Chapter 15: Revelations


Gia advanced along the rainy coast of Hardwood County with her Megaforce team and Robo Knight as they viewed from the distance the last legion of Metal Alice's surviving Loogies soldiers.

"Last batch guys" called Troy "Lets finish them and move on to Metal Alice and Vrak's underwater base".

The team quickly slashed through the loogies as they made their last stand.

"These guys are nothing" said Gia.

Through the heat of battle she noticed five loogie soldiers make a dash towards a cave entrance.

"Where do you think you are going" called Gia. She followed the soldiers into the cave where they stood confused, as loogies typically did.

"Running Away?" called Gia. Suddenly pain ripped through her back. Something had struck her from behind. She rolled away demorphing as she did. Gia looked; Metal Alice was standing behind her holstering her spear. Her once promising armor was badly damaged from battle and she was limping.

"No foolish ranger" said Metal Alice "they were following orders as their Master commands". She approached Gia and hoisted her up by the throat until the two were at eye level. "I may not be able to give my master the five ranger corpses he wanted but at least I'll give him one and the Empire will finish the rest".

"No! Stop!" called Robo Knight and shot his Robo blaster knocking Metal Alice away from Gia. "Yellow Ranger, Are you alright?

Gia attempted to give a weak nod of approval. "Don't worry I'll take care of her".

Robo Knight and Metal Alice locked spears as their battle continued to rage.

"Gia" called Emma as her team joined her in the cave. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine" said Gia as the team helped get her to her feet

"You could have played a part in our triumph Robo Knight" mocked Metal Alice as the two battled. "The Empire has places of power for Robots like us. They could bestow on you untold riches when they rule the Earth! Instead you choose to be serve the humans!"

"I serve the Earth and to protect all life on it and that includes my friends!" responded Robo Knight.

"Then you will die for them". Metal Alice ripped part of her damaged armor off to reveal a timer connected to a bomb. She charged towards the rangers but Robo Knight grabbed her.

"Rangers" called Robo Knight "Get out of here!".

"We are not leaving without you Robo Knight!" called Gia.

"There is no time. Leave! Now!"

Troy and Jake picked up Gia and dashed towards the mouth of the cave. The explosion ripped through the cave sending the rangers flying out of the cave onto the wet sand

"Robo Knight! No!"

End of Flashback

Gia's breathed heavenly and opened her eyes.

"So what did you find?" said the Tiger Master

"Bad dreams" responded Gia

"What did they tell you?"

Gia got up and began to pace the room. "Robo Knight was a hero, our 6th ranger, and… I guess I've been hard on Orion I just felt nobody should replace Robo Knight given that.." . She paused. "If I hadn't gone into the cave alone, he might still be alive."

"It is guilt, disguised as anger" that is blocking you from channeling your spirit. You are not the first Tiger to experience this. Early on my training I experience a similar problem where I let my fear control the trust I needed to put in myself. It's identifying and overcoming these weaknesses that will allow you to become a great warrior Gia.

Gia sighed "I think I want to try again, Master".

The two stood apart from each other. Gia calmed herself, the image of Robo Knight still playing in her mind. She punched hard rapidly in the air and then channeled all her being into one strike. Her yellow aura erupted into the form of a Tiger from her body and attacked. The Tiger master did the same erupting a Red Tiger to meet Gia's and the two battled in midair before disappearing.

"I did it! "said Gia

"Yes you have" said the Tiger Master putting his hand on her shoulder. "Well done Gia".

"Thank you Tiger Master"

He laughed "You can call me Casey"

Suddenly Gia's morpher buzzed.

"We got trouble", called Noah "The Zarkans are back"

"I got to go" said Gia. She bowed and hurried out of the stone room.


Gia, Emma, and Jake stood before Casey, Jarod and Camille. The six of them bowing before each other

"You have all done well students" said Casey "You have all tapped into your animal spirits. I'm proud to say you will yield the Jungle Fury powers in the future.

"Yeah" said Jake "the Zarkans will learn to fear the bite of my snake"

Everybody paused, Emma giggled, and Gia glared at Jake. "Well… what I meant was"

"I think we all get what you mean Jake" said Gia stopping him "Thank you all for your teachings" She turned towards Jarrod and bowed slightly "and… I think I owe you an apology most of all Master Jarrod".

"It's not all your fault" assured Jarrod "A stubborn student only comes from a stubborn master"

Casey put his hand on Jarrod's shoulder "but the lesson was still taught and learned to pass on. That's the greatest reward a master can have". Jarrod nodded at his old friend

"We got to go" said Emma and the three flicked their communicators and teleported away.


The rangers sat down at their usual back booth in the Brainfreeze.

"Man" said Noah "Where did you guys learn those moves? I mean the way you guys defeated that commander without weapons was incredible!

Jake Gia and Emma looked at one another. "We met someone today" said Emma.

"And…" continued Gia "he taught us some good lessons ".

Suddenly the group heard a crash. They looked and saw Orion had failed to notice a wet floor sign and had just spilled his latest tray of smoothies all over the floor and himself. Orion hastily attempted to clean up his mess.

"Need a hand? said Gia who had gotten up from her seat and was handing him a napkin. Orion took it wiping the strawberry foam from his face

"Thanks" said Orion "Guess I should have notice that"

"Everyone makes mistakes" said Gia "Here let me help you"

Orion seemed puzzled. "Why do you want to help me?

Gia bent down closer to whisper "Because we are rangers Orion, We are a team. We help one another". She offered him her hand "Right?"

"Of course" replied Orion and smiled.

Pai Zua, Sunset

"Well done today student" said Jarrod as he pated one of his younger students on the shoulder "Now off you go" The student smiled and headed off toward the dormitory of the academy. Casey walked up behind him.

"It seems Gia wasn't the only student you helped today"

Jarrod smiled "Yes, but I'll admit I'm glad I don't have to train her every day. Tigers and Lions in the same cage can leave some bruising marks"

Casey laughed remembering the two's past battles. Suddenly the two felt a familiar wind blow through their hair. They both spun and saw an orange aura materialize together. The aura formed itself into the shape of a Fox then snapped into the figure of an old man in an orange training attire and hat.

"Master Mao" said Casey. The two masters bowed to the man and he smiled back.

"I'm glad to see that students aren't the only ones learning new tricks at Pai Zua"

"Yes" said Casey smiling and putting his hand on Jarrod "Master Jarrod here was put through quite the test today. Jarrod blushed.

"I know" said Master Mao "Casey, will you give me a moment with Jarrod.

"Of course" He bowed turned towards Mao, looked towards Jarrod as if to say "Good Luck", then walked towards his quarters. Mao and Jarrod walk deep into the stone outskirts of the academy.

"Have you told anyone about your mission I have assigned you?"

Jarrod put his hand towards his chest and fished out a necklace that revealed a golden orb. On it flashed the symbol of a three headed dragon. Jarrod glared at it. He could feel his Lion Spirit ready to roar from inside him. He then looked up at Master Mao's turned back and breathed, calming the beast"

"No I haven't" said Jarrod "it's my burden to bear"

Mao turned "You have come a long way Jarrod. I must admit many of the masters in the Spirit World did have their doubts when we assigned you this burden, but thus far you have proven yourself a true Pai Zua warrior.

"Thank you Master, I will not fail you"

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AN: Remember this it will come back up in future chapters.

So there is Jungle Fury. I have more time now, so I plan on doing more with this story. I'm a little conflicted on where to go next. I have an idea for Samurai BUT I have an even cooler idea for an SPD/Time Force arc. Let me know what you want to see.