Hi guys, here I am with my brand new 'project.' As you may or may not know I'm not working on 'Best of Negaishipping' anymore as I felt it was time I started working on a new story. Unlike BON this fanfic is a whole story rather than a collection as I found having a collection of stories meant lower audiences. I have tried to use a different approach for this story, for example I have tried to make it longer. This fanfic is a remake of episode BW001/02 which I modified to add some negaishipping in. Anyway here is the first chapter; I hope you enjoy it...

"You're sending me to the Unova region already?" Ash moaned. It wasn't that Ash necessarily hated travelling around regions with his best friend Pikachu, collecting gym badges and catching wild pokmeon; it was just that after travelling non-stop with Dawn all over Sinnoh, Ash felt that he needed a break. Ash didn't exactly hate Dawn either, she could be okay at times, it was just that she wouldn't stop nagging at Ash as well as moaning or fussing about the way she looked. However if people thought travelling with Dawn for one region was enough pain, Ash had to put up with travelling with May for a whole region before as well as Misty for two regions! As much as he liked the three girls, they were always a pain to travel with. How Ash wished he could just have one travel partner who'd be nice to him and would care for him the way he'd always care for his partners even though they'd barely notice. Especially now Brock had left him after all the time they had travelled together. To Ash, Brock was like a bigger brother. They were best of friends and could always relate to things. He was the only travel companion who properly cared for Ash. Sadly Brock was now gone.

"I'm sure you'll love it there," Professor Oak replied. He was in a different mood than usual today. Instead of wearing his trademark lab coat as well as having mad scientist hair, his hair was all slicked back; he was wearing shades and had a Hawaiian shirt.

Before Ash could say anything else, his mum came into the conversation, putting her hand on Ash's shoulder. "Ash would LOVE to go to the Unova region." She looked down to Ash. "Come on Ash it'll be good exercise for you."

"But mum..."

"Ash don't argue. I'm sure you'll love it there."

Ash sighed. "I wonder why she's in such a rush to get us out of the house," Ash said ignorantly to Pikachu, who was listening to the conversation the whole time.

"Haven't you heard, Professor Oak is moving in with her today," the yellow mouse pokemon replied.

Ash gave a shocked expression. "What! Since when?"

"Didn't you hear? She announced it yesterday at the dinner table."

"So that's why Professor Oak has all those suitcases and bags." Ash watched the professor dump his entire luggage in front of the doorway. "Well it looks like we're off now."

Ash was about to walk into Professor Oak's car but only to be stopped by his mum once again. "Are you sure you've got everything; potions, pokeballs, your sleeping bag, the whole lot?"

"Mum, I thought I told you, I checked last night. I'm fine."

"You better double check then."

Ash sighed. He checked his bag again to the embarrassment of himself. "Yes mum I've got everything."

"Good," she gave Ash the thumbs up. "Goodbye than Ash, enjoy your new region."

"Yeah I'm sure I will." Ash was desperate to finally leave. He was about to finally walk over to the car until his mum once again wrapped her arms around Ash, giving him a massive kiss on the top of his head. "Eww," Ash thought. He was mortified by what his mum had just done but desperately tried to hide it. "Thank god only a few people saw that." He finally went over to the car, sitting in the front seat next to Professor Oak, whom was driving him to the port.

"Bye guys," Delia called. "Be back soon Professor."

"Will do," Professor Oak replied, before lifting his shades up and winking at her. Delia just giggled, whilst flopping her hand. Finally they had set off. As Professor Oak drove, he turned to Ash. "You know you should learn from your mum a lot more. Top woman she is, top woman."

"Yeah," Ash replied sarcastically. "You know, I don't mean to be rude or anything but why exactly are you moving in with my mum?"

"Oh it's just until the lab has finished being refurbished. Besides your mum offered it to me seen as you're going to be in Unova for a while."

They had now finally arrived at the port. "So this is my stop. The boat leaves in two minutes. Thanks for the lift Professor."

"You're quite welcome young Ash."

Ash turned to Pikachu as he hopped onto the steps of the boat. "You ready Pikachu!"

"Of course I am. I can't wait to begin!"

"Me neither Pikachu, let's get started!" Ash now ran up the steps of the boat in excitement. However in those moments of sheer excitement Ash was unable to focus on what he was doing and therefore as he was running across the ferry he ran straight into a waiter coming the opposite way, holding a massive plate of food. There was a loud crash as the plate fell to the floor, smashing into pieces, as well as Ash and the waiter, who was covered in food. On a table, on the boat, a boy stood up, practically pulling his hair out of his head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The boy yelled at both Ash and the waiter. The boy had blonde/brown hair which went down to his neck. He was wearing an orange jumper with a black shirt as well as trousers that matched his hair colour. "You clumsy oafs, you've spilled my food everywhere. Both Ash and the waiter felt guilty after what had just happened.

"I'm really sorry about that sir," Ash said to the waiter. He was wearing a black waistcoat with a white shirt underneath and had green hair.

"It's okay," the waiter replied. He looked mortified as he was covered in food and now the whole of the boat was staring at him.

"Is there any way I can repay you for all the trouble I've caused?"

"No, no don't sweat it was my fault, I should have been looking more carefully," the waiter said, picking up all the loose pieces of glass.

"Well I shouldn't have been running. I was just a little excited seen as I'm on my way to the Unova for the first time."

The waiter then turned to Ash. "Wow this is going to be the first time then that you're going to Unova? I'm sure you'll love it there. It's a superb region with lots to see."

"Wow sounds great. I've been round four regions already; Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. By the way my names Ash, this is my best mate Pikachu. I'm training to become a pokemon master!"

"That's amazing. My name is Cilan. I work at the Striaton City gym and am training to become a professional connoisseur."

"No way! You work at the Striaton City gym? I heard that's a gym in Unova. I'll probably be facing you then at some point. But another thing, if you're a gym leader then what are you doing working as a waiter then on a boat. Surely you need to be doing your duties at the gym."

"Oh I'm just here to gain some valuable experience as a boating connoisseur, as well as a chef."

Ash's forehead went blue. "A boating connoisseur, seriously?" he thought. He turned back to Cilan. "Sounds great, I'm looking forward to battling you at the gym then." Ash and Cilan's conversation was cut off as the boy who was meant to be served ages ago was starting to get impatient.

"Guys where the hell is my food I've been waiting ages!"

"Oh I'm terribly sorry," Cilan panicked. "I'll get you your food now."

"Lousy chef," the boy muttered.

Ash started to get annoyed at the boys impoliteness. "It wasn't his fault kid. Just give him a break!"

"I have a name!" the boy snapped back. "My name is Trip, not 'kid' you imbecile."

Ash stuck his hand out attempting to befriend Trip. "Well my name is Ash Ketchum. I come from Pallet Town. This is my best friend Pik-"

"I didn't ask for your life story Ash Ketchup!"

"Gee I'm sorry. You don't have to be so immature all of a sudden!"

"Immature," Trip mocked. "Look who's talking. Besides why do you have a Pikachu anyway? He belongs in Kanto."

"Well excuse me but he's my best friend and I've travelled four regions with him so don't you even think about trying to make fun out of him."

Trip now looked impressed. "Wow you've travelled four regions! Have you ever won the league at any of those reasons?"

Ash looked at the floor and started scratching his head. "No," he said disappointedly.

Trip burst into laughter. "Wow what a failure! You call yourself a pokemon master trainee yet you've never beaten the league. That's pathetic! And guess what, you aren't going to win it in Unova either. Because the Tripster is in town! Mwahaha!" Trip walked off laughing evilly.

Ash had an angry expression on his face. He turned to Pikachu. "Well isn't he a jerk!"

"Don't worry; you'll beat him for sure. Also how's a cocky ignorant guy like him going to get along?" Pikachu replied.

"You're right! If he thinks he can stop me, he better work for it not spend all of his time acting like a jerk."

Ash watched as his boat arrived at the Unova port. "Well Pikachu, it's time we got off now." Ash and Pikachu walked down the steps in pure excitement. As Ash walked off the boat and onto the concrete platform of the port, the duo took some time to breathe in the air around them. "Wow this place looks awesome! I can't wait to conquer it!"

"We'll see about that." The duo heard a familiar dark voice. Trip walked past Ash and Pikachu smirking once again. "You'll just have a little competition."

"Oh yeah, well who then? Do you think you can stop me?"

"Just wait until I've got my first pokemon. Then we'll well and truly see whose boss."

As Trip started to walk off into the distance Ash started to get irritated. "I'd like to see you try. Like a pokemon would even obey a snob like you."

Trip turned round with an angry face. "What did you just call me?"

Ash now started to realise what trouble he had caused as Trip stared at Ash making him feel slightly guilty. "Nothing."

"I heard what you said! Just because you've screwed up in four previous regions and go round saying 'I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town' with that ugly fat Pikachu of yours doesn't mean you can go round thinking that you're big." Ash was now starting to get annoyed. Not only because of Trip's incredibly lame impression but because he had insulted Ash's best friend in the whole word, Pikachu, who was also having none of it. Pikachu's face had gone bright red. Most of the time Pikachu was mature enough to control his anger; but not this time. He let out a massive thunder shock straight at Trip which caught everyone on the ports attention. As Trip yelled in pain, Ash could only find the whole situation rather amusing. Trip was now running around crazily in pain but unfortunately as he was in so much pain, he was unaware of the fact that he was right on the edge of the platform. He unexpectedly found himself wobbling on the edge and before he could try and stop himself he fell off and straight into the sea below. Even though Trip falling into the water was absolutely hilarious, Ash was no longer laughing. While everyone else on the platform was laughing nonstop at what they had just seen, Ash stood there with his hand covering his mouth in shock.

"Pikachu," Ash began worriedly. "You probably should have done that." Before Pikachu could reply however an angry ten year old boy climbed up onto the platform from the sea absolutely drenched and with an angry look on his face. He walked straight over to Ash with his face starting to go red.

"ASH KETCHUM YOU BASTARD!" He yelled causing everyone to gasp. "You're going to pay for that! You humiliated me!" Even though he was fuming with rage, Trip was desperately trying to get himself to calm himself down.

"I'm terribly sorry Trip," Ash replied nervously.

"You better be! But it doesn't matter. You'll make up for this later when I take you on. Then you'll be humiliated yourself. By Me!" Trip then walked off laughing evilly once again, still incredibly soaked and completely ignoring everyone staring at him as he walked off.

All the people on the platform were now talking to each other after what they had just seen. "Well that kid is plain bonkers." "I wouldn't like him to be my son." "That kid better learn his manners." Those were just a few of the statements Ash heard.

"Well that was crazy," Ash said looking down to the floor.

"Don't worry. That kid just thinks he's big and all. You'll show him one day. You should just concentrate on your own progress," Pikachu replied.

Ash clenched his fist. "You're right. Never mind him. This is my journey!" Ash and Pikachu finally walked off of the platform and into the wilderness. "Unova region here we are!"

So that is basically the first chapter. I know the story hasn't really taken off yet but trust me it will so stay tuned. The negaishipping parts may not come in for at least another couple of chapters but that's only because that's how the story shall work, not because I necessarily wanted to cut back on negaishipping. I also expect to have more scenes with Trip and Cilan in the story so don't threat. Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed reading this story. Also please REVIEW and tell me what you think about this story and what you would like to see to improve this story. I love seeing that you had the time to send me an actual review so once again please review. You can send me a DM as well if there is anything you are confused about in this story. I will definitely reply so don't be afraid. I will try and publish the next chapter as soon as possible and will maybe update you on how I'm getting on via my profile page but until then stay tuned for more...


P.S. Please follow me/this story.

P.P.S. I promise that Iris will come into the story in the next chapter.
