Warning(s): Yaoi ( boyXboy ) for those Yaoi Haters. OC(s). I guess that's it.

Pairing(s): Sharkbaitshipping ( Ryoga "Shark" Kamishiro X Yuuma Tsukumo ). Hints of OCsXShark.

Note(s): Now, I must tell you: I normally don't write in ANY OCs ( unless they're bad, or unimportant-which both of them are but that's not the point ), but I only ( also ) put OCs in stories if they're... Well, you figure it out by yourself.

I'm sorry if I got any spelling wrong. The only spelling corrections I have are google. So, if I made any mistakes, tell me.

Criticism is welcome.

Enjoy! xD x3

Someone's PoV ( Age ?/2-Years-Ago )

"What the hell are you doin'? Let's go home!" Cried one of my friends.

I sighed, "Hold on, I gotta do somethin'."

I walked away, and I left to see someone. I kept on walking until I reached my destination. I watched for a bit before realizing what I'm doing. Everyday, I do this. Everyday, I watch this person and everyday... I admier him. I enjoy doing this, and I certainly do want to tell him... But not in person, of course. No. That's too risky. I'd want to do it through a love letter.

Ohh, I can't just write a letter for a secret admirer, no. He ignores those love letters because he's popular, and he ignores secret admirers as well. He is one of the most popular guys in this school, so he's certainly well-known. Is watched as he swatted his long purple hair, and his ocean blue-eyes looking around as if looking for someone. I smiled. It's been so great getting to know him all these years. Admirering him. Looks like I'm gonna have to, at least try.

I might even spark up even more ideas on how to gain his full attention. Hmm... It'll be super.

I walked away as he continued to wait.

No worries. You won't be wating any much longer.

Ryoga Kamishiro.

To be Continued...

Alright, so, can you guess WHO this "someone" is? If any of this catches your interest, then I encourage you to go on.

Like it? Hate it? Review please! I'd LOVE to hear what you thought of this fic!