"Wake Up, Robin" - Chapter I: Crash

The T-Jet flew westward through the driving snow and wind. All of the Titans were in their respective pods – bar Starfire, who'd been dropped off at the nuclear base in Russia where Red Star had made his home and would be making her own way back to the States.

Raven looked out of the plexiglass canopy with unease. She hated not being in control of where she was going, and she was also slightly disturbed by the storm that buffeted the craft around and shot snow into the engine pods. Cyborg had said (quoting exactly) " that she could take it" but what if he was wrong? What if they lost engine power and fell out of the sky and were trapped on the frozen tundra until they froze or starved to death? She shook those thoughts out of her mind. If they did crash, Robin would save them. He always did. He always had a plan.

Didn't he?

Robin sat in his pod across the wing from Raven. He too was worrying about the flight, but in somewhat a more utilitarian way. If the plane did crash, he might not have enough food or water or protection from the cold to save everyone.

If he didn't, he knew that he might have to lead his team as far as he could before he or anyone else died. Especially Raven. He couldn't imagine life without her.

He also knew that he might have to leave someone behind in order for the rest to survive. Even if it was Raven who was left. He wouldn't let that happen, though. He'd tell them to go on without him. Anything other than letting Raven (or another one of the team, he hastily reminded himself) die. He couldn't do that.

Could he?

Cyborg was calm and collected on the flight back. He'd built the jet and he knew its capabilities. It could make the flight back easily.

Doubt crept into his mind. Couldn't it?

Beast Boy wasn't thinking of anything; he was fast asleep in his comfortable left hand side pod.

Suddenly the plane entered a much bigger storm front than the others it had been through. Something bright blue hit the right engine (the one beside Raven, sending her jumping back away from the window) and it clunked dangerously before exploding and falling off to the right.

"Cyborg! What the hell just happened?" Robin was instantly in Leader Mode.

"Yeah... we lost an engine. That's bad. Very very bad." Cyborg analysed the readouts on his screen quickly; the plane was going down quite rapidly. "Get everyone over to the left side of the plane."

The plane jolted and started listing severely to the right as the remaining engine struggled to keep the jet in the air.

"Seriously, do it NOW!" Cyborg wrenched the flightstick to the left, straightening out the plane; however this allowed the nose to drop down and the T-jet sped up. Raven teleported herself over into Robin's pod. He moved off the chair and sat her down in it before strapping the safety belt over her thin waist and smashing the release with a Birdarang so it was now permanently locked.

"Robin... ROBIN!" Raven shouted at him. "What are you DOING?"

"Saving your life." he responded grimly, as the plane lurched further towards the ground.

"What about you?" she said terrified.

"Let me worry about that. Cyborg!" Robin spoke into the miraculously still-functional comlinks. "I see a town about three klicks to the north. Try and put the plane down there."

"We aren't going to make it that far, Rob!" Cyborg braced himself. "Get ready, we're about to hit..."

Raven looked sideways at the rapidly approaching white mass below them.

She looked up at Robin.

Time slowed down for her at this moment.

She felt the plane hit the ground and jolted forwards. The plane skid along the icy surface toward a huge chunk of glacial ice.

They hit the jagged white block hard, the jet crumpling up along the right hand side and pieces of ice fell off the glacier towards them. One hit the plexiglass canopy above Raven and Robin.

The canopy shattered.

Robin threw himself on top of her to shield her from the glass. Crimson splashed onto Raven's face from above and the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

The last thing she saw was Robin taking a large shard of glass in the side of the head before she blacked out.

A/N: Yay for new story!

Disclaimer: (I've been forgetting to do these, uh oh) I do not own the Teen Titans, or Russia (I'm not 100% sure on that one though.)

Review please. It makes me happy.

Many thanks to my faithful beta tester Dylan, who reads all my stories and happily hasn't gone mad yet.

Tom out.