Hello Lovlies. I've been writing fanfiction for a quite a few years now, and just the other day I decided I wanted to write one about my favorite YouTuber of all time. So here I am with my first ever Cry fic and I hope you all will like it. Leave a comment if you enjoy cause any comment is much appreciated. They tend to help me write faster, so commenting helps the updates come faster. So anyhow, lets get this story started.

Love is Stronger Than Fame

Chapter 1

I sat on the floor of my room staring at the couple of boxes I had spread out in front of me. Each one contained several games that made up my precious video game collection. As I sat there looking between them all I was quickly becoming frustrated.

"Ken…" I whined into the hot pink headset that ea perched atop my head.

"Yes Lil?" He asked

"What should my next project be?" I asked

"Depends on what kind of game your in the mood to play." He said.

"That's just it though, I haven't got a clue as to what I want to play." I told him in defeat.

This situation was a norm for me. As soon as I was finished with one game I couldn't seem to be able to decide what to start next. So I ended up right as I am now, sitting on my floor with my collection laid out in front of me while whining to my cousin on Skype.

"I don't know either." He told me, "I'm kinda in the same boat."

"Oh first world gamer problems." I said giggling.

"Maybe we should take a break." He suggested.

"Actually, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea." I said, "I am hungry and I unfortunately don't have much food around here."

"I think it's about time we both venture out into that place called the outside." He said

"Man I hate that game." I told him, "The game play sucks."

"Yea and so do the characters." He said

"Don't forget the horrible graphics." I added

"Oh gamer humor." He said laughing

"It's the best kind of humor." I said laughing as well.

"That it is." He said in agreement.

"So, call me later?" I asked

"Well of course." He replied, "Maybe by then we'll know what to play.

"Alrighty, Kenny, talk to you later." I said

"Yep, later Lily." He said

I heard the familiar sound of the Skype call ending as I slowly rose up from my place on the floor. I quickly realized just how hungry I really was, so I quickly headed over to my computer desk to grab my purse and sunglasses before heading out of my apartment. As I made my way down the hallway I was fishing around in my purse trying to find my Ipod.

"Ey Pinky, lose your Ipod again?" A voice said causing my head to snap up.

Standing in front of me was a boy, he was a cutie with his messy brown hair and green eyes. I really didn't know him all that well, the only thing I did know about him was that he lived in the apartment next to mine. However, we do have little conversations like this in this very hallway every time I decide to venture out of my domain.

"You okay?" He asked pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, "Just a bit confused is all."

"About?" He asked

"Why you call me Pinky every time you see me." I said.

"Well, one because you never told me your name." He said, "And two because pink is your favorite color."
"How'd you know that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"Well considering you wear a lot of it I kind of assumed it was." He said chuckling, "Not to mention your headset you're always wearing."

"Very observant." I told him.

"Not really." He admitted, "Just a simple guess."

"Well you sir, have guess right." I said smiling.

"So, where you headed off to if you don't mind me asking."

"To grab a bite to eat." I told him, "Probably going to head for the mall actually."

"I see." He said, "Mind if I accompany you? I'm actually headed there myself."

"I don't mind." I told him, silently happy inside; " Would be nice to have someone to talk to."

"Same here." He said, "Shall we?"

We headed off down the hallway in silence. Neither of us spoke the whole elevator ride from the forth floor to the ground floor. It wasn't until we finally walked out into the warm Florida sun that I finally spoke.

"The names Lily by the way." I told him smiling

"That's a pretty name." He said while returning my smile with one of his own.

"It's short for Lillian." I told him while cringing, "But only my parents call me that."

"That's how it usually goes." He replied, "Anyways, I'm pleased to meet you, I'm Ryan."

"Well Hello Ryan, I'm pleased to meet you as well." I replied.

"So, not trying to be rude or anything, but what's the deal with the headset?" He asked

"They're my most prized possession." I said while caressing them. I had since slid them off my head and now had them around my neck, "My parents bought them for me as a graduation present, they're my first pair of cordless ones."

"They seem pretty badass." He said

"They are actually." I told him, "Sound is great and the mic is clear as day."

"Nice, maybe I should get myself a pair." He told me, "Do they have a good range to them?"

"Well I can stand in my kitchen and still be able to Skype from my computer in my room." I told him

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to get me a pair then." He said as we finally made it to the mall, "So you want to grab some food first?" He asked

"Actually I want to head over to GameStop first." I told him

"You're a gamer?" He asked

"Are you surprised?" I asked smiling.

"Honestly, kinda." He admitted, "Hoped I'm not offending."

"Naw, you're okay." I told him laughing, "I'm used to it actually, I got it a lot in high school days; was a lot of 'you're a girl' or 'you're to pretty' kind of excuses. Which I don't see why girls, even pretty ones, can't be gamers."

"I've gathered throughout the years that the prettier the girl the worse they are at video games." He said, "But I have met a few that are pretty good."

"I'm one of the few." I said smiling, "Been gaming most of my life."

We walked into GameStop and I headed over to the PC games to browse through to see if there was anything that needed to be added to my collection.

"So you're a PC gamer?" He asked

"Mainly." I told him, "I also have a 260, PS3, and Wii."

"Quite the collection you got there by the sounds of it." He said

"Oh that's just the more recent ones." I told him, "I have just about every game system ever made. I sort of collect them."

"So you even have an original Nintendo?" He asked

"Oh yea, was my first game system." I told him, "Hell my Dad even gave me his old Atari from when he was a kid."

"Whoa, does it still work?" He asked

"Hell yea it does." I told him

"That's awesome." He said

"I'll have to show you my collection some time." I told him, "That and my video game collection."

"Sounds good to me." He said smiling, "Oh sweet!"

"Hmm?" I asked as I turned to watch as he pulled a game off of the shelf, "Bioshock Infinite, it's a pretty good game."

"You've played it?" He asked

"I own it." I said turning back to the games, "Ah, here's one I need to add to the collection."

"The Walking Dead ey?" He asked, "Now that's one I own."

"Was it any good?" I asked him.

"Lets just say I'm going to recommend you walk out of here with that." He said smirking.

"Well then, I guess we both found what we came here for." I said

"Definitely." He replied.

"Alright then, lets pay for these and then head to the food court." I said.

Once our games were paid for we headed off towards to food court.

"I think I'm craving pizza." I said

"I was just thinking the same thing." He said, "So lets get some pizza, my treat."

"Awe, you sure?" I asked

"Of course, I'd be delighted to." He said smiling.

After getting our pizza we found ourselves a table and sat down. We spent our time eating and chatting. We talked about the types of games we've played. We even talk about ourselves. It was nice to be actually talking face to face with someone for once. We got so caught up in each other time just seemed to fly by. It wasn't until my phone vibrated in my pocket that I realized what time it was. Pulling out my phone I found that I had a text from Ken asking me where I was.

"Oh crap!" I said

"What?" Ryan asked

"I completely forgot about Ken!" I said

"Who's that, your boyfriend?" He asked

"Naw." I said laughing, "Ken is my cousin and best friend, we play together most of the time."

"Ah I see." He said, "I guess it is getting late and the mall will be closing soon.

With that we both stood up and took care of our trash before heading on our way. The walk back to our apartment building took no time considering the fact that we had continued on our conversation. Before I knew it we were standing outside my apartment.

"Thanks for the great day Ryan, I sure had a wonderful time." I told him

"Me too, thanks as well." He said smiling.

"We should do it again sometime." I suggested

"Definitely." He said

"I got an idea." I said reaching into my purse and pulling out a pen and a sticky note pad. On it I jotted down my Skype name and handed it to him.

"What's this?" He asked

"It's my Skype name." I told him, "So we can game together sometime."

"Sweet." He said with a smile.

"Well I better not keep Ken waiting much longer." I told him, "Thanks again."

"Your welcome." He said.

With that we said our good byes and I headed into my apartment. Once the door was close and locked I headed straight towards my bedroom to call Ken. Once in front of my computer I hit call and put my headset back on my head. As soon as they were in place he answered.

"Where have you been little lady?! I was starting to worry." He said

"I was at the mall." I told him as I walked over to my dresser and sat my purse down.

"For four hours?" He asked

"It was that long?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah." He said, "I was starting to think you got abducted or something."

I burst out laughing at his panic stricken voice, "Geeze Ken, I think you're allowing all those horror game to go to your head."

"Well sorry for being genuinely worried about my cousin." He said

"Hey now I'm only picking." I said, "Besides if you must know I met someone."

"Oh really now?" He asked

"Yep." I said

"Male or female?" He asked

"Does it matter?" I replied

"Maybe." He said

"Well..." I said

"Come on Lil, we're best friends and we tell each other everything." He whined

"His name is Ryan." I told him, "He lives in the apartment next to mine."

"Wouldn't happen to be that guy you would run into in the hall that calls you Pinky, would it?" He asked

"Yeah actually." I said, "We have quite a lot in common."

"Oh! Sounds like Lil found her soulmate." Ken picked

"Hey now, don't be jumping to conclusions now." I told him.

Suddenly I was startled by the sound of a friend request causing me to get up from my seat on the couch and walked to my computer.

"Wow that was fast." I said staring at the screen.

"Huh?" Ken asked

"I gave him my Skype name and he just added me." I told him

"He's definitely into you." Ken said

"Or just did it before he could forget." I said

"Will you stop being so negative." Ken said

"Lets just end this conversation and play some games." I said clicking out of Skype and ignoring the friend request for now.

Ken and I ended up playing some Portal 2 co-op custom maps until late in the night. It ended when Ken decided he was going to bed. I then sat there staring at the friend request, finally I decided to accept it. Just as I was about to get up from the computer the familiar sound of a Skype call toned through my headset. My head snapped to my screen causing my eyes to widen in surprise. I then all to eagerly hit answer surprising myself.

"Hello." I said smiling

"Well I'm surprised to see that you're still awake." He said

"I'm always up late." I told him.

"Same here." He said

"Yeah, just got done playing Portal 2 with Ken." I told him

"That games fun." He said

"Challenging to sometimes." I said getting up and heading over to lay on my bed, "So what are you up to?"

"Oh sitting here about to play some Amnesia." He said, "How about you?"

"Laying in bed trying to decide what I want to play." I said

"Why don't you play The Walking Dead?" He asked

"Actually I don't really feel like playing much of anything at the moment." I said

Suddenly Ryan screaming startled me, which just about gave me a heart attack. Upon his scream something occurred to me. "Geeze Ry, give me a heart attack why don't you." I said not taking my eyes off the wall beside me.

"Sorry I died." He said laughing back, "I think I'm done. I guess I'll just bring my laptop over and lay down as well."

We both lay there talking for a while; all the while I never took my eyes off the wall. Finally I decided that my curiosity was too much. Slowly I lifted my arm and balled my hand into a fist. I then reached over to the wall and froze for a second as I collected myself before softly knocking on the wall. We sat there in silence for a second before I heard a small knock in return causing me to giggle.

"No shit." He said

"Hmm?" I asked

"You bed is right beside mine." He said chuckling, "Well except for the wall between us."

"Weird." I said yawning

"Tired?" He asked

"A little." I said sleepily.

"How's about we head to bed?" He asked

"Sounds good to me." I told him

"Alright, talk to you later." He said

"Later." I replied.

I heard the sound of the Skype call ending before I slid off my headset and placed it on my side table. I climbed under my covers and slid over to my usual spot that was ironically right beside the wall. As I lay there the thought occurred to me that all this time he was always right there. I smirked and cuddled up as I felt lala land quickly approaching me. As I slowly fell into unconsciousness I swore I heard "Sweet dreams Lily" coming from my wall right before I was out.