Chapter 45 - Work it Out

*Strained Engagement* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

Inuyasha sat in the middle of the couch, Sesshoumaru on his right and Kagome on his left, while glaring at the television. He could feel the tension between the two of them and he was quickly growing tired of it. They needed to talk to each other, but Kagome kept wiggling her way out of it. That was going to end now, or he would be locking them in the library together again. With a huff, he rose and turned to look at his friends.

"You two need to have a conversation, now," he demanded. "I'll be in my room."

"But, Inuyasha," Kagome started. "Don't you need...?"

"I don't need anything, 'Gome, except for you two to work this shit out. Stop using me as an excuse to get away from him. You're making me insane!"

As soon as Inuyasha was gone, Sesshoumaru scooted closer to Kagome on the couch, pain shooting through him as she turned away. "Why are you avoiding me?" he asked.

"I'm not," Kagome lied. "It's just everything is so mixed up in my head. I'm so confused!" She glanced at the taiyoukai before looking away. It was easier to talk to him if she didn't have to see him. "I wanted to thank you, for everything you did when Inuyasha was in the hospital. Thank you for taking care of me."

"You do not need to thank me. I wanted to be there for you, and for him. I wanted to take care of you. It felt like we were truly friends again. I want to thank you for giving me my brother."

"That's just it though. It shouldn't have been because of me."

"But it was," he said. "I got to know him and he is a better friend to me than I have ever had, besides you. Allow me to explain something, Kagome. Your friendship means everything, means the world to me. For years I have fought with myself, debating whether it is worth risking everything we have, and I know now that it is. I am willing to give up everything we have, everything we've ever been, for a chance to be with you, because I love you."

*Sentiments Aligned* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge)

Finally, the miko turned to look at Sesshoumaru and he could see the tears streaming down her face. His heart ached at the knowledge that he'd made her cry and with fear that she was about to reject him.

"Why are you crying?" he inquired softly, guilt in his tone.

"Because I... I love you too."

He smiled and Kagome giggled nervously. "Can you forgive everything that I have done?" he asked her.

Kagome nodded. "Can you forgive me for abandoning you?"

"I already have," he replied, his smile growing as she wiped away her tears.

The pair slowly leaned closer, as if drawn in by some outside force, and when their lips touched, the world disappeared. The sound of the television faded away. The rhythmic clicking of the ceiling fan above them disappeared, along with the whir of the air conditioner. All they could hear was their own breathing and the beating of their hearts as they finally kissed for the first time.

She pulled back a few moments later, looking at him with concern. "What if it doesn't work?"

"Being friends first makes for strong relationships," he answered. "It will work. I know it."

His lips found hers once again and their kiss grew more and more passionate. Soon Kagome was sitting in Sesshoumaru's lap, focused entirely on the taiyoukai she loved.

Half an hour later, Inuyasha came back downstairs, relieved that he hadn't heard and yelling or crying. He smirked as he caught sight of the two. "It's about damn time," he mumbled to himself. He knew the two belonged together, had known it from the beginning. He stood there for a moment before looking away. "I don't need to be watching this shit," he muttered, heading back upstairs to his room. The couple clearly needed their privacy.

The hanyou wasn't worried that he was losing his friends. He knew Kagome would never leave him, and neither would his brother. They were true friends and now everything was perfect. Sure, he wouldn't mind a girlfriend of his own. He was going to be spending a lot of time as the third wheel, but it was worth it if the two of them were happy, and they obviously were.

The End

Author's Note: I didn't expect it to end so abruptly, but that's what my brain did.

Hope you enjoyed the ride!
