A/N: This is the final chapter of the story so I just wanted to quickly thank you for reading it and please if you do have any last thoughts leave a final review. If you liked this then why not check out some of my other stories- I have another 'evil Wyatt' tale in progress called 'The Deal' which is infinitely better proof read (grammar?) or if not then simply thank you again for reading this and enjoy the final chapter...
Paige, Wyatt and Chris walked through the portal back to their own time in silence, each too absorbed in their own contemplation to make conversation. Wyatt was focusing on when and how exactly he would betray his brother and aunt to make one final bid for his empire. Paige too had her mind on treachery- itching for any excuse to go back on her final promise to her sisters about releasing Wyatt. And Chris, fully aware of his companions imminent betrayals was trying to work out both of their plans so he knew how best to deal with them.
They had opened the portal in a back ally in San-Francisco just after they performed the memory charm and as the portal only travelled through time, not space, that is where they arrived over twenty years later- not that they would have been able to tell.
The city they arrived returned to was a war zone Chris almost collapsed as his white-lighter senses overwhelmed him with the pain of the resistance fighters.
"How long do you think we've been gone?" he said, taking in the devastated buildings and acrid smell of smoke.
"I don't know, but we need to get back to the base. We have to find Darryl and find out what's going on!" said Paige, not voicing her real concerns which were for her daughters, son and nieces.
"Yeah, and I should-" At that moment there was a puff of smoke and Adric arrived. His clothes were burnt and in some places still smouldering, but other than that he seemed un-harmed and in high spirits. Wyatt smirked at his arrival- clearly thinking his ally had come to his aid.
"Adric, what's going?" asked Chris eagerly. Wyatt frowned- his brother and Aunt should be feeling very nervous right now, yet they were greeting him as a friend.
"It's not good." replied the newly arrived witch. "Right now it's about 50:50- the battle could go either way, but I gave the resistance a lot of help before the demons realised what I was doing and when the battle started I'd have said we had about a 70:30 advantage." Wyatt didn't need to hear any more. First his brother and now his best friend had turned out to be on the resistance's side- the only allies he had now were demons, he had nothing else to loose.
"You traitor!" he roared, genuinely wounded by this revelation. In the past he had defended Adric- made his freedom a condition of his surrender as well as his own, and now it turned out he too had been conspiring behind his back.
Adric turned to look at him for the first time since his arrival. Any sense of friendliness had vanished, and been replaced by a cold anger. The illusion that maintained his youthful appearance seemed to be altering, making his features suddenly sinister.
"You dare accuse me of treachery?" He hissed menacingly. "You slaughtered my family in cold blood just to give you a chance to take out the wizard that protects my country. These are not the acts of a friend." Instinctively, Wyatt used his witching powers to send a blast of energy at Adric, but the older witch deflected it easily and looked ready to fight back.
"Enough!" ordered Chris, stepping in between the two men. He turned to Adric, surprised. "Wait, you remember what happened?" He asked- he had read the memory spell Paige and Prue had written and it seemed reliable
"When I heard where you had all gone I began to put some of the pieces together-" Adric explained, just as a blast from the ongoing battle rang out somewhere nearby, "-from your reaction I take it there is more to the story, but it will have to wait. The resistance needs a leader- I may be the founding member, but I am still seen as an enemy by most and there is no one else who is universally recognised. The demons are splitting off into disorganised factions as well, but if anything this makes them more dangerous- unpredictable. It's a good thing you made it back- you're needed now more than ever."
Without any further explanation, Adric waved his hand dramatically and smoke suddenly engulfed all four of them. When it had cleared they had been transported to the main assembly hall in the resistance base- though it had been transformed into an impressive looking war room- and as Chris looked over to Wyatt, he saw that his brother was now secured by strong looking chains.
"Mum!" "Aunt Paige!" "Chris!" cried out several voices. Chris spun around and there, running towards then were all six of his younger cousins. The witch let out a sigh he hadn't realised he had been holding when he saw that they were all safe. Paige enveloped them all in a large group hug, looking as if she were about to cry.
"Thank God you're back." greeted another familiar voice. It was Darryl. He looked tired and probably hadn't slept for days, but other than that he too seemed unharmed. He quickly embraced Paige before leading the assembled Halliwells over to a large table in the centre of the room.
There was a hive of activity around it, but everyone suddenly fell silent when they saw that their two leaders had returned intact and with the Emperor in chains.
Darryl quickly filled them in about the events of the war. They had been gone for barely a week, but in that time a lot had happened. The first few days had been filled with hope- Adric had maneuvered the demons into traps and the resistance had taken care of them. Eventually though, the demons realised the deceit and revolted. They split off into smaller, unpredictable groups and started the war properly.
When Darryl finished his brief explanation, an expectant silence fell around the room as every resistance member waited eagerly to learn Paige and Chris' solution. The two of them had captured the most dangerous man in the world so there wasn't a single doubt in anyone's mind that they would know what to do next.
"Well...umm..." began Paige, who was completely stumped. She turned to Chris but he had no clue either. They hadn't planned on being gone for so long- they had hoped that when they returned with Wyatt everything would be roughly the same and Wyatt's knowledge on the underworld would be enough, when combined with their troops, to end this period of history for good. But they had been gone too long and they had returned to a world they scarcely recognised. "Umm... could you maybe give us a minute?" She requested politely. The surrounding leaders were verbally disappointed by this underwhelming response, but they all exited the room leaving the nine Halliwells, Darryl and Adric alone.
"So what do you think are our options?" asked Chris, directing his question not only to Adric and Darryl, but also his cousins- who were far more perceptive than most adults gave them credit for.
"Well we don't have a lot of them." sighed Darryl. He sat down at the large table and rubbed his face- he was clearly exhausted and Chris doubted the former cop had had more than a few hours' sleep since the war had escalated. "The demons know that they never had it as good as they did in the last few years. They're not just killing, they're torturing everyone they can capture trying to find out what happened to the Source, and they're doing it publically. For every one of our guys that we lose to a demon, we're losing two more through fear and desertion. Basically, we either need to act quickly now or surrender. Luckily your return might just be the miracle we've been waiting for." He turned to Adric, who nodded and continued the explanation.
"We didn't want to discuss this in front of the others in case your little trip to the past didn't go the way we were hoping- but Darry's right. Most of the demons are fighting in the hopes of finding the source- their leader. I have ways of broadcasting images across the world- a little messaging device the 'Emperor' and I developed together. We're hoping that if we get his defeated face on camera enough of them will run scared that we can salvage some sort of victory."
All eyes in the room turned to Wyatt who had until now been focusing his attention on examining some of the documents the resistance had collected about his empire.
"No." He stated, not immediately turning around to face his captors.
"You don't get a say." stated Paige, moving so as to keep herself between Wyatt and the kids.
"The deal was I surrender peacefully and you don't hold me up to the cameras. Are you really going to go against your final promise to your sisters?" Bringing Paige's sister's into this so soon after she had been forced to say good bye to them was a mistake. With one violent move of her hand, she brought Wyatt to his knees.
"The deal was you help us win and maybe I grant you slight clemency." she spat. Wyatt raised his shield to break Paige's hold but he didn't bother fighting back. Paige turned back to Darryl- Wyatt's words apparently hardening her resolve for this course of action. "So what now? We all go in front of the cameras and declare the resistance have won?"
"It shouldn't be the resistance." corrected Prue to the surprise of most of the rest of the group. "The resistance is a well-known symbol but the demons aren't afraid of it and after all these years people are losing faith in its ability to protect its people. If we want to make them run scared then we need a well know symbol people are going to listen to."
"Do tell." said Paige, smiling at her young niece's wisdom. Paige glanced at Henry Junior who nodded and stepped forward in support.
"You, mum." He answered. "Everyone knows the legacy of the Power of Three- Wyatt made sure of that. If we show the world the Source defeated at the feet of a Charmed One then they are going to sit up and take note. It hasn't been so long that the demons have forgotten to fear you. If they believe the power of three is back, then they will run." Paige bit her lip, suddenly less certain of this plan.
"But the Power of Three isn't back." She pointed out. "It's just me. I'm nothing special without my sisters." A volley of objections and complements followed that statement from all but two members of the room, but Paige wasn't having it. "No!" She cried over the noise. "The Power of Three is dead and I won't lie and say it's not; because they were my sisters, and that was important and I am not going to change our legacy and say I could do it without my sisters because I can't!"
There was a long silence as everyone tried to work out how to respond. She made a well-reasoned emotive case but they were in the middle of a war- and it wasn't the time for one person's emotions to be put first.
"Paige." said Chris cautiously. "I know this is hard but I think they're right. This is the best way." Paige nodded, then shook her head, then nodded again. Everything they were saying made so much sense but for some reason she couldn't agree despite how close she knew they were to saving the world.
"I just..." she stuttered, taking a few paces back from the group. "I just need a minute." And with that she turned and hastily walked to the door.
"Just give her a minute." Instructed Darryl as the twins made to follow her. "She'll come around." Chris nodded, and then bit his lip. He knew Darryl was right and Paige would agree eventually, but from everything he had heard he knew that every minute was critical.
"Don't worry-" he assured the rest of the group, "-I have an idea." And without further explanation he orbed away leaving the eight remaining resistance members to guard Wyatt.
The fate of the elders was one of the most well documented elements of Wyatt's reign. They had been the first fatality of his war and so hadn't been prepared for the fight. Wyatt had hoped to use the empty heavens as his base but even with the elders gone and the white-lighter's scattered, heaven was too pure for demons to survive so he had reconsidered and instead sealed off the heavens to the best of his ability to keep it out of the hands of his enemies. As far as Chris knew, there was only one Elder left up there, and that was one more than the rest of the world believed.
Chris orbed into the heavens using one of the secret entrances Wyatt hadn't known about to gain access. He walked through the pearly emptiness seeking the final elder. He hated it up here- always had, even without the corpses. This place was the reason he had grown up practically without a father and it had housed the people who, despite all their talk about destiny and protection, had been unable to save his mother.
It didn't take him long to find the person he sought.
"Leo." he greeted unenthusiastically. His father looked up from his long contemplation in surprise. Leo was broken. He had fallen apart after Piper's death and had never quite recovered. He had tried to be there for Wyatt, to stop his malicious campaign, but after the massacre of the elders he retreated into himself and disappeared.
"Chris-" He stuttered. He pushed himself up off the floor to stand and faced his son. He wore a small smile of disbelief on his face, but Chris shared none of his sentiment. "Chris- what are you doing here? How did you even know where to find me?" Chris shrugged.
"Wyatt thought you were with the resistance, Paige thought you were in his dungeons- I was curious to find out where you really were, but that's not why I'm here." Leo sighed and looked away.
"There's nothing I can do to stop him."
"Clearly you've not been paying much attention. It's not Wyatt that needs your attention any more- it's Paige. And I know exactly how you're going to help her."
Paige practically ran from the meeting room and didn't slow down until she reached her living quarters. Once her door was closed, she leant her head back against it, sliding down to the floor as she tried to process everything that had happened in the last week. Only yesterday she had been fighting alongside her sisters again, in a world completely untarnished by her nephew's philosophies and now every wound that had been steadily healing since Piper and Phoebe's deaths had been ripped open. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode, and she was starting to hyperventilate.
"Oh God." she moaned, burying her face in her fists. "I can't do this! Why can't I do this? What's wrong with me?" She was so caught up in her own reflections that she didn't notice the bright light that suddenly lit up the room, and only realised that she was not alone when a familiar voice rang out.
"Yeah- we were just about to ask the same thing." Paige looked up in disbelief.
"P...P...Piper?" She stuttered. "Phoebe?" She pushed herself back up the wall to face her sisters. After the last few days it seemed almost strange to see them grown up. "I don't understand. How are you here? The elders are gone; no one can summon the dead anymore."
"Our Nephew thought you might need someone to talk to" Said Prue, now stepping forwards from her sisters' shadows. Unlike the other two Prue looked almost identical to the one Paige had just left behind.
"But Chris doesn't have the power... Leo." She breathed suddenly putting the pieces together. When she had spoken of the missing Elder to Wyatt back when he was holding her hostage, it hadn't occurred to her that, as Chris played both sides, he would know the truth and so had had many years head start in tracking his father down. Having an Elder on the side of the resistance earlier would have been useful, but she understood why Chris had only just gone to him for help. "I can't believe your all here!"
Phoebe, her empath powers not dampened in death, laughed as she felt the joy emanating from each of her sisters. She drew all four of the Charmed Ones into one embrace for the first time in history and for a moment Paige was able to forget all of her heavy burdens. The moment felt like it could last for eternity, and the youngest Charmed One certainly wished it would, but all too soon the hug was broken by a hard hit across the arm.
"Ow!" she exclaimed, "Piper!" She rubbed her arm to emphasise the pain her dead sister's corporeal ghost had inflicted on her, but Piper's stern expression did not soften.
"What is the matter with you?" demanded the second sister. "Why haven't you stopped this already?"
"It's not that simple Piper!" Paige complained, pausing to channel her doubts into a rational argument. "I just… I don't think it's going to work- no one is going to believe the story! Back when the Power of Three was still present the demon population knew it- they could sense it. They're not going to be fooled by me just saying it's true!" She turned to her other sisters for support, but Prue was on Piper's side.
"Most of the older demons were killed early on- Adric made sure of that-" the way her sister spoke of the witch made Paige certain that the memory charm they had written had not lasted into death. "The main threat you're dealing with now is younger demons, directionless without their master and desperate to find him again. If you tell them that you, a Charmed One, have defeated their protector then you can bet they're going to run."
"But I can't just act like I am still some all-powerful witch. Not when the truth is that I am nothing without you three." She turned to her final sister for help but it seemed that the original Charmed Ones were united- not that it was that much of a surprise for Paige as Phoebe's daughter had helped to come up with the plan.
"Paige, you're stronger than all three of us." insisted Phoebe. "If you need evidence, then just look around- you're the only one still living! We turned you into a witch, died and left you to deal with all of this alone. The only way you don't deserve the credit is if you turn your back now. So just shut up and agree to my daughter's genius plan, ok?" Paige laughed at Phoebe's summery, and she had enough memories of trying to argue with her sisters to know she wasn't going to beat a united front.
"Fine." she conceded, suddenly understanding how frustrating Leo must have found dealing with the Charmed Ones for all those years. "But before I do, I need to say something, because I don't know when I will see you all again and I have things I need to say to you all. I'll be quick, I promise." She added, seeing the disapproving look on Prue's face. "And I will be a lot quicker if you all don't cut me off." She spoke to Prue first.
"Prue, I just want to thank you for creating the legacy you did. If you hadn't have been the all-powerful witch and big sister you were then I would never have worked so hard and I wouldn't be the witch I am today. I just wish our times could have crossed for even a few weeks, because we would have made the underworld quake in fear." the sisters and laughed as Paige continued. "I mean seriously- you and I would have been unstoppable- let's be real here- these two would have just been superfluous." Prue nodded in agreement, and both Piper and Phoebe let out indignant noises, but they were all still laughing as Paige moved on to Piper.
"In all seriousness, Piper, you were the best teacher and big sister I ever could have wished for and I miss you more every day. I'm so sorry I let you down." Piper shook her head, but Paige pressed on. "You trusted us to look after your boys and five years later here we are. One of them raised the underworld, and I let the other one risk his life every day just for the sake of some information. Then I lost your husband and Phoebe making me nil for four when it comes to protecting your loved ones." Piper was about to dismiss every word, but Paige shook her head. "I'm not asking for your forgiveness, because I know you, and I know you never even blamed me, I just need you to know that I am going to do better. I'll keep the rest of them safe from now on, I promise."
"I never doubted you for a second." Piper assured her, and then she pulled her little sister into a long, tight embrace, before Paige finally moved on to Phoebe.
Back in the past, when she had been saying good bye to the other Phoebe, Paige's mind had raced with everything she had wanted to say to this version. As she looked now into Phoebe's eyes, however, she knew that there was nothing she could say that Phoebe didn't already know.
"Coop-" she began, speaking aloud the name she knew would be circling her youngest older sister's head. "Wyatt told me what happened, is he still alive?" Phoebe shut her eyes mournfully, but nodded.
"Barely." she confirmed. "He needs help- a lot of it, but he is alive and I know he can recover. Please, just tell him I forgive him and that I love him and then slap him and tell him to get his act together. He has three girls he needs to take care of and he can't expect their aunt to do all of the work." Paige laughed and nodded.
Now that she had finally tied off all her loose ends with the Power of Three, she felt suddenly content with the idea of beginning a new chapter as a Charmed One. Before she did so, however there was one last question she needed to ask.
"Henry-" She began hopefully, though she knew there was a slim chance that she would be able to commune with her dead husband, "is he..." They all shook their heads sympathetically.
"I'm sorry sweetie." said Piper. "He was a mortal- he moved on." Paige nodded, fighting back tears. "But; you know he loved you, and you know how proud he would have been though."
"Yeah- I just... I just wish I could have heard it from him one last time." She bit her lip, knowing she had no more excuses to stall. "Oh well- Henry Junior might be adopted, but they sound scarily similar." She laughed. Her sisters just smiled. "Speaking of Junior, I should go- things to do, worlds to save. You remember how it went." Again the sisters just smiled, but as Paige turned to leave, Phoebe called one final instruction after her to try and lighten the mood.
"Hey, you better get back to using the book of shadows in the attic, ok? I'm a Halliwell ghost and I want the opportunity to flick through the book and give you the right spell!" Paige laughed, but didn't turn back and Phoebe's gradually fading voice followed her up the corridor. "I'm serious! These two have both done it! I want my chance too!"
"Demons on the world and under it, my name is Paige Halliwell. I am the last remaining Charmed One and sole wielder of all the power that title affords me. I am here today with one message. Surrender now. Surrender and return to the underworld and you may just survive. You were given the right to soil our earth by one who did not have the authority to grant such a privilege, but today is your final day.
"Some of you may doubt this threat, so allow me to give you some incentive. Before me is the former Emperor and Source of all Evil, Wyatt Halliwell. I have stripped him of his power and status and have taken from him every secret of how to track down and kill each and every one of you stupid enough to stay on the surface. You have been warned.
"I speak now to the armies of the resistance and to the innocents we are defending. You no longer have anything to fear. This is our world and we will not cower from this threat or any other. I have let you down before today, but I am here now and we as a planet are united. I encourage all of you to stay home and stay safe as the demon forces withdraw and tomorrow we begin work building a new and better era."
Paige's speech worked better than anyone could have hoped and almost two third of the demonic force retreated to the underworld that night. Those that remained were undeniably ferocious- their threat doubled as they no longer had anything to loose. Even so, as a result of Paige's speech, the resistance had a new lease of energy and were now fighting with the advantage in numbers.
With the world gradually recovering, the Halliwells had time to tie up some final loose ends.
First there was Coop. Chris took Paige and Prue to where his uncle was being held, and they could see instantly that Chris hadn't been exaggerating when he had described Coop's condition.
He was curled up in the corner of his room, pale and skinny. His eyes were blank and he didn't register their arrival, nor did he seem to hear their words He simply flopped limply as Prue desperately clung to her father, trying everything to get through to him. Phoebe had been certain that Coop could recover, and so Paige wouldn't give up on her brother in law. One day, she determined, he would make it through, but the fact was that right now the cupid was broken, and it was going to be a long, hard journey to put him back together.
Next, Chris went to track down Bianca. She had grown bored of the politics and strategy of the war room so instead Adric gave her a list of the most dangerous demon factions and she started taking care of them personally. Chris eventually tracked her down to Vatican City- one of Wyatt's most valued Empiric strongholds (he had enjoyed the irony).
When Chris arrived he instantly spotted Bianca right in the thick of the fight. He grinned as he orbed directly behind her, pulling out an athame as he did.
"Freeze, witch." he hissed, putting on his best demon voice. This was, perhaps, not the best plan Chris had ever come up with as Bianca wasted no time in reaching behind her back, grabbing her faux-attacker by the wrist, twisting the dagger out of his hand and then throwing him to the floor. "Whoa, wait!" He cried as Bianca prepared to strike a lethal blow.
"Chris?" She cried- her tone a mixture of surprise and exasperation. "Seriously? What the hell were you thinking? I could have killed you!" She held out her hand and pulled him up and straight into a kiss without even waiting for a response.
"Missed you too." he grinned, he had almost forgotten they were in the middle of a battle field, but was swiftly reminded of that fact when at that moment, an energy ball came directly at his head and Bianca pulled them both down to the floor.
"What do you say we finish up with these bastards quickly then have a proper reunion?" she suggested with a playful grin. The pair kissed one final time and then simultaneously leapt back into the fray.
The Final and most pressing matter they needed to deal with was Wyatt. He was still seething at his worldwide humiliation and was furious that Paige hadn't kept up her end of the deal and released him now that it was so clear the resistance would be victorious.
Chris found that a little hypocritical. He knew that Wyatt had never intended to hold up his end of the deal- he had agreed to the young Adric's bracelet only because he had believed that the Adric of this time would free him. Now he was trapped and indignant that his aunt had been just as full of empty promises as he had.
The moment the broadcast had finished, Paige had ordered Wyatt to be taken to the dungeons to await trial. She would never allow her nephew to be sentenced to death- she owed that much to Piper- but she would also not allow his crimes to go un-punished.
Chris was torn about going to visit his brother. The last time they had been alone in a room together Wyatt had tried to kill him and he doubted that the impulse had died down. Even so, a few days after their two thirds of a triumph, Chris found himself breaking away from his family's celebrations, and making his way down to the high security cell Wyatt was being held it. In this part of the base, it was impossible to use magic of any kind and Chris could feel his power draining as he approached.
"Come to gloat, little brother?" Called Wyatt before Chis had even drawn level with his cell. Chris paused. In truth he didn't know why he was there. He had nothing he particularly needed to say to Wyatt, but there was a part of him that hated the thought of his brother being left to rot alone. Cautiously, he continued along the corridor until he came face to face with Wyatt.
"I just..." He began, averting his eyes to just past his older brother's right shoulder. "I just wanted to see if you needed anything." he explained lamely, "A book or something." If Chris had been looking at Wyatt's face he might have spotted a momentary smile of gratitude flash across it.
"How about my freedom?" was all he replied, however. "That was the deal, and I don't believe that you're as ready to ignore your final promise to mother as Aunt Paige is." Chris continued to stare at the lower part of the wall as he shook his head.
"You know I can't do that."
"Come on Chris, I know you know how to free me. Mum asked me to forgive you, and I will. We can go far away from here. Go explore the world like we always said we would when we were kids."
"You can't run away from what you've done, Wyatt. Besides, there isn't a part of the world you can escape to because there isn't a part of the world your empire didn't reach. I'm sorry."
"Then leave me." Spat back Wyatt; his fury at the events of the last week had cut his patients to shreds. "Don't bother coming back unless you change your mind; I don't need your pity." Again if Chris had been brave enough to look into his brother's eyes he would have seen the hidden emotion behind his words, but he wasn't. Instead he just sighed and turned away to return to the members of the family that actually wanted him around.
"Aww, you kids are going to break my heart." came Adric's voice from the shadows the moment Chris was out of earshot. Wyatt flinched at the sound of his voice. He had been waiting for this moment since he had learned of his lieutenant's betrayal.
"Are you here to kill me?" He asked. He tried to keep his voice level. He wished he wasn't afraid of death, but at the end of the day he was barely twenty two- he wasn't ready to die.
"You think I'm stupid enough to kill you in a building filled with your family? Of course secretly they'd all be grateful that I took care of the family embarrassment but they would never be able to admit this so instead I am going to give you a chance." Wyatt looked up at his former friend, a foreboding sense of hope filling his chest. "I am going to let you go- just as I know you were once counting on- and tell anyone that cares that you escaped." Wyatt frowned.
"And why would you do that?"
"You are wearing a bracelet I can sense was made by magic meaning I was there with you twenty years ago and there is more to the story than I have been informed. I intend to find out the full extent of your crimes against my family. You have until I retrieve these memories to live and then I will kill you, and no one will bat an eyelid."
"And if I decide to stay under the protection of my family?"
"Well then I might as well kill you right now."
The official line the resistance leadership told the world was that Wyatt would be held indefinitely and without trial or visitation. They knew it would cause a panic to launch a man hunt to find the former emperor, and they couldn't risk the people losing faith in them at such a crucial time. They sent Bianca to try and try and track him down, but with no success.
Chris had also tried to locate his brother but Wyatt had blocked all methods magical tracing. Chris couldn't sense him, scry for him or summon him. It was as if Wyatt had completely disappeared off the face of the Earth and increasingly Chris suspected he had. The heavens weren't necessarily the most secure hide away- what with both Paige and Chris able to access them, but it was still safer for him than the rest of the world- at least there the increasingly blood thirsty Adric wouldn't be able to reach him. Chris never bothered to check however. He couldn't forgive his father for abandoning them for all those years and as far as he was concerned they deserved each other. The Heavens were as good a prison as any other.
Chris could scarcely believe it was finally over. After five years of hell, the world was finally free to make its own way again. Darryl and Chris both resigned their positions of leadership, choosing to focus on their family and friends again. Paige embraced her new role as a symbol for hope and the better world, but the position was mostly superficial- she had spent enough of her children's childhoods being forced to put their desires second. They had all spent the past five years saving the world now, finally, they had the chance to live in it.