A new chapter after a while. Again I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Reviews are welcomed. Enjoy!

I felt awkward all of a sudden, as if something was missing. My hand reached forward and it didn't find the body heat that was supposed to be lying next to me, my wife's warmth. I lifted my upper body from the futon only to then sharpen my senses. I was trying to feel her signal of chakra around the house and, there it was, coming from the corridor…

I stood up carefully but still I managed to hit my knee against the nightstand –"How annoying"-

-"G-Good morning Sasuke-kun"- my wife's sweet voice rang in my ears and surrounded me. Her warmth was near me again… My stomach clenched with need.

-"Good morning Hinata"- I couldn't see her reaction but I knew she was blushing. I knew my voice caused things within her that I was yet to understand… or maybe it was just the fact that I was still naked from the night before. Thus my theory of her blush.

-"Uhm I brought you s-some tea"- my hand reached forward towards her and she took it immediately.

-"How do you feel? Did you s-sleep well?"- she placed the tea tray on the night stand with one hand while the other was still holding onto mine. I pulled her a little towards me so my lips were near her ear.

-"I slept perfectly, it's just that…"- my fingers traced the outline of her delicate arm until they reached her neck, when I found her pulse, my lips touched her skin kissing it delicately, I was tempting her.-"… I was missing your warmth when I woke up"-

-"Sumimasen Sasuke-kun…"- her arms found their way around my neck and I felt her bossom grace my torso through the fabric of her yukata. In a corner of my mind I remembered she had brought tea…-"It can wait"-


The peacefulness of the Hyuuga complex was broken only because of the "scandal" that took place in the garden of the Bouke's manor.

-"Come Sakura, let's try this one more time please"-

-"I am your medic, remember? We shouldn't even be doing this"-

-"Which one do you consider to be the biggest risk Doctor Haruno"-

-"Maybe Captain Hyuuga…"- she let out with a mocking tone whie walking a little further from the young Anbu-" your eyes will take longer to heal or maybe you won't be able to see me ever again"-

-"A tragedy on its full extent"-

-"Are you making fun of me?"-

-"Not at all"- he walked towards her.

-"Yeah right"- the pink haired turned her back to him.

The genius reached forward to perfectly reach the right shoulder of the medical ninja and, when she felt the skin of the Anbu Captain come into contact with hers, her whole body felt electrified ...

-"Okay, one more time only… Hyuuga"- He dedicated her one of those half smiles she liked so much and then he focused again.


-"Would you help me try something?"- his baritone voice broke through my senses and I wondered to myself if this kind of reactions that he causes when one single movement or word, were ever going to disappear… hopefully not.

-"Of course"- we were sitting on the engawa in front of the Sakura tree's garden of the compound… our home.

-"Stand up"- he hesitated a bit-" Please"-

I moved away from his body and did as he said with a smile on my face. I knew this kind of polite words were difficult for him, being who he was of course, he almost never used them with the exception of a reduced group of people… I was glad that he tried to impose a rule to use them with me. I stood in front of him and waited for him to say something.

-"Walk away from me in the direction you please… I want to try something"- my legs trembled when a smirk appeared on his face –"Stop Hinata! Focus!"- my behavior was blameworthy.

-"Stop in any point you want"-


-"Please do not talk Darling"-

-"Darling?! Oh Kami, is too hot out here or is it just me"- -"Ok-"- I was about to open my mouth again but I stopped myself with both hands on my lips–"Quiet Hinata"-

-"Very well, I need you to emanate a little but constant amount of chakra from your body"-

I did that after I listened to his words and, in less than a second, he was standing behind me, his calm breathing on my neck and his arms around my waist.

-"Well done hime..."- his lips gracing my neck-"… but it does not have to be an amount of chakra that can bring a lost ship towards you…"- he placed a little kiss right on my pulse and my cheeks were as red as they could get because of his words. Indeed, it had been a very big amount of chakra… I felt very nervous. –"… I just need it to be like a little firefly or a candle"-

-"Y-Yes of course"- I moved away from him as soon and as fast as I could… I needed to calm my anxiety… my need. He was asking me a favor and I was acting all silly. I was now a few meters away to his left and I focused in the amount of chakra that I was going to use.

This time he focused a little bit more and he was not as fast as the first time but he did get to me with sure steps, as if he was actually looking at me.

-"Much better"- he was only standing in front of me this time, I knew that this had become a training session already –"I can hear your steps when you walk away from me and that is not going to work when we are in a place full of people so we need to practice"- His deep voice was now that of an Anbu Captain.


-"Right, again "-


We had practiced in the garden for a very long time and he had of course mastered his training. He was now able to follow me through the trees and all around the compound, even inside our home. I felt strange.

We were married yes and we were intimate with each other of course but, it represented for me a whole other kind of pleasant challenge, to spend time with him, I mean out of missions or seeing him come and go only having a few hours in between… not to mention the time he had spent in the hospital. I liked when it was only me and him… in our home.

We had eaten some onigiri and smoked fish this evening and now we were on the living room drinking some tea.

-"Come here Hinata"-

He was sitting on a cushion on the other end of the table so I left my cup of tea on the wooden surface and stood to walk to where he was. I felt a little surprised by his request. I sat down by his side and his bandaged eyes turned towards me… he appeared to be ashamed or embarrassed of what he was going to tell me.

-"What's w-wrong Sasuke-kun?"- my tone was almost amused when I proved myself right. A slight tint of red was crowning his masculine cheekbones.

He did not say anything, instead, his right hand found my thigh only to be followed by his head and, in a delicate but swift movement, his body was lying on the tatami, his head on my lap.

-"My head is killing me"-

I looked at him tenderly and put my hands on both sides of his head giving him a gentle massage on the temples, a relaxed sigh came out between his lips. The air that came through the shoji, which was completely open, let the smell of herbs and flowers come in from the garden.

-"I like being here with you"- his voice was almost a whisper, as if he did not wanted me to listen… but of course I did, and I felt very… very happy.

I leant forward towards his face and, even if this position was a little uncomfortable, I reached his lips to kiss him… only a calm touch. I sat straight again and a deep laugh, coming deep between his chest, made my heartbeat race a hundred miles per hour.

An idea came to me but, even before I said it, I knew I was going to stutter all over my words only to faint afterwards –"Come on Hinata stop acting silly!"-

-"W-Would you l-like to take a b-bath with m-me?"- it seems like I can stutter even more than I already did.

-"Hmph… you are not going to get rid of me woman"-


The door to the Hokage's office presented itself in front of the couple that had been summoned previously, a note had arrived to the compound on Kasai's claw, the Anbu Hawk of the Uchiha-Hyuuga family.

-"Sasuke-kun I have a b-bad feeling about t-this"-

-"We do not know the reason why we have been summoned Hinata, we had to come"-

-"I don't want y-you to be sent on a m-mission S-Sasuke-kun you are n-not healed yet"- the white eyed woman turned her worried face to look at her husband, his eyes still bandaged but his steps were certain behind her, just like they had practiced.

-"Stay calm"-

The kunoichi felt a little insecure still but she believed in her husband's words so, with a little bit more confidence on her demeanor, she turned around again towards the door of the Hokage's office. They waited for a little bit before they were received by Shizune.

-"Oh Hinata, Sasuke! Come in please, Tsunade-sama is waiting"- the look on the woman's face was concerned but still she tried to smile and be kind… but Hinata noticed it.

-"A-Arigato Shizune-san"-

They walked inside the office in perfect synchrony until they were standing in front of the wooden desk. They performed a polite reverence to the Godaime and took their sits after Tsunade-sama indicated them to.

-"I am glad you came in such a short notice"- she looked at them both and the blue haired woman felt a chill running up her spine –"Something is not right"-"This matter is of great importance so I'll cut straight to the chase…"- she waited for some reaction to come from the couple. There was none so she continued –"… I need to send you on an S rank mission.."- the pearl orbs of the kunoichi found her husband's face in that moment, panicking, but, when the Hokage finished her sentence she felt a mix of relief and an odd unknown feeling –"…Hinata"-