All translations, explanations, advertisements, and thought processes are at the end of the chapter.

Disclaimer: All shows/ books/ video games/ songs that are mentioned in this chapter are all © to their respective owners, I don't own them.

Canton du Valais. Late Afternoon. July 25th in the early 15th century.

Nothing strange ever happened in Valais, absolutely nothing. Even if something strange did happen, the townsfolk made sure that it didn't stay for long. Maybe that was why they were chasing a woman with pitchforks and torches yelling, "Sorcery! Black magic! Witch be gone!" And maybe, that was why they were so glad when the women fled into her very strange and very large clothes closet and left in just the same fashion as she came, the clothes closet slowly disappearing with a queer sort of whooshing sound.

Not a trace of either the woman or the clothes closet was left behind.

Maybe that was why the townsfolk let out a cheer that the woman, the clothes closet, and those things would bother them no longer. Of course, they conveniently forgot some facts. The aforementioned "things" were in no way connected to the woman that they just chased away and if it wasn't for her, they would have all become piles of goop, caused by the digestive juices of the alien species of intelligent plant-life that sought to invade, conquer, and destroy all life-as-they-knew-it.

As far as they knew, a witch came to their town and cursed their lovely, new, and very exotic-looking plants, making them into man-eating monsters. The witch had destroyed their plants by using some unknown, glowing, humming, stick-like contraption. She didn't do this immediately, of course. She first tricked them into becoming their friends; she ate with them, talked with them, and worked with them, even though it was clear that she was a noble of some sort, given by her clothes and how much money she had. They-as much as they loathed to admit it-trusted her.

Then she grew interested in their new plants. She startled upon seeing them and frowned, asking, "What plants are these and how did you attain them?" No one knew, they told her, no one knew where they came from or what they were. They just appeared one day in their gardens and were so lovely looking, no one had the heart to tear them out, even when it killed off their other plants seemingly without remorse, if plants could feel remorse.

This was when the first sign of trouble appeared. She whipped out that contraption and waved it over one of the flowers before growing a deathly pale. "This... this is impossible! Some how a Jaggrabell from Hortisphere pollinated with a Marorda plant from Hondran; there is no telling what it has bloomed into!" She then went into a frenzy, trying to uproot all their plants and destroying them as much as possible. They had to put her in a strongly locked room until she calmed down, but by then her evil spell had spread to all their flowers.

They uprooted themselves, revealing a plant monster with those beautiful flowers for hair. The flower-creatures than started running around trying to eat every person in sight. When they caught sight of their mistress-who must've gotten out of her cell with the stick-like contraption-they started talking. The witch took off running after a minute or two towards the fields with the plants in close pursuit. She led them-the plants-into Monsieur Boone's-bless his soul-decrepit barn. There the witch destroyed the plants in what the townspeople assumed was a ritual gone wrong.

She used the unknown contraption to open what was once thought a well-locked trap door, releasing stones upon stones of moldy hay on top of the once-normal-flowers. Then with a loud cry she held up what looked like a small and squared perfume bottle which somehow released a flame. She waved her contraption over it and the flames shot out unto the hay, igniting all the hay and flower-creatures aflame.

The townspeople were glad that the ritual had, somehow, went wrong, because it would have, no doubt, caused more chaos and destruction if it had been successful instead. They were relieved that she was now gone, and if she ever showed her face again, they vowed, she would regret it. For nothing strange happened in Valais, for if it did, it was immediately snuffed out.

Time Vortex.

"Stupid humans, always suspicious of those who look different yet obviously mean no harm, but always so trusting of innocuous and ordinary-looking death traps that wish to eat them. 'Do not harm our plants! How dare you uproot them! You made them like this with your witchcraft and sorcery!' What a hassle, this is why I will never have children...well, one of the reasons anyway." A blond woman let out a low ho-hum as she circle to the other side of the console in the TARDIS.

"Perhaps I should take a brake from the middle-ages, fascinating though it is." She tinkered with the dials, switches, and buttons on the console for several long minutes, before finally settling on a fixed set of coordinates. But before she pressed the button that would send her to those coordinates, she paused, debating if she really should go there. After all, wasn't she the one who always told her sister that sometimes it was best to leave the humans' lives as they were?

"Well, I always was a hypocrite..." The blonde mumbled before deliberately pressing the button, "besides, maybe Gideon missed me." Gideon was an intelligent seven-year-old boy who had once caught her in the act of stopping an alien, who could have been the offspring of a giant reptile and amphibian once the human disguise of his baby-sitter was removed, from eating his pet cow, Bessie. Gideon lived out in the country with his grandparents on their farm. He was obsessed with the stars and aliens, so instead of having a hysterical child like she had expected, she got a devoted fan and self-proclaimed side-kick.

"Maybe he has out-grown the nick-name 'Wanda' by now or, better yet, still remembers me." She chuckled, "Imagine his face when I tell him that I don't want go by 'Wanda' anymore, but 'The Wanderer' instead or he won't be able to travel with me! He probably take me seriously, knowing him!" She let out a bark of laughter at the very vivid picture of Gideon's bewildered expression as she clumsily passed the console, unable to walk properly from the force of her good humor. She collapsed into the pilot's chair gasping and choking with a giggle escaping once in a while. Her good humor didn't lessen once she calmed down, but she felt that it was only right that she would try to see if she could finally locate where the manual was.

She had been having problems with a number of things on the TARDIS, like the chameleon circuit for one and the mean free path tracker for another. To be honest, the blonde could not care less about fixing the chameleon circuit than she did now unless she ended up in a furniture store or something. She was far more concerned about the path tracker, without it working properly, she was far more likely to run into something in the time vortex, like temporal space junk. This was a problem that she had been having for a while.

In fact, it was because of this problem that the chameleon circuit was broken. The woman had been working on the intercom so if the TARDIS's voice interface had picked up any problems while the blonde was indisposed of at the moment, she would be alerted and able to do something. But maybe, it was more of the manual's fault that the mean free path tracker's, since some of the jargon was a bit beyond her at times, but it was nothing that the blonde couldn't handle. Books, sometimes confusing manuals or not, were her life.

"Tarus, keep the coordinates constant and man the console until we either arrive or I come back, please." The TARDIS's avatar appeared, its back facing the blonde.

"The Traveler would be best advised to search in the library for the manual in section research. The Traveler has misplaced the manual during her period of long sleep deprivation. "

"Oh, thank you, Tarus." The avatar, now dubbed Tarus, made no response other than to request the Traveler adjust a knob and press a button on her way out since she was closer. Tarus had black hair and silver eyes, much like the Traveler's twin sister. In fact, that was exactly what form the TARDIS choose to appear as, since that was who the blonde was most fond of. They could have been mistaken for the same person except her twins prefer more colorful clothes while Tarus always appeared wearing a white tunic and loose breeches with a sort of ballet flats on its feet.

The Traveler had called her TARDIS "Tarus" ever since she was little, unable to pronounce its "proper" title, TARDIS model 57. Hence why her family's TARDIS was the one with an actual name like space ships had or human boats, which was pretty unusual since most were simply called as they were, TARDIS, with a few exceptions. The Traveler personally found it a little dull and sad, all TARDISes had personalities and quirks just like people and yet were not even worthy of receiving their own name according to some people.

The blonde snorted, "Well they can just go and kiss an-"

"The Traveler would be advised to brace herself," Tarus's voice came in through the intercom.

"Brace myself?! Brace myself on what?!" The Traveler asked, pressing against a wall, only to be thrown to the floor almost instantly. She made a move to get up, only to be forced to the ground once again during the second impact.

"We have arrived. Tarus is now signing off," The avatar stated matter-of-factly as the Traveler managed to pick herself up and off of the floor.

"Thanks," She deadpanned, stumbling her way back into the control room. "I should really get the mean free path tracker fixed, if this is going to happen every time I fly with it broken... Just what did we run into though? That wasn't your run-of-the-mill turbulence..." The blonde stood next to the monator which was dark at the moment, her grey eyes gazed back at her as she tried to turn on the screen. It was on according to a small blue light on the console, but the screen was still dark. She slapped the lower-right hand corner with almost no bite behind the action. The monitor stalled for a moment more before showing the outside of the TARDIS.

"Was that what we hit in the vortex or did we just slam into that after we came out of the vortex?" The Traveler asked, eying what appeared to be either a very small blue shack or a very big blue out-house-like structure. "Let's zoom in here, shall we?" She asked rhetorically before typing in the commands, the screen now showing the blue box more clearly. It read:

Police Public Calls Box.

"Wait, weren't they supposed to be red and in England? Did I reverse the coordinates again?" The Traveler exclaimed, exasperated with herself. "You would think that I would learn by now which was latitude and which was longitude..."


The Traveler froze, not daring to breathe as she stared at a small flashing light and the button next to it.


It chirped again only more insistently this time. The grey-eyed woman inched her way just out of the monitor's view and hesitantly pressed the button before ducking down for good measure. "Hello, is anyone there, anyone at all?" The owner of the voice asking the question was breathlessly excited, hopeful, and cautious all at once, as if the speaker was hoping that someone really was in what appeared to be a random wardrobe that happened to be floating out in space-in the time-vortex- but didn't want to get his-for the voice sounded like to belonged to male-hopes up to high in case he was wrong.

The Traveler didn't notice; she was too busy having a panic attack.

'That police phone box isn't just a police phone box, it is a TARDIS disguised as a police phone box while actually containing the authorities!' She fretted, 'I need to get out of here, I cannot face my twin's disappoint at the life swap being finished and my family's shame of me stealing the family TARDIS and replacing it with a government issued one instead so I wouldn't be tracked. Technically, I have been impersonating an official explorer and star-grapher, i.e. my sister. Chances are, if I'm caught, then she will be caught and charged the less severe crime of impersonating a scribe and theory-professor of one of the major courses at the academy, me!'

The Traveler held her breath, waiting for them to storm in through the door with their TARDIS master-key that all the law officials were authorized to carry. When they didn't, the blonde grew puzzled. 'Why are they not doing anything? Did they leave?' The Traveler started to slowly get up, about to take a peek at the monitor screen, when the voice from before started talking again. "If there is anyone in there, I am letting you know that I am going to attempt to board. I mean no harm; I will bring medical aid if you need it too, since I am guessing that you must be injured if you are unable to show yourself after connecting the communication's link."

With another Be-beep, he disconnected the link and the Traveler scrambled to her feet. 'I've got to leave, now.' The blonde frantically checked the monitor and wasn't comforted by what she saw. She was right when she guessed that the voice belonged to a man, a time lord who most likely was one of their people's peace-keepers, police, government officials, officers, what ever the human term was. Either way, he was swiftly making his way over to her TARDIS and would be knocking on its door any second now.

"Come on, come on," she begged as she worked on the console in a frenzied manner. "Come on, Baby, work with me!" A sharp sounding be-beep went off and a small screen popped up in the middle of the monitor, hiding the time lord from view.

It read: ERROR CODE: 590632-Alpha. Please consult your manual.

The woman let out a roar of frustration and pounded her fist against the console, "No, no, no!" She could almost here the jingle of keys as she saw the man pull them out of his pocket. 'What to do, what to do?' The Traveler dithered around the console with the word, think, being repeated several times in her head as she paced back and forth. Her mind raced through all the override codes that she memorized, trying to find one that would fit.

"Ah, there we go. Hello? I am going to attempt to unlock the door; I am unarmed and not a threat." Desperate, the blonde lunged at the console an typed in the only code she could of at the moment, the reset code. The on code that her sister told her time and time again to never use except in the most dire of circumstances. The Traveler definitely considered this a dire circumstance with the law official practically walking in through the front door ready to take her back prison.

No, she would not let that happen.

With a definitive click, the Traveler pressed the last button and the TARDIS let out a loud hum, a hum that was so strong, she could feel it reverberate through out her whole body. There was another be-beep that sounded almost piercing as another screen popped up:


"Yes, yes, yes..." She muttered, "Leave this place. Go to another planet, galaxy, universe, I don't care, just have it be somewhere far, far away from here before he gets the signal... Before you are forced to reboot..." The woman randomly typed in a destination and was gratified when the familiar whooshing sound of the TARDIS could be heard. All the stress and fear attacked at that one moment and she sank to her knees on the floor. The Traveler let out a sob and covered her mouth with a trembling hand.

"I'm sorry," she choked out. "I'm so sorry, Tarus." The TARDIS let out a groan as it hurtled through the vortex, already starting to prepare for the rebooting process which would not start until they had landed safely. Once they landed there, the Traveler would be stranded there for an indefinite period of time, then the TARDIS would have to reboot, restart, and relearn.


"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please, I'm sorry!" The Traveler wept, "Forgive this foolish time lady, but I couldn't let him take you! I couldn't let him catch us, because I didn't want this to end... So selfish!"

"The Traveler would be advise to find the manual. It is located in the library in the section research. Also, the Thinker has-" Here Tarus the avatar was cut off in a burst of static and fizzled out of existence for a brief moment before coming. "-data...hidden...ordered me to inform...check the logs if.. situation...dire enough...reset."

"I'm so sorry, Tarus."

"...Traveler find logs..." Tarus managed to get out one last time before disappearing completely. The TARDIS slowly shut down until only the emergency power was left on and the Traveler was left with only herself bathed in the glow of the mauve emergency lightening. She broke down and wept bitterly on the floor for the loss of Tarus, the original one.

The Tarus who had always been with her family since before the time lady who once was the Thinker and her twin who once was the Traveler were born. The Tarus who was willing to call the Thinker as her pilot's name, the Traveler. The Tarus who dealt with a "theory pilot," a pilot who only knew how to drive from what the real Traveler had told her and what she had read. The Tarus who finally helped her turn back from an unknown race called the Qwerts from that one journey back in the beginning of time. The Tarus who had been there for all of her journeys and her sister's as well.

That Tarus would be no more and they-no, she, since Tarus didn't make it-successfully evaded capture.

"Some consolation prize..." She laughed bitterly, "I better make it worth it by find that manual and those stupid logs Tarus wanted me to find..." And so she thought that it was over, that since that time lord wouldn't be able to track a dead signal that he would simply give up and move on to other things. Surely, bigger things than a simple "renegade" woman and her TARDIS would capture his attention.

But she didn't know, she had remained oblivious for all those years of the war that ravaged time and space, killing all of the time lords and daleks except for a small few who managed to escape that fate.

But she didn't hear, the time lord's quiet curse that wasn't of a law official who just lost the trail of his criminal, but that of a lonely man who had just realized that he wasn't alone, only to have the other simply vanish.

And most of all, she didn't see.

She didn't see him reach out as if to pull her TARDIS back from where it left to with such a look of a starving man brought to a banquet table only to find it empty of any food. She didn't see that time lord save her TARDIS's energy signature into his TARDIS's memory banks and cry out in despair when he tried to track down her location only to find that he could not. And she most certainly didn't see the almost frighteningly stubborn and determined expression on that time lord's face as he vowed to himself to never give up, to never stop until he hunted down that TARDIS and its pilot. If she did she may have likened it to looking into the Untempered Schism: people who saw it either got inspired, ran away, or went mad.

It said that the chase was on and that he was going to find that TARDIS and pilot even if it was the last thing he did.

To Be Continued...

Explanations: *I chose Valais because it had previous history of witch hunts during that time. No that that was the only reason, I want some place French as well, so I settle for a canton in Switzerland that was dominated by the French.

*The Traveler does not own a sonic screwdriver. It is actually a sonic laser pointer that her twin gave her back when the Traveler was actually the Thinker, a professor at the academy. It was very useful.

*That perfume bottle that the townspeople were talking about was actually a lighter.

*The Jaggerabell and Maronda plants actually do exist in Doctor Who cannon, they are just only briefly mentioned in passing in the case of the first one or are only found in the comics in the case of the second. There is no hybrid though, I made that part up. :)

*The Wanderer is the name that the Traveler and the Thinker used as a nickname for the "super-time-lady-extraordinaire" they claimed they became when they put their talents together for a common goal when they were younger. It is now the Traveler's (really the Thinker's) alias.

*All technological terms about the TARDISes was found on a beautiful little site called the TARDIS technical index. Except for the reset code, I made that up, unless there actually is a reset code that I am unaware of, in that case, it is a coincidence.

*Yes, TARDISes do have avatars. The Doctor's Tardis had one when he was unwell and it could assume any form. Just to be sure though, the Traveler has the updated model 57 instead of the model 40.


TITLE: A Treasured Discovery


ID: 8860941

SUMMARY: 9/OC(friendship plus) -Time Lady- Deep in the pits of Van Statten's museum lies a second alien, but not just ANY alien, a Time Lady, the Angel. Fallen to Earth with the Dalek she has survived the Time War. But there's something…different…about her, special even. What is it? The Doctor is certainly curious to find out. First in the Heart of Time Saga.

OPINION: Helped inspire me to write my own Doctor Who fan fiction. :) I love the character Angel, but I am slightly doubtful that anyone would be able to forgive another person for killing off the rest of their species, but maybe that's just me. WARNING: It's a little bit cheesy, for those of you who despise anything at all that even faintly reminds them of a chick flick. For the rest of you readers (I.E. most of the female population) enjoy.

Thought Process: What a lovely way to start off summer vacation, yes? This Fan Fiction is just a break from the Lord of the Rings so I don't burn out on 'A Ring of Endless Light' or my others. This is also a way for me to test the waters in trying to write in this fandom and see how I do, since I am currently in a Doctor Who phase. My Animation and Interactive Design Teacher could tell when I drew a TARDIS on photoshop for my end of the year final. *Sheepish grin.*

Tell me how you think and whether or not I should continue this thing.

Happy Thursday,

FFA, the Fan Fictional Authoress

Date Submitted: Thursday, June 6, 2013.