Diclamier: I do not own Power Rangers.

A/N: This is my first fanfic so please let me know what you think

Chapter 1: Its Not over Yet

''Ernie'' called Jake as the five former Megaforce rangers Troy,Gia ,Noah ,Emma, and Jake walked into the juice bar ''A round of smoothies for my friends on me''.

''Coming right up kids'' replied Ernie in his friendly Indian voice. The teens went to sit down in one of the back booths. It used to be their usual meeting spot when they wanted to discretely talk about ranger stuff.

''Can you believe how hard that test was'' said Emma

''Oh I don't know'' said Noah'' I didn't think It was that bad''

''Says the smartest kid in class'' replied Gia irately

''Here we go'' said Jake as he return to the table with the smoothies. He passed them around the table to Noah and Emma. When he tried to give one to Gia he tried to put a little smoothness into his performance to impress her by spinning the tray in his hand with the drinks on it. However he mistimed the spin and sent one of the smoothies flying into the air,but Gia with her cat like reflexes, probably why Gosei gave her the tiger zord, grabbed the flying drink from the air without even really looking.

''Smooth tough guy'' said Gia in an annoyed voice.

''Haha yeah sorry about that'' said Jake as he blushed red pinkish.

Not wanting to know what other tricks Jake had up his sleeve ,Emma took the last drink from the tray and began to pass it to Troy when she noticed he was acting very odd. Of course Troy was usually the quiet type of the group, but this time was different. He had his arms crossed against his red shirt and black jacket that he usually wore and looked as though he was in deep thought

''Whats the matter Troy'' said Emma in a concerned voice and this got the others over Jake's smoothie incident and focused in on what was happening with Troy

'' I just can believe its over, I mean being a Power Ranger'' he said.

A pause then occurred over the five of them, it hadn't quite clicked in to them that Gosei's sacrifice with the past rangers powers to defeat the Warstar had also stripped them of their own powers.

''Well at least we were able to use them to rid the earth of bugs like Admiral Malkor and Creepox'' said Noah

''And those toxic mutants and Metal Alice and her robots'' put in Jake

''Uh'' said Gia ''Don t remind me of that bitch''. Gia's hatred for Metal Alice was originated by the memory of Robo Knight their ally and sixth ranger.

''Let it go Gia'' said Emma ''Anyway I'm glad their all gone, but Ill sleep better knowing specifically that Vrak is no longer around''

At this everyone nodded in agreement. Without question Vrak had been their most dangerous enemy. Vrak was not like Admiral Malkor he was not an inspect and the rangers had always questioned if he wasn't an insect alien then who was he?

''Yeah'' said Jake ''his plans always seemed to mess with your head. And then just when you think he's gone, Bam! There he is again more evil than before''.

The rangers knew what he meant. They thought they had destroyed Vrak when they shattered his mutant amour with their Ultra Mode ,but just after they manage to defeat Admiral Malkor they found out that Vrak had been brought back in a robotized form by Metal Alice.

''Yeah but we didn't defeat him, Gosei did'' said Troy. His focus shifted from the group to staring sadly at the table

In their last battle ,Vrak had used his robotized powers to absorb and steal the rangers Ultra Power turning him into an even more powerful form and sent his armies on the cities of Earth. In something that amazed the rangers ,Gosei had channeled his energy into the past ranger keys kept in the command center which created an army of past Power Rangers to fight off Vrak's armies. Then as Vrak had used his Zombats to make him large ,Troy piloted the Gosei Ultimate Megazord to face him. In a last ditch effort and regrettable action for Troy, Gosei ordered him to use all of Gosei's energy in a final attack which destroyed Vrak, but cost the rangers their powers and their mentor's life.

''Troy'' said Noah ''Don t blame yourself for what happened to Gosei''

''Yeah'' insisted Jake ''He knew what had to be done to save the world''

''And so did you'' put in Gia

Troy nodded as if he agreed with Gia's statement. He did ,but he didn't want to admit it. Emma kindly put her hand on Troy's shoulder and said ''You are our team's leader. Sometimes you have to make difficult choices for the better outcome. Gosei may be gone but Earth is safe. I think he would happy''.

''I guess your right'' said Troy''. He put a smile on his face and raised his glass. ''To Gosei''

''Gosei'' replied the others and they raised their glasses to cling together. Suddenly, just as the glasses reach each other everything in the juice bar began to rumble. The paintings on the walls began to shake and some of them began to fall. Ernie from behind the juice bar yelled ''Earthquake!'' in a squeamish voice and dove behind the counter.

''What going on'' yelled Noah.

Before anyone could answer him they felt that familiar feeling of their bodies being teleported heading faster than the speed of light over to the command center. When they arrived at Gosei's cave command center they found it just as they had left it. Everything was still functioning but the shelves that once held the ranger keys were empty and the giant tiki head that contained Gosei was dark. Before anyone could question what they were doing there, Tensou came whizzing round the corner

''Rangers'' he cried in his squeaky robot voice and he rush towards them. In doing so he failed to see a puddle of water on the floor and his wheels slipped and began spinning around the command center, nearly colliding with the rangers and crashed into a pile of loose equipment

''Tensou don't you think you should look before you run'' said Gia as they pulled him from the pile.

''Haha sorry'' said Tensou trying not to laugh at his own silliness

''Anyway why did you teleport us here''asked Troy. Tensou squinted his eyes. He looked even more excited. ''I didn't teleport you here''

''I did'' came a voice from behind them. They all turned around. A man was standing behind them walking into the command center.

''Who are you'' said Jake in a confrontational voice

''My name is Dr. Tommy Oliver'' the man replied. ''The world is in grave danger, a great evil is coming the likes that haven't been seen on this planet in years .And you five are needed to save it again''.

What do you guys think so far? Let me know and ill write more.