Hey, Sky here! So this is the first time I'm writing something like this but I really hope that you will like it c:

I put a lot of work here so I hope that you will appreciate it.

Well, enjoy!

Let me tell you a story… a story that only I and Ai know… a story that I will never be able to forget..

Present time

"Syo, what do you mea-" He didn't finish his sentence. I started running near the stairs. Then started climbing them up. I heard Natsuki and Ai screaming behind me and telling me to stop but… I simply didn't care anymore. I ran stairs up and up when I finally ran on a rooftop. Once I opened the door and stepped outside it started raining. 'At least… I can die feeling rain for the last time.' Tears were running down my face yet I felt so happy, so easy. I walked near the edge.

"SYO! DON'T DO IT! DON'T BE STUPID!" Voice… the one that I hated the most. Voice that betrayed me. I took a few steps back.

"PLEASE SYO! THINK ABOUT THIS! YOU KNOW YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE!" And here the voice that I been hearing since childhood.

Chapter I


2 months ago

Beep…Beep…Beep. It was the alarm clock.

"Syo-kun! Wake up! You're late for school" That's was Natsuki who obviously forgot to wake me up.

"Mhhm... 5 more minutes..." I said half-asleep

"Syo-kun!" He shouted.

"What!?" I was fully awake now "what is so important Natsuki?!"

"Hmm… School? " I looked at the alarm clock it was showing 8:47 a.m. I jumped out of the bed, went for a quick shower. When I came back it was only 5 minutes left until the ring. I took what I saw was nearest. I pulled on blue shirt, white jeans, wore grey sneakers and I putted on my favorite hat.

"Well I am going, I don't want to be late" Natsuki giggled.

As I glanced at the window I saw Ai sitting in a school's yard 'Doesn't he have classes?' I thought. I don't really like or dislike Ai, maybe because I never talked to him? Of course when you have a good look at him you will see just how beautiful he is. Actually this is the first time I paid attention to his look but now when I look at his shiny eyes and his beautiful hair, at his perfect figure and wonderful skin and those lips...

"Wait what am I thinking!?" I shouted. At that second Natsuki came into room.

"You know talking to yourself won't help you in any way now." I froze

"DAMMIT! I forgot all about class!" I thought how stupid I was to forget what was I hurrying for!

"Yeah I see that" Natsuki sighed "Sensei told me to bring you to classroom" 'Dammit…' I thought.

"Ok, just wait I will take my bag" It was near the window so before leaving I looked at Ai once more and I was pretty surprised when I saw him looking at me!.

I ran as fast as I could and Natsuki just walked listening to the bird's song. When I ran into the classroom everyone looked straight into me. That actually was terrifying.

"Syo Kurusu!" Sensei yelled. I knew I will get a detention so no explanation will work."Detention!" I sighed."Now please sit and open math textbook page 57"

The whole day was very boring, it was slow as hell 'I even got myself a detention! Just perfect...' I thought. After sixth period my detention started, as I walked into the classroom I was surprised to see Ai there. In fact he was the only one here! He was sitting on the table and the sunshine was all over him. He looked so beautiful… I just wanted to hug him… but unfortunately I couldn't.

"What are you doing here?" He gasped, I think he didn't knew anyone else was coming. But then I saw a smile on his face.

"And what do you think a school student would be doing in detention?" He was right it was stupid question. But then I started to wonder why is he here? But I decided to introduce myself first.

"I am Syo-kun and you are Ai, right?" I was trying to look like I don't really know him. He looked confused for a second but then he smiled again.

"I know who you are" 'huh he does?' I didn't knew that he knew me. "But still nice to meet you." He had such a wonderful smile, just by looking at his smile made me blush a little but it was just for a few seconds.

"So why are you in detention anyway? Now that I thought about it, it was another stupid question.

"Well I was skipping the lessons, didn't you saw me in the school yard? I mean of course you did, you were glaring at me" I got confused and then he smiled. I got angry.

"Hey! I wasn't glaring!" I shouted "I was just wondering what were you doing there…" I started blushing, and then I heard laughter. I got angry again.


"Nothing… ha ha ha…" I guess he noticed my blush. Dammit.

At detention I and Ai talked a lot. I told him funny stories, he told me sad storied. We actually had a lot in common. We talked about 30 minutes. Then the sensei came in the classroom and started shouting on us, he was saying things like "You two have a very bad responsibility!" or "You should thinks before doing something horrible as this!" 'Oh yes this is just so horrible…'

After 45 minutes of torture he said to get out of the classroom and never do something like this again. When we slammed the door we started laughing! That sensei was really funny.


"Hey Syo-kun would you like to hang out with me today?

"You mean just the two of us?" I was kind of confused, is he asking me on a date? Nah…

"Yeah I actually have two tickets to the horror movie called "Falling apart" And after that we could go to café? How does that sound?" He was smiling with his wonderful smile again, I just couldn't say no but I was curious about something.

"But why aren't you asking one of your group members to come with you?" I really wanted to hear his answer.

"I already asked them but they don't want to go and it's going to be boring by myself" I thought for a second 'Didn't Natsuki say that he is going to cook today?'

"Ok! I'll come" I didn't felt that I shouted that. I looked at Ai and he looked pretty confused.

"Why are you shouting? Are you avoiding something?" He started smiling.

"Yeah, I just remembered that Natsuki is cooking today" Both of us started to laugh.

"Then it's decided, I will come to pick you up around 7 p.m ok?

"Ok" I saw a boy with blue hair leave the hallway. I was so excited about our "date"… Wait, what am I thinking!? I don't even like him that way!

End of chapter I "DETENTION"

Hey, Sky here. If you liked the story please leave a review and add this to your favorite, it would help me a lot c:

If you have any requests or suggestions leave me a PM.

Love, Sky