Sounds of tropical creatures echoed throughout the air as the rest of the Host Club stalked through the jungle area in search of Honey. The group was silent as they pushed forward, until Tamaki broke it.

"Wow. This place is just like a real jungle, huh?" The blonde leader said in slight awe.

"Yeah; and I keep hearing all of these strange animal calls." Haruhi added in.

"You don't think that all those animal sounds..." Started the more evil of the two twins.

"Could belong to the real thing, do you?" His mirror image finished. Each of them looking to opposite sides of one another, as if trying to spot the creatures making such sounds. One bird made itself known by squawking louder than the others.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. But I do know that my family strives for authenticity, whatever the cost." Kyoya informed them. Ice eyes peered up at him, trying to read his expression. His eyes were made unreadable due to the glare caused by the light on his glasses.

"Well, that's not exactly surprising." Furea sighed as she laced her fingers together behind her neck. Haruhi looked up at Mori, who had his usual blank slate expression. 'Mori-senpai is always so straight-faced. I can never tell what he's thinking. But even though he's doing a good job of staying calm, I'm sure he's worried.' She thought to herself. As her thoughts concluded themselves, the very person she was thinking of slipped on yet another banana peel. Falling on his back, the rest of the members stopped to look back at him only to see the discarded peel landing on his face.

"Mori-senpai is..."

"Acting as clumsy as you do, Boss!" The twins finished together. They had their arms in front of them as they stood beside one another, almost as if they were scared for what may happen to the rest of them.

"Shut up!" Tamaki turned to them as he scolded. Meanwhile, Mori managed to sit himself up as the other three watched him. 'Just as I thought, he is worried.' The brunette female host thought. The blonde female host looked down at him, feeling a sense of familiarity in the way Mori was acting without Honey around. Her expression became somewhat distance as she thought of her past memories, only to be snapped out of it by the sky above them growing dark. Her and Haruhi looked up in confusion.

"Rain." Was all that she muttered.

"Uh oh. It's about time for the squall." Kyoya stated as he looked down at his watch. Mori was smelling the air, knowing it was going to rain as well.

"Huh?" The twins synced as they looked up slightly confused.

Rain started slowly falling from above before it eventually was a consistent symphony of drops pelting all the jungle around them. They managed to find shelter underneath a hut as they waited for the precipitation to end.

"Hey, Mori-senpai. You seem to be really close with Honey-senpai." Haruhi pointed out. "Are the two of you like childhood friends?" She asked from behind him. She was sitting on a bench in the hut while Mori was leaning on the ledge, ready to get back to searching the moment the rain ceased. The twins who were standing in front of her spoke up.

"You mean you really don't know?" Hikaru asked.

"That they're cousins?" Kaoru added in as if it were painfully obvious.

"You're kidding me! They're related?" She asked in shock.

"Well, considering no one bothered to explain this to her earlier she wouldn't have known otherwise." Furea added from different side ledge. She was sitting facing away from everyone else, allowing part of her to get hit with water as she stared out at the scene before them. "Their last names do sound similar though, so that'd be the only indication that they could have a form of relation to someone who doesn't know about them."

"The Morinozuka's have been serving the Haninozuka's for generations." Kyoya educated her. Her eyes met his for a moment before she turned away again to imagine it in her head.

"However, two generations ago the families because relatives by marriage and the master-servant relationship soon became a thing of the past." Hikaru added in.

"But even so," Kaoru started. "Mori-senpai has always made a point to accompany Honey-senpai."

"Must really get his blood going." Tamaki trailed off. "The blood of a loyal servant, flows like a mighty river through Mori-senpai's veins."

"Such a beautiful story! I'm touched!" The twins overreacted as they held tissues to their weeping faces.

"I wouldn't call it a beautiful story." Haruhi stated as she looked at them with an odd expression. 'I'm not sure I understand all this blood and loyalty business, but it's obvious that Mori-senpai thinks an awful lot of Honey-senpai.' She walked up to him, placing a hand gently on his arm. "Hey Mori-senpai, it's gonna be alright. I'm sure that Honey-senpai is safe, he's a lot tougher than you might think he is. And if he gets hungry, the trees are full of bananas." She looked up at him, trying to give him reassurance.

"Bananas?" The twins echoed as they and Tamaki looked a the two with somewhat worried looks.

"What's he going to say?" Tamaki wondered aloud. Mori placed a hand atop of Haruhi's head.

"You're right." He smiled down at her.

"Don't tell me Mori-senpai is out for my spot as Haruhi's daddy!" Tamaki shouted with panic.

"Nobody wants that spot but you Boss." Hikaru bluntly told him.

"But it's kind of creepy, when you think about it." Kaoru pointed out. Kyoya's phone rang as the three of them were arguing in the background.

"Hello?" Kyoya answered. "It's me. Well, we've had an incident that's caused some trouble." He explained to whoever was on the other end. Mori was smelling the air once again as the rain started letting up. Furea looked up from her spot with slight disappoint.

Once the rain stopped, Mori set out in a different direction to search for Honey.

"Mori-senpai!" Haruhi chased after him to try and stop him. "You're going the wrong way. Honey-senpai was headed in the opposite direction."

"You're wrong. He went this way." He stated as he looked into the distance. A text box saying 'Natural instincts' popped up. He started treading through the jungle once again, leaving the others behind.

"Hey wait up! It's to dangerous to go alone!" Haruhi shouted at his retreating form. "I'm coming with you!" She ran after him. Trying to follow his path, she met with a series of strange and dangerous creatures and obstacles. Mori stopped for a moment to look back at her.

"Haruhi." He said in his monotone voice before picking her up in his one arm. 'That's the first time he's ever called me by my name.' She thought, slightly pleased. Mori resumed walking while carrying Haruhi in the direction he thought Honey was. Furea watched them from a distance as they set out on their own. Her gaze drifted back behind her as she saw that no one had noticed. She smiled to herself as she flung herself down from the ledge to the ground below outside of the hut. Her eyes got bigger with excitement as she made her own way into the jungle. She wasn't exactly searching for Honey, she knew Mori would be able to track him the best. Instead, she sought out to take in all the beautiful sights she could to get inspiration for her next art pieces. The remaining four club members didn't take note to any of them leaving.

Meanwhile with the rest of the host members, Kyoya was still on his phone. None of them realized that Haruhi and Mori had departed without them.

"Yes, at once please." He ordered as he hung up the phone. He looked back through his glasses at the three who were still arguing. "My family's private police force is going to send in a search and rescue team to help us. They're better equipped to find Honey-senpai than we are. So lets just go back to the gate and wait there." Realization struck him suddenly when he realized that the others were missing. "Hey, where are Mori, Haruhi, and Furea?" He asked the others who had ceased shouting upon hearing his words.

The police force was getting equipped to head out into the jungle as sirens blared.

"Immediate Emergency Mobilization Order!" A voice rang over an intercom as the sound of feet running echoed. "I repeat: Immediate Emergency Mobilization Order! Master Kyoya's friend has gone missing near the wave pool! Our search target is a small young man! Orders are to eliminate any suspicious figures! Show them no mercy! Repeat: eliminate any suspicious figures! Show them no mercy!"

The missing blonde girl was prancing throughout different parts of the jungle. Her mouth released fits of laughter as she looked around, taking in all the breath-taking sights before her. She up to see a family of birds in a tree. The mother seemed to be taking care of her babies. She stopped for a moment to wonder if the others had realized that she was gone, and if they were even concerned with finding her. She shook her head of these thoughts. She sighed and stretched her back out a bit. After deciding she'd seen enough to use for her next works, she set out in the same direction that Mori had gone to find Honey. If anything, she figured that she'd at least run into him, Haruhi, or Honey at some point.

Mori was still carrying Haruhi as he walked at a steady pace through the various parts of the jungle. He came to a halt at the sound of footsteps rushing towards them. His eyes narrows as Haruhi's widened seeing multiple police officers surround them.

"Target confirmed!" One shouted. They thought of Haruhi as the small young man and of Mori as a suspicious figure. "The target has been captured by a suspicious man." He stated as they all readied their firearms. "We'll take the target into custody."

"You know, I don't believe I mentioned to them that there were other visitors here." Kyoya remembered as he turned to look behind him. "Huh. Oh well." He turned and continued walking with the others. Kaoru and Hikaru looked a little distraught.

"I wonder if she's okay.." Hikaru muttered. He tried to stay a bit quite but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Who? Haruhi or Furea?" Kaoru questioned, looking at his older twin.

"Both of them!" He spat back. Kaoru looked at him with a slightly hurt face. Hikaru realized he was being more cruel than he had intended. "Sorry, Kaoru. I'm just worried about them."

"We all are." Tamaki butted in. They looked forward at him. He continued walking with his back towards them. "Everyone is worried about Furea and Haruhi."

"They've gone missing in the park. We don't even know for sure what's out there to greet them, especially in some of those undeveloped areas. Who knows what could possibly happen to them; even though that's the last thing any of us want to imagine." Kyoya added in, his glasses once again hiding his eyes with a glare. The group fell to an uneasy silence as they continued to search for the others.

"You there! Put the boy down immediately! If you refuse, we'll remove him forcefully!" The same officer threatened. Their guns aimed at the Haruhi and Mori.

"Huh? Hold on!" Haruhi tried to speak as another officer forcefully grabbed her arm in an attempt to pull her from Mori's grasp. Mori saw this and punched that officer in the face, sending him flying into some nearby bushes.

"The suspect is resisting! Prepare to fire warning shots!"

"Takashi! Haru-chan! Out of the way!" Honey-senpai shouted from the tree tops. He swing down screaming on a vine and kicked an officer in the face. He flipped to land back on his feet, but stayed low to the ground.

"Hey!" Another officer turned and aimed his gun at Honey. "What do you think you're doing, pipsqueak?!" Honey let out a small chuckle before he started attacking the remaining officers, flipping them all to the ground. Mori let Haruhi down as she stared at him with a terrified look in her eyes. Mori watched Honey with an emotionless face.

"Whoa." Haruhi spat out as the last officer landed on the unforgiving ground. "Whoa." She repeated in disbelief as Honey stood up straight.

"You guys should be more careful who you mess with!" Honey lectured. He turned around, trying to act serious, and pointed at the officers on the ground. "Picking on my friends is bad, got it?"

"Haruhi!" Tamaki yelled in relief from a distance as he, the twins and Kyoya ran towards them. "Haruhi, are you alright?" He questioned.

"Hey!" Honey looked over at them with his usual smile. "It's Tama-chan!"

"Oh wow!" Hikaru awed.

"You okay, senpai?" Kaoru asked.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki shouted as he ran over to her to wrap his arms around her shoulders. "I was so worried." The twins knelt down to two of the officers who were twitching on the ground.

"I don't know what happened here, but at least they're still alive." Hikaru said as he poked at one.

"It's pretty amazing that this is Honey-senpai's work." Kaoru added in as he mimicked his brother's actions. "He must have really been holding back."

"Huh?" She asked confused. She pinched Tamaki's skin to get him to release her as he shrieked behind her. "What do you mean he was holding back?"

"So then..." Kaoru started off this time.

"You don't know about senpai?" Hikaru finished their question. "The Haninozuka's are famous for their martial arts. Not only have they trained the police and SDF forces, but they've also worked with several overseas militaries." Hikaru explained to her.

"Honey-senpai in particular has been called the dreadnaught of the Haninozuka family." Kyoya elaborated. "By the time he was in middle school he'd become the national champion in both Karate and Judo." Honey turned around to look at Haruhi with a cute, innocent smile. A box saying 'Karate & Judo Champion' flashed in front of him.

"Mori-senpai's no slouch either." Tamaki added in with his arms folded across his chest. "He won the national championship for Kendo when he was just in middle school." She looked over at Mori as a similar box saying 'National Kendo Champion' popped up for him.

"So how were you able to find us, Honey-senpai?" Kaoru asked as he and Hikaru leaned towards each other in wonder.

"It wasn't hard." Honey pointed out with a raised finger. "It didn't take me wrong to reach the end of the current pool, so I decided to look for you guys."

"We humbly apologize!" One of the police stated, making Honey turn around to meet his gaze. All the officers were on their knees, bowing down as a way to apologize to Honey now knowing who he was. "I'm a 2nd generation student of the Ishizuka Dojo!"

"I'm a student of the Todoroki Dojo!" Another added in.

"And I'm from the Otake Dojo! We are in your debt!" A third chimed in.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Honey asked them slightly confused.

"Yes, sir! We're so sorry, sir! We were unaware that we were searching for Mitsukuni Haninozuka! We've committed a terrible offense here! I apologize for this confrontation! But my dojo will be so excited to here that I've come face-to-face with the great Haninozuka! I cherish this moment!" Haruhi stared in disbelief and shock. 'So he is smart.' She mentally concluded. 'He's deeper than I could have imagined.'

"Takashi~!" Honey sang as he patted the taller man on the head. "You did an amazing job of protecting Haru-chan!" He released him to let Mori stand normally. "I bet you were pretty lonely without me around, huh?"

"I don't know if I'd say that." Mori stated while shifting his gaze away from his shorter companion. His reaction made Honey giggle to himself with a smile. The rest watched how the two acted after finally being reunited with one another. Some rustling of leaves near by made them look over in confusion. The usually messy color of blonde hair poked its way out from the green plant life.

"Good to know you two have finally found each other again." She smiled, leaning her back against a tree.

"Furea!" The others said in an accidental unison. Their faces became filled with a mixture of shock and relief.

"Fru-fru-chan~!" Honey shouted as he ran over to her. He stopped in front of her and smiled. "I'm glad you're okay too. I hoped that those scary officers hadn't done anything to you." She merely laughed to herself as she walked over to the rest of the group. Her feet came to a stop before them as she scratched the back of her head awkwardly. Her eyes didn't meet any of theirs as she puffed her cheeks out a bit in embarrassment.

"Sorry, if I worried you guys at all..." She told them, looking at them from the corner of her eye to see if they were angry. "I just wanted to go look at some of the wildlife for my artwork. I didn't mean to cause trouble for you." She explained her reasoning for her disappearance to them. Hikaru was about to say something when his younger brother cut him off.

"It's fine!" He stated abruptly. He glanced at his twin for a moment before back at her. Hikaru relaxed a bit.

"We were a little worried that something may have happened to you since you were, you know, by yourself." The more devious twin admitted. She looked up at them with slightly wide eyes.

"She's more than capable of handling herself." Kyoya butted in. "You should know that Furea is more tough than she looks."

"Yeah, Kyoya's right." She laughed. "After all, I have to put up with you guys." She teased causing Tamaki to look at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He interrogated.

"Oh nothing~." She reassured.

"Nothing my ass!" He yelled. "Explain yourself young lady!" He stepped towards her.

"Nope!" She started laughing louder. "Only if you can beat me in a race back to the gates~!" She challenged as she started running away from them.

"Oh you're on!" Hikaru and Kaoru yelled as they chased after her along with the others. Mori, Honey, and Haruhi opted for walking behind them with smiles on their faces.

Upon making it back to the main area, the slowed down to a steady walking pace to calm themselves.

"Man, you guys are slow." She looked back at them with a victorious smile.

"Psh, whatever." Hikaru shook off her comment. He and his brother had their arms behind their heads as they walked beside each other. "You know, maybe we should go to the beach next."

"Yeah, the beach would be nice." Kaoru agreed.

"You idiots." Tamaki insulted from behind them. "Haruhi's not interested in anything like that." Haruhi was behind him and the twins, the other female of the group went to her side smiling.

"Actually, I might like to go to the beach." Haruhi corrected the blonde king. He and the twins looked at her waiting for her to explain herself. "I may not be into this silly waterpark. But I like the ocean." She told them as she looked into the distance. "It would be nice to go to the beach, and it's so pretty."

"Yeah, alright!" Tamaki agreed with a glint in his eye.

"Its funny how quickly you change your mind when it comes to Haruhi." Furea pointed out as she looked up at Tamaki with a smirk.

"Then that's where we'll go next time." He ignored her silly comment.

"We're all gonna go to the beach, Tama-chan?" Honey asked perched atop of Mori's shoulders. "That'll be fun, don't you think?" He asked his much taller cousin with his same wide smile.

"Yeah." Mori agreed with a soft smile as he looked up at Honey. Haruhi couldn't help but smile at the thought as well. They all silently agreed upon their next destination.