Lost Voices and Silent Cries

Author Note: I did that last chapter because I knew this chapter was going to be CHEESY! Not disgustingly cheesy but you know… anyway!

Chapter 27 – Vow


They looked at each other. Who words belonged to whom? Hinata's heart pounded rapidly while Sasuke's ceased to beat. How did such simple words that were used so often cause these kinds of emotions.

Hinata bit her lip looking at the floor, waiting on something –anything to happen.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully before closing his eyes.

Were they going to pretend it didn't happen? As if one could forget telling someone those three words. Sasuke wanted to break it down.

I - meaning one-self…

Love a feeling of immense emotion of care for another… at least that's what he was thinking.

You – is the one that is being loved or the opposing person, right?

Even after breaking it down. It still seemed crazy.


It was too soon. He wanted to ponder on it a little more. He wanted to do intense research on it phrase. He wanted to understand what it meant to actually speaking into the air. He needed to. She touched his arm. He could almost hear her heart beat. She was bound to faint at any moment.

"You said it…" She whispered.

And she didn't reply. Did he want her to? Yeah, he did. He wanted her to say it. He wanted her to promise never to break it.

"Aa." He couldn't even form words at the moment. He was sure she was going to disappear in thin air.

She grabbed his calloused hands. "I lo-"

"Don't say it." He cut off.

Her opal eyes widened. "Why?"

He looked over. He should have said that he didn't mean for it to come out AND so freely! "I don't need to hear it."

She shook her head. "I want to say it. I really want to say it."

He watched her bit her lip. She had been waiting on him. How nice? If not for his vulnerable state she would have most likely been waiting a lifetime. Something inside of him didn't want her to say it. Just in case, she had to leave him. He couldn't go on knowing that the first nonrelated person he spoke those words to was gone.

He couldn't lose her.

He touched her cheek. "Just don't say it, okay?"

Her eyes narrowed, not of anger but of something else. She was reading him. She was clearly opening him up like a book, flipping through the introduction and table of content that was Sasuke. She was flipping into the middle that weren't finely typed letters but the scribble that was of his own hand writing.

Things that he wrote and kept locked away.

She was reading it. He let her, not being able to have the force to close her off. "Are you afraid?" She whispered.

She read it perfectly. He looked over. "No."

She started reading again. "Why are you afraid?" He clearly said it first and she clearly ignored his lie.

"I don't want to lose you." He closed his eyes again.

Then the room got quiet, utterly, painfully silent. He didn't want to open his eyes because she wasn't mute now and he knew that when a woman is deadly silent that she was about to snap. Hard.

"Lose me?" There it goes. "You're afraid that I will leave you?" There was the third sentence in which all Hell would break loose. "I won't leave you."

He paused. Why was it that this girl didn't like sticking to the script? "Hin-"

"I love you." She snapped. It wasn't like he expected her to say it. She was truly pissed at his reasoning and deliberately made him face his fears without warning. "I love you." She poked his chest. He looked over at her. This time it was softer. She smiled tasting the words before forming her mouth to say it again.

Before she could get her mouth to make the sound he kissed her. "You're an idiot." He whispered against her lips.

She smiled. "I love you, Sasuke."

He pressed her forehead to his. What was stopping him from saying it freely now. He already said it and she was comfortable saying it. She didn't disappear. She was here with him. He looked into her foggy eyes. "…I love you too." He smirked. "Hama."

She giggled getting up. "I'll get more coffee, okay?"

He nodded almost forgetting it was a chilly October night.

Did you hear her? She said she loved us! You did it now Sasuke. Oh, I can't wait.

He shook his head. He couldn't be alone right now. He walked into the hallway before feeling a ridiculously large amount of chakra coming from his room. He pushed the door opened with his index finger.

He was staring back at himself. "Do you know who you fear above everything else?" His eyes blazed. Sasuke glanced to see Hinata in the kitchen working on the coffee and back at himself. "Yourself. You fear yourself, Sasuke."

"Shut up." He whispered.

Hinata fiddled with the grinds before she heard a whisper. She peered into the hallway. Sasuke was looking into his old room, clenching his fist. She activated her bloodline but there was absolutely nothing there. She froze hearing his voice.

"That's not true," He muttered. "It's not!" He raised his voice.

"It is true, Sasuke. I am your worst nightmare." He grinned. "I'll have my moment to shine. It's just a small matter of time."

"Shut the fuck up." He wanted to walk away but he was caught. His legs wouldn't move and heart wouldn't catch up. He was terrified of what he was.

"Sasuke, stop lying to yourself. I am getting stronger."

Hinata stepped into the hallway slowly. She saw Sasuke's chest heave. She touched his arm. "Sasuke-kun?" He blinked at her.

He looked at the petite girl and back at his room. It was completely empty. He turned and hugged her. She rubbed his back. She buried her head in his chest. He was safe again. Safe. "Thank you." He mumbled.

"For what?"

He took in her soft smell. "For saving me… thank you."

"What did you see?"

He stood there for a moment. "Myself."

She rubbed his back. "The one from your dream…" He nodded. "He can't hurt you, Sasuke."

"I know that," He played in her hair. "But he can hurt everyone around me. I know that much."

She shook her head. "No, he only has as much power as you give him." She put her hands at his temples. "Take control of your mind." He stared at her before wrapping his arms around her. "…if I'm not around. Go to your happy place."

He gave her a light smirk. "I almost forgot." She smiled at him before he kissed her, deeply this time. She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him full access to her mouth. He stepped forward lightly pushing her against the wall. He kissed her cheek, jawline and neck making her back arched and head tilt.

Take her right now. We can have fun.

He scrunched his face. He had to control himself. This wasn't some game. She sighed softly taking his lips with hers. Since when did she get so bold? He wanted her. Did she know that he was fighting a demon right now?

Sasuke, what are you fucking waiting for? She's so ripe! You can feel her heat increasing… just do it!

He pulled back banging his back to the opposing wall making the picture fall. His heart clenched. Just like in the dream. She panted from the other side. He closed his eyes.

If you keep waiting, it's going only going to make it worst. You might kill her.

He covered his face. Happy place. He had looked at the girl in front of him. "Sasuke?" She muttered.

Her screams will drive us to our climax so much times, can you imagine? It's not like she's not used to it. Go on, she wants us.

She wants me not you.

And the difference being? We are the same person. She loves us.

Shut up. I will not let you control me.

Awh, you think going to your happy place will help? You were in your happy place and now you're talking back to me.

He shook his head. "Not now…" He muttered to her. She sighed taking his hand.

"Let's go to sleep, ne?"

He nodded. Tomorrow, he would seek out help. He had to hurry too.



Naruto crossed his legs. "You're not crazy."

Sasuke looked up. "Have you not been paying attention?"

He nodded. "I have, every word but you're not crazy," He closed his eyes. "Before I learned to control Kyuubi. He used to tell me things, hateful evil things."

"How did you cope?" He couldn't believe he was talking to the blond about these things. Sasuke held his head. "His voice is getting louder."

"Control it."

His Sharingan flared. "If I knew how to do that then I wouldn't be here." He looked around the Hokage office. Naruto was currently sitting in the large leather chair reading over important scrolls. He decided that when Sasuke came in that it was serious and put the scrolls away.

Naruto tapped his finger on the wood. "When does he speak the most?"

He closed his eyes. "Normally in my dreams, and when I'm alone."

"Then sto-"

"Now it's everywhere," He continued. "It was just an annoying whisper but now…" He looked away. "He is everywhere."

"Maybe you need to fight." The blond started. "You aren't used to not killing, so maybe your inner killer is getting impatient."

He blinked. "I am under my probation for the next three months. How will I survive until then?"

Naruto smiled. "Dude, hello I'm the Hokage now."

"Yes, but the council won't want any…causalities involving me."

He shook his head. "If this may put any of my people in danger then is it not in the best interest to put you on a stress reliever?"

He smirked. "What if he gets worst?"

Naruto pulled out the next scroll. "If you kill anyone then I will kill you," He absently looked up. "You're already on thin ice." He sighed. "I would hate to kill my brother."

Sasuke scoffed. "I know the feeling."

Naruto looked back down at the scrolls. "This is such a bummer," He rested the scroll neatly on the desk. "I will see about putting you on a higher ranked mission. I know you will return." He ended with a small smile.

"Aa." He replied.

"How is little Hinata-chan?"

Sasuke sighed. "I told her I… that I love her."

"That's great!" Naruto leaned forward. Nothing fun was going on in his day and this was pretty interesting. "Did she say it back? Of course she did. She loved you for quite some time now."

Black eyes met blue ones. "He wants to rape her."

Naruto froze. "Were you just going to leave that part out?"

"I didn't leave it out. I just didn't say it as clearly for you to understand." He crossed his arms. "I understood that you didn't understand when you started speaking so lightly about the matter."


"I won't… I've never… " His face was filled with anger and sadness. "Dammit, what's wrong with me?" He knew the answer.

Naruto folded his arms. "When you fight for revenge and hate… it happens." He did feel sorry for his friend because he was trying to change. He wasn't outgoing and never will be but he is trying to become a part of the village. He was trying to be a good guy. Something was always trying to get in the way of that.

Now it was himself.

Sasuke held his head.

Are you really listening to a demon about us? What the fuck does he know? Kill that little shit. Rip his fucking heart out. I bet that bitch fox can't put that back together.

"Sasuke…" Naruto voiced.

Sasuke snapped up. "He wants me to kill you."

Naruto sighed. "I'll make some meetings. Maybe you should go back to therapy or that older woman."

Sasuke closed his eyes. Not Tasumi, he didn't like her and was glad his sessions were over. "Bi…"

He nodded. "Maybe you should spend time with Hinata," He chewed on his cheek. "Without touching her. I was serious Sasuke, if you can't control yourself I will be forced to put you down."

"Do you promise?" He stared at his friend. Blue eyes widened. "If I hurt her… don't send me to jail just kill me, I won't blame you."

He gave a curt nod. "You'll be fine. I was wondering if you wanted a job here… for the time being." The blond smiled.

"Doing what?" He frowned.

Naruto waved his hand dismissively. "You know, using your AMAZING kekkei genkai to copy some… I don't know… boring old scrolls so I don't have to."

"You want me to waste my Sharingan to do your job?"

Naruto laughed. "I mean… no, but its busy work to keep your evil chibi self at bay."

Sasuke eye twitched. He refused to even repeat the word. "Un. I'm leaving."

"Awh come on, Sasuke! You said you'll be my right hand man!"

Sasuke crossed his arms. "I know what you do with your right hand," He frowned. "Nothing I want to be a part of."

"But-" He waved the puff of smoke out of his face. "He has to teach me that!"




She rocked in her chair quietly before stopping. "Why are you here?" She snapped.

"Hello Bi," Sasuke took a seat. "I-"

She raised her hand. "Not only did you not take me on that walk that you said you would," She crossed her arms. "You never said goodbye."

"My apologies."

"Huh." She huffed. "Why do you feel different?"

He closed his eyes. "How?"

"Unbalanced," She extended her hand. "Give me your hand." He surprisingly complied with the old woman. He rested his larger hands in her wrinkled, dainty ones. She sent a pulse of chakra throughout his body. It was like cooling water run through his veins and then she pulled it back. "What have you done?" She whispered.

"I don't understand."

She held onto his hand. "Looming that is the better word… your normal presence is flat but very strong. It's normally calmly suffocating."

"What is it now?"

"Unbalanced like it's two of you in one room." She pulled her hand away. "You're just suffocating."

"I can't help it." He muttered.

She smiled. "You're battling yourself is that it?"

"More than you know."

She nodded. "Take me for a walk."


"I want to walk." She extended her hands. He helped her up.

"Do you need a cane?"

She laughed. "I have the Byakugan." He watched her activated her bloodline. He saw his fair share of Byakugan but hers was different. Her veins went down her cheeks and to her neck disappearing under her scarf.

"What are you?"

She turned to him with a smile. "A misfit." She nodded. "Alright, let's walk."

They got passed the nurses with ease. He walked alongside her. "Is that why you don't want her to know about you?"

She smiled. "Do you believe in hybrids of bloodlines?"

"It's rare but yes."

She nodded. "My father was a Hyuuga and my mother… well she didn't really have a last name." She smiled feeling the sun rays. "Her kekkei genkai is used to decipher the opposing person's weakness, blind-spot and chakra flow that mixed with the Byakugan…"

"You should have been praised." He added.

She nodded. "I should have but the Hyuuga clan is all about purity. I was an abomination and was to be married or sealed. Not only did I not marry any of the suitors but I wasn't sealed."


"They don't normally seal the heiress, but for some reason they didn't seal me." She grinned. "It didn't work but it cost me my eyesight."

It made sense a blind Hyuuga is just a useless as a dead one. They threw her away after that just like they threw away Hinata and probably many more 'defected' Hyuuga. She sighed. "My step-sister took the title and had Hiashi and his brother. She told me the only way to keep me alive was disowning me and that I can never speak to another Hyuuga."

"You're Hinata's step-great aunt then."

"Exactly," She sighed. "Now about you what is this other thing looming over you?"

He chuckled. "I am surprised you haven't had an episode yet."

She put a hand on her hip. "I remember you now," She paused. "You're avoiding the question."

Then for the third time he told someone the dream. He told her about the voice in the back of his head that was surprisingly quiet. She blinked before closing her eyes. "I am ready to go back now."

He nodded turning her around. "And that's why I'm here."

She nodded. "I'm assuming you don't know how to control it."


She nodded. "Let it consume you."

His eye twitched. "That is the worst advice."

She nodded. "As that may seem to the eye, you stop bleeding by putting pressure on it. If you think about it seems like it would cause a lot more than pain than anything," She stepped over a ditch in the road. This woman was full of surprises. "If you want to get over your fears?"

"You face them."

"If you can't do something then you try. I am not telling you to kill the village but you should stop trying to rip it out of you. He is right. You are the same person."

"We are not."

"But you were," She snapped. "You are rejecting yourself, you should stop it. You're unbalanced and more unstable than ever. It's like I can feel him walking along side you waiting until I leave to talk to you."

He watched her closely. "It feels that way."

She nodded. "Keep yourself balanced, boy." She looked over. "Or you will bust Hell wide open."

His heart skipped several beats. "What if I get out of hand?"

"When you were away being a 'traitor' and I use it lightly," She grinned. "You could control yourself, no?"

"I could."

She nodded. "You can't be a sweet guy over night when you were made to fight." They came back to her room. "But don't give in and do something stupid. You'll be in jail or dead."

"I know," He chuckled. "I must go now."

She nodded grabbing his hand. "Do come back. I hate old people."

He smirked. "Of course."




Naruto stood at the bars of the cell with Neji, Kiba and Shikamaru along with a few ANBU. "Are you sure about this?"

Hinata chewed on her lip. "S-Sasuke, you don't have to do this."

He looked at her. "I do." He grabbed her hand through the bars. "I need for you to leave now."

Her eyes widened. "But… I… Sasuke!" Her eyes watered.

"He won't come if you're too close so go…"

Naruto smiled. "You're like his kryptonite, Hinata-chan!" Hinata looked at the blond like he grown another head. "If he goes crazy we can just get you."

She sighed. "Okay… I love you." She whispered to him.

He gave her a smirk. "I love you too, now go." She nodded walking out. He went to set in the floor.

"So, he just comes?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke shrugged. "Usually."

Kiba scoffed. "How long will that take?"

What are you going to do Sasuke? Why don't you just destroy them all right now, especially that fucking dog.

He closed his eyes.

Oh and that bitch Hyuuga, he is always acting all high and might. Rip his hair out this time.

Naruto watched his friend aura grow darker and darker by the second. Neji looked over. "I'm not sure this is a good idea. He is going to give into the voice telling him to kill us?"

Naruto scratched his cheek. "Un, maybe it wasn't a good idea."

Kiba frowned. "You hadn't been in office for a week and already fucking up."

Naruto turned. "Shut up, Kiba!"

Shikamaru yawned. "I think he is sleeping." They looked at the man who was against the wall with his eyes closed without force and breathing lightly.

Naruto cooed. "Look at him being normal and shit!" They eyed their Hokage before looking at the sleeping man.



Sasuke woke up in the jail cell. "What the hell?" He grumbled rubbing his neck.

"Sasuke, look at what I found!" He activated his eyes seeing himself holding Hinata around the neck. "She was snooping, this little minx, huh?"

"Let her go." He growled.

Hinata tried getting out of his grip. He nodded. "If you say so." He grabbed her chin and pulled in one swift motion. She fell to the floor with a thud. "You want to have fun with her while she's still warm."

"You sick bastard."

He shrugged. "Sasuke for the last time I am you and you are me." He pointed through the cell. "I killed them for you. Very annoying, you know?"

He paused. "Yes, I know."

His replica smirked. "You know?"

He nodded. If this was a dream why was his heart still refusing to work right? "I am not running anymore."

He walked up to him. "Really?"

He nodded. "I'm fucking sick of this village."

"Now, Sasuke if we are the same person then you know that we share the same brain and our brain says that even though we don't love the village we care for those inside. Stop trying to be a hero. We both know we aren't heroic."

"I know…"

He grinned. "The truth!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth. "Then you know that I want you."

He stared at him. "Huh, true." He activated the Mangekyo. "But you won't be able to control me."

"I know."

He was telling the truth. The replica stepped up to him before pushing his head into Sasuke's skull. He screamed as his darker side entered his body. "Shut the fuck up!" His curse seal wrapped his body in its power.

His heart constricted as power… the same shit he was trying to get rid of pulsed throughout his body. His hair seemed to be flowing from his chakra double.


Naruto as well as the other watched the raven haired man go into convulsions. "Naruto, should we stop this!" Kiba yelled.

"No." He frowned.

"Are you mad?" Neji asked. "Look at him."

Sasuke eyes shot open. He bent over chuckling. "Oh this is home!" He threw his arms in the air. He pushed himself up. His skin turned grey as curse seal went straight into the third stage. His winged hands out stretched and his hand formed the Chidori.

Naruto clenched his fist. "Sasuke, come on."

"Who to kill first?" The curse seal retracted leaving the Mangekyo scanning over them. "I'll kill the sorry ANBU first, the lazy bum…" He smirked. "I can't forget about the dog… it'll be quick. Then I'll rip of the Hyuuga's hair out."

Naruto growled. "Sasuke snap out of it."

"Oh powerful Hokage, killing you is a dream. A fucking dream come true." He narrowed his eyes. "Where's that whore at? I should receive an award for killing you all."

Neji narrowed his Byakugan activated eyes. Naruto held his shoulder. "That isn't the Sasuke we know… don't react. He will kill you."

Neji snatched away. "I don't care. He won't disrespect Hinata."

Dark chuckling filled the cell. "Hinata… Kami, I will serve her right." He licked his lips. "Where is she?"

"Right h-here," The men looked at the petite girl standing in the room. "I'm here." She breathed.

"Hinata, this is dangerous!" Kiba yelled.

She glared at him. There they go telling her it was dangerous. She knew that! She did have eyes. "Stop trying to protect me all the time."

Naruto frowned. "Hinata, this is no time being noble." She walked up to the cell. "Hi-" She raised her hand to him. Suddenly her aura changed into the one that Kiba felt while they were sparring.

Sasuke grinned. "My little mouse came out to play?"

She narrowed her eyes and opened the cell door. They tried to stop her but she crushed the keys and closed the door. These were chakra sensitive bars, in the case of someone trying to use chakra to open it the consequence is enough electricity to paralyze the body.

They were screaming at this point. She walked up to this stranger. "Sasuke…" She whispered.

He laughed, the tomoes in his Sharingan were spinning so fast it appeared to stop. "What is it?"

She touched his face. The chakra around him was burning her palms. He grabbed her wrist. "I made myself a promise."

He grinned grabbed her throat. "Killing you is going to be so fun." She had to do something! He… told her.

"Just do something!" He looked down at her. "If you're mad, get pissed. If you're sad, then cry. If you're happy, then laugh. Stop trying to be what other people want!"

She could protect herself.

"Stop being scared, fear is mental."

He pressed his thumbs into her throat cutting off her air way. She watched the happiness float around in his blood red eyes. She closed her eyes trying to focus. If she didn't think quick then she would die. She was tired of being the weak one. Tired of being burden to everyone. Tired of having to always be protected by somebody.

She was so fucking tired.

"When you get tired…" He asked.

She glared him. "I fight."

She grabbed his face. He instantly started screaming trying to break her wrist. Naruto had orange chakra forming around him. Hinata winced feeling her wrist about to snap in half. She had to help! She wasn't weak! She would prove that today. She had to.

They always tried to protect her. She is a ninja! She was taking his chakra at a dangerous speed. It felt like fire was lacing her veins. His grip weakened right before her wrist was completely shattered. He fell on his knees. She wiped the blood from her mouth. "Sasuke?"

His Sharingan flickered before onyx came back. She smiled. "Hey…" He whispered.

She hugged him. "Hey…"

"I'm sorry…"

She shook her head. "She was wrong." She grabbed his hands. "I do have someone to protect." She ignored the pain, probably because of the chakra was blocking out her better judgment.

He smirked weakly. "Uh?"

She nodded. "I'm going to give you your chakra back," She told him. "I need for you to rotate it from me into yourself."

His eyelids were heavy. "Okay."

She grabbed his left hand and pushed the foreign chakra slowly out of her body into his and he did the same. She laughed.

He looked at her pressing his forehead to hers. "What?"

She smiled. "You're such an idiot."

He nodded. "He… isn't here anymore."

"He will always be there… but that's okay, okay?" She released his hands feeling normal again before he fell unconscious.

They heard the cell door open. Naruto and the guys rushed in. "Hinata that was completely unacceptable! You could have gotten yourself killed!" Neji yelled.

Naruto ushered the ANBU to take him to the hospital. "Hinata, what were you thinking?"

She glanced up into blue eyes. "You said it yourself Hokage-sama… I'm his kryptonite."




Author Note: And I say Oh SNAP! Look, don't take anything I say seriously. I making up this shit especially the scene with Bi but I'm pretty sure everyone knew that, right? Anyway, again school started Monday… *cries* this sucks.

I'll probably be updating on a schedule after school starts so… yeah, sorry!

Review please!