I need your help guys. I've been wanting to post this first chapter for about a week and haven't been able to get anyone to read it over. If you want this fic to update, as in you like the plot and are curious to see where it goes, please let me know. Tell me if you think it's a bad set up, if the chapter was crap, any thoughts at all! I'm just really not confident about this story in the least and I'm not going to waste my time writing and posting the chapters if no one is interested. So please be honest, be harsh if you feel you need to be. Just let me know if this is worth continuing while keeping in mind the first chapter is the setup chapter.

Crossing Wires
Chapter One

Your name is Karkat Vantas and man do you really hate your roommate. He's really into computers and is always leaving cords stretched across the room. It's impossible not to trip over them in your just woken haze and he always yells at you for it. It ends in an argument every time and leaves you more exhausted than you were when you initially woke up. He's also a sarcastic smartass who picks at every little thing you do. You find yourself wanting to smack him around and maybe injure him a bit on a daily basis. Possibly the worst part is all the partners he has coming to the room. Men and women, he doesn't care. He'll fuck anything alive and consenting. You've found yourself crashing on the floors and couches of friends on more than one occasion just to avoid his sexual escapades.

Take now for instance, it's four in the afternoon, classes are over for the day and all you want to do is head back to your room. Ideally you'd like to change and kick back on your bed for a bit. Somehow you ended up with no homework tonight and you could really use the break and some relaxation in your own room. Of course when you get there his uniform tie is hanging on the door and voices can be heard very clearly on the other side. You sigh out a frustrated growl and slam your fist on the door.

"Mother fuck, Captor! Put your damn pants on long enough for me to grab a change of clothes!" You yell through the door.

You hear a rustling from inside the room followed by footsteps. The door swings open and a girl stumbles out, her blonde hair a mess, her uniform in disarray and a goofy grin on her face. She leans against the doorframe for a moment, weak in the knees, and you can't help thinking she looks familiar but you're not sure why.

"You've got a really great roommate." She sighs out before staggering down the hall.

You grimace and enter your room, slamming the door. He's sitting on the edge of his bed, in nothing but boxers, cleaning the lenses of his glasses. You ignore him and go to your closet, removing your blazer and tie as you cross the room.

"Sorry about that. We were in the same room for Sex Ed. As soon as they started talking about sexual desires she couldn't keep her hands off me. The only logical thing to do was bring her back here and give her a little lesson of my own." You don't look at him but you know he's smirking.

You hate the sound of his voice. God that stupid lisp. You hate it. Something like that wouldn't have bothered you in the past; you've never been enough of a douche to hate someone for a speech impediment. But coming from him it disgusts you. On more than one occasion you've had to hold yourself back from stuffing your thumbs in this mouth to show him where his tongue should rest when saying his Ss. You've already changed your shirt and are kicking off your pants to trade them out for jeans when you hear a low whistle behind you.

"Shit KK, I've never really appreciated what a nice ass you have."

"Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up for two seconds until I can get out of here." You grumble through clenched teeth.

He chuckles and you can hear the creak of the springs in his bed as he stands. You've pulled on your jeans and have grabbed your phone and hoodie. You're double checking to make sure you have everything when he comes to stand behind you and grabs two handfuls of your ass. You jump and yelp in surprise, pulling away and whirling to face him.

"Don't fucking touch me!" You bark.

"Just testing to see if they're as firm as they look." He grins.

"You want to find out if a black eye hurts as bad as it looks too? Tell you what, I'll even give you two to keep up with your stupid duality kink."

He lets out a loud laugh, tossing his head back. Angry and tired you choose to leave before you really do end up hitting him. You rip open the door to find Terezi standing on the other side, hand raised as if she'd been about to knock.

"Hey there Karkles." She grins. "Want to join Vriska and me for a movie in our dorm?" She asks.

"Anything is better than staying here." You mumble, exiting the room past Terezi.

"Hey TZ." Sollux nods ignoring the fact that she can't actually see the movement.

"Hey Sollux. How's living with this idiot?" She teases, smacking her hand down on your shoulder. It's eerie how she always knows exactly where you are.

"Would be better if he wasn't such a prude."

"Excuse me for not sleeping with the entire school like you." You snap. "Let's go Terezi."

She waves goodbye and the two of you head down the hall toward the handicap elevator. She bumps your arm while you wait for the doors to open. You glance at her and ignore the way she's smiling at you. Or…past you really. But it's directed at you.

"So you still haven't slept with him, hm?" She asks.

"Shut up Terezi."

She snickers and steps onto the elevator as soon as the doors are opened. You follow her in and press the button for the bottom floor. She's surprisingly quiet until you get to her room. You close the door behind you and mumble a greeting to Vriska. She's emptying a bag of microwave popcorn into a plastic bowl, the TV idling on the title screen for the movie. You sit on the edge of Terezi's bed accepting the can of pop she hands you. She plops down next to you, resting her cane against her nightstand.

"After our last talk I'm surprised you haven't at least given it some thought." She says. Yea ok, you hadn't really been expecting her to leave it alone.

"Drop it." You growl, popping open your can.

"What are we not dropping to save Karkat his pride today?" Vriska asks, wheeling her desk chair over and taking a seat.

"The fact that he very obviously wants to bed Sollux." Terezi responds with a grin.

"What? You mean you haven't yet? What are you waiting for?"

"I'm not talking about this." You say in vain. The odds of them leaving it be are very slim now.

"You don't have to have sex with him you know. But I do advice you at least let him give you head. He's really great with his tongue you know."

You choke on the mouthful of pop you were trying to swallow. "How the hell would you know?"

"Oh please are you really surprised that I've slept with him?" Vriska asks with a chuckle.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"My night with Sollux was before John. But don't change the subject. Aren't you attracted to him at all?"

"The only thing I want to do with that idiot is pound him into the ground."

"Funny, I expected you to be the one being pounded into the ground."

Terezi cackles and you squirm down into your hoodie to hide the blush that's creeping up your cheeks. "You know damn well that's not what I meant!" You snap. "Aren't we supposed to be watching a movie?"

Vriska grabs the remote and thankfully pushes play. They're quiet during the movie aside from occasional commentary on the plot and characters. Being with Terezi has always been relaxing. You'd dated her for a few months when you were both thirteen. It hadn't ended well but somehow you'd managed to hang on to your friendship. You were grateful for that. You've always loved her. As a friend, sister or lover you were never really sure but you knew for a fact that you couldn't live without her.

When it came to Vriska you aren't really sure how to feel. She was never one of your better friends but on occasion you'd had pleasing conversations. She'd actually been there a lot during your breakup with Terezi and had played a major part in patching things up. She's Terezi's best friend, always has been as far as you know, and the dragon obsessed girl trusted her more than anyone else. That had frustrated you when you were together but now that you were older you really admired that kind of friendship. You find yourself wishing that you had a friend like that. Sure, Gamzee was an alright friend and you liked to spend time with him but he wasn't exactly all there. Meaningful conversations were impossible to share with him. You really should widen your circle of friends. Most became close to their roommates but that obviously wasn't happening for you.

When the movies over the three of you head to the mess hall for dinner. It's crowded and noisy giving you an almost instant headache. You hate eating with the rest of the school but at least it was better than being in your room. Once a week you and some friends would drive into town and eat at one of the local restaurants. Unfortunately none of you had the funds to do that tonight so here you were in the mess hall. At least it was only the boarding students here for dinner. It's much worse at lunch when the day students are there clogging up the tables and food line as well. After you've each grabbed a tray of food you search the room for the table your friends are occupying. It was easy enough to spot the tangled curly mess that was Gamzee's hair. You sat next to him, Tavros on his other side. Vriska playfully, or at least you think it was meant to be playful, punched Tav's arm as she passed to sit on the other side next to John. He glared at John who replied with a smirk. You don't know the full story there other than Vriska and Tavros used to date and, while he seems to be over her, he hates John for swooping in and stealing her attention.

Gamzee's arm loops around Tavros's shoulders momentarily distracting him and bringing a light flush to caramel colored cheeks. You've known for a while now that Gamzee has a thing for the other boy. It seemed the only person who didn't know was Tavros but you're pretty sure he was just playing oblivious. You glance around the table and notice that someone is missing.

"Where's Kanaya?" You ask, taking a bite from your dry roast beef sandwich.

"She's eating dinner at her girlfriend's place tonight." John answers, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

You roll your eyes. Why everyone is so interested in the sex lives of others you'll never understand. "What about your sister?"

"Who knows? I haven't seen her all day."

As if summoned by your question Jade appeared practically bouncing over to your table with a tray of food. She took the remaining seat next to John and immediately turned her smile to you.

"What's wrong Karkat? You look grumpier than usual."

"Nothing's wrong." You respond, turning your eyes to your tray.

"He's sexually frustrated." Vriska ignores your glare and continues. "We were just discussing earlier how he really needs to just fuck Sollux already so the rest of us can get some peace."

Jade giggles and you try to shrink into yourself. There is someone you like, someone you wouldn't mind getting close to and that someone is definitely not Sollux Captor. Your ideal mate is a short girl with green eyes and curly black hair. She wears glasses, has a slight over bite and...is Jade. Your dream girl is Jade but she's never going to notice how you feel about her so there's no point in dwelling on it. Still you'd prefer not to be embarrassed in front of her or have her believing you've got the hots for some douche. You realize you've been staring at her when Gamzee bumps your shoulder and you turn your eyes to see his dopey smile. His arm is no longer around Tavros who seems to have forgotten Gamzee is even there. You don't know what would be worse, the person you're in love with not knowing how you felt or knowing but pretending they don't. Gamzee acts like nothing bothers him but you know that deep down behind that mask of face paint and goofy attitude he's got all the same feelings as the rest of the world. Sure you've never actually seen those feelings but you know they're there.

After dinner you beg your friends for a place to stay but tonight is one of the times the night monitors comes to every room to make sure everyone is in the correct bed. And only one student per bed luckily so at least you know Sollux will be alone when you get back to your room. Kanaya is safe because she will have gotten an overnight away pass that she'd come back with tomorrow signed by Rose's mom. You go back to the junior dorm building with Terezi, Vriska and Tavros while John and Gamzee head to the senior building and Jade goes alone to the sophomore building. There's a comfortable silence between you and Tav as you accompany him on the handicap elevator to the second floor. You've never really been friends but he's an ok guy and Gamzee likes him. If he ever decides to return his feelings odds are you're going to spend a lot of time with him anyway.

You say goodnight as he wheels down the hall in the opposite direction and you're left alone in front of your door. It's silent on the other side. Maybe he's gone to bed already, at least there's no tie on the door. You unlock the door and go inside to find him at his desk tapping away at his keyboard. He's got his headphones in and doesn't notice you right away. In these moments you can't help thinking that he looks like a normal kid rather than a constantly horny promiscuous asshole. He becomes aware of your presence when you close the door and kick off your shoes. He pulls out one ear bud and rotates in his chair to face you.

"Hey KK." For once there's no teasing sarcastic tone to his voice. He just sounds tired.

"Hey." You mumble in response, digging in your drawer for a pair of pajama pants. Typically you'd sleep in boxers but you'd prefer not to after he'd groped your ass earlier.

"Did you have fun watching the movie with TZ and VK?" He asks, glancing back at his computer screen.

"Yea I guess."

He's silent for a moment and seemingly distracted. Having found a pair of pants to sleep in, you take advantage of his attention being elsewhere to change quickly. He only turns back to you when you plop down on your bed with an audible squeak.

"Going to bed already?"

"Yep. I'm tired." You don't look at him as your remove your hoodie and throw it to the foot of your bed.

"Well, goodnight." He says as he turns his back to you and puts his headphone back in.

You sigh. Ok, maybe he wasn't necessarily being an ass right now. Maybe you could be friends with him if you spoke to him during these moments. Or at least reach an understanding with him so he'll stop bringing so many sex buddies to your room.

"Hey." You say, but of course he doesn't hear you. "Hey, Sollux." You call out a bit louder.

He whips around in his chair and pulls out both headphones, surprise written all over his face. "Yea?"

You lie down and cover yourself with your blankets. "Goodnight." You mumble under your breath. He lets out a quiet breathy chuckle before going back to his work.

Any thoughts guys? Is this one to continue or no?