Disclaimer: I own nothing.
And here we are again! You guys wanted a sequel, and you shall have it!
Dakota is now the Rider, and it's time for him to start his own journey. Will he find love? Will he find himself hurt just as much as his father has been? We'll find out in this wonderful adventure!
So, without further ado, it's time for the Rider to get to it! Sit back and enjoy!
Love always,
P.S: Who should I pair ole Rider with? Jack, Amy and Rory, or Clara? Keep in mind, this is rated M for a reason. ;)
He stepped back and inspected his work. It was a simple looking, green, six-sided shed, but, much like the Doctor's blue police, it was bigger on the inside. He managed o fit a library, a pool, a stable, three bedrooms, four bathrooms, five massive wardrobes, and an industrial sized kitchen inside, as well as the console room. There were three chairs in the console room alone, and each bedroom had a fireplace and two comfy leather chairs.
His bedroom had a massive double king sized bed, while the other two bedrooms each had a queen sized bed. His mother, Rose, had insisted on a room just for him, filled with little trinkets and memories. His old cot, which held his father, himself, and each of his siblings when they were children, were in there, as well as a picture of the whole family, and a favorite piece from every member of the family.
"You'd think you weren't coming back home, with the way your mum's acting," the Doctor commented as he neared. Their eyes met, and Rider could see a twinge of sadness. "You do plan on visiting, don't you?"
"Of course," he laughed. "What kind of a son would I be if I didn't?" The two men laughed.
"Once a year, at the least, Christmas if possible," the Doctor instructed. "Don't bring some alien invasion with you each time. Your mum and I put up with enough of that as it was when we were traveling. Now, don't be surprised if you crash this thing, it'll stay in one piece, first landing is always rough."
"I'm guessing I'll crash it every time I regenerate as well," Rider cut in.
"Oh, yes," his dad responded. "I've crashed mine twice since regenerating. So, be prepared." He glanced over his shoulder. "And here comes your mum." Rider rolled his eyes as Rose came running towards them, five thick blankets in her arms.
"Mum, don't even start your speech," he began before she could. "I'm eighteen now. I can handle my own." She sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Just be careful, please," she pleaded. He smiled and kissed her head.
"I will, Mum," he promised. "But it's time I fly the coop. I'll visit every so often, I promise." He waved goodbye as he stepped into his own TARDIS and shut the doors behind him.
It was time to start his own adventure.
He clung to the railing around the center console as the TARDIS rocked. He knew it would be difficult for one person, but he didn't expect it to be that difficult. He reached for a lever and pulled it, his grip tightening as the ship shuddered.
"Come on, now! I'm new at this, dammit!"
He was knocked to his feet as the TARDIS crashed. He was glad that it landed on it's end and not it's side, but he could feel where bruises would be forming. He jumped to his feet and ran to check on Rogue. He darted through the halls, and soon found himself in the stables.
"Rogue? Sweetie, you okay?" A whinny came from the end of the aisle of stalls. The stable looked completely untouched. He ran towards the Marwari mare and was relieved to find her in good health and unharmed. "Had a rough landing, girl. Just glad you're okay." He placed a kiss on her velvety nose. "I'm gonna go see where we are." She snorted. "Don't swear! You know better." He ran out of the stables and towards the doors. He flung them open...
And stopped dead still.
He was staring straight into the barrel of a gun. He knew, just from glancing at the arm behind the gun, that he wouldn't win if he tried to fight. His best bet was to stay still and not say anything. He chanced a glance at the face of the person holding him at gun point, and was shocked to see that he was quite handsome.
The Rider had known, since he was about fifteen, that he was attracted to both men and women. Telling his parents was another story entirely. They took it better than he expected, and made it clear that whether his special someone was a man or a woman, they would welcome them with open arms.
"Who are you," the stranger demanded. "You look oddly familiar." Rider grinned.
"You probably know my parents," he answered. "I'm the Rider, eldest son of the Doctor and Rose Tyler." The gun was lowered, and Rider was pleased to see a smile on the handsome man's face.
"Yeah, I know them," he replied. "I'm Captain Jack Harkness."