Will you marry me?

Will you marry me.

Never did Kate imagine that four words would cause her so much joy; and yet so much turmoil. She replayed those four words over and over in her mind. She swore hours had passed, but no it had only been a mere 10 seconds since those FOUR words left Castle's mouth.

He was still kneeling on the grass waiting, longing.. for an answer. His face rigid and strong; confident in his actions. Kate could feel her heart eating away at her, beating rapidly. She came here to talk & that's exactly what she planned on doing.

"Rick, Pleeeease... sit we need to discuss this." Castle took a moment; shook his head and exhaled as he slowly rose. Grasping the cold metal chain of the swing set a look of utter sadness filled his face.

"Kate.." His voice quivered as he said her name.

"Castle please I came here to tell you that - that I'm..." Not taking the job! Is what she wanted to say. She wanted to tell him that she was done chasing a life that was no longer hers. That she was ready for the next step WITH him. She wanted to apologize for being selfish, for not including him in the decision making. Unfortunately he spoke first.

"Kate, I meant what I said. I have come to the realization that I can't change who you are. I have accepted it. Nothing has ever come easy with you." He took a long deep breath before he spoke his next words.

"I want you in my life Kate, if that entails me chasing after you, scratching and clawing for every inch of you then so be it Kate!"

Kate could see the sincerity in his eyes, she could feel the honesty in his words. This man, this wonderful man would go to hell and back for them; and it scared her. In fact it terrified her.

Was she ready for this? Isn't this was she wanted? For him to finally tell her where they were going.

No this can't be real, certainly Castle must feel obligated to take this step. That's it! She did this, this job has rushed him into making this hasty move. It was just minutes ago that she was certain he was going to call it all off. It was just hours ago that she was certain that she wanted this job above anything else. No, Castle did not want this.

"Its my life Castle! You cant just stick a monkey wrench into it whenever you think its appropriate! I need time to think Castle. You need time to think - about all of this! Your heart is getting the better of you! I'm not saying no but I'm not saying yes, at least not yet." Kate could feel the air leave her lungs as he slowly slipped the ring back into his coat pocket. What had she just done? Once again her pride, her own ambition & drive was getting in the way of him. Of them.

"You may be right about one thing Beckett, my heart is getting the better of me but by no means was this decision rushed. Has it not occurred to you how I was able to acquire a ring so fast? You see Kate I bought this ring the day after my birthday. I have known for months that this is what I want for us. I just - I just didn't want to push too soon, too fast. So Kate don't think for a second that this has not been thought through." Castle closed his eyes and when he opened them Kate could see them start to water.

Hell he was tearing up!

"I got the job Castle! They want me to say yes" Really Kate? You pick now to blurb that out; was all she could think about.

"They're not the only ones that want you to say yes Kate!"

They sat in silence.

Until Kate finally spoke.

"...what if all we were in love with was the dance? What happens when the music stops Castle?" Kate was barely holding herself together. Eager to hear the answer but terrified at what that answer might be.

"When the music stops, all that is left to do is to create a new melody -together." Castle reached for Kate's hand. He held it, stroking it ever so slightly. Great comfort overcame Kate; as she realized his words spoke the truth.

"Kate please think about this, if you choose to take the job I will go wherever you will go. Your home will be my home, your people my people & if you choose to stay; stay because YOU choose to stay. Don't stay for my sake. I can write from anywhere Kate! You are my home now, my life!"

Before Kate had the chance to respond Castle's phone rang. In a silent exchange he looked at the caller ID & realized it was Alexis. Without hesitation Beckett gestured Castle to answer.

"Is everything ok pumpkin? - Sure thing see you soon"

"Everything alright Castle?"

"Yes just promised Alexis I would meet her & my mother to discuss further details regarding her future trip."

"Go on Castle, I have a few loose ends to tie up back at the precinct. Meet me there later?"

"Wouldn't miss it!"

Kate watched as Castle stood and walked over to plant a kiss on her forehead. She stayed in the same spot long after he had left. Her mind racing. over analyzing every possible outcome. Pondering the crossroads life had just handed her.

What Kate didn't know was that someone had witness this proposal attempt. Someone hiding, observing, lurking near by.. Little did Kate know that she was not in fact alone.

There was a game a foot and she had just become the prey.