Hey it's Wolf Master here, I have this idea before and thought I'd write it up. I am focusing on detail so bear with me here. Anyways I don't own Pokémon. Story inspired partly by the Fanfiction story Façade the movie. This is an anthro universe

Chapter 1: First Site

The halls were filled with music and movement. It was the harvest moon ball in the castle of Lifaria. The castle stood tall and proud, the sides made of hard stone. The interior was handcrafted by the finest craftsman, marble for slabs were imported from lands far and wide. Every hall was filled with beutious art and dectorations. The grand hall was very large with large pillars around the edges similar to the Parthanon. On the ceiling was a painting similar to one in the Sistine Chapel.

Everyone danced and walzed to the music playing. The hall was alive with women in beautiful gowns and men in sharp suits. Most of these were in bright, joyfull colors like blue, pink, green, purple, and yellow. However, one man in a couner, was not. The man leaned against the wall wearing all black. He had a black cloak cover his shoulders and part of his front. He had on a black hat with a large red feather sticking upwards on the right side and a small cut out in the front that looked like half a cressent moon a bit to the right of the center. On his hands, he had bleach white gloves on. He had his head down so his face wasn't visible, he did not wish to been seen. His name was Prince Darkrai. He was the bringer, cause, and reason for nightmares and pain. He murdered for the fun of it and got his hummor from others suffering. Or so the rummors and stories said. None of them were near the truth; however, he still was hated and feared. He did not want to be here, in the Lifarian castle, at the ball of the most patronizing man of these rummors, Arceus. But his friend, Scalkasous, a Umbreon who worked for Arceus, suggested he be more social and attend. Darkrai reluctantly agreed after much perswation and bikering with his mother, Giratina. Giratina was the queen and current ruler of his home Darkland. She and Arceus were once married, but got devorced for reasons he did not yet know. Both of them remarried and Giratina had him. He did not know his father, according to his mother, he died three months before his birth. Scalkasous got him into the castle without making a scene. So here he was, in the grand hall of the Lifarian castle.

"I can't be seen here, not by anyone," Darkrai muttered under his breath.

(Scene Break)

From within her room, the princess prepared for the ball. Princess Cresselia, daughter of Lord Arceus, was excited beyond belief. It was her first dance and she could not wait.

"I hope I look nice," Cresselia said to her maid, a female Blaziken, as she bradded her hair into a bundle.

"You will look fabulous my lady," The Blaziken responded. "I'm sure your father and suitors will be dazzled."

Cresselia wore a sparkly yellow dress with pink highlights. On her feet were some yellow slippers. She wore pink gloves that reached up a bit past her elbow. Cresselia was putting on her makeup. She wore sparkly midnight blue eyeliner and cherry red lipgloss. Cresselia looked at herself in the mirror, fluttering her lashes, twirling back and worth in the dress before blowing a kiss to herself.

"Your right, this is perfect," Cresselia said. Then a knock came at the door.

"Cresselia, are you ready?" her father's voice came through the door.

"Yes father," Cresselia said. The door opened and her father, Arceus, came in. He wore a small crown on his head and was dressed in a white suit and blazer, his golden cape hung from his neck.

"Hello my darling, you look beautiful," Arceus complimented upon entering. Cresselia giggled. "Well, come now, we do not wish to keep the guests waiting."

Arceus offered Cresselia his arm. Cresselia entertwined her arm with her father's and they started down the long stair way.

(Scene Break)

Darkrai took a deep breath and sighed. He really did not want to be here, should someone recognize him, the whole thing was ruined and he would be forced to flee; besides he did not socialize well.

"Are you having a good time?" a voice asked. Darkrai turned his head to see Scalkasous standing their, holding a plater full of wine and other drinks.

"Not really, I don't socialize well," Darkrai said. Scalkasous frowned.

"Well try, go dance, have fun," he responded. Darkrai was about to respond when the music stopped and two trummpets blared out. Everyone stopped dancing, talking, eating, or what ever else they did and looked to small ledge way with stairs that lead down to the floor. A door open and Lord Arceus came out, escorting a stunning young woman. Darkrai's jaw dropped as he gazed at the young girl next to Arceus. Scalkasous smirked at Darkrai.

"Esteemed guests, I welcome you to the annual harvest moon ball!" Arceus addressed the crowd, a cheer emerged from the crowd before Arceus motioned for silence. " I hope you all are having a memorable time and without further a due, I introduce to you, my daughter, Cresselia!"

The crowd cheered and hollered, Cresselia wave and smiled to them before Arceus again commanded silence.

"I welcome you all, now may we continue to celebrate our great fortune and lives!" the crowd cheer and went back to making merry. Cresselia walked down the stairs to the dance floor. Darkrai's eyes never left her, though he had closed his mouth. Scalkasous smirked.

"I saw you staring at Princess Cresselia, you like her don't you?" Scalkasous said devilishly. Darkrai flinched before glaring at Scalkasous.

"What nonsense! Were in the universe did you get that obscured idea?" Darkrai growled.

"I saw your jaw drop," Scalkasous said still smirking. "How about a dance with her?"

Before Darkrai could respond and most certainly say no, Scalkasous grabbed Darkrai's arm and dragged him to the dance floor, despite Darkrai's struggle to free his arm and heels scrapping the limestone floor.

"Cresselia!" Scalkasous called. She turned her head from her friends and turned to see him waving to her, dragging someone with him? Scalkasous and Darkrai came up to her. Darkrai then wrenched his arm free.

"My lady," Scalkasous said with a bow.

"Hello Scalkasous, who is this?" Cresselia asked, motioning to Darkrai.

"This gentleman wishes to dance with you, Don't you?" Scalkasous said elbowing Darkrai in the stomach. Darkrai grumbled slightly nervous. Darkrai extended his hand to her, all though he wasn't sociable, he had manners.

"May, I have this dance?" Darkrai asked politely.

"Yes you may, it would be an honor," Cresselia reply just as politely, grasping Darkrai's gloved hand. It was surprisingly cold, yet comforting and warming. The two walked to the dance floor.

Cresselia placed her other hand on Darkrai's shoulder and Darkrai positioned his hand just above her waist. The two began to waltz to the music, twirling and spinning. Darkrai knew what he was dong as Cresselia and him elegantly danced away. The two stared into the others eyes. Cresselia just melted away as she gazed into Darkrai's sky blue eyes and Darkrai's heart warmed as he stared into Cresselia's ruby eyes. The two waltzed and waltzed.

Scalkasous and Cresselia's friends watched with large smirks.

"I never thought that Cresselia could hold a stare that long," Mellissa, a Gardevoir, commented.

"I know," Scalkasous said. "I never thought that he could be this focused."

"Who is he anyways?"

"Its Dark…" Scalkasous almost let Darkrai's identity fly.

"Dark? Who is Dark?" Mellissa questioned.

"Never mind his name, all that matters is that he has a dance. He doesn't get out much, no one seems to like him." Scalkasous said, hoping she would pick up on the next part so that he wouldn't have to answer.

"Ok, that's sad though."

Meanwhile, Cresselia and Darkrai stopped dancing when Cresselia got tired.

"Would you like to come with me to the gardens?" she asked, still not leaving his eyes.

"I would like that very much." The two headed for the gardens outside the hall. Arceus had watched the whole thing, he wanted to smile at his daughter having a good time, but he had a bad feeling about whom she danced with.

Cresselia and Darkrai reached the garden outside the great hall. It was a magnificent place with large maze like hedges and red and yellow flowers growing all along the borders where the hedges meet the ground. On the hedges, vines snaked up and around, large blue, yellow, and pink flowers grew. Eventually the two came to a circular clearing, in the center was three leveled fountain. In the back was a bronze railing that seemed slightly rust colored in the moonlight. The two approached the railing; Cresselia crossed her arms and rested them on the ledge staring at the moon.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Cresselia said, slightly moonstruck.

"Yes it is," Darkrai responded. "This is a very beautiful garden."

"My father had it planted specially for me, when I was little, I would spent lots of time here. Chasing beutifly and other creatures that came here, I spent hours dashing in and out of the hedges; to me it was one big maze that never got dull. Once I ran through the hedges chasing a dustox at night. When I lost it I got lost, I cried for thirty minutes before my father found me. He then had arrows pointing the way out set up until I convinced him three years later to remove them." Cresselia chuckled at the memory. She turned to face Darkrai. "So, what's your name?"

Darkrai stiffened; he stared at her for a couple seconds. He sighed.

"Whatever you do, don't scream, or run, I will not harm you." Darkrai said, Cresselia nodded but didn't know why he told her that. Cheaking to make sure no one was around he whispered. "My name is Darkrai."

Darkrai fully expected her to gasp and run away screaming but she did not. Instead Cresselia smiled widely.

"Darkrai, I like the name." Darkrai was shocked.

"You mean you don't know me?"

"What do you mean, you're a wonderful gentleman." Darkrai laughed slightly. Cresselia frowned. "What's so funny?"

"Of all people. I would expect you to know the rumors."

"What rumors?" Cresselia asked. Darkrai looked at her like she was crazy.

"The rumors of the horrible, evil Darkrai."

"You don't seem evil." Darkrai did not immediately respond. Instead, he hugged her. He just reached out and wrapped his arms around her.

"You are honestly the first person ever to say that to me." Darkrai said in a hushed voice. Cresselia blushed lightly. Darkrai continued. "If you ever hear any of those lies the people make up about me, please promise me you won't believe them, especially from Arceus."

"What do you mean?" Cresselia asked as they broke the embrace.

"People have made terrible, horrible lies about me. Calling me a demon that was born to destroy them. People make up wicked stories of me slaughtering orphans, mutilating infants and other horrors with absolutely no evidences." Darkrai said. Cresselia gasped.

"That's horrible. I'm sure I can fix this, I'll tell my father that."

"NO!" Darkrai almost yelled. Cresselia flinched at his unexpected outburst. "What ever you do, you must not tell your father. He will one immediately attack me in Darkland for tainting you and two will have every magician in the castle trying to make you say those lies are true. Your father absolutely despises me for a reason I do not know."

Cresselia slowly nodded.

"Thank you for understanding Cresselia. I must go now." Darkrai turned to leave when.

"Wait," he turned to Cresselia. "Can't you give me something to remember you by?" Darkrai smiled and pulled out a seed.

"What figure do you like the most?" He asked.

"The crescent moon," Cresselia responded. Darkrai smiled and clenched his fist. When he opened it, a beautiful silver and black necklace with a crescent moon on it hung in his hand. Cresselia gasped.

"May I?" Darkrai asked. Cresselia nodded vigorously. Darkrai walked behind her and put his arms over her shoulders slightly. He pulled the necklace up and attached it. Immediately one of Cresselia's hands fondled with it.

"Thank you, it's absolutely beautiful," Cresselia said. Darkrai smiled. "Will I ever see you again?"

"I don't know," Cresselia's eyes pleaded him. "Ok, I have an idea. Every week, we will meet, here at midnight." Cresselia eyes lit up.

"Ok, on Tuesdays that's my free days," Darkrai nodded.

"I must go now," They hugged one more time before Darkrai left the garden and headed home. Cresselia stayed there for another five minutes, staring at the full moon, with one hand on her necklace.