing happened. It seems it was all bound to happen now. After that, since the future was warped enough because you knew Small Lady's existence, my visiting the past and mention was forbidden. That's why you never knew of me. I am the smaller twin, and my title is Prince of Earth, while Alexis' is Princess of Moon. Since mother went back to her real family in your time, her name was no longer Usagi when father and she married. Small Lady, as the first-born and only daughter, took mother's first name. Its tradition in the Moon Dynasty to name the first-born daughter after the mother while there's no such thing in the Earth Dynasty."

"I think there's one more thing we all want to know. Why are you here instead of going directly to Earth? We cannot get out of here so it is impossible to change the future while depending on us, yet you two specifically came here and found us instead of going and meeting Usagi. Isn't it too weird?" Rei asked. Chibiusa clenched her fist and stepped forward.

"If we go to meet her, we will only change the flow of time more and I don't think we can take the gamble of it being a positive change. Nebula is the only place out of Pluto's jurisdiction and we do not change anything as long as we are here. We will break you out of this place and you five will personally go and take your and our futures back. You hear me-" Chibiusa had started crying in the middle of her speech but she couldn't finish what she was saying, for two strong arms were wrapped around her and Edward.

"I'm glad," Mamoru said while burying his face in his daughter's flowing hair and inhaling the scent of strawberries.

"I'm glad you're alright… both of you. Oh lord I'm so glad!"

Chibiusa relaxed, feeling the familiar warmth of her father's hands. She had missed this feeling so much… Then again, these hands reminded her of her mother too. Her mother and her last words wouldn't leave her mind. She wondered what it meant for a second but let it go as she looked at Edward, who looked comfortable knowing that their father was with them. He hadn't had this serene a face ever since their father in the future had disappeared. Her mother's words echoed in her mind one last time before disappearing.

"She is not who she is."


"You must be kidding! I slept for four whole days? That's impossible!" Alexis said, looking at Haruka's serious face. The others looked quite concerned too, which proved that something was not right. Alexis knew all of them too well. If Haruka had a serious expression, it would be because of her safety. She had to carefully investigate because she was definitely sure that Haruka wouldn't tell her everything.

"But you did. And you usually coughed blood, so much that even the covers were dyed by blood. We wanted to see what was wrong with you but this Charnell person of yours just wouldn't leave. And you would always mumble two things that we just cannot understand…" Haruka said but didn't continue. Until Alexis shot a look at her and said while raising a brow,

"And what did I say?"

Haruka looked way too troubled and so did Michiru and Setsuna. It was a weird sight because normally, they would never lose composure. Finally, seeing as none of the three had the guts to speak, Hotaru took over. As the youngest of them all, she was somehow the bravest too.

"You would occasionally shout 'Help Me' but mostly you would say," Hotaru took a deep breath, "Its not me."

Alexis looked surprised for a moment but quickly changed her expression into her usual cold and distant look. Haruka and the girls shivered, seeing a smile spread across her face.

"I wonder what that could mean," Alexis said, not looking at any of them.


"Let me out! Let me out you hear me? I have to help them! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" a blond girl screamed. Her eyes, which were a beautiful deep blue, were flaming with fury. She held the chains binding her arms and legs, pulling strongly. It was of no help though; she couldn't break free no matter how much she pulled. She turned her head to look at another girl who was standing.

The girl had silver hair and crystal blue eyes. Her face showed no expression, not fury, not regret, not satisfaction. She stood there, looking at the world with overconfident eyes. She walked and reached where the blond girl was standing, crouching so that she could see her face. For the first time, her expression showed emotion. Hatred.

"Shut up wench. I do what I want, not what people tell me. Once I gain complete control, I'll kill your oh so precious lover and friends. Then we'll see this power of yours and whether its strong or not."

The blond girl seemed shocked. She closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them, she was no longer the girl who screamed for help. There stood a warrior, someone who had seen lots of difficulties.

"Oh excuse me. Who said that you could take control? How dare you say that in my presence! Let me remind you, you're dead! I'm the one who's in charge right now, not you. What gives you the confidence to say that you can actually kill my comrades? I assure you, they're at least as strong as you even without me."

The other girl, who was now at least as shocked as the other, stood up again, revealing a smile.

"Indeed," she said, "that's basically why YOU separated them."

"You… you BITCH! You made me abandon them! You made me abandon my friends! I didn't! You started a war! You started a war using the name of the protector of universe! You shameless monster!"

"Yes, yes I did. And I will personally make sure that you also will kill them." The silver haired girl said, smirking.

The blond girl pulled the chains stronger almost desperately. She looked at the silver haired girl with her deep blue eyes. Those eyes that screamed with fury were now even worse.

"No you won't. I will not let you. You hear me? I will never let you harm them! I will never give you what you want! Never!"

As soon as the girl finished talking, the chains binding her started to warm up. In no time, crimson flames surrounded the chains and they engulfed the girl, making her scream.

"That's fine. You don't have to give it to me willingly. I can take it by force too. Come on now. You just have to fall asleep. Just fall asleep and I will let you see sweet dreams forever. I promise that I will make your name live too. At least as the leader of all scouts, you'll always be remembered. Sailor Moon."

The girl struggled to break free but the flames weakened her. She eventually collapsed and only after she did, the flames disappeared. Although she was seemingly hurt, she did not close her eyes.

"Only after I die." She said.

So what the hell's going on? Why is Sailor Moon with the silver haired girl? What does Neo Queen Serenity mean? Just who is the silver haired girl? Stick around, and I'll show you!